and turning them into what they call new nato-quality tanks with advanced communication systems and weaponry. but some defense officials said that the main strategy here is going to be an insurgency, a guerilla-style campaign, because they are ware of the really glaring weaknesses of the ukrainian military. they won't be able to beat the russians in a face-to-face battle in a conventional war fought on a battlefield. and we saw in that assessment that came out from u.s. intelligence, that, you know, kyiv, the capitol, could be taken within 48 hours of an invasion. so what they're saying is that the strategy -- not just a strategy, but the strategy is for an insurgency led often by civilians. now, this sounds crazy, but remember that u.s. military was humbled in iraq and afghanistan by civilian insurgencies. and this won't necessarily be a civilian insurgency per se. while there are civilians who are arming themselves and training all across the country, in training sessions, they are also going to be fighting with the conventional military that's going to be using guerilla-style