parts of the country that maybe weren't covered the same way, but i was directly exposed to one when my mom wanted to come see my new law office. there's this jacked-up truck with go confederate flags coming out of the back. the way they were looking at us as we were driving down the street made us feel like it was not a safe place to be and that i shouldn't show my mom my office. people experience enough things like that where this lawsuit is symbolic of combatting that type of hostility. >> i want to read some more from the coverage of how unusual this approach is. this is also from the "washington post," donna. suing two dozen white supremacists and hate groups means virtually everything about the trial is unusual. the judge has ordered litigants not to discuss the extraordinary security backdrop to the trial. personal security is the top expense for the plaintiffs. potential jurors will be asked their opinions on, for example, black lives matter and anti-semitism. court exhibits will include vile messages that come from more than five terabytes of evidence.