an investigation into the amazon factories, will evans. he writes for "reveal" for the center for investigative this is a really difficult article and investigation to read about. looking into the -- the -- i think people knew -- have an idea thatne it's difficult workg in an amazon factory. but you detail some -- some truly harrowing experiences where a woman had a number of slipped disks. yousl talk about how there was gas leak and workers were still forced to work through a gas leak. you talk about a man who was crushed byho a forklift and it seemed like the circumstances around it were papered over in order for indiana to get -- remain on the bid list for a new amazon factory. these are some really serious allegations. f >> yeah. it was shocking. i mean, when i started looking into this, i had no idea. i had talked to a former amazon safety manager who saidfo you he to get the injury numbers. they're -- they're sky high. and so i -- you know, embarked