it in its totality, that they opinion to pursue him over and over again, even though he was running away? >> it's going to be very difficult for the defense to escape the narrative, the whole narrative, around this bogus citizens arrest argument about the fact they literally chased ahmaud arbery down and cornered him before the time you're talking about, that split-second encounter. it would take a masterful, and what i say masterful, it would take a near unparalleled level of storytelling in order to get the jury to focus solely on that after what i thought was a very effective case by the prosecution, very effective crosby the prosecution, and at the end of the day, very effective summation of the prosecution. to be able to then shift the focus that dramatically is going to be an extremely difficult task, and i don't know that they'll be able to do it. >> quickly, we have a jury that the majority is white, there is one black person on the jury. i know in wisconsin they had to