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Persecution of ordinary citizens engage this had legitimate political discourse. Again, they are talking about this, the riot at the capitol. And the riot that ultimate ared in the deaths of five Law Enforcement officers, the riot that featured them chanting for the execution of the Vice President. Prior on the of which a dozen have been charged before and look at these images. Were these purposes. Call what happened on january 6 legitimate political discourse . It is an orchestrated attack on our democracy. On the same day mike pence painted a different picture calling out his former boss in his most pointed language yet. I heard this week that President Trump said the had the right to overturn the election. President trump is wrong. I had no right to overturn the election. The presidency belongs to the American People and the American People alone. And frankly, there is no idea more unamerican than the notion that any one person could choose the american president. Constito right to change the outcome of the election. But it is not mike pence that holds the Republican Party by the throat, no, it is donald trump and the message of the new republican resolution is Crystal Clear and very trumpian. Win at all costs. Joining me now, tim mill milller, tia mitchell, and matt dowd. Er, tia mitchell, and matt dowd. Good to see you all. And ill start with you, matt, the official position of the rnc is that legitimate political discourse is what happened on january 6th. It is there in black and white. Talk me through the danger of that specific declaration. Well, these are one of those moments where wholly on its own is incredibly damaging though there has been so many things to the Republican Party over the last five years. But this is one of those times where just the words that they use i think are going to completely brand them in a way that is so far out of the mainstream in the course of this. And what i think it reflects, it is not a reflection of their kowtowing to donald trump, it is the reflection of their kowtowing to their base because this is their base. This is what their base the base of the Republican Party believes. And if you were giving in this moment this is how bad i actually think this is and how lasting this could be in the course of this election year, is if you were the democrats, i would just stand out of the way. I would not go on any extra hyperbole, i would not go on any extra, you know, thumping on this, i would just say were just going to use the words the republicans used themselves and american public, you decide. And i think that it is that damaging. Tia, what are you hearing from the democrats on this . You know, i think that to matthews point, democrats were a little stunned. Of course appalled by what they feel is coming out of the rnc, but also kind of standing by and letting, you know, republicans kind of dig themselves into a hole. But i think what you will hear especially in the coming days when it comes to the January 6th Committee is a little bit of push back on the narrative that, you know, the there is a difference between what happened at the Capitol On January 6 And The Quote Unquote Legitimate Political Discourse that manys had tied to, you know, the general election and whether or not donald trump or joe biden was legit made winner. I thinks Republican Party were saying that there were legitimate questions and it is not fair to persecute the people who asked those questions. But that is not necessarily numbering one, it is not telling the truth about what is happening with the election and it is not telling the truth about howone, it is not telling the truth about what is happening with the election and it is not telling the truth about how the questions of what happened in 2020 fed into january 6. So you cant separate the two. It is disingenuous to separate the two. And i think that that is what you will hear there democrats going forward, that to try to separate the two is problematic because, you know, they feed into each other and to try to rewrite history is to not be truthful about what actually occurred. Tim, new reporting from lit Company Report that the president s desire for revenge represents one of the biggest threats that the gops midterm chances in november. What is the calculus within the party looking backwards at trump, relitigating 2020 rather than looking forward, moving forward . I think that there is a belief within the party that clean break with trump would essentially split the party and create massive problems in the general election. And here are some reasons for that. Unfortunately, there is a big category of republicans, much smaller than we would like, but maybe a third of the party, that if they had their drutde drhersd like to move on from trump. On balance theyare outweighing the insurrection and trumps actions versus, you know, what the Democratic Party is doing and they are deciding to go along to get along. That is how youngkin got elected in virginia and why republicans numbers are looking good for the midterms. So those republicans who know better, you know, realize that if they push out the twothirds that are going along with trumps that are not just going along with trumps crazy, but that want it, and are demanding it from the candidates, then that would have a catastrophic consequence to the party in the midterms. So there are a lot of strategists who agree with that assessment that trump present as problem in the midterms, that they feel like that they are stuck with him because the alternative would yield a worse result for republicans in november. So matt, feel free to add to that analysis. But also we are watching a handful of republicans coming out against the rnc censure of cheney and kinzinger like mitt romney who released a statement against it saying that shame falls to a party that would censure persons of conscience who seek truth in the face of vitriol. I wonder if it is too easy for the romneys of the world to reject trump without rejecting trumpism. I think that you put your finger on the problem that which exposed today. This is the march of unicorns. They are separate from the party. I think that this is probably 70 or 75 of this. But this is where i have My Fundamental Rob with the mitt romneys of the world. And Lisa Murkowskis of the world. They know who the party is. It is not donald trump doing its madness in maralago. That is not the problem. The problem is fundamentally the Republican Party. Until they finally face that and not say that i can criticize donald trump and stay a republican, what that does, that basically facilitates all of the crazy. Because if the republicans were to win, did the Crazy Jim Jordans and all the other people going to line up, Kevin Mccarthy will line up and be in power and the ted cruz and all the folks in the senate. So until they recognize that they are facilitating this. Because if the republicans were to win, what does mitt romney and Lisa Murkowski do this en . They hold power but not doing anything to control the problem . They hold power but not doing anything to control the problem . They hold power but not doing anything to control the problem . They hold power but not doing anything to control the problem. Every time we separate donald trump 23r9 from the party, the party is the problem. Not donald trump. Donald trump is just a reflection of what the party has become. And i could argue that it is cyclical because they made themselves in their image. So hard to know where one begins and the other ends. And i have to askou about nancy pelosi. Mike pence. The language is stronger against donald trump. Got him a standing ovation. Someone close to pence saying that this is a result of pence seeing that trump is digging his heels in further. And others saying that he is motivated because his staffers are staff are testifying. What are you hearing . I think that it definitely is the strongest weve seen of mike pence. But he has been somewhat critical of former President Trump but days or weeks later say things that seem to be trying to get back to trumps good graces. And so i think that people are taking pences words with a grain of salt because unless there is consistency behind it and unless that he is willing number one perhaps to cooperate with the January 6th Committee, perhaps to say things that are even more clear where he stands as far as what happens that day and as far as, you know, whether he is willing to say, you know, trump crossed the line in some of his words, deeds and actions regarding the 2020 election, then i think that lot of people are not going to be satisfied just with what he said recently. I think that they like what he said recently, they appreciate it, but i think that there are a lot of people who would like to see more from the former Vice President. Tia, matt, thank you both. Tim, you are sticking with me. Next, unexpectedly positive news from the latest jobs report means what for biden . And plus learn to live with it, that is what many are taking to heart with the covid19 pandemic. But what could that look like in your community. And new low for the man once known as americas mayor. Giulianis appearance on the masked sinker hits a sour note with the judges. And ryan flores Class Action Suit against the nfl. And plus a big announcement from the queen of england about the future of the throne. Were just Getting Started here on American Voices. Ere ere on American Voices. Cozy, and precocious. With 465 fresh, clean, craveable pairings, find a you pick 2 for any mood. Enjoy a 0 delivery fee for a limited time only. Nicorette knows, quitting smoking is freaking hard. You get advice like try hypnosis. Or. Quit cold turkey. Kidding me . instead, start small. With nicorette. Which can lead to something big. Start stopping with nicorette mission control, we are go for launch. Um, shes eating the rocket. Lunchables built to be eaten. Americas job machine is going stronger than ever. Over my first year, our economy created 6. 6 million jobs. 6. 6 million jobs. Cant remember another year when so many people went to work in this country. 6. 6 million jobs that is in fact historic. Americans and the white house got a bit of unexpected good new this is week. Despite fears that the january jobs numbers would be particularly bad because of a surging omicron variant. But the reality was much different. Employers actually added nearly 470,000 jobs last month. And job growth in november and december combined was about 700,000 higher than previously reported. And all signs pointing to serious job gain this is winter reported. And all signs pointing to serious job gain this is winter. Hiring demand continues to soar. So lets discuss. What was driving the better than expected numbers . So many of these employers who are trying to keep these workers are paying more, so we saw actually fewer layoffs than expected in a month where Seasonal Workers would tend to lose their jobs. And were seeing the Labor Force Participation rate which im sure that you have been hearing about climate up to its highest since before the pandemic. And that is important because it means that people are looking for jobs whereas in the past they have been on the sidelines and not actually looking for jobs and working. So that number is really important. And i think that the major difference is in all these reports is because of the recovery has been at such an uneven pace for the past year, were still seeing certain groups of workers continuing to have higher unemployment than other groups. So in particular i was very interested in the gender guide that we saw where men have basically reached their employment levels, women still struggling to get there. And it was telling to me that you had the white house earlier in the week hedging on these numbers. Trying to manage expectations because they know that there is an element of this that is outside of their control. What did this report tell you . Well, i think that this report tells us that some of the strategies that the white house has been putting forward to kind of get the pandemic under control are actually working. Right . With the vaccine rates, with sending rapid tests to homes, that is actually helping people get back to work, the work that they are trying to go do to make sure that kids can go to school. That is what is helping people get back to work you did mention the Gender Divide and women are still lagging behind when it comes to getting back to work because that is because were caregivers. People have to take care of the kids. When elderly need help, women tend to bear the brunt of that. So while these numbers are amazing and were seeing the Unemployment Rate close even in groups like black workers and latino workers, it is still not enough. However this jobs report is actually good news and good news for the Biden Administration going into the midterm year. And so on that point, tim, why i made you stay with us, this question which is if the pandemic is under control, if it gets under control this summer and the economy continues to perform this way, you it into see job reports like this, how does that then change the calculus going into the midterms . It has to make it much harder for helps to make the argument to voters that they had hoped to make. Just depends on how much better it gets. Here is the thing. There are good economic fundamental numbers for the administration and happy to see them touting them. The employment rate, the workforce participation rate, the market didnt have a great week but overall it is doing gel. But the problem is there is still a sense of a lack of normalcy. Which is obvious because of what is happening with omicron and the pandemic. So people are not feeling like the economy is necessarily better because they are still seeing weird prices and there is Job Displacement and peoples everyday lives, you know, it doesnt feel like it did before the pandemic. So i think that that is the big challenge for the administration. There is, one, touting the economic numbers and, two, how can between now and labor day with Supply Chain Issues and with the Job Displacements, with inflation, how can we get some of that stuff back to normal. And i think that that would put them in a really good position for november. Otherwise what you will see is republicans drengage on those items. And hope, you have a recent poll showing that 41 strongly disapprove of bidens handling of the economy. But at the same time, 6. 6 is a historic number of jobs that have been added under a president s first year in office. Where do you see these numbers going . Hope, go ahead. Yeah, i think one of the feeling is different from reality because prices are still outpacing wages. And so we just got those Inflation Numbers at a 40 year high. You know, 7 year over year even though wages have been going up about 6 . That does really take a hit into the wallets right, if you have to pay more at the gas pump and you have to pay more at the Grocery Store. So i think for many voters, yes, they are so there are so many good positive signs but if they are not feeling it day to day, they will blame the person who is responsible. And we know that the economy is in a place where were at the consequence of last years fast paced recovery. The fed chair has talked about how inflation is a high class problem. So i think that that is a really hard concept for people to feel when they are paying, you know, again, at the Grocery Store and because the recovery is still so varied across different groups, those who had the financial cushions and the safety net are not feeling those effects in the same way as though who have lower paying jobs. And tim, just 30 seconds left so you get the last word. I was going to say i wouldnt worry about the 41 . They say that biden is bad no matter what is happening no matter the reality. The 16 that somewhat disapprove, how can they make those lives get back to normal, how can they make the case to those voters that things are on the right track, that is the big challenge for the administration. Thank you all. Next as the u. S. Surpasses 900,000 covid deaths, questions surface about what the Biden Administrations messaging should be. And plus joe rogan issues an apology, but not for the Covid Misinformation he has been under fire for. That story next. Fire for fire for that story next. Can be a real challenge. Thats why i use the freestyle libre 2 system. With a painless, onesecond scan i know my Glucose Numbers without fingersticks. Now im managing my diabetes better and ive lowered my a1c from 8. 2 to 6. 7. Take the mystery out of managing your diabetes and lower your a1c. Now you know. Try it for free at freestylelibre. Us making your way in The World Today takes everything youve got taking a break from all your worries sure would help a lot wouldnt you like to get away . Sometimes you want to go where Everybody Knows your name and theyre always glad you came look oh my god. Oh wow. I want my daughter riley to know about her ancestors and how important it is to know who you are and to know where you came from. Doesnt that look like your papa . Thats your great grandfather. Its like opening a whole nother world that we did not know existed. You finally have a face to a name. Were discovering together. Its been an amazing gift. [music sung by craig robinson] im a ganiac, ganiac, check my Drawers Scovering together. [sfx sniffs long exhale] and my clothes smell so much fresher than before yeah, yeah im a ganiac, ganiac, check my drawers its a freshness like ive never smelled before one sniff of gain flings and youll be a gainiac too the only detergent with oxiboost and febreze. Kim is now demonstrating her congestion. Save it slimeball. Ive upgraded to mucinex. We still have 12 hours to australia. Mucinex lasts 12 hours, so im good. Now move kim, no mucinex lasts 3x longer for 12 hours. Investigating and learning from the mistakes of this pandemic to prevent future ones. Two key senators are proposing a 9 11 Style Commission to do just that. They released a draft of the Prevent Pandemics Act which would set up a 12 member Bipartisan Task force, it would investigate the u. S. Response to covid19 and challenges that have jundundermined it from the start. Friday the country surprised 900,000 deaths. More than three times the amount of americans who died in world war ii. And some suggest that the Biden Administration should soon declare the pandemic as over. Nearly half of americans disapprove of the president s ongoing response to the crisis. Administration officials believe that it factor into his low approval ratings. Transition to endemic could boost his ratings, but they say it could look different depends depending on where you live. So let discuss. Is it possible to move into an emdep endemic phase with only 42 of the nation boosted against the virus . Thank you for having me. Were not close to the endemic phase with 4,000 people dying yesterday. So i think that people need to understand that. And so also what being endemic is, there is a stable rate of cases. And that occur over the long term. We are still in the expo then sham phase. So even though omicron cases are declining, were still seeing high deaths. So the question is are we prepared with the next wave. And so living with the virus is not what we saw happen with the omicron wave. Living with the virus means that making sure that every american has the resources that they need to stay safe and that we have policies in place to keep americans safe. So were not there yet. There is a lot of work that we can do before the next variant or next wave hits. And i want to ask you both the same question. What does that look like for the administration to make the pivot to talk about saying this is something that we live with . What i think it looks like is making sure that everyone has an n95 mask, that everyone has access to Rapid Testing which were getting there, but year not there yet. It looks like having a robust testing infrastructure in place and also we havent really heard about any guidelines regarding ventilation and air filtration. So we hope to keep everything hope when there is a high transmission level. We need to make sure that there is clean air. So what does that look like inside schools or businesses. And other public areas. And so we need to make sure that we have all of those guidelines and policies in place. And also what about workerses . We are seeing low income workers have the highest rates of infection. How can we make workplaces safe. We need federal guidance. And i think if we have all those pieces in place, we can minimize infections, hospitalizations and death as well as societal disruption during the next wave. And don, what does that pivot look like . Im a communications and messaging strategist. So to me, i think that it comes down to crafting a fundamental message. She is correct that i had guying the very granular and specific policies. But the big ideas in my mind are simple. I see it that you have to continue to encourage vaccination as well as boosting. And yeah, well have to, you know, hold our noses and understand that, yes, we told people that now there is another booster necessary, but we have on deliver that message. And i think secondly, were going to have to encourage testing to that same level of urgency and messaging. It should have been that testing and vaccination all along and we have to bring testing as a full part of our culture every day going forward. And lastly, i think that it is incumbent. Jules polonetsky City Joorks Policy makes to understand that there nt probably wont be another shutdown for peoples psychological help. So we have to continue to stress ways to think about being masking and people are getting back together. And we cant take the collective trauma of the Separation Shutdown again, so lets teach people to encourage best practices. So were heading in to a midterm where the pandemic continues to be a major player alongside the economy which you cannot separate it from. If there is a sense that we have moved in on a new phase of this virus, how much does that change the Political Landscape going into that midterm . Substantially. And i think it comes down to another simple reduction nis message which is given that weve made progress in an era where we have vaccines and treatments, you have to consider which party do you trust to continue that progress. And maybe it is they ever going away, but there is a clear choice. Ever going away, but there is a clear choice. It is about which party is able to carry the most forceful message. Or politicizing it and making it a divisive thing about masks answer the and the american way. And your thoughts on the 9 11 Style Commission. I think that that is important. The way that the covid pandemic was handled initially, down playing of the risk of covid and early reopening. But i think that there should be more of a focus on how are we going to transition to the next stage, how are we going to be prepared for the next phase. And i think that that Communications Piece i agree is incredibly important. I would love to see the white house and the cdc really focus on the messaging that, you know, a collective response is going to be required to see us through this. I think that there needs to be more transparency and more concise messaging. And it is important to meet people where they are. So i think that we have to continue the local efforts to get access and equity to all different types of which unities. Thank you both so much for your time. Next spotify quietly remeals joe rogans episodes. Plus the estranged wife of leader of the oathkeepers is speaking out. My conversation with her is coming Upew Challenge for the fbi, how do they brace for new conspiracy theories. And Breaking News from bucking ham palace, surprising news about what happens when Prince Charles takes the thrown about oig. T happens when Prince Charles takes thehr town about oig. Ham palace, surprisin news about what happens when Prince Charles takes the thrown about oig. Bout oig. Out oig. Ut o. G news about what happens when Prince Charles t thrneown. Wn. Thrnen. Boutig out og. Thrneown thrnen o. Hey tex, can someone else get a turn . Yeah, hang on, im about to break my own record. Yeah. Only pay for what you need. Ne liberty, liberty, liberty, liberty. I recommend nature made vitamins, because i trust their quality. They were the first to be verified by usp, an independent organization that sets strict quality and purity standards. Nature made. The 1 pharmacist recommended vitamin and supplement brand. I see trees of green nature made. Red roses too i see them bloom for me and you music so i think to myself oh what a Wonderful World age is just a number. And mines unlisted. 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And after rogan interviewed a virologist, many signed an action to remove him. And he addressed the controversies saying that he wanted to balance out the viewpoints with other peoples perspectives. And now dozens of rogan episodes have been quietly pulled from spotify. He had signed a 100 million deal. And their ceo said that because we have an exclusive deal it is easy to concludes that we endorse every word that he says. But that is not the case. Joe rogan still on spotify about your these platforms can help the normalize those on the fringe. Take for example Rudy Giuliani who was a guest on the masked singer. And coming up, well tackle that tv moment. Kle that kle that tv moment. Uh, iim actually just going to get an iced coffee. Well, she may have a destination this one time, but usually yeah, but most of the time, her destination is freedom. Nope, just the coffee shop. Announcer no matter why you ride, progressive has you covered with protection starting at 79 a year. 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And sean spicer was on abcs Dancing With The Stars in 2019. But giulianis upcoming stint is after his Law License Ways suspended because of his lies about the 2020 election. S suspended because of his lies about the 2020 election. And it would be fair to say that the only reason the results of a democratic president ial election were not overturned is because giuliani attempts were thwarted. So what better place to hide from Law Enforcement than a singing show. And with me now, a professor and author of show business politics. And also i need to get your reaction to Rudy Giuliani finding time to be a contestant on a really at the show despite his mounting rely troubles. Maybe it is a last ditch effort of a free man or he might feel that this could work out for him like it for some others. My concern here is that the media executives are green lighting an executive to normalize the behavior of someone who literally is behind the insurrection and the big lie. You know, the Entertainment Industry tends to be a bit more liberal, people go to Media Entertainment to normalize the experiences. Right . That sometimes influences how people view elected officials. But this is concerning. And im grateful that two of the judges walked off because of what they are saying that this is actually giving a platform to someone who has literally destroyed our democracy and is continuing to make these claims and is under investigation. Kaths catherine, you wrote the book on this 7 your thoughts. He is taking the page out of nixons playbook. On this 7 your he is taking the page out of nixons playbook. After losing the 1960 president ial election, he held a rant about media bias and blamed the press for his loss and he made headlines when he famously said that wont have nixon to kick around anymore. And when he was looking to resurrect his political career, he turned to experts and they highlighted his image as a sore loser. And so they tried to humanize him and they tried to show that he had a sense of humor. And that is where he went on laughin. And what is key here, it fit into the campaigns broader strategy of trying to appear directly to Television Viewers and to bypass a press that they out was fundamentally biased against nixon and trying to get him and undermine his campaign. And it offered an opportunity for him to emphasize his personality and not his policies or his record. So, alencia, fir want to say i completely agree with you this is abhorrent in a number of ways. I also think kathryn says something very interesting, as a strategy, if you can look at it as a strategy, this is a way of actually getting around the press, right . Of skirting a press that would be critical of you, ask questions of you and still getting attention and variety. The argument was made to me early in the week this is something conservatives have been willing to do, right . Theyve willing to go on these reality shows. The only time we see democrats doing the same is if its like president obama going between two ferns and ultimately making an argument for obamacare. Is there something to this . The idea of accepting we now live in an Attention Economy and actually maximizing that exposure . We definitely live in an Attention Economy. To be honest, why would conservatives not do this, when their last president is literally a former reality star . Tucker carlson went on Dancing With The Stars and he said he did it because he didnt know what to do with his life, but he did it so he could stay relevant. So people can kind of in their minds subconsciously involve these elected leaders from the harm theyre causing policy wise and say oh, but i liked them on Dancing With The Stars. Oh, sarah palin was in that mask and she was fun and lets forget about all of the things she said in the 2008 election and all of the other things shes done. Its really unfortunate conservatives see this as a gain for their own personal game and for their image when democrats im so grateful you mentioned that moment about president obama, we used this as an opportunity to actually reach more people on policies that will them them. We use pop culture as a tool to help and expand the electorate and help them understand complicated policies and how they will impact their everyday lives and republicans and conservatives use this to ask people, forget about all of the harm im doing and lets forget about all of the legal issues and battles im entangled in and let me look like a fun thing at your dinner table tonight when im doing these things behind your back. Kathryn, your thought on the divide and the difference the way democrats and republicans utilize these platforms . And the Responsibility Networks have in choosing someone like this to appear on whats supposed to be a Family Friendly show . Well, i think its really important to understand that political and entertainment values shape one another. And this is absolutely something that you saw in the aftermath of nixons decision to go on laufin. There were significant reasons that had nothing 20 do with why he won the election but he and his advisers saw it as the defensetive thing that gave him that election and reshaped two of their campaigns. They really saw the difference between nixon the loser and nixon the winner as a race of Chauvinest Policies and entertainment. So they notably figured like roger ailes, then went and advised a whole slate of different candidates on this is what you need to do to get elected. And more fundamentally, i think it also ushered in a shift in terms of what people lr looking for and what they began to expect from their leaders and that overwhelmingly was entertainment and performance, ultimately paving the way for Ronald Reagan and, of course, donald trump. I got to tell you, i understand youre looking at this through an historical lens, kathryn, but i look forward to reading the book one day about how our children have a wild swingback against this idea of politicians and entertainers. Alencia, thank you very much for your time. At the top of the hour, part of my conversation of an estranged wife of the reared of the oath keepers as the Republican National Committee Makes one thing clear, theyre willing to go as far as we did to win. The latest on the january 6th investigation. Former Vice President mike pence admits he had, quote, no right to overturn the 2020 election. And later, congressman Jamie Raskins Chief Of Staff joins me to talk about a brandnew documentary detailing his difficult year personally and professionally. Plus, the latest from london as the queen makes a big announcement during her platinum jubilee. Those stories and much more ahead on the second hour of American Voices. E ahead on the second hour of ahead on the second hour of American Voices. Making your way in The World Today takes everything youve got taking a break from all your worries sure would help a lot wouldnt you like to get away . Sometimes you want to go where Everybody Knows your name and theyre always glad you came you want to be where you can see our troubles are all the same you want to be where Everybody Knows your name you want to go where people know people are all the same you want to go where Everybody Knows your name vo for me, one of the best things about life is that you want to go where ewe keep moving forward. E we discover exciting new technologies. Redefine who we are and how we want to lead our lives. Basically, choose what we want our future to look like. So whats yours going to be . Mission control, we are go for launch. Um, shes eating the rocket. Lunchables built to be eaten. Its 5 00 a. M. , and i feel like i can do anything. 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Meet a little boy named dylan with a heck of a story and heck of a personality and combined the two to become one of the most highly acclaimed authors in his community. Heres nbcs joe fryer. Reporter libraries are designed for checking books out, but 8yearold dylan recently proved you can check one in. They thought i was kidding but i wasnt. Reporter he recently wrote his own book, filling an empty journal with 81 pages of words and illustration featuring an exploding Christmas Tree and giant turkey. Its called the inventor of a Big Christmas by dylan hiss self. Reporter thats right, his book was so good he felt it belonged on the shelves of the Community Library so ever so discreetly, he took the initiative. So then i came in this aisle wait, this aisle, and then i put my book right here. Reporter what were you afraid of . Librarians catching me. Reporter were you afraid you might have been in trouble . I hadnt really thought about that part. His conscience hasnt gone to that part yet. Reporter when the librarians did find out, they threw some stickers on it and made it available to check out. My first reaction was, what . Really . You know, is that possible . Like you can do that . You can do that. Reporter the last check, the way for dylans book was at 64, motivating the young author to get going on a sequel. And its called the jacket eating closet, based on actual events. Reporter Budding Publishing Empire Thanks to a sneaky plan by dylan hiss self. Joe fryer, nbc news. Based on actual events, i need to know more. A new hour of American Voices starts right now. This hour the grand ole party goes to new extremes. The rnc taking new heights, formally citing those who attacked american democracy. At this hour, one

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