regular marketplace, with an invisible hand of adam, smith again we have the digital hand of zuckerberg, that everybody has to appeal to, that is a new species of power, when it talks about three billion people who are plugged into that system. >> again, it's not the algorithm, the key point is here is that the algorithm is just a very efficient means of aggregating pre conscious attentional desires. which is to say, all the algorithm does, is surface the stuff that grabs our olympic system, in the stuff that grabs erwin big system, which is the brain stem, the core parts of us, the parts that are sort of the most ancient, and at least associated with consciousness, is threat, fear, lost, all that the seven deadly sins, i don't want to say the problem is, us but the reason it's dangerous, is precisely because if it's efficiency of grabbing something in, us as posing throwing something on to us. >> what was the question there? >> then it's not voicing