video camera. >> where are you at? >> the man said his wife was still in the master bedroom, in the back of the house, second floor. and if that was true, it didn't look good for her. a passerby caught this video on his cell phone. by then the volunteer fire brigade was arriving. not much any of them could do for the woman inside. as the man calmed down a little, he told the officer he was able only to rescue his 2 and 4-year-old sons, carry them to safety. so somewhere in there his wife, their mother, was dead. there was more to his story, as you'll hear. much more. but for now the dismal business of sorting out what happened. so where to begin? 9 man on the street said his wife's name was vashti. vashti seacat. >> it was a name out of the bible. in the book of ester there was a queen vashti.