substance of his speech tonight >> this is a long motorcade, right below the balcony where i'm sitting. it's pretty extraordinary. everything that has been assembled for this trip on such short notice, matt miller, the president said how much he wanted to go to ukraine himself. obviously that wasn't going to happen. that would be extraordinary for him to come into a war zone with so little preparation and so little ability to protect him but he really wanted to get a firsthand look. he's gone to war zones before as vice president. he was in afghanistan, in iraq. i was on one of those trips to iraq and saw exactly how he operated back in 2010 i believe when he was vice president but let's talk about what's at stake here, because, matt, the world order really has changed. it was only in june that he was meeting, i was there in geneva, when his meeting with vladimir putin and thinking that he could actually reestablish a relationship with putin, that there was some hope, and what we've seen now is that putin