he set up a meeting with weldon. >> reporter: we didn't have much time at the jail. so we spoke again by phone. this time, i wanted to ask her about aunt diana. >> your aunt diana was a key witness for the prosecution. she claims -- >> yes. >> -- you two had that conversation that you were looking for someone to kill greg. >> right. she claims that, yeah. and it's not true. >> reporter: diana said she was never close with her aunt. >> she's highly manipulative. she's highly selfish. i know that my aunt has a motive to help greg's case, my ex. because she wants access to my son. >> reporter: but in a letter to the court, aunt diana wrote that she was always generous with her niece and supportive of her and her son. we then asked diana lovejoy, did she mastermind a murder plot? >> there was absolutely no -- no talk or no thinking about killing anyone or harming anyone. i have a huge heart and i would never -- i'm not capable of hurting someone. >> reporter: would the jury agree?