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Thai army general Prayut Chanocha has received a royal decree making him head of a ruling military council. The move follows a coup last week after months of political turmoil. Dhra dhirakaosal is in bangkok following the developments. The monarchy is a highly respected institution in the thailand and the kings endorsement is very significant. It will help the military leadership move forward with the confirmation of an interim constitution and establishment of a military administration. Following the world decree by sing Bhumibol Adulyadej the military announced general Prayut Chanocha as chairman of the ruling body called the National Council for peace and order. Prayut then made a televised speech to the nation. Translator the First Priority is to maintain peace in the country. We will keep firm control, and deal with those who violate the law, or use weapons, as well as any protest or anything else that might destabilize the situation. Thailands military seized power in a coup last thursday and have been strengthening their control ever since. Highranking officers have been appointed as ministry heads, and the senate has been dissolved. Following the coup, bangkok saw four consecutive days of protests. Frustration is now growing, mainly among supporters of former Prime Minister yingluck shinawatra, and her older brother thaksin. A military coup in 2006 removed him from the post of Prime Minister. From his selfimposed exile, thaksin posted an internet message on sunday, criticizing the coup. He said he was saddened by the latest events, and called on the army to treat everyone fairly. Military leaders on friday summoned and later designed yingluck, but they released her and two other members of her family on sunday, apparently to ease tension amongst the protesters. Well be back with more updates later. Im Dhra Dhirakaosal in bangkok. A fire broke out at a bus terminal in south korea, leaving at least six people dead and 42 injured. Seven people remain in serious condition. Local Authorities Say the blaze erupted at around 9 00 a. M. At a bus terminal just north of seoul. Theyre investigating the possibility of a gas explosion caused by welding sparks at a basement of a construction site. Witnesses say firefighters wearing oxygen tanks entered the terminal looking for survivors. Concerns are growing in south korea over a Public Transportation safety, after ferry accident last month claimed nearly 300 lives. Tsai ingwen has made a come back as leader of taiwans largest opposition party. Democratic Party Members elected her for the post in the hope that she could win the presidency in 2016. Tsai garnered nearly 94 of the party vote. She is to become Party Chairman on wednesday and will take charge of local elections in november. Tsai previously served two terms as the pp chief. She stepped down in 2012 after losing in the president ial race to nationalist party leader. People in toy one are said to be increasingly weary of mas policy of strengthening ties with china. In march students occupied the Parliament Building to protest a trade agreement with beijing. Mas Approval Rating has plunged to about 10 . Attention is focused on whether tsai can come up with policies that address public discontent with the present government. Lets now get the latest business stories from ron madison. We get started with news from the bank of japan. Policymakers there say inflation is on course to reach their target of around 2 . But they dont agree on when that will happen. Bank of japan Board Members project inflation in fiscal 2015 will reach 1. 9 , and 2. 1 year after that. The minutes of their meeting last montd show six policymakers were optimistic the target could be reached on schedule. The other three expressed caution. The majority said that companies would pass higher costs on to consumers and that would nudge inflation higher. They noted that Many Companies have agreed to raise workers basic pay. Some policymakers did not agree that the 2 target could be reached within two years. One of them predicted that Retail Prices would rise more moderately. Well, some businesses in japan are feeling the pinch from last months consumption tax hike but at least one group are happy and that is restaurant managers. Restaurant chains brushed off the impact of the hike in april, posting a second straight rise in monthly sales. Officials from the Japan Food Service association say sales were up more than 2 in april from the same time last year. Family style restaurant chains did especially well with sales rising . Restaurant operators credit new menus and discount coupons for the rise. Fast food restaurants aed 0. 9 to sales. Some outlets had to raise prices after the tax hike driving away some cussers. Still officials from the association say the impact of the tax hike has been limited, and many Restaurant Operators continue to report strong sales for may. The industry has been struggling lately with a different problem, though. A shortage of parttime workers in japans improving job market. The problem has even forced some restaurants to close. Industry watchers say the lack of manpower could influence future sales. All right lets get a check of the markets now. Investors continue to put money back into Japanese Equities and that pushed tokyos may index to its highest close since early april. The nikkei average up almost 1 today, 14,602. Rising for a third consecutive session. Investors bought back recent losers like brokerage shares. 9 yens continued weakness helped to boost overall sentiment lifting shares of key exporters. Heres how major bourses ended. Petro poroshenkos victory in the president ial election helping to ease investor concerns. Shanghai composite added just over 0. 3 finishing at 2,041. Auto and batterymakers got a boost from comments by chinese president xi jinping. He reportedly said developing Energy Efficient vehicles is the only way to strengthen the countrys auto industry. And in sydney the s p asx 200 unnearly 0. 4 , 5,512 thats the highest close in just about a month. Mining shares rebounded from last weeks weakness due to rising resource prices. Well, japanese appreciate traditional ways of doing many things. Among them exchanging money. Many people prefer to do Financial Transactions in cash but lately more and more people have been doing their banking on the internet. The number of accounts at the nations six internet based banks rose 10 over the past year, topping 12 million. Sbi Sumishin Net Bank led with nearly 2 million accounts up 19 from a year early. Daiwa next bank posted an increase of 25 . The four other banks reported gains of 5 or more. The amount of money held in online accounts rose 9 to more than 90 billion. Most internet banks do not operate retail branches, and that reduces their costs. They pass on those savings to customers through higher interest rates, and lower fees. With every passing year, more and more japanese become senior citizens, and thats creating demand for certain products, and manufactures are adapting now to make them. Makers of disposable diapers for adults have seen sales surge. Output jumped by 30 over five years. Two of the biggest manufacturers, unicharm and daio paper added new production lines last year. And another company has increased production by extending factory hours. Some diapermakers now sell more for adults than for instants, and toddlers. Travelers are flocking to one area of western japan. It may not be as wellknown as tokyo but its become a popular destination for visitors, especially those from taiwan, and people are working to make sure that this tourist boom doesnt turn into a bust. Reporter in march 2013, an airline started operating regular flights between taipei and takomatsu the capital of kag you awow prefecture. Japan has long been a popular destination for taiwanese tourists. Those whove already visited the large cities are now turning their attention to kaz you awow and other areas that are not as well known. The overall number of foreign visitors to kazawa prefecture as risen over 80 since 2012. That was the second highest increase in japan. The scenery is very soothing. Its not like tokyo. That makes me want to come again. Food is also a big draw. Many taiwanese tourists take classes in noodle making. Udon is a kagawa specialty. At this facility, visitors can make noodles from scratch. People sign up for the class six months in advance. But many in the local Tourism Industry worry that some visitors will stay away if they think the language barrier is too high. An association of taxi drivers has introduced a hightech solution to the problem. Drivers use translation apps on smartphones or Tablet Computers to communicate with foreign passengers. Taxis offering this service are identified by a sticker. Translator we hope foreign passengers will use taxis more often. Without worrying about language. Reporter some local hotels are also working hard to make taiwanese tourists feel welcome. A hotel near the airport has introduced a new service. The management has hired taiwanese personnel to help guests deal with unfamiliar situations. Translator let me tell you about the food. These are sanaki udon noodles. A specialty of kag awow. You can par boil them if you like. Awa. You can par boil them if you like. Reporter explanations in chinese help taiwanese tourists understand whats on the menu and how to eat it. The response has been positive. Translator they explain the different aspects of the meal. It makes the Dining Experience more enjoyable. Translator our taiwanese employees can fully explain whatever needs explaining. Travel agents have told us that makes our guests quite happy. Reporter the economy in kagawa prefecture is getting a big boost from the influx of taiwanese tourists. People here believe catering to their special needs is key to keeping these visitors, and the money they bring, rolling in. All right. That is going to wrap it up for biz this hour. Lets check in on the markets. Billionaire businessman Petro Poroshenko has claimed victory in ukraines president ial election. His pledge to bring peace to the country and hes calling for closer ties with the European Union. Translator the election has ended in just one round. Our country has a new president. Voters have chosen to continue a course of integration with europe. Poroshenko is a former foreign minister. He declared victory after exit polls suggested he had won around 56 of the vote. Officials at the Central Elections Commission say theyve counted 13 of the ballots. They say poroshenko leads with over 54 . Former Prime Minister Yulia Tymoshenko is second, with about 13 . Poroshenko says his first task will be to visit eastern ukraine. Prorussian groups have been occupying government buildings in the donetsk region. Poroshenko says hes ready to negotiate with opponents. But a separatist leader has refused to engage in dialogue Denys Pushylin said in a twitter post he will only discuss the release of hostages and the withdrawal of ukrainian troops from the region. Ballots are being counted in an election for new members of the European Parliament. And Political Parties opposed to strengthening the European Union are making significant progress. 400 Million People in 28 countries were eligible to vote. The fourday election was to select lawmakers to fill the 751 seat legislature. Projections released by the European Parliament show the center right European Peoples Party is likely to win 212 seats. Theyre followed by the center Left Progressive alliance of socialist and democrats, with 187 seats. In contrast, euro skeptic parties in britain, austria and denmark are gaining ground. One of the most significant winners was frances far right National Front party which won the most votes for the first time. Translator our people demand one policy only. A policy of the french, for the french, and with the french. They no longer want to be led from the outside. Observers say growing support for euro skeptic parties is due to discontent with the budgetary policies of each member state. The vote comes as some European Countries have been hit by record levels of unemployment since adopting austerity measures to deal with the credit crisis. And voters in egypt are casting ballots for a new president. Former defense minister Abdel Fattal Al Sisi is widely seen as the frontrunner. Elections are taking place on monday and tuesday. Sisi is running against hamdeen sabahi, an activist and former journalist. Sisi led the de facto coup that ousted former president Mohamed Morsi last july. Morsi had taken office in 2011, after decades of authoritarian rule. He had the backing of islamist group, the Muslim Brotherhood. Polls suggest egyptians are looking for stability, and the chance to rebuild their economy under strong leadership. But some prodemocracy activists are concerned that a win by sisi may herald a return of autocratic rule. Leaders of egypts militarybacked interim government have cracked down on Muslim Brotherhood supporters, and tried to contain prodemocracy movements. Pope francis has called on the israeli and palestinian president s to sit down with him at the vatican. He extended the invitation while on a visit to bethlehem. The pope is on a threeday middle east tour. He met with palestinian president Mahmoud Abbas in the west bank. The pope said the time has come to put an end to this situation, which has become increasingly unacceptable. He said israelis and palestinians need to create two states, with internationally recognized borders and live in peace. Pope francis held a mass in front of nearly 10,000 people. He invited the israeli and palestinian president s to the vatican for a prayer summit. Both shimon per es and Mahmoud Abbas accepted the offer. The pope also made an unscheduled visit to the concrete wall that separates israelis from palestinians. Israelis have elected the barrier in what they call an antiterrorist measure. Palestinians protest the wall, saying the israelis are restricted their freedom of movement, and occupying their land. The pope is now in israel. Hes scheduled to meet both jewish and Islamic Religious leaders. He will also hold talks with israeli Prime Minister benjamin netanyahu. The may grand sumo tournament ended its 15day competition on sunday. Our sumo reporter joins us now with a complete sum up. So hiro, whats your take on the tournament . Shery, it couldnt have turned out any better. The hunt for the cup went down to the wire. Mongolian yokozuna grand champion entered with sole possession of the lead. All he needed to do on sunday was win one more to clinch the championship. Other than his defeat on day 11, hakuho has been perfect. He seems to have locked in another emperors cup. In the final match he faced his arch rival yokozuna harumafuji. Hakuho quickly gets himself into this favorite attacking position. He gets set, and tosses harumafuji down with an overarm throw. Hakuho is the may tourney champion. As hakuho just said this was his 29th championship. He is closing in on fast on taiho and chiyonofuji. I expect him to eclipse their records in a year or so. Newly promoted kakuryu was the talk of the town going into the tournament. But he struckled. He was out of shape. His practice hours saw a dramatic decrease since the promotion attending all sorts of events and ceremonies. Kakuryu finished the competition with nine wins and six losses, which is totally unacceptable for someone who fights at the top rank. In the next tournament, hes got to redeem himself with a much better performance, otherwise his sumo career could come to an end fast. Now the emperors cup isnt the only award thats given out in the top division competition. Special prizes are also presented to those who excel. Goeido received the outstanding performance for being the only man 0 to beat hakuho. The fighting spirit prize was given for racking up 11 victories. The next competition will be in july in nagoya central japan. I guarantee you, it will be filled with a lot of excitement again. So, join me then. And lets now bring in our meteorologist robert speta. Robert, we had gorgeous weather over the weekend but its gotten a bit cloudy today. Whats the forecast for the week . Shery, youre right. It was absolutely balmy here on saturday and sunday. Temperatures into tokyo into the high 20s. Were going to be seeing on monday and tuesday is definitely not that scenario. We have a fast moving low pressure system. Can you see on the satellite picture, runs right over most of japan, then brings some very heavy rain fall, past 24 hours youve seen about 170 millimeters. Also gusty winds up towards hokkaido, saw one wind gust report about 104 kilometers per hour. The good news is that by tuesday, this is really going to be rapidly clearing out. Monday, keep a umbrella ready, even into Tuesday Morning if youre in eastern portions of japan. But this is going to start to move on there towards the east into the northern pacific. Still some scattered storms, possible here in tokyo on your tuesday afternoon. But i think by wednesday, its really going to be improving out here. Same thing goes back towards the west if youre in the korean peninsula. By tuesday, High Pressure really is setting in. The downside, though, is we are seeing some westerly winds out here. So you have that yellow sand in northeastern china and extending over towards korea, as well. If you suffer from pm2. 5, the itchy eyes that may come with that, be ready for those scenarios to be setting up there for you. In southeastern china the rainy season is doing exactly what it is called, bringing some widespread rainfall. Actually gung jaw province you saw some heavy rainfall, guangdong province, that is. The problem was it did cause about 15 deaths over the weekend, because of that just tremendous amount of showers that came down. 20,000 people were evacuated from their homes. And unfortunately, were still looking at more rainfall offer the next 24 hours. You could be seeing as much as 60 to 70 millimeters out here in some locations. That is definitely the problem that were going to be seeing set up down here for you. And then across the tropics, well afternoon thunderstorms really continue to erupt into manila, and even over towards bangkok and much of thailand. For that matter, here on your tuesday. Lets stay on the topic of tropics, though. Were talking about hurricane amanda. This is one powerful storm system. The strongest hurricane in the eastern pacific in the month of may. On record. And this one, take a look at this, winds 230 kilometers per hour. Pressure down to 941 hba. The good news, is that this is expected to weaken out as it does track off here towards the north so before it gets anywhere near the mexican coastline, its going to be a low pressure area just due to the cold sea surface temperatures and high vertical wind shear that will start to immakt that storm later on this week. I do want to talk about the Severe Weather here. Where you need the rainfall in the u. S. Is in southern california. Take a look at this. You have a dry river bed there in san jose. Youve been in drought for some time. This is what i want to point out. No fishing from the docks. So typically you must have some fishing out there. Its just been so dry. Where youre getting the rain, and its too much is eastern portions of texas, oklahoma, flash flooding very well is going to be a problem on monday into tuesday. Thunderstorms also off here towards the east. And then in the northeastern u. S. , memorial day, beautiful weather out there for you. I do want to wrap things up here in to central and eastern europe. We have several low pressure systems. And its bringing a threat of some severe thunderstorms. So watch out for that. Some of these could become rather dangerous. All right, thats a look at your world weather. Heres the extended forecast. And thats all for this hour on newsline. Im shery ahn. Thank you for watching. Ww . Q . Q .

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