as i said, it's the longest jury i've ever had out. wow. can i go home? >> go home. >> anything else we haven't asked you? >> mark, do you think he'll ever talk. >> that was mark richards, the defense attorney for kyle rittenhouse, taking quite a long list of questions there. julius, i was struck by something that he said relatively early on, when asked about why he put kyle rittenhouse on the stand. he said he had to put him on, it wasn't a close call and they did a couple of mock juris and found that the jury results were markedly better when rittenhouse m testified. that surprised me. i didn't realize that defense attorneys would do something like that. >> it doesn't happen in every case, but i suspect that kyle rittenhouse's defense team had some resources that maybe normal clients don't usually have access to. but it was a good move. if you have the resources and you can do something like that,