seen him for days, and fearing the worst they reported him missing to police. at first investigators believed he had simply left his wife, but then there was a very strange incident and their suspicions were raised. now this case was about to heat up. once again, here is hoda kotb with "toxic." >> it sounds so hoke but three months before i had a terrible nightmare that something had happened to kevin and that kevin was hurt, and i woke up crying hysterically in my bed. >> michelle hopkins, kevin mengel's younger sister, was now in a waking nightmare. her brother kevin had been missing for a week, and the young man who appeared to be having an affair with her sister-in-law had just fled from police. >> why did he just steal her pickup truck and flee when i asked him to come back to the police station. >> the situation suddenly looked much worse than detective david maurer had thought. he brought morgan to the station