which meansyou can only sell it. - if you can only sell stocks, then those stocksonly go down. matt kelly: i go to work.and i'm standing there. i'm givinga presentation, right? i'm on a zoom meetingwith 100 people. and the price drops to about120 bucks a share. i'm like in the middleof a word. and i look downand i see that and i just went--i just freeze. i stopped.i'm sick to my stomach. i don't knowwhat the fuck i'm doing. like why? a million dollarsis a million dollars. like what is wrong with me? reporter:after surging yesterday, the stock dropped 44%. - then it immediatelypops back up. reporter: it hit an intradayhigh of $469. - but the next thing you know,it's tumbling down. you couldn't stop itfast enough. you're watching it and it's bylike the minute. you're like, oh, my--dude. i was like, oh. reporter: the stock droppeda whopping 44%. - it was soincredibly stressful. reporter: janet yellen,treasury secretary.