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A newgative panel. The panel is reopening cases of japanese citizens abducted decades ago by north korean agents. They will look into cases of missing japanese. The japanese government responded by formally deciding to lift some sanctions on north korea. Japanese seizing three sanctions on north korea that have been in place since 2006. They cover restrictions on travel, money transfers and port calls by ships. Prime minister shinzo abe and his ministers determined the panels investigation will be effective. They noted a senior official at the norths top state organization has been named the committees head. Chief cabinet secretary Yoshihide Suga told recorders easing the sanctions were meant to urge north korea to change its attitude. Translator our ministers will Work Together to get north korea to take concrete and proactive action to resolve the abduction, nuclear test and Missile Launch issues. Well keep some of our sanctions in place as well as those based on u. N. Security council resolutions. Resolving the abduction issue is of the highest importance for the Abe Administration. Well do our utmost to resolve the problem as soon as possible. The japanese government will keep other sanctions in place. They include keeping ships from entering japanese ports and freeze on assets against organizes and individuals in line with the u. N. Security council resolution. North korea staterun news agency confirmed that the country set up the special committee on friday. The Korean Central News Agency says the panel will carry out what it calls a comprehensive investigation into all japanese in the north. The agency said that 30 Member Committee has a special mandate from the National Defense commission to investigate all institutions. It said the panel can mobilize relevant institutions and people when necessary. Analysts say north korean leaders are trying to show japan they are positive about the probe and to show their people they want to improve relations with the country. Now families of abductes have visited the Prime Minister and policy make towers call for the return of their loved ones. They believe the establishment of the skmeetcommittee is a big forward. Reporter relatives of abductees met with Prime Minister abe on friday and asked him not to compromise if the results of the investigation prove to be inadequate. They also called on the government and policymakers to proceed carefully with the negotiations to achieve the most favorable outcome. Translator i told Prime Minister abe this will be the last chance and that we cant wait any longer. I also asked him not to lose this time. Reporter others revealed their long held wish to save family members who are dear to them. Translator my heart is torn when i think about all the abductees living in fear of being put to death every day. We felt so powerless. Reporter they have been waiting for decades for their daughter to return. She was abducted by north korea in 1977 when she was 13 and on her way home from school. North korea admitted abducting her but claimed she died in 1994. They do not believe north koreas story regarding their daughters whereabouts. They continue to lead a campaign for the release of all the abductees. He says the agreement made this time between japan and the north cannot be allowed to fail. Translator japanese government officials must understand that they must not make easy compromises in resolving the abduction issue. The families believe that their loved ones are alive. Reporter there are 12 acknowledged abductees but also hundreds of others who could possibly have been abducted by the north. All of their families are desperate to hold their loved ones in their arms once again. But they are also concerned that the new investigation may not lead to the return of abductees because of previously inquiry a decade ago was fraught with contradictions and errors. The investigations first report will appear between the end of summer and beginning of fall. After decades of struggle relatives all want clear and transparent answers. Chinese president addressed a historical conflict between china and its neighbors. Some believe it was part of a larger chinese bid to build solidarity with seoul. Translator under a policy of militarism japan waged a brutal war against us. The country annexed the Korean Peninsula and seized chinese territories. President xi said the people of china and south korea share a common fate in the war against japan. He said they suffered tremendously and their land was destroyed. They held a joint News Conference on thursday. Historical matters were mentioned only in passing. The United States has shown concern over a deepening relationship between south korea and china based on issues related to world war ii and its aftermath. In his speech xi commented on north Koreas Nuclear program. He said china hopes to improve ties between the two koreas and to use dialogue to resolve conflict. Health ministers from 11 west african nations have adopted a new strategy to try to contain the worst ever outbreak of the deadly ebola virus. The ministers and officials from the World Health Organization have been discussing the matter at a two day emergency meeting in ghana. Delegates called for immediate action. They said steps taken so far have been insufficient. The latest Ebola Outbreak began in guinea in march and spread to sierra leone and liberia. The number of confirmed and suspected cases in the three countries have reached 759. 467 people have died. The impact of this outbreak has been enormous in terms of the loss of human lives and negative effects in socioeconomic life. The delegates have agreed to increase surveillance and information sharing. They will also set up a subregional krol center in guinea to oversee coordination. Efforts to contain the outbreak have been complicated because it covers such a wide area. W. H. O. Officials say they think it will take u. N. Workers several months to get the disease under control. Ukrainian president Petro Poroshenko says his country will agree to a new ceasefire with pro russian separatists if certain conditions are met. He spelled out the conditions in a phone conversation with u. S. Vice president joe biden. The conditions include the release of ukrainian soldiers detained by pro Russian Forces and stepped up monitoring of the border between russia and ukraine by the organization for security and cooperation in europe. Petro poroshenkos office says biden expressed his support. Petro poroshenko called off a unilateral ceasefire on tuesday since then fierce battles have been raging. One soldier and three policemen were killed on thursday. U. S. President barack obama and german chancellor Angela Merkel also spoke by phone. They said russia must take immediate steps to deescalate the conflict and Work Together to put additional pressure on russia if it doesnt deal with the situation. World cup celebrations in brazil are being overshadowed by a deadly accident. Authorities say a roadway overpass under construction collapsed in the host city of belo horizonte. They say two people have been killed and 19 others injured. Several hundred meter long section of elevated roadway collapsed. Part of a network of bus lanes. A bus, a car and two trucks were caught underneath and crushed. Local firefighters are still searching the trapped vehicles for more possible victims. Translator the overpass started falling from the left. We ran away so thats all i saw. Translator we were underneath. We had no time to take anything out of the car. All our papers are inside. The overpass was part of a roadway being built to accommodate world cup travellers but crews failed to complete the project in time. Organizers say the city will host a semifinal match on tuesday as planned. They have been dealing with several construction accidents while preparing to host the tournament. A concrete monorail collapsed in sao paulo last month. One person was killed in the accident. A former u. S. Olympic runner and word war ii veteran has died. Family members say louie zampirini was is your rounded by relatives when he died of pneumonia. He was 97. Zampirini was a star athlete who competed in the 1936 berlin olympics. He ran in the 5,000 meter race and came in eighth. During world war ii he served as a member of the bomber crew. His plane crashed into the pacific ocean. He and his colleagues survived in a life raft for 47 days in japanese controlled waters. Then he was held as a prisoner of war for about two years at camps in japan. After the war, he suffered from posttraumatic stress disorder but overcame the condition to work as a clinton missionary in japan. In 1998 he returned to japan to run a leg of the torch relay at the winter olympic games. The story of zampirinis life was written by the Pulitzer Prize winning author. Unbroken has become a best seller in the u. S. Acdress Angelina Jolie drerkted a directed a film adaptation which is to be released in december. Lets turn to the latest business stories with ron madison. Thank you. Japanese companies paid more taxes in fiscal 2013 on the back of higher earnings but debate is heating up over whether its appropriate to use that extra source to finance additional Corporation Tax cuts. Economic revitalization minister says the revenue increase is due to the governments economic policies. The income from those taxes in fiscal 2013 was 4. 2 billion more than earlier estimates. He says he wants to use it to cover further Corporate Tax cuts. Translator i think the higher revenue has resulted from the structural changes the government has put in place. This could be a reliable and semipermanent source over the long term. Its possible to use the extra revenue to finance Corporate Tax cuts. Finance minister disagrees. He notes the revenue increase includes temporary factors such as a weakening of the yen. Translator Corporate Tax cuts are supposed to be permanent, so permanent sources of funds should be secured to deal with it. The Abe Administration is seeking to lower the Corporate Tax rate from 35 to below 30 . But there has been much debate on how to secure enough funding. Companies handling bit coins in japan are trying regain confidence of users of the virtual currency. Three firms will form an organization next month and draft independent guidelines to protect their customers. The move came after tokyo based bit Coin Exchange went bankrupt in february. The companies will set up the organization to monitor trading safety at bit Coin Exchanges and planning to create new guidelines that will require thorough Identity Verification of those who open accounts at the exchanges. Last month members of a panel of the Ruling Liberal Democratic Party shelved the idea of regulating bit coin transactions saying its use is Still Limited in the country. All right time to check the markets now. Investors across the globe cheered on by the strong u. S. Jobs data that we got on thursday but today some refrained from active buying. Heres how major asian indexes ended out the day. A mixed picture following another record gain on wall street. U. S. Companies added more jobs than expected in june. So investors in tokyo became a bit optimistic about the outlook for the u. S. Economy. The nikkei average closed at a five month high finishes at 15,437. Japanese exporters were given a boost by the weaker yen. In sidney the main index there seeing gains of. 6 of 1 . 5524. Thats at that one month high. The resources sector pushed up the index as copper and iron other prices rose. In seoul the kospi rose a high. Shares dipped a bit lower. Investors sold stocks on concerns about weak quarterly earnings. Chinese leaders have been putting the supports in place to reinforce their economy and they are seeing signs their efforts may be paying off. Financial leaders checked the governments monthly purchasing Managers Index to check the state of manufacturing. A figure above 50 does indicate growth while a figure belows signal contraction. In june the figure climbed to 51. Thats the best reading since december. People are seeing heartening numbers in industrial output, retail sales and capital investment. They gained momentum in the month of may. Despite the numbers the government needs to do more. Basically if we just simple lie talk about the pmi data alone definitely was improving, but even if we take a closer look to new orders as you said, orders like retail sales and also property markets i do clearly see the signs of recovery in chinese economy. What do you think could derail this recovery . Well, i would not say derail but definitely youre right because like 7. 5 gdp growth this year as primarily was said before its not something easy to achieve. I do believe that the Chinese Government need to introduce new and even more like fiscal policy and monitor policy to boost the overall domestic consumption. As we all know the Chinese Government and thai corruption the first thing they need to do. High end consumer sales hurt. They need to do something to compensate and to boost the domestic consumption to achieve the gdp growth. How soon do you think leaders could put some measures in place . I guess within this year they may do some kind of like fiscal and monetary policy. Actually, they did. Like the targeted reserves cuts for those banks, they do more lending for those and medium size to small size firm. They introduced that. I do expect some kind of tax reform will be introduced in the Third Quarter or in the Fourth Quarter to boost the overall domestic consumption. Not talk about the very high end consumer goods but talk about the materials, consumer goods to achieve the economic growth. Now officials announced 7. 4 growth in the first quarter. Second quarter numbers will be out in a couple of weeks. What do you expect there . Well, my expectation is simple. I think it will improve. Overall on year to year basis or compared to first quarter, i expect when we see the gdp the second growth on july 16th, it will be like 7. 6, this is my forecast. Experts at the world bank have asked japanese officials for help on a matter thats pretty close to home. They have collaborated on a report to he had developing countries prepare for natural disasters. The report draws on lessons from the earthquake and tsunami three years ago in northeastern japan. The disaster severed transport routes and paralyzed manufacturers. The report says businesses need to be well prepared so they can keep going in the event of a catastrophe. It says government leaders should make sure they have protected infrastructure and evacuation plans in place. The report says authorities should use radio and smartphones to share information. Says effective planning can lessen the damage of natural disasters. And that is going to do it for business hour. Heres a check of the markets. Every morning investors turn our attention to asia, the tokyo market leads the way. Markets around the world follow. From the decisions that could change the course of an economy. To the companies at the forefront of change. Uptothe minute market reports. Analysis by specialists from around the world. Get all the latest Business News and insight every day here on newsline. Sexist jeers at a Tokyo Assembly session have drawn criticism at home and abroad. A female member of the lower house was subjected to similar jeering at a meeting in april. Opposition lawmaker Sayuri Uenishi was asking a question. A male lawmaker shouts at her saying she should get married and have a child. She made a retort and Committee Chairman chimed in. She says a member of the Ruling Liberal Democratic Party on friday apologized to her for heckling her. She said as representatives of the public lawmakers should never make insensitive remarks at the diet or find such remarks amusing. Cabinet ministers criticized the sexist comment. The administrative reform minister said the government is encouraging more women to play important roles in society and remarks like this run counter to such efforts. Were seeing harsh weather in parts of the United States. Lets talk to our meteorologist robert speta. A Holiday Weekend there. Lots of peoples plans must be spoiled by the awful weather. Unfortunately here on friday if anybody does have plans for their fourth of july weekend up and down the eastern seaboards of the u. S. It will very likely be rather sour. We have our hurricane now, hurricane arthur, the strongest storm to make landfall there in the United States since 2008. Moving over the cape right now on thursday night into friday morning and its been bringing foul weather. Actually have some video coming out of this area earlier on thursday before it started to come onshore. You can see those dark clouds in the skies as it pushes overhead. One person out there trying to get into some of those rough waves. Thats not a smart thing to do as we head over through friday because very dangerous rip currents along with this, high surf up and down the eastern sea boards and thats one of the main problems as we look ahead through the next 24 hours. Mandatory evacuations for the cape. Low lying area in eastern north carolina. One to two meters. It can cause significant flooding. As we look at friday and saturday good news is that this is getting caught up with the upper level jet. It will take off in speed and rapidly move off towards nova scotia and newfoundland. Youll be seeing rough weather downgraded from a hurricane to a tropical system but it will be potent with heavy rainfall and waves upwards of seven meters high off the coastline. Up and down the eastern seaboard on friday this is going to be some foul weather. Showers there in washington, d. C. , new york city, back towards the west actually fair with this. Because you have some cooler air drifting in and thats eventually going to work its way in behind the storm system. Just wait for friday to pass if youre in boston, washington, d. C. , because by saturday and sunday were going to be looking at some much fair weather out here. Have to get that storm system to head off towards the northeast. Chicago seeing decent weather there on your friday and then in the southwest los angeles hot and dry there for you. 31 expected there going through the end of your work week. The other side of the world the tropics out here, this is Tropical Storm neoguri towards the southwest of guam. Continuing to intensify. On guam weve seen some reports of downed trees and power lines because of this storm system and its not even at its maximum potential. Its expected to become a typhoon. By tuesday could have a direct impact on the Southern Japanese islands by wednesday western portions of japan as a rather strong to severe typhoon. This is something well watch very closely heading through the weekend and next week. Drier conditions across most of japan. Low pressure area sparking off thunderstorms and back towards the west around shanghai showers expected in your forecast with that possibility of flooding on saturday. Lets wrap things up in europe. I want to mention into parts of spain where we saw some large hail on your thursday the rest of the world were talking about tropics. Here it looks like winter. The reason is because you had so many strong thunderstorms it piled up accumulated up the hail in images coming out of that area. The good news that will start to improve. Off towards the north rough conditions across the british isles. Scotland 79 kilometer mile winds. Heres your extended outlook. Thats all for this hour on newsline. Im shery ahn. Thank you for watching. Gg99nnww is 1 00 here in paris. Israel reinforces its border with gaza as a wave of rocket fire continues from the palestinian territory. Tensions in the region are high ahead of the funeral of a murdered palestinian teenager. Taking a step towards independence a call for a referendum on determinations. The move was prompted by the move of militants across iraq. And an epic game could be in store in brazils temple of football. France will square off against germany in rio de janeiro

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