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Laura with just two weeks to go before he leaves office, president barack obama is battling to save a cornerstone of his legacy. Republicans now in charge of congress and send the white house say they will make repealing obamas healthcare reforms, or obamacare, a priority. The plan provided millions of uninsured americans with health care coverage, but it is fiercely opposed by many a problem republicans who say is unfair and recently increasingly expensive. Philip joins us live from washington. Republicans are keen to repeal obamacare, but they havent told us about an alternative. Youve heard on the campaign trail from donald trump and other republican candidates, repeal and replace obamacare. There is a promise from the Donald Trump Team that he will be signing executive orders on day one in the white house saying that he will repeal and replace the Health Care Overhaul that is a signature achievement for president obama in his first mandate in the white house. Repealing it is a little bit easier than replacing it, and that is where the problems come in for republicans. There doesnt seem to be a clear plan or at least something that everybody in congress on the republican side agrees upon as to what should replace obamacare, because you cannot just go back to the free marketplace here in the United States now that 20 million americans are insured for the first time. What happens to them, is the question that will be asked once this does happen. President obama was also on capitol hill at the same time as pence. Esident elect he wants to save obamacare as much as possible, but if he cannot, he will try to make it as difficult as possible for republicans and try to make them responsible for what might go wrong with health care in the United States wants donald trump does take up his position in the white house. Of course trump hasnt taken office yet, but already hes been trying to influence the situation by twitter. Philip as he usually does. There are two things were looking at here at this moment. We know from donald trump already, from actual interviews that he likes some parts of the Health Care Reform here in the United States and wants to keep them. For example he wants young people here in the United States to be able to stay on their Parents Health care and he also doesnt want americans to be kept from health care because of preexisting conditions. Those are parts of the Health Care Reform he wants to keep. So it will be very difficult to repeal the whole thing will trying to keep others. We also know from his tweets from today, of course he was watching the News Coverage of his Vice President elect on capitol hill, but he knows that the blame game is coming his way , if something goes wrong with a a lot ofre reform and americans lose their Health Insurance, up to 60 million americans could lose their Health Insurance altogether if 100 ,are is replaced or they will be getting the wrath of the american voters. Thats why he doesnt want the responsibility of something that might well be known in the asure as trump care as well obamacare, depending on what changes he manages to make to what is officially known as the Affordable Care act. Laura it doesnt roll off the tong quite so easily. Donald trump has also u. S. Atulated by Twitter Company ford after said it was scrapping plans to build a new plant in mexico and will instead invest in michigan. Trump hes been has been foratening high tariffs those moving to mexico. Residents were hoping that ford would bring hundreds of new jobs to their town. Now those dreams are dashed. Of course it affects us a lot because a lot of people who do not have work going to have the opportunity, and now they no longer have that opportunity. Without a doubt, we wouldve loved the investment to come to fruition. We understand the markets and the Business Plans of companies very according to different circumstances. The State Government plans to pursue ford for reinvent reimbursement of its own itestment in the plant but downplays concerns and other Companies May follow suit. To two resident it hurt shareholders because the company will lose competitiveness. For all still move production of the focus to an existing plant in mexico and plans to hire an additional 200 workers there, but it now plans to invest 700 million to expand production of hybrid and electric vehicles in michigan. During the president ial campaign, donald trump out u. S. Y called companies for shipping production abroad, especially to mexico, and threatened to impose tariffs on imports. Hes now claiming credit for ceore decision but the ford said the choice was based on market conditions, specifically the decline in demand for small cars. By 17 f the focus fell last year while sales of suvs rose. A result analysts say a low gas prices and low interest rates. Thanks that move by ford has been welcomed by both the far left and the far right. The far right Leader Marine Le Pen said before decision was a protectionism. Shes been outlining her views on trade here in paris. Conviction pace. Just look at donald trump. Ford has decided not to relocate their factory to mexico and instead to keep it in the u. S. Protectionism works when it is done with conviction and when a country is in control of its own economy, its good for bolstering industry and it is good for employment. Israels Prime Minister has called for a soldier convicted of manslaughter to be pardoned. He shot dead a palestinian knife attacker and heparin as he lay on the ground wounded. The man had been disarmed after stabbing of soldier. The sergeant could face up to 20 years in prison. Benjamin netanyahu said it was a dark a four israeli soldiers. This report from jerusalem on how the case has deeply divided israel. After the verdict was brought down, there is real shock among people outside the courtroom who were there in support of the sergeant. Women were saying we will not send our sons to the army, and other people calling on the chief of staff to either be dismissed are saying wishing him and in like that of each of provine. The right altra right coming out against this verdict. We are awaiting the sentence, that could come in about a month and there are all these questions. At the end of an appeal, once there is a sentence, then theres the question of pardon. But a pardon usually entails you coming forward and saying Something Like i am a young man, i was only 19 at the time, it was a mistake, i have all my life in front of me, but that is not the line that he has taken come under dry from lawyers, he is been very combative, has put forward lots of versions of his story. In fact, i think what the judges were saying was that they didnt believe him because there were so many versions. He changed his story too often and he was not a credible witness. Circumstances, a pardon does seem further weight. Saya turkish authorities they have identified the gunman who killed 39 people at the nightclub and istanbul on new years eve. Although authorities have released a photograph, they still have not named a suspect. Meanwhile the president has been speaking for the First Time Since the attack. He said the aim was to divide turkey. Turkey says it has established his identity, but the man suspected of carrying out the massacre on the nightclub is still at large. The turkish daily claims Police Believe the gunman entered turkey from syria and went to the central city in november. At least 20 suspected Islamic State terrorist militants have been arrested in a port city in connection with the attack. They are believed to have traveled there. Police and istanbul have set up checkpoints at security levels remain high. Dozens of raids in several arrests have taken place in some districts, one where the gunman is thought to have stopped after the attack. Parliament voted to extend the state of emergency by a further three months. In the turkish president said the attack, whose victims were mainly wealthy locals and foreigners, was being exploited to divide the country. Nobodys lifestyle is under threat in turkey. We will never allow this. We have not allow this since we took the helm 14 years ago. Anyone who claims otherwise must prove it with concrete examples. President erdogan was responding to criticism of the governments religious affairs directorate. The body has condemned the attack, but in december it said celebrating new year did not conform with muslim values. Laura six people have been city of in the indian bangalore after a spate of sexual assaults on new years eve. Several women said they were surrounded by mobs of men who assaulted them, and police acted only after video clips of some of the attacks were shared on social media. Alexander has the story. Two men appear on a scooter and one of them grabs her as she tries to struggle free. Although nobody comes to her aid, the men eventually give up and throw her to the ground. After seeing the video, the police have opened a case against the attackers, even though the victim is not come forward. The investigation has started. The whole team is investigating and we are sure we will catch the culprits. Reluctant to report such crimes for fear of being stigmatized, although sexual assaults are common. Murderas a gang rape and of a 22 your that made International Headlines and there were protests about how women are treated in their country. This attack has brought fresh outrage. It feels like there is no liberty for girls anymore. We should be ashamed and hang our heads in shame that the society ofnd the onlookers and spectators did not take any action. Also on new years eve in bangalore, dozens of female revelers were groped and assaulted. Its definitely usually seen as much safer than the capital of delhi. Laura its almost two years jihadist walked into the paris offices of the satirical weekly Charlie Hebdo and shot dead 10 of the staff as they sat for their weekly editorial meeting. Two Police Officers were also killed. As the killers made their escape, they were shot by police. It was a dark day for france and for journalism. Few thought Charlie Hebdo could survive, but today it is still going strong, added typical fighting style, this was the front page of this weeks issue. Its a joke about light at the end of the tunnel. A contributore to for Charlie Hebdo. He told us why he believes the attack on Charlie Hebdo proves that terrorism cannot be blamed on western foreignpolicy. Countries have been hit. Y military intervention nato, the United States, from france have sent troops to many countries and not all those countries have retaliated by planting bombs in the United States or in france. If you take for example the armenian people, they are the victims of genocide and they have never planted bombs in any the end ofept for the 1970s. So its not because you invade a foreign country that this country seeks to retaliate. But the Armenian Genocide was a long time ago and the invasion in iraq was in the last decade. Startedic terrorism before the invasion of iraq because of ideology, not because we sent troops to iraq or to any other place. If we fail to understand that are motivated by ideology, whether we like it or not, whether we share this ideology or not, we fail to how to put an end to this wave of terror attacks. Laura a french farmers facing jail time and have defined for theing migrants live across border from italy. He gave shelter to people who had survived the dangerous Mediterranean Sea crossing from libya, and to many, he is a hero. Its a migrant camp nestled among all of trees, just a few kilometers from italy. The Property Owner has been bringing hybrids here for over a year, migrants who hope to find asylum in france are somewhere else. He organizes medical care and helps them continue on. What should i do, tell them no, you cannot come here come you have to sleep on the street . The local i think police leave us alone. We are doing a job that is useful for the larger population. These people can state your something to eat and somewhere to sleep, and that avoids problems. He joined a local organization that works on behalf of migrant rights. A few months ago, a french tv intervening on behalf of two migrants who were being detained by military personnel but do not have the authority to make arrests on french soil. The incident provoked a backlash from authorities who are arrested cedric for having repurposed an abandoned building to house migrants. If i had to take some risks in order to help kids who are 14 or 15 years old, then i will. Forbidding the laws a betting Illegal Migrants are only against those who are benefiting financially. Laura britains former envoy to moscow is being named as a new British Ambassador to the eu in brussels, according to british media reports which say tim barrow will replace our ivan rodriguez, who quit on tuesday. The Prime Minister has ignored calls to brexit negotiations have been thrown into disarray. The unexpected resignation of ivan rogers a we regret the loss of professional, very knowledgeable, while not always an easy diplomat who always loyally defended the interests of his country. Rogers, ther robin british envoy to the european union, resigned on tuesday, leaving britain without an ambassador to the eu block. In a leaked email to his diplomatic staff in brussels, he criticized the Prime Ministers government for the lack of preparation of the brexit negotiations. We do not yet know what the government will set as negotiating objectives for the u. K. Relationship with the eu after exit. I hope you will continue to challenge illfounded arguments and model thinking and a you will never be afraid to speak the truth to those in power. Conservativeent and probrexit mp, sir ivan rogers had to go. He writes in his email what i thought was almost verging on the pompous. He can confuses the word truth with advice. He may have his own opinions but he is not god almighty. Confused about the idea that when he opens his mouth, he is speaking truth. The negotiation comes just weeks before theresa may article 50, officially launching brexit talks with the eu expected at the end of march. Laura an update on the sports story of aarkable 105 year old cyclists. Hes breaking a record or setting his own record. 105 years old, he covered 22. 5 kilometers in just 60 minutes, but says he could have even gone a little bit faster if only he had seen the sign that showed he still had 10 minutes left on his clock. Hes walking off into the fray asking the reporters a question. And was an in 1911 National Gymnastics champion, a boxer and firefighter, but he cyclingk up psyching seriously when he was already 67 years old, before attempting this new record, he said the hardest part was not the cycling but to actually make it to 105 years old. His secret to living that long is just a healthy diet and lots of exercise. He cycles 1020 kilometers a day, so now you know what you need to do to live that long. Athlete,s greatest thats at least how he is known, traditionally a title given to the decathlon olympic champion, and he has retired. He is ashton eaton, the 28yearold is bowing out after winning gold in both london and rio. Titles andve world is leaving the sport after remaining unbeaten in any competition in the past five years. He said i gave the most physically robust years of my to pursue my limits in this domain. Hes moving on with this woman that you see there, that is his retiring aftero winning bronze in rio. They will be moving on together from olympic champions to the rest of their life. The 20 of the , thatsy continuing going on currently. Yesterday there was crazy combat courtesy of arsenal. The gunners fighting back in about 20 minutes. And equalizer for a come back that is not really great news for arsenal, who drop off the podium into fourth place with Manchester City moving up to third place. The gunners was still very impressed by his team performance. Well. Been lucky as , wer the third goal succeeded because we have great resiliency on the team. End were frustrated not to win the game. There were two other games last night, swansea beating Crystal Palace 21 to move up to 19th place. Watford at 20. Now to tennis, another win for the french pair. They beat Great Britain this time in a clean sweep. Christina had to battle it out in extremely hot weather down in australia to the heather waterman. She was serving for the match at but watsonsecond fought back to take that match. The frenchwoman getting it back after two hours and 17 minutes. Things much easier for dan evans in the mens singles. French will be facing the swiss team for a place in the final. The swiss beat germany 21. Category, stage three and grabbing the overall lead. The spaniard won by more than 10 writ britthe dropping defense in the overall standings. Frenchman maintains his overall lead, currently third leading themmate stage, but so far about seven drivers have made it to the end. Take a shortl break. Stay with us. cnwwnyw0pa 01 04 1717 01 04 17 [captioning made possible by democracy now ] amy from pacifica, this is democracy nonow should proceceed to what is n fact a an urgent nececessity to grant the general pardon to 11 million p people who are living and working heree, productive citizezens in all but name, threatatened with deportation by the incoming administration. Amy as president elect donald trump prepares to reverse

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