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Tensions between germany and turkey are near breaking point. Relations were strained when german turkish journalist deneez yoojel was jailed in istanbul last month. Now they are under even more pressure as a referendum approaches on substantially increasing president erdogans powers. As ankara tries to appeal to the more than one million turks living in germany who are eligible to vote, this once Close Community now find its differences have become bitter divisions. Reporter hot off the press. Hayir means no in turkish. The activist and Green Party Politician murvet ozturk is hoping to convince the turkishgerman community in her hometown of wetzlar to vote against a constitutional amendmdment which would give te president more power. Ms. Ozturk ifif people arae woieied about freeeely expressg an o opinion 300000 kilometersy from turkey, as an elected democrat, i cant t look away. Im getting g involved becausei want to support people here whod rather vote no. Reportrter ozturk was born nn germany. Her parents came here almost 50 years ago to escape poverty and the lack of frfreedom in turke. Today,y, shes worried that tury is headed in the wrong direction. And she worries that people in germanys Turkish Community can no longer express opposition without fear. Ms. Ozturk it would be terrible if people were to take revenge after the referendum. In the sense of, they voted no, so lets get them. That would be very dangerous. Lets give the taxi driver a flyer. Can i give you this . Its better if you dont. Ms. Ozturk why . Because youre turkeys enemies. Ms. Ozturk we just want people to be able to express their opinions freely. Reporter ozturk finds more support at an event to raise awareness about her no Campaign Among the local kurdish and alevi communities. Ththey are generally more crcril of turkish president Recep Tayyip Erdogan and his plans. Ozturk knows that every vote fromom germany w will count. Ms. Ozturkrk lets not forgrt tayyip edeniz yucel. Is plans. That hes in jail in turkey, that theres no independent judiciary anymore. One more reason to vote no. Reporter the town of florsheim is an hour away. This is where the journalist deniz yucel grew up and went to school. Worried about his safety in jail, his parents are refusing to talk to the media. The same holds for most of the germanTurkish Community here. Only one shop owner is willing to talk to us about yucels detention. Some people say its s righ. Others say its wrong. Right because he interviewed people from a terror organizatiti. Why y did he do that . Thats a problem for the turkish state. But i think everyone is responsible for their own actions. Reporter otheher locals i n florsheim dont really understand why some people of turkish descent are supporting erdogan. They grew up here. How could they believe thehese things . I guess they jusust watch turkh tv and t think that whats beig saidid there is the truth. Reporter turkish nenewspapers e widely a available in n germa, including the progovernment daily sabah. It is a vocal critic anyone who opposes erdogan, and says that deniz yucel is a terrorist. The papers German Office is in frankfurt, but we received no response to our queries about its coverage of the deniz yucel case. Murvet ozturk is well aware that she is on the radar of the progovernment media. As an activist and politician, shes used to being criticized for her views. But still, she was shocked when sabah denounced her as a traitor. Like many germanturkish popoliticians, shes also becomg more worried about her safety. Ms. Ozturk id prefer to live without police protection. I still believeve i can, but f course ill seek advice. I hope that whatss happening w doesnt become the norm here in germany. Reporter she refuses to give up the fight for democracy in turkey. In her hometown of wetzlar, shes received either with a noncommittal shrug or sometimes outright rejection. Ms. Ozturk a lot will havavo be d done after e e referendum too. We have to estabablish a cultue ofof debate, political educati. We need a respspectful cultutuf debatete. We need that here e very badl. Reporter in the meantime, shell continue to call on her fellow turkish citizens in germany to vote no in the rereferendum, and campaigngn r their right toto express their opinion wiwithout fear somemething thatats become alt impossiblele in turkey. Michelle for r many of us, a garage is a place we use for storage or more likely, to park our cars. But for some russians trying to make a living in a troubled economic climate, its a place for business. They are often transformed into anything from a car repair shop to a hairdressers. However, most of the millions of people running these garazhniki dont pay tax, which has lead Vladimir Putin to announce a crackdown. Our reporter, juri rescheto, went to find out what makes this shadow economy tick. Juri a classic c garage band russianstyle. And a garage upholstery shop. And a doityourself recycling center. Theyre all part of grenada a garage cooperative in the city of nabereznye chelny, a city of half a Million People over 1000 kilometers east of moscow. This male domain is ruled by a woman ekaterina ermakova, known locally as catherine the great. Ms. Ermakova i know my lads, and they know me. Juri ms. Ermakova has been chairwoman of the garage cooperative for the past 20 years. She can open a few doors that would otherwise stay locked tight to outsiders. In this workshop, old soviet cars are made good as new. Customization goes handinhand with restoration. These are collectors items on four wheels. Valeri, as well call him, is a master mechanic in high demand. A customer explains what hed like done with his old uazik. Valeri is versatile. In his garages basement, he does upholstery work of all kinds. He says hes legally registered as a small businessman as legal as he can be, working cash in hand, and no billing. That may be why he wanted to remain anonymous. Garage cooperatives like this one are a holdover from the soviet era. They were built to house vehicles, but since capitalism took hold, the state has not been privy to what goes on behind the closed doors. Ms. Ermakova even if one of them suddenly decided to go legit and register his trade, hedd have to pay so much moren rent and taxes and undergo so many checks, from environmental to fire safety regulations, that his business wouldnt survive. Thats why everyone here lies low. Juri estimates of the garazhnikis numbers run to 30 million, or about 40 of russias ablebodied population a vast shadow economy. They have no intention of sharing their earnings with the state. Yet theyre urgently needed by russias legitimate economy by the industry they once fled. Boris used to work as an automotive mechanic. Now hes specialized in fixing loudspeakers. Boris for 30 years, i worked in a plant and got hardly any pay for it. Finally, i quit, and ive been my own boss here ever since not officially, of course. I avoid any contact with the authorities. Theyre corrupt themselves. They just demand bribes. I wont go along with that. Juri no government has yet succeeded in breaking the vicious circle the tradesmen cheat the state, or the state cheats them. All across russia, the situation is much the same billions of rubles roll past the state. Ms. Ermakova putin ought to make his officials pay taxes first. If theyd pay taxes on their own property, then my boys would all be working here legally. Juri president Vladimir Putin has finally realized the urgency of controlling unregistered businesses and ordered an overhaul of the incomprehensible and overly complicated taxation and certification systems for small businesses. But that may not be nearly enough to bring the shadow economy into the open not as long as russians lack any real confidence in their state. Michelle a lone wolf terrorist killed four people in london before being shot and killed by Security Forces in the capital last weeeek. But the e focus soon shifted o britains second city, birmingham, where the attacker lived and where police have carried out a number of raids linked to the atrocity. A disproportionate number of convicted islamist militants, including some linked to 9 11 and to last years bombings in brussels, have come from the city. Our reporter went to birmingham to gauge the mood there. Reporter terrorists used to use kalashnikovs and explosives. But the most recent had nothing more than a car, rented in birmingham, for less than 200 euros a day. Towards 2 30, khalid masood, an islamist radicalized in prison, drove his rented hyundai suv along londons westminster bridge, careening into the crowded sidewalk at 70 kilometers per hour. A surveillance camera captured the incident. It was over in sececonds. The footage shows one victim throwing herself into the river. A few seconds after the attack, phone videos documented the horrific ramifications. Over 50 people strewn along the bridge, several severely injured. Some were still fighting for their lives days after the incident. After leaving the bridge, masood rammed his vehicle into the fence of westminster palace the Meeting Place ofof the b brh parliament and its prime miminister. Kevin schofield, a journalist working in parliamament, heard e collision and then witnessed what happened next. The perprpetrator headed off n foot. His next victim was an unarmed policeman guarding the palace entrance. Mr. Schofield they looked like they were fighting, because i couldnt tell at that time that he had a knife on him. But it all happened really, really quiuickly. And as i say, another Police Officer came into view, trying to approach the incident and thatat was when the attacker gt up and went for the other Police Officer as well with his knife, but he was obviously shot before he could do any more damage. Reporter the last moments before the attacker was stopped by several shots. The terrorist, khalid masood, died in hospital. A father of three, who became a multiple killer. Prior to his deed, the 52yearold lived in birmingham, long deemed a hub for radical islamists. A recent study claims that every tenth british jihadist comes from there. Until december 2016, masood lived in the district of winson green. As a teenager, he was a petty criminal who then converted to islam in prison a biography shared by thousands. He was on the British Secret services radar, but only as a peripheral figure. To his neighbors, he was an outsider too. Hardly anyone knew this man, who once worked as an english teacher in saudiarabia. Ms. Romek he was a very big guy. Nice, calm. I wouldnt say that he could do something wrong, really. Always taking care of the garden, cutting the grass, washing the car. I dont think he went into some conversations with the neieighbs here. He was just a closed person. Reporter a religious loner with a wife and children attracts little attention in birmingham. After all, many muslims live in britains second largest city. But since the attack, the relatively peaceful status quo has been upset. Were made out to be the bad boys, you know, the terrorists. But realistically, were all the same people. You know, me, you, him, cameraman, everybody. Were all the same people. But some Media Channels not all, some Media Channels, make muslims the bad boys. Reporter london on friday afternoon. Westminster bridge is buzzing with tourists once again. London may be mourning, but it refuses to bow to o fear. Terrorism, it seems, has no chance againinst british dedemocracy. Thats the good n. Michelelle at the tender age f 15, daniel has already been living on the streets of bucharest for five years. And hes one of the hundreds of Homeless People who live not on the streets, but under them. Daniel hopes to one day have a normal life above ground, and with the help of an ngo, which teaches children like him circus skills, he may just be able to find a way out. Reporter when the winter sun hangs low over bucharest, its historical facades seem to shine with a warm glow. But many of its residents here hardly ever feel that warmth. Hundreds of Homeless People live underground in the citys tunnel systems. Among them are many children. Theyve set up housekeeping between the pipes that supply the metropolis with heat. 40yearold liviu has been sleeping down here for years, along with a number of teenagers he picked up off the streets. A few months ago, he took in 15yearold daniel. The boy tells us his mothers dead, and his fathers an alcoholic. He ran away when he was 10 years old. Down here, hes found Something Like a second home. Daniel this is my bed here. I have to clean it thoroughly every evening, because everyone who comes through here steps on it with their shoes, and it gets pretty dirty. Reporter he takes meticulous care of his new lodgings. But it isnt that easy for him to sweep his memory clean of what he experienced at home. Daniel i often think of my dead brother. I think of my sister who livess somewhere far away in another countrtry. And i ththink of my owown dead d and the girl i had the baby with. Reporter many here have similar stories to tell. They drown their memories in alcohol and other drugs. Now, daniels found something else. As often as he possibly can, he makes the long walk several kilometers across bucharest to a circus performers s school runy the parada Child Protection ngo. Street children have been getting training here for years, learning acrobatics, juggling with rings, balls, and clubs. Its a tough school and a challenge for daniel, but he wouldnt dream of giving up. Daniel i feel good here, because i forget all my cares and problems when im training. Reporter then daniel has to go out to make some money, as he puts it. He heads for a spot close to the romanian parliament. Some friends from the tunnels are already there. They hang out together to beg. This spot is pretty good, because its a little bit out of view, so the police dont bother us so much here. At the same time, lots of people come along and they give us money or something to eat. Reporter back at the school, the others keep practicing. Some, like 30yearold alina, have been here for years. She was living on the street, as well, but now shes got a job in a hotel and a room of her own. Alina this is my family. I can relax here. Ive found the nicest place ive ever had in my life. Reporter a few hours later, daniel comes back and gets an earful from alina, because he went begging instead of practicing. Alina i know what you can do, daniel. I know your potential. Take an example from me. You can make it, too. So come on and pull yourself together. Reporter this evening, the Street Children of bucharest have Something Special planned. Many of them have been living in the shadows for years. Now, theyre in the spotlight. Just for one day, they can be heroes. Michelle for many northern europeans, italy means warmth, light and bright sunshine. But thats not always the case, which the residents of the small Mountain Village of viganella know only too well. In the winter, they feel left in the lurch by the sun. But the villages mayor has come up with an ingenious way to reflect some light into their darkness. Reporter more light. Thats what the inhabitants of viganella have always wanted in winter. For three months a year, the village is plunged into darkness and cold. Many of the locals cant deal with it, so they escape to sunnier spots, leaving houses empty. But there is some help coming from above where the sun shines. Viganellas deputy mayor pier franco midali, who is actually a train driver, is committed to bringing light to the village. Mr. Midali were heading for a rocky promontory well above the village where theres a mirror, which will beam sunlight straight onto the village square. Reporter it will take an hour to get to the spot. The mirror is in need of new equipment and some repairs. The sisides of the antntrona vy are so steep that cables or in the old days, mules are the only way of transporting heavy equipment to thehe top. A slow, painstaking journey thats not quite over yet. Pier franco has to undertake the final meters on foot. And finally he makes it. Hes 1100 meters above the village, which is hidden deep in the valley. And heres the mirror, measuring five by eight meters in size. The mayor fulfilled the lifelong dream when he had it installed 10 years ago to bring light to the dark valley a real technological challenge. Mr. Midali the material reflects 95 of the sunlight. Thats almost all the luminosity. But some of it gets lost because of vapor and dust particles in the air during the refraction. After all, the light does have to travel another kilometer to get to the village. Reporter after installing the control box, they have to check everything is working. The circuits and hydraulic pistons remained broken for two years after a fire damaged the control unit. The mirror was left to its own devices. The village remained in the dark. But now its working again, and beams sunlight right into viviganella. It even illuminates ros s and facades and parts of the village that have never captured the sun before, such as the churchs northern side to the delight of the villagers. Gianinno and his wife romina looked forward to this day for a long time. Theyre so glad to have light again after two o dark winter. Ms. Mancini of f course its t as powerful as the real sun. Its just a mirror. But were happy about this, for sure. Mr. Broggio the l lht warms my heart. Something is happening that i could never haveve imagined. Ms. Trischetti we have to celebrate that fact that weve finally got sun on our piazza in winter. Its wonderful. Reporter but theres still some finenetuning g to be done. The solar cycle has been saved by the computer, which can communicate with the mirror and make adjustments as necessary. Mr. Midali the mirror moves like the sun, but very slowly and in the opposite direction. This way, the sunlight is always reflected into the church square. Reporter but even this is not enough for midali. He wants to bring sunlight to the darkest corners of viganella so that the village comes back to l life in winter, too. Mr. Midali you have to be a bit crazy, in a positive w way, to have new i ideas and visioions. It helps to break out of this little world around us. Reporterer for now, t there ss to b be no reasoson why hehe wit be able to realize his vision and bring light and life to viganella for many winters to come. Michelle thats all foror tod. Let usus know what you think abt that or any of todays stories by sending a tweet or visiting our facebook page, dw stories. And be sure to look out for Damien Mcguiness when he returns next week. In the meantime, goodbye. [captioning performed by the national captioning institute, which is responsible for its caption content and accuracy. Visit ncicap. Org] man ladieses and gentlemen, pplease welcome bioioneers assocociate producer j. P. Harprpignies. [applause] harpignieies welcome, fellow creatures. Um, so i i have the great privilege of servingg ahemon a team that reviews hundreds of projects from around the world. Very inspiring project, in a way, very similar to what youve just seen, for the Buckminster Fuller challllenge, whicich is an annul prize that has been called, um, socially responsible e designs highehest award. Of course now, with the biomimiin

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