highlight. as the associate press reported today at one point the president was confused when staffers weren't as excited as he was watching the unrest unfold. we also learned that some of trump's presidential records were packed up and move from d.c. to his mar-a-lago residents. in an apparent flagrant violation of presidential records act. that is, those are the records that still exist. we also learned that some of trump's records, relating to the investigation into the insurrection had to be taped back together after they were ripped apart. and some of them cannot be recovered at all, because well, as we just learned some of trump officials -- so burn bags. where they were destroyed rather than preserved. in turn bags? wonder why the trump administration was actively moving and destroying records. including those related to the investigation of the sixth. while trump's a boxy, knows no bounds it's worth mentioning. i feel duty bound to point out.