exchange for military aid for any one thing. time and again they let us down in their claims. but one thing we know for certain is that this was a sad inevitability. i had someone ask me recently do you feel some sense of history, some sense of moment you're about to vote on impeachment? and sadly i knew this time was coming since the democrats took control of the house of representatives. because they didn't lay out a plan to appropriate for the budget, work can us on critical generational issues. they setout a plan for impeachment. how do we know that? when the chairman himself campaigned for the lead democrat role for the judiciary committee. he didn't say pick me because i'm a great legislator around some issue set, he said pick me because i will be the person who can lead our caucus through a potential impeachment. they've had a blood lust for impeachment. it has been an obsession, and it's deeply saddening to us. we take absolutely no joy in the