The therapist, marshall lavine. If you were in your office, i doubt you would be sitting here talking to me today. Im sure thats true. Whats that like . Thats hard to think about. I dont really know how to think about that, to be honest. The grief is still raw for natalie collins. Are you going the change the way you live . I hope not. I dont think steve would want that. He was not about hiding in the shadows. Im not going to let him have died for nothing and i will find a way to make him proud. No one can say for sure exactly what set off dwight jones. After the bloodshed was over, some video surfaced that jones had posted before the murders. Hello, youtube, and welcome to my channel. In them, dwight raged against his wife and the professionals who worked on the custody case. Youve ruled i have a psychiatric problem based on some people she hired. The videos underscored troubling questionsful dwight jones was obviously disturbed