community. they moved heaven and earth to mike this happen and we're so grateful to see that come together collaboratively. >> this is not the first time you've done it. i know we can't get into specifics but you guys have done this before. >> we've done this before. we were stood up in august after watching the horror and devastation of what went on in afghanistan and being from the military veteran community and seeing the hearts of service wanting to go in and do the right thing for our combat interpreters, war-time allies and we evacuated more than 17,000 people from afghanistan and that mission continues as we have the ground teams in ukraine. benji is a public example of the hard work and rescue our team does every day. but there are other stories like that whose names and faces may never be told but america rest easy knowing such heroes are grateful for journalists who continue to report the real news in real time and put themselves in harm's way.