impeachment to the full house. interestingly enough though she never really articulate what had they might bring impeachment articles on. i'm told that that was by design. so is it going to be abuse of power? perceived to be abuses of power? will it be corruption? will it be obstruction of congress? will it be emule yumts the president is enriching himself and using the powers of the presidency and the office of the presidency to do it? that we don't know. that's why the house speaker yesterday made the point that she's going to allow the work of the six different respective committees to continue and that at the end of the it they'll make some determination. now this can't go on forever. the idea, and this was expressed by the chairman of the house judiciary committee is they wanted to wrap this up by the end of the year. really there are less than 30 legislative days to do that. the general idea is that they want to get this done certainly before the iowa caucuses, katy. >> not in the house but in the senate there's some movement in getting more information, geoff, bipartisan demand for the president to hand over the