across morgantown, his heart pounding. >> obviously we were going lights and sirens because we had a murder warrant to serve. >> sheila was arrested and charged with first-degree murder in the parking lot of the local cracker barrel restaurant where she and her mom were having lunch. >> sheila was crying. she kept asking her mother, is everything going to be okay? and her mother said, i don't know, sheila. >> gaskins had promised skylar's parents he wouldn't quit until the case was solved. >> it felt good for once that she was coming with us. >> the question of who had been answered. but people were haunted by an unanswered question, skylar's last word. why? coming up -- >> i became caught up in something that i did not want to do. >> the accused killers head to court where they come face to face with skylar's family. >> she has done nothing but make our lives a living hell since day one. >> and the motive for murder.