ide with jen psaki" starts ♪ ♪ ♪ no w. ♪ ♪ ♪ well, if the first week of the new year has shown us anything, it's that joe biden and donald trump are basically living on different planets when it comes to their approach to american democracy. tonight, i'm gonna talk to house speaker emeritus nancy pelosi about all of that. plus, president obama has appointed david plouffe as a senior strategist who might be useful to the biden campaign. of course he would be. david is gonna join me tonight as well. but we do want to start tonight with some new reporting from abc news that is shedding greater light on what trump was doing, and more importantly not doing on january 6th. as a mob pushed its way into the capital, becoming more and more violent as the minutes tic by, trump was reportedly just not interested in doing more to stop it. and trump learned that his own vice president had to be rushed