Transcripts For LINKTV Newsline 20160825 :

Transcripts For LINKTV Newsline 20160825

damaged by the earthquake and myanmar soldiers are clearing ththe debris now. at the top of the tower being down here. the ancient city of bagan is about 30 kilometers away from the quake center. the quake caused 185 pagodas to partially collapse. >> no, no, no! >> r reporter: one is the templ which was built in the 12th century and is known for its beautiful paintings. the quake knocked off the top part of the temple. it's now off limits due to the risk of further damage if aftershocks strike. >> very scary. yeah. we was drinking coffee and we hid under the tables. >> the whole building started to shake. nobody knew what was happening. then the staff came out and everybody got under the tables. >> reporter: myanmar's government has been campaigning to have bagan added to this list of sites. concerns are growing o over h h much it may cost to repair the structures here. and the impact on the tourism industry. daisuke iijima. in italy they are still looking for survivors. rescuers combing through debris in the town of pescara del torro found the legs of a girl. she was alive. >> translalator: the f fact she survived gives us hohope. >> in amatatrice, a town aboutu with about 2,600 residents, nearly all the buildings have collapsed. >> translator: it's just ruins. the town is gone. >> amatrice is a popular summer resort. authorities are afraid that many vacationers might be among the victims. italian prime minister visited the town and calleled for natiol unity. >> translator: it is timim i i which we are allowed to shed tears. for the faithful it is a moment to say a prayer. for everyone, it is a moment of respecect and pain. >> he expressed his resolve to find everyone who is missing. the italilian government has no reported on how many people are unaccounted for. the extent of the damage suggest many people are probably still trapped under the rubble. the u.n. security council has failed to reach an agreement on how to respond to north korea's latest missile launch. on wednesday the country fired what appeared to be a submarine launched ballistic missile or slbm. the security council held an emergency meeting in the wake of the launch. japan, the u.s., and south korea had requested the meeting and called for a stern response. the missile flew about 500 kilometers. it's believed to have come down in japan's air defense identification zone in the sea of japan. after the meeting, council president of malaysia said a majority of the members had criticized the launch but he said they failed to reach a c consens consensus. the unnc remains to continue looking at the issue. it is unclear whether they will take a strict stance against pyongyang. after north korea launch twod of what are believed to be no dong missiles. two including china says the council should avoid provoking the north. north korea state media report the country has successfully test fired a submarine ballistic missile. it took place under the guidance of kim jong-un. photos of kim at the test launch site were published. saying the region are now within north korea's grasp. it said the country's technology including the precision of itst delivery have mett a all of the requirementsts. north korea's statete run korea centntral televisision releleas video of the launch on thursday. the video shows a missile blasting up from under the sea and then disisappearing into th clouds. the images were taken from several angles and distances. experts say the swift release of the video is intended d to demonstrate north korea's advanced missile technology to the u.s. and south korea. an expert on the korean peninsula commented on the launch. >> translator: the missile flew 500 kilometers so it should be considered a success. launching ballistic missiles from submarines requires advanced technology. the north's technology appears to be quite advanced. submarines are hard to detect when they're under water. it's difficult to attack them. submarine launched ballistic missiles could target washington and new york. so the united states must be feeling threatened by the north's latest launch. the operator of the nuclear plant in fukushima wants to restart similar reactors in another part of japan, niigata prefecture. the company has apologized to the governor of the prefecture for concealing multiple meltdowns at the plant in 2011. the head of power company met with him. >> translator: we apologize for not properly respond to your inquiries. >> nearly five year after the accident, tepco members said if they properly followed their own manual, the meltdowns would have been announced much sooner. they also acknowledged that the company president at the time encouraged spokesperson not to use the term core meltdown. the revelation came after niigata officials urged tepco to announce why they waited to announce for two months. >> translator: i want a thorough investigigation into whahat wen wrong and i want to know the measurures the company has take to prevent the same thing from happening again. >> the governor says a full investigation is neeeeded on whether to decide whether to allow a nuclear plant to restart in his prefecture. let's now get a check on the markets. tokyo shares fluctuated in and out of negative territory awaiting a key speech from the u.s. federal reserve coming at the end of this week. giang nguyen has more from the tokyo stock exchange. >> janet yellen's anticipated speech this friday. tokyo shares without clear direction but in the end they tracked wall street lower. take a look at the closing levels this thursday, august 25th. the nikkei lost a quarter percent ending at 16,555. shares of japan's biggest staffing agency recruit holdings tumbled 5% after the company said a group of its shareholders would sell $2.5 billion of their holdsin holdsings. and careen holdings added 1.9% on top of the 7% jump on wednesday. now the symposium where janet yellen will speak opens later on thursday. to decide whether a rate a hike is in the cards this year. if that happens woob we're likely to see trading return with a vengeance. i'm giang nguyen. honda motor has launched a redesigned version of its sports car in japan. the all n new model features a hybrid system that marries a 581 hohorsepower gas engine with the electric motors for increased performance and fuel economy. the original debuted in 1990 and became popular. but honda stopped production in 2005 due to an economic slump.p. and tighter environmental regulations. the revived hybrid model is priced from around $240,000. >> translator: our principle is to continue making daily use vehicles and carars that focus the enjoyment of driving. i hope reintroducing the nsx will help make the honda brand more attractive. >> competition in auto makers is ramping up. automakers such as toyota and nissan have also launched new sport models. hokkaido is known for developing the miso style of ramen. but they're promoting curry flavored ramen as a local specialty. and on thursday they served schools a special curry ramen menu for lunch. dietitians at the city's school lunch center have modified local recipes to suit the taste of children. they've added fruit juice to make it less spicy. and topped the dish with boiled quail eggs, another local specialty. children enjoyed their spicy noodles. residents have been eating ramen for decades. about 20 local restaurants have been competing to devise recipes hoping the curry version will become a hit in hokkaido. the education board is supporting efforts in hopes the food culture will help local youth feel attached to their hometown. let's see how the markets are fairing. here are the latest figures. south korea's known to be a safe country where people can typically walk around alone even at night. but the murder of a young woman a few months ago has put a spotlight. nhk world has more. >> reporter: in may, a 23-year-old woman was stabbed to death byby a stranger inn a pub restroom in seoul. the suspect said he held a grudge against women who ignored him. according to police, he saw six men pass by before attacking a woman. >> translator: i'm so sorry to hear about the news of a young woman's tragedy. now i'll go back home early not to meet such a horrible event. >> reporter: a makeshift memorial was set up where the woman was stabbed. seoul's government has moved the memorial site to city hall to preserve it. at this memorial, there are countless messages mourning the loss of the young victim. they say things like we want to live in a safe society for women. seoul has been implementing measures to prevent crimes targeting women. one of them is a free service provided on community buses. it's a wireless bluetooth device. it automatically sends a text message to a family member when a passenger gets on or off the bus. the note includes when, where, and what the plate number of the vehicle is. people can use the service just by downloading the free application. so far more thanan 2,000 people are using this app. >> translator: there are dark alleyways without street lights on my way home. so i often use the text message service. my parents are also glad to know i'm safe. >> reporter: seoul is also providing a free walk safe service. this woman works as a fitness trainer. she often returns home late at night. she says she's been followed by strange men in the past. now yu makes a phone call before she gets on the subway. when she arrives at the station, two staff are already there. the walk safe service helps 19,000 clients get home safely. >> translator: i sometimes feel dangerous if i'm living alone. the dispatched staff escorts me to my doorway. now i can go out without worrying about coming home late. i really appreciate this service. >> reporter: seoul city officials say the numbers of users for walk safe services are steadily increasing. they say they intend to continue funding to meet the demand. kim chan-ju, nhk world, seoul. indonesia's rapid economic growth has brought about vast change in the nation including eating habits. the morphing palate is creating opportunities for japanese firms. >> reporter: rice is an endndle staple. this is one of the typical breaks for indonesian people. rice is everywhere in indonesian. in the porridge and to the evening meal of rice and vegetables. it's a mainstay on every table. >> translator: we eat rice every single day. i have no idea what we would do if there wasas none. >> reporter: but fears of economic growth have encouraged people to broaden their approach to what they eat. this cafe is packed with young indonesians. they're enjoyiying coffee with bread, a distinctly western way of eating. >> translator: i eat bread more often than rice because it's convenient. i eat bread almost every day. >> reporter: japanese companies are among those scrambling to respond to this change in the indonesian palate. these door-to-door bread vendors are from a japanese bakery. theyey're at 5:00 a.m. when peoe eat breakfast at the morning prayers. >> translator: we eat it every day. my children love japanese bread because it's soft. i don't have to go out to buy it, so it saves time. >> reporter: the bakery's bread sales have tripled over the past five years. it plans to expand into rural areas. >> traranslator: indonesia's middle class i is expanding yea by year. people by bread more often. now it's part of the country's diet. we expect the market to grow further. >> reporter: there are changes in meat sales too. as their incomes grow, many indonesians are turning from chicken to beef. this japanese restaurant has all you can eat beef barbecue, the first in the country. it costs about $18 a head. which is affordable for indonesian middle class. >> translator: it's juicy and tasty. i love beef, so i come here at least once a week. >> reporter: beef sales have doubled over the past five years. encouraged the japanese restaurant t to expand from sev outltlets in the country to fif. >> translator: i guess there were many people who wanted to try beef, so we hope to expand her more aggressively. >> reporter: as many prepare to venture into new culinary area, the opportunities of career, the challenge now is for businesses to find the right approaches and the products to guide them on their way. yusuke ota, nhk world, jakarta. toys these days tend to be loud and electronic as manufacturers focus on video games and virtual reality. but there's a quiet revolution happening in japan with a new kind of entertainment that appeals to a side o of children >> reporter: at this year's tokyo toy show, it ranged from a tiny submarine with camera to armor. about 35,000 products were on display from 160 companies from around the world. they included high-tech options but many of the newest toys were designed to unleash the user's inner artists. this may look like an ordinary pen, but when the ink is exposed to light, it gets hard. young artists can create three dimensional versions. >> translator: it was easy. >> reporter: many of these new creative toys are geared towards yoyounger children. like this sewing machine that doesn't reqequire thread. it uses a piece of felt to bind together. children here are making pictures out of beads that stick together when wet. this toy has become popular thanks in part to the internet. >> translator: people want to show off their creations online. children upload images to social media sites. then other kids see them and want to do the same thing. that's how toys like this catch on. >> reporter: the creativity craze has spread beyond toys to an amusement park in tokyo. it launched new attractions to help slumping attendance. this experience area took years to develop. it was created in collaboration with manufacturers in related industries. visitors to the fashion factory do some vigorous pedaling. and after a few minutes out pops a piece of nitted fabric with the creator's initials. at the car factory, manufacturers can choose their components and design. they can put the pieces together with a toy electric drill. then take the finished product for a spin. >> translator: driving it around was really fun. >> translator: it was great that we got to choose the parts and build exactly what we imagined. >> reporter: since the new area opened, the park has seen a 30% increase in monthly visitors. >> translator: we thought people would respond well to these hands-on exexperiences. bebeing able to engage in a creative process and build somemething unique hasas turned to be very popular. >> reporter: businesses like this are finding that igniting the spark of creativity can help them keep up with changing tastes. giang nguyen, nhk world, tokyo. time now for weather here on nhk "newsline." numerous tornadoes have touched down in parts of the northern u.s. destroying many homes. standing by is sayaka mori from our weather desk with the details. sayaka? >> yes. on wednesday many tornadoes and large hail were reported in places like indiana as well as illinois. now we have some video coming out of kokomo where a massive tornadado hit onon wednesday. a large and extremely dangerous tornado hit kokomo near indianapolis on wednesday. the tornado demolished numerous homes, broke down many trees and power lines. 30,000 residents were without popower. ththere have been no reports of fatalities and were no major injuries, luckily. and this system is actually rated as an ef-3. which is the third h highest category for tornadoes. now, in just one day on wednesday, tornadoes -- 35 tornado reports across indiana and ohio in the united states. there's a possibility for thunderstorms and tornadoes once again acacross illinois and indiana. the'ss a cold front stitill located in the area. still watch out for the bad weather situation. now, temperatures are going to be in the mid-30s across the southeast. 33 degrees in atlanta on thursday. and across the northwest, seattle will be heating up once agaiain. the high could be 30 degrees. that's about 10 degrees higher than normal. let's go t to asia. we have been looking at this system. this is lionrock. right now a strong typhoon. it has been pulling away from main island of japan over the last several days. but this one is expected to make a u-turn and move back to the mainland of japan once again. this is a strong typhoon at the moment right now packing gusts of 260 kilometers per hour. but it will likely intensify to a violent typhoon by friday. and the system could move into central japan as we go into next week. we will keep you posted on the progress. if it hits the kanto region, it could become the strongest ever recorded in the kanto region. so it's going to be a quite strong system. meanwhile over the past couple of days, this frontal system is going to be a very big threat. this is expected to move into northern japan including hohokkaido including w where th tropicical systems d dumped rainfall. more rain isis not good news. however,aiain is much needed for seoul because this area has had 23.6 millimeteters off rainfnfa since the beginning of august. that's actually 7% of the montnthly rainfall for august. so this area is definitely dealing with drought. so rain is definitely needed. temperatures are cooling down to the 20s in seoul for the first time since late july thanks to the rainy weather. 30 degrees in beijing with sunshine. and chonongqing 36 degrees into frfriday. across europe, a jet stream is meandering up to the north allowing hot air to come in from the south. so temperatures expected to be as follows. paris had the high of 36 on wednesday. that's over 10 degrees higher than normal. things will stay that way. so watch out for heatstroke. and across amatrice in italy where the massive earthquakes have occurred, temperatures will be in the mid to upper 20s into saturday. but at night quite chilly. all right. here's your extended forecast. >> you are watching france 24. time for 60 minutes live around the world. these are the top stories. the death toll from wednesday's earthquake in italy has now jumped to 247. rescue crews worked overnight trying to find survivors. a historic deal to end 50 years of fighting. colombia's government and the country's biggest rebel group reach an agreement to end one of the largest running conflicts in the world.

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New York , United States , Pyongyang , P Yongyang Si , North Korea , Malaysia , Japan , Tokyo , Paris , France General , France , China , Beijing , Illinois , Indiana , Colombia , Pescara , Abruzzo , Italy , Indonesia , Washington , Seattle , Seoul , Soul T Ukpyolsi , South Korea , Indianapolis , Seoul City , Ohio , Niigata , Jakarta , Jakarta Raya , Indonesians , Italian , Indonesian , Japanese , Janet Yellen , Giang Nguyen Nhk , Daisuke Iijima , Yusuke Ota , Giang Nguyen , Nhk Newsline , Kim Jong ,

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