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Writeup on the senator when he made this years time 100. He said, now the president is a good friend of mine and i consider him a friend. Can you imagine how he treats people who arent his friend . He is an intelligent man. He is a smart politician. One day he says lets shut down the government and defend obama care and then he goes to a town hall and panders like there is no tomorrow. That is what this is. When republicans return to recess, they will a book available for Light Reading and its called impeachable offenses the case for removing barack obama from office. It talks about high crimes and misdemeanors and bribery among them as well. Former pennsylvania governor ed rendell is an msnbc republican analyst and chip saltman is a republican strategist. Coburn considers himself a friend of the president. When time made him one of the most influential people, the president said after we entered the senate at the same time, our wives michelle and carolyn hit it off. Pretty soon, we did took. Ever since then we have bonded over family and faith and we have harnessed our friendship and Mutual Respect where we can Work Together and move this country forward. We should also know coburn is not up for reelection. It would seem on its face it is as what my colleague mr. Wolff said, a classic case of pandering, no . Im not sure this is great policy and not good for personal relationships. I can imagine what the phone conversation is when the president calls tom up and says, what was that again, tom . This is one of those things. Maybe he was talking to some town hall folks and got in the moment. This is not good kind of for what we need to do the next couple of months. We have serious issues out there but impeachment is not something in my party want to talk about but its not reality. Its not going to happen and does nothing to help the policy agenda move forward. But you didnt call it pandering, chip. Call it what it is. Ive been in those town halls and ive talked in some of those town halls. Sometimes people get caught up in the moment. I will not caught it anything my friend tom coburn got caught up in the moment. One of the reasons coburns comments are getting so much attention it appears he is on the band wagon and driven what some call fringe members of congress. For example, republican congressman said monday while lawyers had convinced him he did not have the kind of smoking gun that he needed for impeachment. He still thinks, quote, it would be a dream come true to signed that bill. His colleague farenthold said the following. There is this new book, this socalled Investigation Called impeachable offenses the case for removing barack obama from office. Governor, is there some sort of obama Impeachment Movement afoot that ive missed . You havent, craig. In my book i pointed out that tom coburn was not a wuss and one of the few politicians had the guts to sign up. He signed simpsonbolds. He says he is biding by the twoterm pledge and not pander and never. Im embarrassed for tom coburn. Chip makes a great point. Not only is this bad for the country, we have these challenges, the budget, immigration, the debt, you name it, energy. We have all of these momentous challenges ahead and this poisons the water even more. It is bad politics for the Republican Party because tom coburn has joined the whacko fashion and that is one of the reasons they lost in 2012. A lot of my friend said i dont think obama has done a good job. I like mitt romney personally but he seems to be controlled by the whackos, the crazy people in his party. Governor, how does that happen . How if this is true, if tom coburn has fallen under the spell of the crazies, how does a guy like that fall under said spell . Because if you hear it all around you, it takes a great deal of personal strength to say no. As john mccain did when that woman in 2008 said that barack obama was a muslim. It takes some strength. Tom coburn has been a guy that has always shown that strength. He said have said to these people, look, folks no impeachable offenses. The president hasnt broken the law. Lets talk about real things. Lets talk about republican policy because that is how we are going to win in 2014 and hopefully in 2016. All they have done is convince the average independent voter that they are crazy. Here soot thing, chip. We are talking about tom coburn now. Lindsey graham, you remember last year when he is someone else who is considered by folks on both sides of the aisle to be center who is levelheaded and fairly reasonable and somewhat logical and spent the better part of two weeks talking about impr Immigration Reform. If this is a strategy what is the strategy . Lindy is an old roommate from mine of washington, d. C. And ive had several discussions with him that both of us disagree on. The strategy has to be this. My concern friends will get mad a at me i do agree with governor rendell. We have to talk about the issues important to the country and say how do we get Real Solutions and conservative principles and take this to this administration and the democrats that control the senate to get things done. Talking about these issues like an impeachment that are not going to happen doesnt help that agenda and it doesnt help us, not only in policy on, but it doesnt help us in politics next november. Always a pleasure, gentlemen. Have a fantastic weekend. You too, craig. President obama is on the road again today to promote his plan to make Higher Education more affordable. Day two of his bus tour takes him to binghamton. Followed by a stop at a college in scranton, pennsylvania. Catch his town hall here on msnbc at 12 45 today. Remember we are hours away from the expected resignation of san diego mayor bob filner who could step down by the end of Business Today after more than a dozen people women reported being sexually harassed by the mayor and prompting a lawsuit and joe fryer has been covering the story for us from the beginning. Live now in san diego. Joe, what can we expect today and when can we expect it . Reporter really this resignation is likely contingent on a tentative deal that was reached earlier this week in mediation. The city council is supposed to meet behind closed doors this afternoon at 4 00 eastern time, 1 00 here west coast time, to discuss and perhaps vote on the deal that was reached. All signs indicate that filners resignation is part of that deal. The big question is what might the mayor be getting in return . Does it involve the city agreeing to help out financially with either legal costs or future settlements . If that is the case, how is that going to sit with the city council and how is that going to sit with the public . The public will have an opportunity this afternoon to speak out at a public herg right before that closed door session this afternoon. Does the maryor, does he hav any leverage to negotiate . It appears his leverage was resignation. He doesnt have much else to negotiate with but he can say, hey, listen, if i dont resign, you have to go through this recall process and its going to take a long time and its going to be drawn out but i could resign right now and in turn if you give me some of the things that im looking for, we can start to bring this to a conclusion. So that is the assumption of what happened behind the closed doors this week. But we will find out all of the details following the City Council Meeting this afternoon. Nbcs joe fryer from san diego, thank you. Appreciate that. Next wednesday marks 50 years since the march on washington. It also marks nearly 60 years since the brutal murder of emmett till. I will be joined by three members of the till family to talk about their event later today with members of Trayvon Martins family. George zimmerman went shopping at a gun shop. And a head imploding for the context caped crusader, ben affleck. It leads to our big question of the day on this friday. Which actor would make the best batman . You can weigh it on twitter or facebook. [ female announcer ] made just a little sweeter. Because all these whole grains arent healthy unless you actually eat them multigrain cheerios. Also available in delicious peanut butter. Healthy never tasted so sweet. But, dad, youve got. [ voice of dennis ] allstate. With accident forgiveness, they guarantee your rates wont go up just because of an accident. Smart kid. [ voice of dennis ] indeed. Are you in good hands . I have a dream. My four little children will one day live in nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character. I have a dream today next wednesday marks the 50th anniversary of the march on washington. It also marks 58 years to the day since the murder of emmett till. During a visit with relatives he was killed for allegedly whilg on a whi whistling on a white woman. It was the kind of racism in the blacks face. Good to see all of you. Thank you for being with me this morning. Mr. Wright, let me start with you, because i know you lived with your cousin emmett and you were with him until his murder and abduction. Tell me what you remember about him during his childhood. What kind of a young man was him . Emmett was a fun man to be around. He never seemed angry. He was always laughing. Always telling jokes and wanted you even even paid people to tell jokes at him so he was a fun guy to be around. Miss gordon, you were 8 when emmett was killed. I understand his mother mamie was like a mother to you. What do you remember about your cousin as a child . Secondly how did you witness his mother try to cope with his death throughout the years . Well, i remember emmett as being like an older brother in a sense. He was very protective of myself and my siblings. He was a jokester, as simian said. He loved to have fun. He was always sometimes he was a typical 14yearold. He would get into, you know, mischief as one would, you know . He liked to wash his ears for some reason or another. He and his mothers always had encounters about that. I remember that. For some reason, it sticks in my memory, i dont know why. I believe the second half of the about his mother . Yeah. How was she able to cope over the years with his death . Well, she cried a lot. She did go back to school to become a teacher where she said that god took her only son, but gave her thousands more. So she wrapped herself around other peoples children and nurtured them to try and fulfill that hole in her heart. She would weep and cry a lot. We never really understood that until i got older, but im sure it was the pain that was still in her heart. Go ahead. Im sorry. But she continued to show love to other children because she just she was trying to fill that empty spot in her heart, so she encompassed other children around her. Ollie, you grew up in a different time than your mother so you probably have been able to you probably have been able to see a lot of the fruits of the labor of civil rights leaders like dr. King. I want you to look at this the Washington Post nbc news poll. We asked of dr. Kings dream, people will be judged by not the color of their skin but their character. 54 of americans agree but you compare that to a mere 19 of africanamericans who feel the same way. How do you account for this outlook 50 years later . Well, i think that time has traveled, but in many instances, you are still looked at and viewed and judged by the color of your skin in the black community as when you go into apply for a job, when you go into stores, youre still kind of looked at suspiciously. They kind of still follow you around in the stores as to think that maybe youre going to take something that you possibly dont have the money to pay for it. I still encountered racism each in restaurants. You go and you may get served last or you may not get served at all. We kind of experienced that just yesterday here in washington. Erika . Yes, sir. Same question to you. When you look at those numbers, what does that tell you . I feel that with all of the discrepancies in the black community, that is why the poll numbers are so low. We are still confronted with mass incarcerations. We are confronted with many hate crimes that are very similar to what emmett suffered. His death and his murder was specifically racially motivated but a lot of racial profiling cases going on in the Community Today just with the Trayvon Martin and the not guilty verdict we were all very upset over. Not surprised but very upset about. You have other individuals who are victims of crimes such like oscar grant, darren hanna. Across the country, when youre still confronted with the same type of injustices and the same type of tragedies its hard to say we have moved anywhere from 50 years ago. Its not as covert but itiansim what erika said there. Oprah winfrey had some slack for what she has said. Emmett was killed dimple. What do you make of the difference between the two . The comparison to me is similar. Theres a lot of parallels between emmett and Trayvon Martin. Number one, trayvon was killed by a white boy that got out of his truck, armed to the tee, chased him down and then killed him. And then the jury did the same thing they did in 195 with emmett till. They came back with a not guilty vote. And, man, that broke my heart. That tells me that things has not changed as much as people would like to say they have changed. I just asked my wife this morning. I said, have you ever been skult consulted on a poll . Nobody ever asked moo a question like this. Who are they asking . The bigots . We will leave it there. Thank you all for sharing your memories of emmett till. Stay with msnbc for continuing coverage of the anniversary of the march on washington. Can you tune in all day tomorrow for walltowall coverage and also be sure to tune in later today for a special edition of politics nation as well. Advance the dream at 6 00 eastern. We shared our thoughts on how to advance the dream. This is mine. You can see it there, highlighting progress and positiveness. Use the advancingthedream. Hero if you had a chance to go anywhere in the world, but you had to leave right now, would you go . 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Grab your friends and family and start a team today. Register at alz. Org we have got a lot more still ahead this hour on msnbc. I have a dad and he is undocumented. And what can i do to so he is stay with me. That is a little girl confront ago congressman about her father who sun documented at a town hall meeting earlier this week. That congressman tennessee will join me live in a few moments. Also Police Uncover what they are calling a domestic terror plot to gun down cops. We will be right back. Still running in the morning . Yeah. Getting your vegetables every day . When i can. [ bop ] [ male announcer ] couldve had a v8. Two full servings of vegetables for only 50 delicious calories. Two full servings of vegetables iand were talkingl time with maria about the walmart low price guarantee. You got your list . Lets go. If you find a lower advertised price theyll match it at the register. Really. Yeah, in a jif. You ready . 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The fourstar general spoke moments after the opening remarks saying the law, among other things, punishes ultimately and ultimately hurt the Republican Party. He says i want to see policies that encourage every american to vote and not make it more difficult to vote. It immediately turns off a voting block the Republican Party needs. These kind of actions do not build on the base. It just turns people away. Jamal, how big of a deal is it to have general colin powell weighing in here . I think a big deal. He is the highest profile person, not just republican, to criticize North Carolinas voting law. Maybe this will get ordinary citizens paying attention. People tend to listen when colin powell speaks and i think he is right. This law is clearly designed to reduce voting among democratic constituencies. Yesterday, there were reports that North Carolina republican election boards were closing voting precincts near universities and near historically black universities and at least one City Council Candidate who is a student or was a student, im not entirely sure, has his eligibility decertified which is unconstitutional, as far as i understand, for no particular reason and its clearly an attempt to suppress voting. For folks who have not been following the story, this is what the North Carolina law, among other things. Attorney general eric holder sued the state of texas officially yesterday over its strict voter i. D. Law which critics say disenfranchises minority voters as well. What is the next step . Where do we go from here . I think its important to see that these Voting Rights laws are a potter of a longer term strategy. Since the last luckion, talking how about they reach other constituencies . The answer they will not do and make it difficult for them to participate in democracy. From shelby the case that reached the u. S. Supreme court to the takeovers of state legislatures to push through laws like this this is a part of the plan to prevent people from voting in a democracy. On the state level is where this is happening that is where you go from here. You start with the legislature. You go to federal court every means yesterday because they are on every front here. Maria, all of this taking place as we are about to commemorate the dr. Kings i have a dream speech and we are talking about a womans right to choose and Voting Rights and battle for samesex marriage rights. A lot of people say it feels like we are almost going backwards 50 years. Right. Lets put a little bit of context what we are celebrating. 50 years ago on august 28th, Martin Luther king basically said we need to step in and make sure that everybody has the right to vote, that we are all equal under the law. And he really set in progress the opportunity for us to look at not just making sure there was a poll tax and everybody had an equal access to the polls, but he also started putting in place more aggressive policies we saw later on in the 70s with the womans right to choose, roe versus wade. The federal government started recognizing that the country is change. What is happening at the state level is where, unfortunately, the state level, these policies werent changing. Once the federal government stepped in we saw massive agenda moving forward. With the reelection of barack obama, we saw a population of americans that have a Progressive Agenda with a womans right to choose and the idea that everybody should have fair access to the polls with the idea there should be equal marriage for all. At the state level where we see an attack on womans right to choose and egregiousness immigration laws and voter i. D. Laws and lgbt issues we are saying there is a fire and we need to make sure the ferguson intervenes so we have all equal access when it comes to these choices as americans and otherwise, what we are going to see is a slippery slip. One of the reason for North Carolinas law to be so egregiousness the idea they are taking away early voting 72 of africanamericans cast a vote in early voting last year. Imagine what happens when you take that right away. We should be expanding our democracy at this point. You look at the march in washington 50 years ago the original fight. About freedom. It was about jobs essentially. Isnt there an argument to be made that all of these separate movements are kind of watering down the original . I dont think so. King has a very famous quote. He says that in justice, anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere and i think a right way to think about these things. That the fight for equal access to our democracy, equal access to our economy is part and parcel of the fight for lgbt rights and for the whole native american rights and the whole arare of rights and privileges in our society. I dont think its useful and i dont think its true to the legacy of king to separate those things or say they are watering down. Everyones rights are all in this together. We all have a piece of this fight. Go ahead. I was going to say i think an underrepresented part of the Civil Rights Movement, rosa parks, a lot of the women of the Civil Rights Movement were looking at the intersections of how black women were oppressed both as africanamerican and as women. I think these things are deeply connected. Right now we are looking at, for example, high rates of incarceration. An issue that brings to bear. Both issues of race and criminal justice. I think not only are these issues not competing with each other, they are all directly related to each other. Big thanks to all of you. The agenda panel on this friday. You can find more from our panel on our website tv. Msnbc. Com. Follow the link to thomas name there. President obama is calling alleged chemical weapons attacks in syria a, quote, grave concern now. The president s comments come as russia calls for United Nations inquire yooi into the claims and there are more reports of severe battles in da damascus. Making sure that weapons of mass destruction are not proliferating. This is something has is going to require maeamericas attenti nbc foreign rornt Ayman Mohyeldin in syria right now. We have not been able to independent firm the authenticity. With all that of said, what do we know what is happening in syria right now. Reporter there are some facts undeniable. That is an incident has taken place, obviously, in the eastern part of damascus. As a result of some of the evidence that has come out through opposition, through International Observers and through some of the regional allies and more importantly, the fact that the Syrian Government acknowledge they didnt play a role in this incident, you get a sense this is something on a large scale. It could be a defining moment in this conflict, given the fact so much evidence has been emerged. Now, obviously, as everything happens in syria, there are always two narratives to this story. The narrative out of the Syrian Opposition and now being substantiated more by western countries including the uk is there was, in fact, a chemical weapons attack. The United Kingdom believes it was a chemical weapons attack carried out by the syrian reg e regime. They are lending their voice as to who they are blaming and not the assad government. The Syrian Government has denied a role in this and being supported as well by countries like russia and china as they have all along saying the United Nations inspectors should be given access because they believe that it was the opposition who may have carried Something Like this out. The video seems to at least the evidence that is coming out seems to substantiate the claims made by the opposition and western governments, including the United Kingdom. What is the aid they promised the rebels . Reporter its flowing and going to the hands some of the Syrian Opposition. They wanted to come in a lot of different forms particularly heavier weapons. Remember of the syrian army we have been speaking to the last several months say they are not getting the type of weapons that are going to tip the balance of the fight in their favor. That has been the major problem. They have weapons to make advances but not enough to topple a regime that is equipped mostly by heavy russian made weaponry. Thanks. In las vegas, Police Uncovered what they call a domestic superior plot. Police say a couple of spent months to abduct and torture and kill some members of the Las Vegas Police department. An undercover officer was monitoring them detailing each step of their plan. Police say the suspects were members of the antiauthority sovereign citizens movement. A quick look at other stories topping the news. George zimmermans brother confirms to nbc news that the man cleared in the shooting death of Trayvon Martin visit a florida gun factory. The bother would not say if zimmerman purchased a gun. A bookkeeper who helped talk down a gunman earlier this week. Antoinette tuff dot a phone call from president obama thursday where he praised her courage. She came facetoface with a dispatcher on the other end of the 911 call. How are you doing . Oh, god wow. We made it we did oh, my god. Oh, thank you oh, wow ryan braun of the Milwaukee Brewers saying i was lying about the whole drug use thing during my mvp season. He admits he used performanceenhancing drugs quote, for a short period of time during the 2011 season. He says i have disappointed the people closest to me. The ones who fought for me because they truly believed me all along. I kept the truth from everyone. From hollywood. Hardcore fans of the caped crusader are shocked at the choice of ben affleck as the latest actor cast as batman. Trending on ,. Here is our big question for the day. Weigh in on facebook or twitter. Discover the new way to help keep teeth clean and breath fresh. New beneful healthy smile food and snacks. Hell love the crunch of the healthy smile kibbles. Youll love how they help clean. With soft, meaty centers, and teeth cleaning texture healthy smile snacks help keep a shine on his smile. Its dental that tastes so good. New beneful healthy smile food and snacks. 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Jim changed his routine. Ask your doctor about xarelto®. Once a day xarelto® means no regular blood monitoring no known dietary restrictions. For more information and savings options, call 1888xarelto or visit goxarelto. Com. I have a dad and hes undocumented and what can i do to make him stay with me . We have a big intimidating crowd and i appreciate you coming forward and asking your question, but the answer still kind much remains the same that we have laws and we need to follow those laws and thats where were at. That exchange between congressman Scott Desjarlais sparked out conversation about immigration frereform. Josie, a u. S. Citizen, from tennessee, wanted to know how her father is who is currenting facing deportation hearings and earlier this week, josie talked with Thomas Roberts. What were you hoping the congressmans answer would be . I was hoping that he would Say Something that was more like helpful than just that and i was kind of mad at him, but, you know, thats what he said. Congressman Scott Desjarlais joins me live. You issued a statement saying, quote, i felt i owned her an honest answer to her questions. While this country has always had a generous immigration policy we cannot condone individuals coming here illegally. As a member of congress, i believe i have a responsibility to be truthful, even if that means means delivering difficult news. You just heard what josie told my colleague Thomas Roberts there. Do you still contend that the deportation, that aspect of the immigration debate, do you contend its that cut and dry because of the laws that exit . I think as i stated, we have a very generous immigration policy. I think the past decade we have averaged about 1. 4 million naturalizations a year and about 60 of those are for reunification. At the town hall, josie came up and asked a question and i think we are a nation of laws. We have immigration laws on the books, sometimes not being enforced probably the way they should, so there is a lot of confusion and a lot of gray zones. But bottom line is we have an immigration problem in this country and, you know, we need to enforce the laws that we have on the book. Congressman john carter, a republican, one of seven house members working on comprehensive Immigration Reform during a News Conference this week. He reportedly said, quote, part of what is wrong with our immigration system, we try to patch it up. He said the evangelical Community Wants to remind people we are dealing with human beings and families. They should be treated with respect and compassion. How do you strike the balance . That balance between adhering to laws and showing the respect and compassion that congressman carter says is important . The debate over we need comprehensive Immigration Reform remains out there, but the bottom line is we have laws in this nation that are not fully being enforced. I would contend we enforce the laws on the books and we couldnt have as great of an immigration problem moving forward. As i said, we have a Generous Program and there are laws that are in place. We cant just make exceptions if people are not following the laws. I would further add if we travel to another country we dont leave and go to a country without a passport. When we go to, for example, mexico, we bobey and know we hae to follow the law. I want to call your attention to a recent nbc news wall street journal poll. It found that among other things that republicans will get most of the blame if a comprehensive Immigration Reform bill does not pass. 44 say they will blame republicans. How concerned are you about those numbers . Im concerned about doing right thing. Theres polls that say things, you know, all over this country. In tennessee, i think its clear that we are not for an amnesty bill. I think the senate bill is somewhat the obama care of immigration. When you try to pass comprehensive reform you dont get things as we have seen with the president S Health Care law. I think the house will take an approach and take issues one by one and make them readable and understandable and make sure we get them right. I return to the fact if we enforced the laws on the books first we may not need as much reform as people think. Congressman, thank you so much. We will be right back. Arent healthy unless you actually eat them multigrain cheerios. Also available in delicious peanut butter. Healthy never tasted so sweet. Also available in delici us peanut butter. Even superheroes need superheroes, and some superheroes need complete and balanced meals with 23 vitamins and minerals. Purina dog chow. Help keep him strong. Dog chow strong. 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Now with the help of hundreds of partners all over the country, move for hunger is helping to feed millions of americans, two million americans who do not know where their next meal is coming from. Adam lowie, founder of move for hunger, i want to share some numbers. 50 Million People in this country, 50 Million People, one in six americans go hungry. 40 of food, thrown out in the u. S. Every year. Thats about 165 billion worth of food. We did some math. That could help feed roughly 25 Million People. Those are some disturbing numbers. Numbers like that encourage you to get started, i understand. What else was it . How did this whole thing come about . The moving company has been in the family 90 years. My great grandfather started it. It was us getting sick and tired of seeing waste. I thought about asking people if they want to donate their food. Seemed like it made sense. We collected 300 pounds in a month from asking a question. I realized there was a lot more that we could do. Youve taken a successful business, this Family Company youve had close to a century, and turned it into something profitable on a much larger level. More than two Million Pounds of food collected with the help of 500 moving companies and 1500 Real Estate Professionals as well. You talk about an era of social entrepreneurship that we are in the midst of right now. What is that . You know, theres unemployment, theres poverty, theres hunger. Theres a lot going on in this country and people arent talking about it. I think now is the opportunity for all of us to really stand up and make our own way. If we can do that in a way that helps people as well, i think its a win for everybody. Its creating value and its feeding people. Youve gotten support from all over the country, i understand, as well. How can folks get involved if they live in seattle, if they live down in d. C. . Again, you guys are based here, but if people want to help, what are their options . There are a number of ways people can get involved. The first and easiest way is visit our website, moveforhunger. Com. You can find a moving company that will pick up your food and deliver it to a local food bank. Well send you the flyers, the boxes and a moving truck to pick this food up and bring the to the food bank. Everything stays local. You can make a donation. Every dollar will help us go and create new programs to fight hunger across the u. S. Encouraging people on this friday to go and do. Its very simple. Adam lowy, its a really cool concept. Congratulations on your success and keep it up. Thank you so much. Keep it up and keep us posted. And do you know someone with that go and do spirit . Tweet us. Use the hash tag goanddo and we may feature them right here on the broadcast. Thats going to wrap things up for me. Thomas will be back on monday. Now with alex wagner is up next. Well see you right back here on monday. 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And let the good life in. 50 years later, what would reverend Martin Luther king jr. March for today . Its friday, august 23rd, and this is now. More than 100,000 people are expected to flood the National Mall in washington, d. C. , tomorrow to retrace the steps of americas civil rights heroes. Elected leaders, civil rights activists and Martin Luther king jr. s son will come together to pay tribute to the march on washington. The 50th anniversary coincides with the summer boiling with racial tension, including outrage over the acquittal in the killing of a black teenager, a major setback for the Voting Rights act in the supreme court, and laws that threaten to institutalize racial profiling. Issues that beg the question, just how far has america come in realizing a dream . On wednesday, the official anniversary of the march, president obama will speak at the foot of the lincoln

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