prove it he wanted kelly's help, but she refused to cooperate, at least when they were first arrested. then moran spotted a potential crack in their relationship. ira had gotten out of jail in four days while kelly, four months later, was still behind bars. why didn't ira bail her out? >> i guess you'd have to ask him. she might have the same question. >> reporter: this was moran's chance to pounce. he knew kelly was angry and hoped she would finally agree to roll on ira. so he offered her a plea deal. in exchange for testifying against ira, she would get 12 years in prison with a chance for parole in four. her attorney, jonathan ripps, explains why she took the deal. >> if she were convicted after trial, i'm fairly confident the judge would give her close to the max which would be 8 1/3 to 25 years, and that's an awfully long time. >> reporter: plea deal felt safe? >> anything involving state prison that is years in length is going to be an ugly number.