states, it would be seen as the completion of an election law violation solicited by the u.s. president. it is a violation of the u.s. code to solicit a thing of value from a foreign national in the context of u.s. elections. federal or otherwise. that's what our president appears to have been trying to ill licit in the phone call tha gave rise to so much conversation here and i think to some extent, we have to thank the ukrainian officials that they haven't totally caved to that and that's more than some on our wednesday if you're the show. >> and also the concern that if they don't have -- and they're not going to get the military aid they need to keep russia out. it's part of the equation as well. thank you very much for joining us. we appreciate ahead, despite wo a gop wipeout in 2020, two republicans think they could be comeback stories. why do you think they have more