parents lives went in different directions. >> i knew that my parents were getting divorced. i didn't know why. they never fall in front of us or anything. >> that's always tough. orchids that's summer, 2001, their mom jennifer was showing houses to a new client. a man named lou castro, who with his long hair and western hat, looks like a well-heeled young cowboy. >> he seemed really charismatic and outgoing and friendly. and like he had a lot of money. >> he would tell everybody that he had cattle in south dakota, and that he was trading stocks. he told me he had a bunch of cars in texas somewhere, and that he owned a mentioned on. there >> this softspoken man was looking for a country property for his somewhat new a.g. family commune, just down from south colombo dakota. a young couple, trish and brian hughes, their baby girl and a young couple from north dakota. jennifer found them just right parcel. but even after turning over the