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Growing number of people flowing into europe as winter approaches. U. N. Secretary general ban ki moon made a sudden trip to the middle east trying to bring an end to the continuing violence between israelis and palestinians. And china and members of the association of Southeast Asian nations wrapped up two days of talks focused on the issue of the South China Sea. Syria president assad made a surprise visit to moscow. He thanked russian president putin for conducting air strikes. Russia launched the attacks against alleged Islamic State militants in late september. The kremlin says the meeting took place tuesday expressing gratitude to russias leadership and the people for unity and independence. Assad is quoted as saying military strikes against the treasures are essential. He says terrorism is an obstacle for political settlement of the crisis. The kremlin quotes putin saying russia is ready not only to contribute to the fight against terrorism, but the political process for peace. This is the first foreign trip by president assad since the conflict erupted in syria four years ago. This summit comes as they step up support to antigovernment forces in the country. Syria media reports the leaders stressed that future of the nation will be decided by the Syrian People themselves. A Group Monitoring the civil war in syria says the russian air strikes have killed more than 120 civilians. Members of the british based syria observatory for human rights say 370 people have. Killed in russian air strikes. Onethird of them, civilians, including women and children, and they blame the Russian Military for not distinguishing civilians from its intended targets. They say more than 240 rebel fighters including Islamic State militants were among the dead. President putin says the air strikes will ensure that russians who have joined groups like the Islamic State do not carry out attacks at home. Translator the operation confirms that russia is ready to adequately and effectively respond to terrorism and any other threats to our country. Putin said its important to expose links between international militant groups and terrorists within russia. He said Security Forces had killed 112 domestic terrorists this year and taken 560 others into custody. European governments try to grapple with a growing number of tide of newcomers, and the unite Agency Refugee is sounding an alarm as winter approaches. So far this year in europe the number, via the mediterranean is 643,000. Saying more than half a Million People arrived in greece alope this year on their way to other parts of europe. Many are from war torn countries like syria. She urges European Countries to quickly arrange shelters for the migrants and refugs and to take other measures saying failing to provide for the new arrivals jeopardizes an e. U. Agreement to resettle many of them. Crowds of newcomers in slo vain ya prompted the government to deploy its military to try to maintain order. The country is a transit point for people headed to western europe after hungary closed its borders. Government officials planned to cap new arrivals at 2500 a day, but kro asia transforted people to the border on trains and busses so slovania is expected to add more. They will not rule out possibility of setting up physical barriers at the border crossings. Ban ki moon urged Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to show restraint in the current conflict of the countrys forces and the palestinians. Hes making an impromptu visit to the middle east to try to mediate the situation. Im here in the hope that we can work together, that to end the violence, ease the tensions, and begin to restore a long term political horizon of peace. Ban said excessive use of force breeds frustration and fuels further violence, but Benjamin Netanyahu said pal s p palestinians incited violence and that israel have taken extensive measures. A wave of clashes that erupted in a holy site in jerusalem last month spread to engulf other parts of the city and the west bank. Attacks and reprisals left at least 50 dead and nearly 2,000 injured on both sides this month. The secretary general plans to meet palestinian president abbas wednesday in the west bank. Officials from china and association of Southeast Asian nations held two days of talks in the chinese city, and the two sides are trying to thrash out differences on the South China Sea. Nhk world has the story. Officials discuss the legally binding code of conduct for pretentious areas in the South China Sea. China has been increasing its presence in the area. It has been conducting a series of land field projects in the disputed spratley islands and building cities on the claimed lands. A British Research institute announced late last month showed that china has completed 3,000 meter airstrip on the island. Thats long enough for aircraft to use. If that were to go into operation, china would have a base very close to the philippines. The philippines is now hurriedly epping up cooperation with the United States and boosting its naval power in order to counter chinas increasing maneuvers in the area. The philippines and u. S. Began joint training in the South China Sea. About 2,000 marines from both countries participated in the drill. That is cause for alarm or concern, not only for the philippines, but also for the all other countries that are benefitting in the south choi that sea. The presence of the United States in the region gives us the confidence that they would help us, small countries in the region. Reporter last month, u. S. President obama and chinese president xi held talks in washington. One of the main top cics was th issue of the South China Sea. Obama says it is the right of all countries to have the freedom of navigation and expressed significant concern. China takes a different path. The president says beijing has a right to uphold, and lawful life and interest. Im committed to expanding our cooperation even as we address disagreements candidly and constructively. Reporter chinese leaders fear that if the United States becomes involved in the issue, it will make things worse so the talks were held only with members in china. After the talks, Chinese Vice Foreign minister emphasized that china will resolve any differences through talks for nations concerns. The matter of the South China Sea is just one issue between china and some asean members. Reporter some media reports have people appeasement, but this is not true. Observers say china wants to avoid isolation by holding talks with countries in china stressing the importance of takes for developing this issue peacefully. Nhk world. Well keep you updated on that, thank you very much. Mean while, japanese officials plan to hold talks with chinese counterparts to discuss maritime issues including a plan to set up a security hotline for emergencies. The two sides are arranging their next round of working talks as early as next month in beijing. The meeting is expected to focus on efforts to launch a communication mechanism between the two countries defense authorities to avoid clashes at sea and in the air. Officials in tokyo plan to reiterate objections to repeated intrusions by Chinese Government ships into japanese territorial waters which japan controls. The japanese government main tapes the islands are an inherent part of japan easter story. China and taiwan claim them. A war of words erupted between officials from china and japan at the u. N. In new york. It happened at a meeting of the world bodies nuclear disarmorment committee. Chie noos ambassador said japan might use its stockpile of plutonium from the fleet of Nuclear Power plants to develop weapons. We know that the breakout time for japan to become japans ambassador expects inspections and surveillance by the International Atomic energy agency. Japan has adhered to a basic policy of maintaining exclusivity, national, and defense oriented policy, not becoming a military power that poses a threat to other countries. He added that japan abides by three nonnuclear principles against possessing, producing, or permits Nuclear Weapons on japanese territory. Youre watching newsline live from tokyo. People in japan have been seeing more foreign tourists. Gene otani has the latest figures and a roundup of the latest business headlines, gene . Thanks, james. A Record Number of foreign visitors came to japan in the first nine months this year. The total is already higher than last years annual figure. The number of foreign visitors for nine months came close to 14. 5 million, up nearly 49 from last year. The figure already beats the total for 2014, which was the highest on record. Travelers from Mainland China top the list at 3. 8 million, more than double the number the year before. Travelers from south korea and taiwan were nextment the number of visitors in september alone up nearly 47 from a year before. The weaker yen and eased visa requirements for chinese visitors are key factors in the increase. Visitors are spending more, tourist expenditures in july and september topped 1 trillion yen or 8. 3 billion for the first time. Officials say the figure is up 82 from last year. Its the highest quarterly total since the survey began in 2010. Japans trade balance in the red again due mainly to a fallen exports to china. The latest figure show trade remains in negative territory for the six months in a row. The officials at a finance Ministry Said exports inched up last month by 0. 6 from earlier. A shipment to the United States helped the rise, but education ports to china fell. The value of imports dropped 11 from the year before as falling prices held down the bills for liquid oil and gas. The trade deficit for september stood at114 billion yen or 955 million. For the first half of the fiscal year, there was a trade deficit of about 11 billion, but it shrank from a year before due to Lower Crude Oil prices. The Officials Say hay will closely watch how the slow down affects japanese exports. Checking the market shares in tokyo, reversed earlier losses as hopes rise for stimulus measures, the nikkei reached a six week high, and for more, we go to our Business Reporter at the tokyo stock exchange. Aika . Reporter the bank of japan is facing pressure to add more stimulus, leading to a cnge in stock prices. The nikkei rose 18554. The broader topix climbed 1. 8 , recoffering 1500 points for the first time in three trading sessions. Major gains came from export makers contributing 28 points to the nikkei average. They finished up 3 . Toyota spiked 2 , and weaker yen supports exporters. Into the early season in japan, early reports and corporate performances are moving the market. Shares of robot maker jumped 10 after sharp rise in the operating profit. A media report says global parts led to solid gains in Companies Like Murata Manufacturing and tdk. Overall, there was a slight improvement and Market Sentiment with traders looking at whole performances rather than broad economic list. Aika nanao at the tokyo stock exchange. Thank you. In china, the shanghai tumbled 3 to close at 3320. Thats the biggest oneday fall in five weeks. Investors took profits following a two month high on tuesday. Profit taking also dragged down taiwan stocks. The taiex retreated. 5 . Seoul added 0. 2 , and the jakarta stretched gains to a fifth straight day, and mumbai is down by 0. 07 , just by a fraction ahead of a National Holiday thursday. Markets in hong kong were closed for a holiday. Government officials have announced japan will abolish tariffs on 95 of imported good as part of the tpp. Other tpp countries like canada, mexico, and peru, the u. S. , australia, and malaysia have gone further, abolishing tariffs an almost all imports. However, in japan, some sectors harbor concerns about the tpp. Nhk world has more. Reporter japan defended its interests during the tpp negotiations. Reporter addressing such concerns, mthe minister stresse the tpp deal is in japans best interest. A Government Task force held the first public briefing on the tpp tuesday. Many participants asked for government majors to protect japans farming industry. I am very worried the tpp deal with cut off hopes for the future of young dairy farmers. Translator i want the government to take fiscal measures and implement budgets to improve profitability. Reporter this deal sees japan moving more than ever before, 95 or 9,000 items. Eventually, the country will list tariffs on all industrial goods. Japan continues to protect some items from competition. After 19 of seafood and agriculture products and for five key categories including rice, beef, and pork. Tariffs maintained on 70 of them. For rice, japan will keep existing tariffs on nearly 3. By contrast, after the agreement takes effect, other tariffs will be lifted. Translator i prefer cheaper products. Translator i will choose domestic products because they are safe. Reporter new challenges, perhaps, but also new opportunities for farmers. While growers in japan worry about the thought of cheap imports, they see a chance to expand their sales abroad. Translator our group is holding negotiations to export our onions overseas. We are working to establish the brand globally. Reporter this puts farmers minds at risk. The government plans to introduce problems at the competitiveness of japans agriculture. The problems will be include in the supplemental budget to be worked out by the end of the year. Nhk world. Heres a look at some of the other business stories were following. Tokyos airport placed third in a ranking of best airports for travelers. More than 25,000 users voted on the canadian website, sleeping in airports, and they received high marks for the convenience and sushi restaurants. Singapores airport placed top followed by seouls airport. Japanese supermarket sales up for the sixth month in a row. They rose 3 in september, and that marked the longest growth streak in 23 years. The factor behind the rise is higher prices for food, irregular weather this summer, and weaker yen pushing up costs. Japanese gasoline prices at the pump have snapped a four week run of price decline. The average retail price is 133. 8 yen per liter monday unchanged from the week before. Some wholesalers raised the rates following the rise of crude oil. Toyota recalls 6. 5 million cars around the world due to a faulty power ndow. It could lead to short circuits and fires. They recall models from 20052010. Two cases of burning parts and 46 cases of smoke have been reported in connection with the fault. Thats all for business news. Ill leave you with the markets. For those of you planning to visit tokyo this week, the seven day extended outlook is fair, partly cloudy, with an average high of 20 degrees celsius or 68 degrees fahrenheit. Ideal weather conditions. We are joined now with this hos update starting with the southwestern United States. Various kinds of Severe Weather are happening over the four Corners Region in the u. S. We are hearing numerous reports of hail from new mexico and arizona, and excessive amounts of heavy rain led to flooding. Now, from cape creek, arizona, we have some dramatic video. Take a look. Emergency crews rescued a woman from flood waters on tuesday in cave creek, arizona. She was stranded in her minivan after a road flooded in the small Mountain Town about 50 kilometers north of phoenix. There was a Severe Thunderstorm Warning in the Desert Southwest monday, and flood warnings Tuesday Morning continuing through wednesday. Listen to their information and dont try to drive through flooded roads because the water depths could be deeper than you actually think, and flash floods are the number one weather related killer in the United States. Now, the Severe Weather maker is pushing east, and a new system is moving in so more wet weather and more dangerous weather for you in the four Corners Region and southern plains. There are riffs for severe thunderstorms, large scale hail, damaging winds and tornados and more flooding in the area. We have flash flood watches and warnings widely posted in the southern plains. Temperatures will be 10 degrees in denver. Mountains will be covered by significant snowfall in colorado, but warmth in the europe half of the United States. Temperatures up to 22 degrees in new york city wednesday. Lets go up to south africa. Its spring. Its that time of year when we see changeable weather, and a cold front is moving into the area. Thats going to provide windy and wet conditions and temperatures will drop significantly, 30 degrees is the high time high wednesday, and down 10 degrees thursday. In a separate cold front thats drifting over the south island of new zeel land providing heavy rainfall and very strong winds. Now, we have warnings for heavy rainfall posted for the Western Areas of the south island. This is not a slow moving system, so weather should improve by thursday in the south islands, and however, winds will likely remain into thursday. Temperatures will be about 15 degrees for you in christchurch and queenstown and rain affects the north island as well as thursday. In the philippines, we have been talking about koppu. Clouds are starting to disorganize. Its actually becoming a tropical depression. Its weakening. However its located near the north of fiphilippines and taiw bringing wet conditions. Its a slow moving system, dumping tremendous amounts of heavy rainfall. 1,000 millimeters of rein, four times more than a monthly rainfall on october. We are hearing numerous reports, at least 12 People Killed due to koppu. Koppu is a tropical depression, affected to affect southwestern japan. A High Pressure system is in control bringing sunny conditions in the korean peps la and japan too and seeing beautiful weather into sunday in tokyo. Okay. Heres your tended forecast. Japanese storekeepers trying to introduce fashion and Food Products to visitors overseas, and helping them out are the perfect taste makers. Beauty after beauty, they are representing about 70 nations in the Miss International beauty pageant in tokyo. E contestants visited a Department Store to enjoy what they love, shopping. Each participant received coupons worth about 80. One of the first places they headed was the cosmetics section. Im buying this brush, looking for it everywhere since i came here. So happy. After shopping, its luhtime. They end joyed japanese delicacies. Very fresh and tasty, very good. The beauty queens took photos of what they bought and ate and uploaded them to facebook or instagram accounts. Organizers say young women around the world are curious about the fashion choices and interests of the contestants. They hope the event will attract more shoppers to japan. With that, we end this hours newsline, and tune into newsroom tokyo at the top of the hour. For your comments and thoughts, log on to our website and click on contact us. Thank you for watching. 555nnn this is france 24. Syria has madef a surprise trip. Hes meeting with president peter and president putin. 800 french artists signed a petition to help a shantytown

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