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Out the republican fixation of obstructionism. The really interesting question is why it is that my friends in the other party have made the idea of preventing these people from Getting Health Care their holy grail, their number one priority. The one unifying principle in the Republican Party at the moment is making sure that 30 Million People dont have health care. Thats hard to understand as an agenda thats going to strengthen our middle class. And this was his response to Tea Party Leaders like ted cruz, rand paul and mike lee, who are championing a Government Shutdown if the obamacare law is not defunded. The idea that you would shut down the government unless you prevent 30 Million People from Getting Health Care is a bad idea. What you should be thinking about is how can we advance and improve ways for middle class families to have some security so that if they work hard they can get ahead. Youll hear more from the president shortly, but the bottom line is this. This was perhaps the most impassioned defense of the law that weve seen from him to date. It has democrats everywhere asking what took you so long. To break it all down we welcome in chuck todd, nbcs chief White House Correspondent and the host of the daily rundown. An chris cillizza, msnbc political analyst with the washington post. Chuck, you know this president so well, was this calculated, or do you think he got caught up in the moment of responding to that particular question . Oh, its hard to say. I think this has been getting under his skin for a while. So calculated is probably not the word i would use, but i think he wanted to make sure that he true a line, was a bit more defiant. Hes been getting a lot of grief behind the scenes saying youve got to sell this law better, youve got to do this. And i heard more clarity from him than i have in a while on this. Of course, the real test of all this, michael, is going to be when he starts going on the road and proactively doing this rather than doing this when hes asked a question about health care but proactively going out on the road and selling this and selling implementation. Hes going to have to. Hes got to turn these poll numbers around, or he is going to find moving congress on this is going to be a lot harder. Republicans just sit there and they look at the scoreboard. And they say, guess what, half the country thinks its a bad idea. Less than 40 thinks this laws a good idea. Well, to your point, let me show some polling data on the issue of whether its a good or bad idea. There it is, good idea 34 , bad idea 47 . Chris cillizza, you know, i follow you in all your social media. You did say get ready for the sixthness or so question. I think you had arod in mind. But this is the one that ended up generating all the news. You know, chuck makes the right point, which is the president has not given this sort of passionate defense of his law that Many Democrats had hoped. I think that this is an interesting way that he did it. He didnt i mean he did defend obamacare broadly, but it was in the context of sort of a dare. And, michael, i think you used that word, sort of a challenge. Be my guest if you want to try to link defunding obamacare to a Government Shutdown. I think hes on safer political ground there, though the law broadly is not possible. The idea of shutting down government over health care and unfunding i think is also popular. I think thats why youve seen people like mitt romney earlier this week in New Hampshire come out and say we should not do this. Strategically, this is a bad move for the party. Youve seen other governors come out and say you should not do this. I think obama feels he has the higher political ground when it comes to linking that defunding of obamacare to shutting down the government. Because he probably wins that fight. Its not only the issue of shutting down the government, chuck, the president was quick to point out republicans dont have a real alternative to his Health Care Law. Listen to this. They used to say, well, were going to replace it with something better. Theres not even a pretense now that theyre going to replace it with something better. The notion is simply that those 30 Million People, or the 150 million who are benefitting from the other aspects of affordable care, will be better off without it. Thats their assertion, not backed by fact, not backed by any evidence. Its just become an ideological fixation. Well, i tell you what, theyre wrong about that. Chuck todd, what will be the response to that . And part b of my question, is the president also taking advantage of the fact that hes pretty much the only person in town so there cant be a coherent reply offered by the gop per se . Well, thats right. But youre going to hear i think conservatives are going to hear that and say, hey, thats an unfair strawman. Look at what hes trying to do, hes trying to paint us as antipoor or we dont want poor people to get health care. But i tell you, it was, yes, the president likes to use strawman arguments, but that is a tough message for him to do. You know, both sides use straw men to make their arguments. Weve heard what the republicans do when it comes to what they believe the Health Care Laws going to do, whether its on the economy, whether its on job creation and things like that. So the president , i think, pushing back i think its only going to increase the amount of rhetoric from the right in sort of pushing back on his statement that somehow they dont care about these 30 Million People that dont have health care, that they dont want them somehow to get health care. So i think youll see an increase in the rhetoric, but i think this is a case where the white house believes they may not be on the right side of Public Opinion about the overall law, but as chris pointed out, they believe theyre on the right side of Public Opinion on this idea that you gum up the works and you create more gridlock to try to stop it. Well, chuck, you make the point that the question remains will the president now go on the road and speak with such passion . But, chris cillizza, i think a corresponding question is does he get any support . Because the president may not have sold this to date, but he sure hasnt had the assistance of his own party to try and sell this message. Well, you know, i think its sort of one of those things should i take the first step, do you want to take the first step . Yes. Everyone in some ways is waiting. He is, ultimately, michael, hes the biggest politician in the Democratic Party and in either party. I think if he wants people to follow, he is going to have to take the lead. Now, i will say i think hes much more comfortable making the argument that republicans are cutting off their nose top spite their face on this. Forget what you think about the Health Care Law, the idea of defunding something that is law, threatening that in exchange for Government Shutdown that is an issue i think he feels more strongly about. I can tell you and i agree with chuck on this. Ideological fixation, the words the president used to describe republicans voting to repeal part of all of obamacare, yeah, thats not going to go down so well in the Republican Party. They are not going to have warmer relations after today. Well, chuck, despite the attacks on the republican insurgency against his Health Care Law and the threat to shut down the government over the issue, the president did say he thinks in the end common sense will prevail. Here it is. The idea that you would shut down the government at a time when the recoverys getting some traction, where were growing although not as fast as we need to, where the Housing Market is recovering although not as fast as we would like, that we would precipitate another crisis here in washington that no economist thinks is a good idea. Im assuming that they will not take that path. I have confidence that common sense, in the end, will prevail. Chuck todd, do you have confidence that in the end common sense will prevail . No leader of the Republican Party, and i say that leader of the Republican Party, wants to pursue this path. The question i have, though, is how do they stop it . Inertia, can they come up with an alternative way . Can they rally their party in such a way that says because theyre not going to get cooperation from democrats on trying to somehow find a stopgap measure here. Can they find some way to appease the Tea Party Wing of the party that really wants this, that wants some sort of stand on principles and all of this to try to force this vote . Can they come up with a compromise that appeases them in some form, but also can get through . Look, i think i know the leaders dont want to do this, boehner, mcconnell, you name it. I dont know how they stop it. Coming up, the tea party rode to power by disrupting members of congress at town Hall Meetings. Their beef then was obamacare. And now that its the law of the land, theyre at it again. They want it defunded, dismantled, destroyed and ready to take the country down because of it. And darrell issa wants americas coastal waters renamed for ronald reagan. When it comes to honoring the president , nobody does it like stephen colbert. Tonight, im proud to declare that the area between 4 and 7 feet off the ground the Ronald Wilson reagan economic breathing zone. Right up there. Much more of that tonight in the side show. This is hardball, the place for politics. Discover card. I asked my husband to pay our bill, and he forgot. You have the it card and its your first time missing a payment, so theres no late fee. Really . Yep so is your husband off the hook . No. He went out for milk last week and came back with a puppy. Hold it. Hold it. Hold it. At discover, we treat you like youd treat you. Get the it card with late payment forgiveness. And you know what i walked out with . [ slurps ] [ dad ] a new passat. [ dad ] 0 apr. 60 months. Done and done. [ dad ] in that driveway, is a germanengineered piece of awesome. That i got for 0 apr. Good one, dad. Thank you, dalton. [ male announcer ] its the car you wont stop talking about. Ever. Hurry in to the volkswagen best. Thing. Ever. Event. And get 0 apr for 60 months, now until september 3rd. Thats the power of german engineering. You may be muddling through allergies. Try zyrtec® for powerful allergy relief. And zyrtec® is different than claritin® because it starts working faster on the first day you take it. Zyrtec® love the air. Tea party wants to know, will you vote with mike lee and meadows here to deFund Obamacare, yes or no . Would you like to hear the thoughtful answer . No. Let me tell you why. You got your answer. Let me tell you why. It takes 60 votes in the senate. We dont have 12 votes. Welcome back to hardball. That was republican congressman pittenger explaining to disgruntled constituents at a town hall monday why hes voting against defunding obamacare. Four years ago angry protests over the president s Health Care Law erupted at town Hall Meetings across the country. They formed a Tea Party Wave that swept over obama care and swept a new breed of republicans into power in the congress in 2010. And tea party anger wasnt just related to obamacare. Remember at this town hall where former delaware congressman Michael Cassel was confronted by a voter who demonstrated a new level of vitreal and viciousness . I want to go back to january 20th and i want to know why are you people ignoring his birth certificate . He is not an american citizen. He is a citizen of kenya. I am american. My father fought in world war ii with the greatest generation in the Pacific Theater for this country. And i dont want this flag to be changed. I want my country back. Angry vitreal at town halls in 2010 was an early sign of the coming republican sweep at the polls. Are we seeing any harbingers of a 2014 wave, on way or the other . With me now republican strategist rick tyler who is the president for the Strategy Group and aisha moodiemills for the center for american progress. Aisha, read the tea leaves thus far. Are there any issues out there that are popping . Are there any signs of a coming wave like we saw in 2010 . Well, i think theres a sign of a wave thats coming, but its going to be the opposite of what we saw in 2010. How so . The republicans have spent years making this antiobamacare bed, and now theyre going to have to lie in it. Youre seeing this civil war of infighting happening. And i think that its really going to crash and burn them. But you know, rick, passion sells especially in primary season, and especially on the gop side of the aisle. Might this mark a reemergence of tea party candidates, even those who can win a primary but never win a general election . Well, aside from the latter point of your assertion, yes. I do think this could be a harbinger as it was in 2009. That was a real movement. Not only reflected in the polls, but clearly reflected in the vote. I think we picked up 56, it was a historic republican sweep. And the left is deathly afraid were in a repeat here. Because there is a narrative here. Its a metanarrative. We have people who dont trust the government on nsa spying. We have people that dont trust the government with the irs declining conservative organizations. We have benghazi, which we dont hear enough about. And now were going to have the irs implement obamacare. Its not defunding obamacare. Obamacare hasnt been funded. So the real question is will we vote to Fund Obamacare or not, not defund. And its certainly not the republicans who would shut the government down. It would be president clinton president obama. Of course i dont think it would get to his desk. But by virtue of him not signing or vetoing the budget, that would shut the government down. Let me show you something, congressman pittenger took a defiant approach to attendees who asked to vote to deFund Obamacare, even though he tried to explain why it would be pointless. And the crowd did not like what they heard. We lose over there, then they come back to us in the house. You win this battle by going after we look at your we look at how we can win. Do you think harry reid is going to it doesnt matter what harry reid does, we need to show the American People we stand for conservative values aisha, the passion still seems to be on the right side of the aisle. Youre telling me that you think theres potentially a wave coming of democratic support in time for the 2014 cycle, but you dont see that anecdotally. Heres what youre seeing. Youre actually seeing cheers and jeers coming at the republicans. Theyre getting flak from both sides. Americans who are democrats and americans who are republicans are really frustrated with them. I mean, for a couple of reasons. We have a poll that came out that showed that most people, the vast majority of people, really think that we should at the very least be improving upon at the most i should say, be improving upon obamacare and to leave it as it stands. So every time they try to repeal or they try to defund, theyre turning people off on both sides, be it tea partiers who are technically on their side of the aisle, or other democrats. And i think this is going to be bad news for the gop in general. Rick, in another part of north carolina, pittengers colleague, patrick mchenry, a staunch opponent of obamacare, faced his constituents in a town hall. But in a surprising turn of events, his constituents wanted to know why he wont support obamacare in the first place because some of them say its helping. Heres the tape. Yes . Im from east ashville. Im 63. My wife is 63. And without obamacare we would have no health insurance. I would like to ask you and the Republican Party to answer the question why do i not have a moral right in access to health care if you want to deFund Obamacare, which is by law and policy going to save billions of dollars over the next ten years . Rick, anecdotally in the 2014 cycle there will be those individuals, whether theyre Young Americans who now can remain on their parents plan when heretofore they couldnt do so. Or maybe someone who had preexisting conditions who couldnt get health now can get health insurance. There will be those faces to associate with stories like presumably that mans that the gop will have to respond to if they thwart this removing forward. Thank you very much, rick tyler. Thank you, aisha. Thank you. We appreciate your being here. Up next, running out of people to alienate in this country, Anthony Weiners now taking on the germans and the brits. And please remember, you can listen to my Radio Program weekday mornings at 9 00 eastern. This is hardball, the place for politics. Asthma doesnt affect my job. You missed the meeting again last week it doesnt affect my family. Your coughing woke me up again. I wish youd take me to the park. I dont use my rescue inhaler a lot. 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Thats why tonight i am proud to declare that the area between four and seven feet off the ground the Ronald Wilson reagan economic breathing zone. Right up there. [ applause ] this, folks, this is the storied swath of american atmosphere within which Ronald Reagans very own mouth was often found. I feel a little woozy. I think i might sit down in the walter mondale, dont stand up for americas zone. Next, new york mayoral candidate Anthony Weiner isnt winning any friends in the foreign press. The candidate showed off his surly side last night as he knocked on doors in harlem. He was making fun of germany with an Awkward Exchange from a reporter from der spiegel. This . No, no. No doors, right . No. Just gates. Just thatch and huts, right . You have like plumbing and stuff like that . Like indoor plumbing . No, no. Flush toilets . No. Thats why im here. I know. This must be a great assignment for you. In fairness, he tried to clarify to that reporter that he was only kidding. I guess it was hard to tell at the time, but then several minutes later, he gave this snarky interview to a british reporter from itv who asked him about his motive for running. Is it ambition . Is it a hunger for the big job, the power . Hard to take you seriously. No, it has to do with wanting to be mayor of the city of new york and wanting to help the middle class and those struggling to make it. What is it you want to do for this city . The hunger for the big job. Would anything stop you . I just have a feeling ive stepped into a monty python bit. I dont know. Would anything stop me . Is a rock going to fall on my head . No, nothings going to stop me. Im going to win this election. Anything else i can do for itv, the weather or anything . Its going to be rainy, cloudy and grey. Do what you can, guys. Try to keep your head up. Keep a what is it . Stiff upper lip. Stiff upper lip. Good thing weiner doesnt need any votes from the uk or germany. Thats hardball for now. 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