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Exit from the eu but she is not invited to the dinner after. The remaining 27 will discuss their strategy. The u. N. Says it is considering sanctions against gambias president who refuses to step down and make room for the newcomer who won the election to replace them. Him. The worlds biggest cyber atattk at yahoo with one billion accounts affected. Well have the details in our business updatate. Museum is giving visitors a rare glimpse of paintings 15,000 years old thanks to an exact replica of the prehistoric caves in the lescaux. Story live from paris. We will start in aleppo. Its an offer for those who want to take it up. Who are in people eastern aleppo given that there is a ceasefire will be able to stay. They may be able to stay with family, relatives. This evacuation probably primarily is going to be taken up by the families of fighters and those who may been involved in journalism, activism. Tobody who may have reason concerns about crossing into government controlled areas. The other thing that she was very careful to stress is that there were no shots fired at the convoy. There was only one convoy that left. Obody has been hurt rebelssince there are leaving as well as civilians does this mean the battle for aleppo is effectively over . In any realistic terms insofar as the outcome militarily you could have said for the last week that the battle is over, the opposition clearly having been rooted. The government made very Swift Advances in a short amount of time. This signifies the official end of the battle. That doesnt mean it is not still a very volatile environment. People have been fighting one another over a course of years. There are the potential for triggers. There have certainly been reports of isolated and lowlevel gunfire. Extensively the battle is over. The question now is what next. Will the Syrian Government forces turned their attention to palmyra where Islamic State group recently retook that town . May they now look to the west to Idlib Province . Or could they turn their attentions to the north potentially very dangerous in so far as it could put them in close proximity with Turkish Forces in that region also occupying the ground in syria. Genie thank you very much, adam. The war in syria is one of the issues being discussed by eu leaders at a summit in brussels today. Among the other topics are the eu turkey migration deal, extending sanctions against russia, defense and an agreement with ukraine. Theresa may will leave early so the other 27 leaders can discuss how they intend to approach brexit. Kathy clifford reports. The last eu summit of 2016 and leaders have a packed agenda to get through. Heres the migrant crisis in recent days the Turkish Foreign minister has called for brussels to stick to its commitments or suffer the consequences. Will be visaay liberation and migrant deal go into effect . We and our citizens are running out of patience. These promises should be fulfilled. Turkeys demands add to a tense situation. More european states such as austria want to formally block turkeys membership to the eu. Also on the table the question of maintaining sanctions against russia or its actions in the ukraine. We will briefly talk about the situation in ukraine. And the process which is moving incredibly slowly. We will need to extend the sanctions against russia yet again. Be thorny topic of how to handle the impending brexit will be handled over a dinner to which theresa may is not invited. She will be shown out while the 27 leaders discuss their plans to push out the u. K. As quickly as possible. London is looking at the possibility of a transition period. Theresa may has promised to launch britains withdrawal process by march. Genie talks in japan between shintzo abe and vladimir putin. Ordered a start to consultations on joint Economic Activity. During the in the studio these are International Affairs editor. What are these islands . Its a very long chain of islands. I want to show you where they are on the map. The disputed ones are at the southernmost end of the chain. They actually go all the way up into the pacific. In the 19th century russia controlled the northern part of the chain. Basically divided under a peace treaty between japan and russia. In 1945 the soviet union attacked the southernmost islands which today the japanese still call the northern territories. That effectively extended the soviet border much closer to the japanese heartland just after the atomic bombs were dropped on japan. Japan was in no position to fight back. This allowed the soviet union and russia to put pressure on japan which is a historical foe. It allowed russia to put pressure on the United States which to this day has military bases in japan. Genie coming out of the meeting, abe said they had talked about the possibility of joint Economic Activity on the disputed islands. Are we about to see some concessions . Not on the territorial issue. The islands are simply too important for russian ships and submarines. The idea of developing Economic Activity on them is impossible unless you count the final status of those islands. Economic cooperation between the countries can certainly go further and the thinking between these countries is that despite dispute over the northern territories, they can do a lot bye business together basically offering incentives for Japanese Investment in russias far east. Which has some interesting aspects. The chinese have been quite heavily involved in russias far east. Russia doesnt want to become the holden to china. They like Chinese Development but they dont want it to become so deep that they oh too much of a debt. Investment could nicely balance out chinese influence. Genie this is a region where there are several island disputes. Plenty. There is a dispute between japan and south korea. Further south you can see the other dispute. Threerings together parties effectively in dispute, china, taiwan and japan. In the northhavior is something that is going to be watched very closely by these other regional players and countries because any show of strength or weakness from japan certainly have consequences on perceptions of what japan might do in these other island disputes. Final thought to leave you with, president elect donald trump has shown an ambiguous stance on japanese security and that adds another level of uncertainty as to how japan is going to handle these various disputes in the future. Genie thank you very much. There is nothing out of the ordinary going on in the south china sea, says china after satellite images taken last month and released by a u. S. Think tank on wednesday appeared to show that beijing has positioned significant weapon systems on the artificial islands it has built in the south china sea. The Foreign Ministry said this has nothing to do with militarization. Moving on to a massive Security Breach at internet giant yahoo . It happened in 2013 one hackers stole phone numbers and passwords affecting more than one billion accounts. This is the second major data breach reported by yahoo this year. The Company Thinks they are not connected. Users are advised to change their passwords. Its the worlds biggest hack. One billion User Accounts accessed with personal information such as names, phone numbers, email addresses and passwords stolen but not bank and payment data. Yahoo says the attack dates back to august 2013. It is the second massive breach announced by yahoo in the last three months. The internet giant said 500 million accounts had been accessed in 2014. It blamed the hack on those connected to a foreign government. Security experts say yahoos breaches are just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to efforts to keep online data secure. This is the tip of the spear of what we are going to see. In 2017 there will be a lot more problems with security by these cloud providers aggregating millions of userss accounts. Security lapses are spelling trouble for verizons 4. 8 billion proposed acquisition of yahoo . Verizon responded in a statement. We will evaluate the situation as yahoo continues its investigation. We will review the impact of this new development before reaching any final conclusions. Once valued at 125 alien dollars, the internet giant has seen its star eclipsed by the likes of google and facebook. Genie more than 50 years after frances lascaux caves were preserved for the prehistoric paintings, a replica has opened just a few hundred meters away from the original. Dozens of artists and sculptures reproduced hundreds of annable images, signs and symbols. Ultramodern buildings, a trip back in time awaits. Arefamous lascaux caves reproduced here and the atmosphere is just like a real cave. All the most famous pictures are on display. Know whether i am in a real cave or reproduction. It is so precise. This architectural jewel is also home to other gems like these giant models of new treasures from the original caves not seen before. Here you have the famous painting of a human. The only one in the whole cave. Centerinternational expects to welcome 400,000 visitors a year to see the worlds bestknown cave paintings. Time for focus. Today we are heading to japan where people literally worked themselves to death. Death by overwork can even be found on japanese death certificates. Paper on it,white the government said in october that 1 5 of workers are at risk of death by overwork. Officially hundreds of heart attacks, strokes or suicides a year are attributed to overwork. Families of victims say the government should be recognizing far more cases. Justin mccurry reports. He could walk to the Health Ministry with his eyes closed. Today the 28th visit in 30 years. Part of the work she does as the relative of a victim. Today our demand is simple. That the ministry recognize 19 deaths. The government has decided on but many people who dont meet these criteria are still dying from overworking. Her organization has helped 20 families and years since it was founded in 1989. Each faces a long legal battle. During the months it takes the cases to be processed, they take their message to the streets. Labor centers should require companies to keep a record of the working hours of their employees. This is one preventative measure that could be introduced immediately. Japanese law allows employees to work a maximum of 40 regular hours a week. Unions can approve overtime hours but they are not always recorded by employers. Five firmst one in regularly clocked 80 hours of overtime a month. Husband, the mental and physical demands became too much. He committed suicide after working 14 hours a day for 10 years. In japan people think that they will be liked more if they work longer hours to they are showing how motivated they are by surviving on very little sleep. We really need to change this that mentality in japan or things will never improve. Japans brutal working culture has cost about 200 deaths a year. Most of the victims suffer heart attacks, strokes or take their own lives. Two years ago the Health Ministry formed a special unit to counter the rising deaths but it has had little effect. Measures designed to reduce overtime have been delayed. For 25 Years Companies were worried measures would make them less flexible. As part of the campaign the Health Ministry organizes meetings to educate the public about the risks posed. To hundred 50led kilometers to attend this meeting in tokyo. Of son became a victim corrosion. My son committed suicide because of his working conditions. His manager harassed him even though he was a very hard worker. People need to know what happened to him to prevent it from happening again. People attending the meeting here about several tragic cases. This one describes how her daughter, a Young Employee committed suicide as a result of the stress brought on by overwork. Her case made headlines in japan and around the world. Me imaughter told coming home at the end of the year so i can spend some time with you. But she committed suicide on the morning of christmas day. Said it me a note that love you, thank you for everything. But life and work are too hard for me. Some companies have been shocked into action. Makess firm, the manager sure all employees have left the office by 6 00 p. M. You have worked too many hours today. Im sorry to bother you. We must respect the rules. Once a month all the employees must write down what time they intend to leave the office. It forces them to realize they spend way too much time at work. Its the first time i worked extra hours. I feel embarrassed to be found out. It has reduced overtime by 60 and increased annual turnover by 30 . Employees can leave earlier now. They have more free time and can spend it with their families which increases motivation to work. The government plans to Ban Companies from overtime. The idea is to link salaries to performance rather than time spent at work. To new law isnt expected pass until next year. In the meantime japans workers continue to clock up lots of overtime. Sometimes with tragic consequences. Joining me now from Manchester Business school is sir cary cooper. Hes one of the worlds leading authorities on health and wellbeing in the workplace. Thank you for joining us for todays focus. What is it that actually killed so many people in japan . Stress, lack of sleep . Number of factors. Death by overwork is about overwork. Its the long working hours culture. Its the lack of sleep. The lack of any downtime, lack of spending any time with your family. They are on workload almost all the time. Increasingly this is what we are getting in europe. The u. K. Has the longest working hours of any european country but europe generally is getting longer and longer working hours which i think is really bad. The Research Shows if you consistently work long hours you will get ill. Genie what are long hours and whats the ideal working . The ideal working week is probably even less than the eu working time directive of 48 hours averaged over 15 to 17 weeks. Thats a pretty good standard. Even that is too long because its averaged over weeks so you can work people for 60 hours we 60 hour weeks and then drop them. I think the reasonable hours is what we have traditionally done which is around 40. If you add in all the time that all of us spend on our , attphones at night weekends and while we are on holiday doing our emails, we are actually working a lot more hours than that. Particularlye is in europe to have more Flexible Working so people could work partly from home and partly from a Central Office rather than doing long hours in a Central Office environment. The individuals and organizations that introduce and encourage Flexible Working seem to have higher Job Satisfaction rates, lower Sickness Absence rates and higher productivity. Genie you mentioned technology. I was going to ask to what extent it is to blame. We can access our work emails 24 7. That is a real problem. Theres a whole new field. I have a french student who just got his phd yesterday. Stresswith me this email. That was his phd thesis. There is evidence that emails enormous problems. They are overloading people electronically. And we have very little guidance in companies about what we should do about it. Even companies are beginning to get so worried they are taking action. For example volkswagen has that there headquarters where they actually block a persons email whenever the end time is for the day and opens the next morning. Because they want them to go home refreshed. Many companies are beginning to ban emails within the same building, to shut off servers at the weekend. It is really causing problems. I think the reason problems have occurred is the smart. Its too accessible. Would like to get back to japan. You mentioned people being forced to laud off. We saw how some people are being forced to leave the office because people are really worried about how its going to look to leave the office early. You also need to change mentality. And you have to let individuals know. Its more of a Group Mentality in japan in the sense they feel obliged to stay their commitment. With increasing job insecurity not just in japan but in many developed countries now the tendency is to not have high Sickness Absence what i present to you some rates where people turn up to work early and stay late as they want to show commitment because they are feeling so job and secure. Japan has always had that. They have always had people wanting to show commitment by staying late. Genie does it also depend on the nature of your work . Of course. Way, inservice knowledgebased economies like we have the majority of them in the eu, we are not a heavy manufacturing base. That has gone east. We could work much more flexibly. Artly from home thats part of the solution to this problem which is to enable people to work partly from home and partly from a Central Office and therefore they can meet other commitments and do it when it fits in with them. That requires a different mindset by management. Genie is there a country you can think of that sum all we could be following . The french have it right when it comes to work life balance. The french are good in the probably inhey have europe one of the lowest kind of working hours. The germans do as well. The swedes have carried out an experiment in one of their major cities. And discovered that actually people get as much done in 30 hours than they do in 40 hours and they are considering now legislating for a 30 hour working week. I think its not just about o qnns the right number. [thunder] people are going to do things under cover of darkness, afraid of light, so if you come at midnight, ill be there with my headlights glaring. If you are a democratic country with a constitution that has a bill of rights, you have to enforce those rights and people must enjoy certain basic freedoms that are allowed by the law. What about his rights to an early heariring . I i think initially, whehen she started to represent me,

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