>> congressman, i saw you nodding at some of john's points, mostly that there may be an artificial do or die aspect to how we talk about today. to yamiche's point it is far superior to get it done today but we all live to fight today. >> look, deadlines are artificial by nature. the dead lin we are talking about today is one we set for ourselves. if we don't meet it, we don't meet it. anyone who has worked in capitol hill and i have worked here off and on for 40 years, has seen scores of deadlines that weren't met. that doesn't mean the legislation dies. it doesn't mean that the whole effort is a failure. so we need to take a deep breath. this is part of the process. it will be a disappointment, but it's hardly terminal. and i think we need to step back in reporting about this and be a little bit less hyperbolic and breathless. you know, democrats are fractious by itch in a. we are a big tent party.