both a high schooler and a middle schooler, and i've got to tell you, during our august recess when i was at home, parents were just up in arms about this crisis. we've got to take appropriate measures right now to stop this epidemic, craig. >> congressman, really quickly, do you think part of the public health crisis that we're talking about here, how much is about traditional e-cigarettes and how much is about people getting the black market stuff, whether it's thc oil and inserting it into those cartridges instead? >> i've got to tell you, juul has 80% of the market. they are the dominant producer of these e-cigarettes. there might be black market providers as well. i believe that the federal government needs to crack down on all of them at this point. i've got to tell you, this is also not a partisan issue. in a place that's unfortunately very partisan, namely congress, this particular issue cuts across party lines.