this was the sort of moment of reckoning for them, when it all sort of laid out explicitly in front of them. >> this all builds up to bolton, right? fiona hill has come forward, and she gave testimony in defiance of the white house telling her not to, she's left. i mean, bolton seems like the most high profile, the most key and in some ways probably the most dangerous witness for the president. his lawyer tonight saying that he is not willing to appear voluntarily, but he stands ready at all times to accept service of a subpoena on his behalf. do you read that to say i will come if you subpoena me sph. >> i don't quite get there with that language from his lawyer, stands ready for the service of subpoena. i mean, bolton and his deputy charles cupperman are engaged in an interesting side battle here that seems like it's complicated but designed to sort out which legal authority should prevail here and whether they should be