a fighting chance in 2020, which begs the question, why is she in this? do you get the sense that the haley campaign thought they were gonna go up against trump? >> i'm not sure. i think now that she is actually positioned, i think of the one non trump person is in the race, she has more of a shot than desantis. she could do well. she'd be much better in new hampshire and south carolina. does she want this or not? that is the question. i think you dried stink shun. there is no distinction between whether she crosses trump or whether she has done so already in our people would dismiss nikki haley in trump world and trump voter world is someone that hasn't already jumped off the reservation to run against him. it's not a very subtle group. it's not a subtle way of thinking about another person and an opponent. >> what's your impression of her as a candidate? you point out some of her mueller prop isms and strange