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First, Iraqi Forces Say they are just two kilometers away from the city of mosul. The battle is far from over. A million civilians remain trapped in the city and the u. N. Says is lummis have been killing scores of people in recent days. The bodies of up to 70 people were found in their homes. The u. N. Is warning the iraqi forces and their kurdish allies against collective punishment. It claims dozens of sunni error families were forced to leave the city of kirkuk after an Islamic State attacked their last week. Jane has been with the troops in a small christian town and has this report. Village the christian. S 15 kilometers east of mosul inside there is fierce fighting between iraqi infantry in an estimated 15 jihadist. Im watching the enemy. When i see a jihadist, a. Schu him. Ive killed five since the beginning of the battle. When i see a jihadist, i shoot him. There is still sporadic gunfire inside. We will be entering with the army in a minute. A townr we discover damaged by heavy fighting. The soldiers lead us to a church where they celebrate their victory. Islamic state Group Fighters use the ancient christian shrine as a bunker. Underneath, a Tunnel Network branches out to different combat positions. Is where they position their rocket launchers and snipers. Here they hire at iraqi horses forces. No i. S. Militant bodies to be seen. Soldiers sweep the town for fighters and minds. And mines look over there, there is a truck bomb. The forces start firing rapidly toward the target. Gunfire,ce of heavy the truck driver has fled. The situation has become unstable in town. The army decides we have to leave immediately. The french president said they must stop Islamic State fighters from escaping mosul. The islament warned as would try to hide themselves among refugees and staged terror attacks. With the battle for mosul for from over, attention is moving to the Islamic State headquarters across the border from syria. The iraqis are fighting with skill and commitment and courage , enabled by the coalition. Today, we as members of the coalition resolve to follow through with the same sense of urgency and focus on enveloping and collapsing isils control over raqqa as well. There haveow says been no russian or Syrian Government airstrikes on aleppo for the past seven days. Russia claims at least 48 women and children left the city monday through one of the socalled humanitarian corridors. Theassadowers accused regime of more attacks. Have been wounded since the operation to recapture the city began last month. Pakistan is in mourning this tuesday after a brutal assault on a Police Academy left at least 61 people dead. Islamist militants burst into the complex monday night, opening fire, before blowing themselves up. People were wounded. Elliott richardson has the story. Elliott paying their respects , following the deadliest attack on security in the countrys history, with the death toll over 60. Quetta has been at the center of an extremist insurgency that has lasted for decades. His group called for the end of terrorism, and chanted that brutality will not be tolerated. Terrorism is increasing day by day in pakistan. Being pakistani christians, we want to convey a message to the terrorists. We will always stand for peace. Reporter gunmen wearing explosive fests stormed the Academy Monday night with around 700 cadets in the facility at the time. Most of them were sleeping. Security forces arrived within 20 minutes and a five hour gunbattle ensued. The attackers were all killed. When we heard the explosion, we felt as if doomsday had arrived. Pay my respects to all of them. May god give them a place in heaven. On tuesday, they were still on high alert outside the academy. The were placed outside main hospital to display the names of those wounded. Over 100 were injured. Inside the hospital, the wounded are being cared for, while their relatives wait and pray. The attack is being blamed on extremists with links to al qaeda who have a history of carrying out attacks in the region. The Islamic State group has also claimed was on stability. Laura thanks for being with us tonight. These attacks happen with alarming regularity in pakistan. The attack on the army run school springs to mind when 150 people, mainly school children, were killed. Why can they not stop these largescale attacks . The attack in peshawar did , to startference cracking down on militancy earlier in 2014. The level of violence in general quettastan is down, that in particular is the exception to the rule. The situation has clearly deteriorated. Laura why is that . Etta is a city where the Afghan Taliban and leadership were based. There has been a lot of upheaval because of military action in the tribal areas. Seenrovincial capital has an increase in nationalism. Of Chinas Center infrastructure plans for pakistan and so they tried to derail those. Its not actually clear his carried out the attack today, with different people taking responsibility. You also have the crackdown in karachi where people from the tribal areas have moved to. This is a Central Place for big ethnic kind of mix, and consequently, there are attacks as we saw today. Laura some pupils that would be impossible for these militant groups to carry out attacks like this without some level of support from the civilian population. Is that the case . Armyere is a major crackdown in karachi, which in part is targeting pashtun militants and another political group. Sayainly india is keen to the people carrying out the attacks have some level of pakistani Government Support but the attacks in pakistan are similar to the tax happening in india in terms of people willing to die, turning up at army bases. A baseople turn up at and just start shooting people. Very hard to call. Pakistans case is the afghan not based in in pakistan anymore, they have moved back to afghanistan. Seems to be at the center of it at present. Laura the taliban in afghanistan appear to have been gaining ground and have conquered more territory in recent months. How closely is that link to what is happening in pakistan now . I think very much. The more the situation in afghanistan seems to be deteriorating, the more its kind of a release valve for militants in pakistan. Saying, quetta seems to be the exception to the rule. We will probably see more attacks back in pakistan. When theres an upsurge of violence there, there is less violence in pakistan. Quettare killed today in. Laura thank you very much. Now in calais, workers have begun to dismantle the tents and shacks that make up a socalled jungle migrant camp. More than 4000 people have been removed from the camp and put on buses to Relocation Centers across the country. The bulldozers are set to move in later this week. Reporter on tuesday, hundreds of migrants rushing to a Processing Center to get out of calais once and for all. Thethose who made it out day earlier, the journey was long. As these migrants got off the bus, many kept their emotions hidden, not knowing what lies ahead. Life has been so hard on us. On all of us. New people, new city, everything new. Now that these migrants have left the jungle, they will be housed in temporary reception shelters like this one. Here, they can apply for asylum in. Nice. Very reporter aid workers and ensure the migrants have all they need to get comfortable in their new environment. They are aware the journey started well before life in calais. They came from different countries, different cities. Theyve never really stopped in something that is solid and clean. Some came from prison or camps and slums, living in horrible conditions. So this will be one of the first times where they stay in something that is safe and clean. In these rooms, many migrants from calais spent the first night indoors since their arrival in france. There could be a government after 10 months of political deadlock, following an intervention from the king. Debatingt will begin the bid for a second term. Lets go to madrid and our correspondent there. What is the latest . Rajoy two months ago was rejected by the opposition. Vote, he just needs more yeses than knows, not an absolute majority. That promise to abstain, and that would fit give him the crucial number of votes to remain the next Prime Minister. The socialists have promised to do that. Many have said they will break. Ith Party Discipline that will still not change the situation because they have y primeto make rajo minister after saturday. Laura even if he is confirmed, he will rule over a pretty weak government. How long can that situation hold . Sara weve never seen such a small minority government since 1938 when spain return to democracy. ,he thing that will help him many in the party dont want to go to a third election within a year anytime soon because they feel they would lose support and the Peoples Party would stand to gain space. Nevertheless, they will have to work very hard to make friends and allies, having ruled with an absolute majority. The socialists today made it clear that they wont guarantee the stability of this government, so it may not last a full fouryear term. Laura thank you very much, reporting therefrom madrid. A quick reminder of the headlines this hour. I direct forces are on the very edge of mosul this tuesday. That. N. Is warning islamists have been killing scores of civilians. Pakistan is in mourning after the latest deadly assault carried out by islamists. At least 61 People Killed and many more wounded after gun and bomb attacks on a Police Academy. More than 4000 people have been moved out of the jungle migrant camp in calais. Workers are beginning to dismantle the tents and shacks that made up the camp and bulldozers are expected to move in tomorrow. Update on our top business news. Kate moody is here with us. More details on the third runway that will be guilt at Heathrow Airport in the next few years. Kate a lot of money is at stake, nearly 20 billion euros to add that third runway to londons biggest airport. Government gave the plan the green light on tuesday, despite competing bid from gatwick airport, which also hopes to expand. They faced stiff opposition from locals, hundreds of people who say their homes would have to be raised to make room for that expansion. Environmental activists have also expressed concern. The transport minister said it would boost employment and trade and show that post brexit written is open for trade. The project has taken over 10 years to take off. He throws third runway cost an estimated 17. 6 ilion pounds. 17. 6 billion pounds. It air force Commission Said will generate up to 140 7 billion pounds over 60 years and create more than 70,000 jobs by 2050. Everyone in this house will understand the significance of this announcement. It economybs for and that works for everyone, for passengers, for the global importance of our country, and also to send a very clear message today that this country is open for business. The northwest runway expansion will allow for 50 million more passengers each year are an extra 260,000 flights annually. Supporters argue its in the best position to open the uk to emerging markets, following the brexit vote. Heathrow is writtens great trading hub with the rest of the world. Thats why it is so vital we build capacity at heathrow to make sure britain is a winner in trade. Bal debates over funding continue. Passengers may face increased charges for the airport expansion to pay for the new runway, which wont be operational for nearly a decade. France has recorded the biggest drop in unemployment figures since 1996. The Labor Ministry said the number of people seeking jobs milliono just under 3. 5 , a drop of 1. 9 for september compared to august. In august it rose 1. 4 . In the second quarter, the countrys jobless rate fell time 10 for the first since 2012. Septembers figures will provide him another another muchneeded boost for france all forrancois picard and friends while hollande. The results weve seen this evening confirmed that unemployment is going down. Its a sham saying these figures have gone down. Lets take a look at the markets. Corporate earnings have been dominating global trade. Some of the major european indices losing ground. The ftse 100 managed a nearly. 5 boost. Wall street is also trading in the red this hour. Major indices down just about. 5 each there. Growing uncertainty about whether opec members will agree to cut output. Americas Housing Market is also an focus this tuesday. U. S. Home prices rose 5. 1 in the year to august. Homebuyers competed for fewer properties, help by low mortgage Interest Rates and some wage growth and low unemployment in the u. S. Reported caterpillar Quarterly Earnings that beat analyst expectations but revenue fell short of estimates when the company lowered its fullyear guidance saying commodities will continue to weigh on the bottom line throughout 2017. The european Banking Sector drop this tuesday with all eyes on italy. Thats after the countrys thirdlargest bank confirmed a massive Restructuring Plan aimed at cutting its mountain of bad debt. The troubled lender is cutting 2600 jobs and expressing expecting losses for. 8 billion euros this year. It hopes to raise 5 billion euros in capital and return to profit by 2019. Shares initially dropped more than 26 on the news and then dropped by nearly as much, falling 23 . After that, they were temporarily suspended from trading. Other business headlines, twitter is said to be preparing to announce hundreds of job cuts later this week. The News Agency Bloomberg is reporting the firm will lose about 300 jobs or 8 of its work force. They been trying to cut costs and sales growth has slowed down. Its also been seeking a takeover by potential buyers have all now said they are not interested. A planned chinese takeover is facing delays and will likely not be completed by the end of the year. This is the Worlds Largest maker of pesticides. It told investors the deal would go ahead, just later than planned. Regulators in the u. S. And. Urope have raised concerns General Motors reported much higher than expected thirdquarter earnings after it had strong north american truck and suv sales. Et income rose 104 overall sales rose 3. 8 compared to a year earlier. The results may help call fears of a slowing auto market in the United States. There is still no breakthrough on a stalled freetrade agreement between the European Union and canada. Belgium is the only european country not to have approved the ofeement, because opposition three of its regions. Politicians worried that it would undermine local labor, environmental, and consumer standards. A regional leader warned he would stop negotiations altogether if the eu continued to push against it. The Eu Commission has denied issuing ultimatums because it Still Believes a deal can be done. I also want to be fair about the fact that weve already received three ultimatums and we will not tolerate a fourth. If there is a fourth ultimatum, we will stop our negotiations. We cannot give in to pressure and they cannot ask us to override parliamentary procedures. Still establishing its position through relative institutional procedures and in line with its constitution. We respect that. What we need now is patients. A little bit of optimism on both sides of the atlantic there. The canadian government has said that Prime Minister justin hiseau has yet to cancel planned visit to brussels on thursday, when he was set to sign that ceta deal. A lot more developments to come on this so we will keep you posted. Laura stay with us, this is france 24. 8uxu x x x r ocococococ 10 25 16 10 25 5 16 [captioning made possible by democracy now ] amy from pacifica, this is basically,ow pathological. , polititics, media, culture, arere totally outut of lancnce tododay because of our collective refusal to admit the vietnam war was wrong in a Peaceful Movement was right. Amy today we remember tom hayden, the legendary antiwar and civil rights activist. He died on sunday at the age of 76. We will hearar tom in his own words speaking about the vietnam war and the power of protest. Then to the maman who revolutionized Sitcom Television norman lear. I think of donald trump as the middle finger of the american right hand. The American People, you know, we are in a democracy and t the dedemocracy depends on an inford citizenry which would be a well led and informed i dont think we have a media generally that informs. Amy a at 94 yeaears old, norman lear is stilill going strong and speaking out. The creator of many sitcoms including all in the family and the jeffersons joins us to talk about his grounundbreakingv shows, this years president ial election, how he endnded up on Richard Nixons enemy list, and the new pbs documentary about his life that is airing tonight just another version of you. , all that and more, coming up. Welcome to democracy now , democracynow. Org, the war and peace report. Im amy goodman. The planet has crossed a new threshold. The average Carbon Dioxide levels in the atmosphere throughout 2015 were 400 parts per million. This according to the World Meteorological organization. Scientists have long warned Carbon Dioxide levels mumust remain b below 400 parts per million, if not belo350 parts per million, to avoid catastrophic climate change. Scientists predict the Carbon Dioxide levels will not have a low 400 parts per million average for decades to come, even if there are aggressive measures taken to cut Global Carbon emissions. Be the also slated to hottest year on record. In canana, 99 peopople were detained by Police Monday at a demonstration on Parliament Hill in ottawa, demanding Prime Minister Justin Trudeau reject the expansion of the Kinder Morgans trans mountain pipeline, as well as all new tar sands pipelines and infrastructure. Among those arrested was clayton thomasmuller, a climate activist from the cree nation in northern manitoba. We know that theyre just trying to test the war water to get the controversial Tar Sands Oil that has been killing and making people in northern operative with cancer, poisoning their food system, poisoning their water system, creating Climate Chaos across the planet. Justin trudeau is in collusion with big oil and were here today to support these young people, these brave warriors of the e sacredness of mother earth to l let him know he needs to reject the Kinder Morgan pipeline. Meanwhile, in iowa, residents fighting the Dakota Access pipeline say at least one person has been arrested as a group blockaded a waste dump site being used by Dakota Access as by the Dakota Access Pipeline Company as it bores underneath the mississippi river. The group mississippi stand says two residents locked themselves to a barrel to blockade the road leading to the dump site, halting drilling underneath the mississippi for hours. This comes as Court Documents shailenellywood actress woodley is slated to stand trial january 25 on charges related to a protest on october 10, Indigenous Peoples day. To see our full interview with Shailene Woodley on monday on her arrest, go to democracynow. Org. Policestan, dozens of cadets and guards have been killed after three gunmen armed with guns and explosives stormed a Police Training college outside the city of quetta monday. This is the provincial home minister. Following orders of the chief minister him and emergency has been declared and all hospitals. Enforcement are coming. Police are arriving. Our focus entirely on the operation for not amy Pakistani Security forces retook control of the Police Training college after four hours. Authorities say the gunmen belong to the militant group lashkarejhangvi. Quetta has seen a handful of deadly attacks by militant groups in recent years, including an attack on a hospital in when a suicide august bombing killed 70 people, mostly lawyers. In france, officials are continuing to demolish the calais refugee camp, known as the jungle, where thousands of refugees from afghanistan, iraq, syria, somalia, eritrea, sudan, and other wartorn countries have been living as they seek to reach england through the channel tunnel. More than 2000 refugees reportedly left the camp yesterday on busses headed to refugee Centers Across france. But thousands more remain in the camp and are vowing to refuse to leave. Monday night, Police Attacked a group of refugees with tear gas, after they began throwing stones at the police. This comes as aid agencies say 3740 refugees have died attempting to cross the mediterranean so far this year meaning this year has, so far, been three timemes deadlier than last yearar for refugees atattempting the perilous crossing. To see our read more from the calais refugee camp, go toto democracacynow. Org. With the u. S. Election only two weeks away, both donald trump and Hillary Clinton are campaigning in florida today. Recent polls suggest clinton may carry florida in november 8. Clinton campaigned alongside massachusetts senator Elizabeth Warren on monday in New Hampshire where warren referenced trumps comments calling clclinton a nasty woman. Nasty women have really had it with guys like you. Get this, donald, nasty women are tough. Nasty women are smart. And nasty women vote. Amy donald trump, meanwhile, appeared on a New Hampshire Radio Program where he lashed out at adult film star jessica drake, who on saturday accused trump of hugging and kissing her without her consent. She is the 11th woman to accuse trump of sexual assault. This is trump. Mr. Trump one said, he grabbebd me on the arm. Ie is a porn star, the one cannot recently. He grabbed me and he grabbed me on the arm. Im sure she is never been grabbed before. Amy y a majoror trade deal betn the European Union and canada appears to be on the brink of collapse after belgium announced it would not sign the treaty, amid massive local opposition in three regions of belgium. The comprehensive economic and trade agreement, known as ceta, was expected to be signed this week. It requires the support of all 28 European Union countries to be approved. But on monday, belgian Prime Minister Charles Michel said he could not sign the agreement, because of opposition led by belgiums socialistrun wallonia region where residents are demandnding stronger laboror, hh and environmental protections. , in colombia, members of a peace walk have arrived in bogota after traveling for nearly 300 miles to demand a peace deal between the colombian government and farc rebels. The march was lead by the family members of 12 politicians kidnapped by farc rebels in 2002 in valle de cauca. 11 of the 12 politicians were ultimately killed, while one survived. This is jhon jairo hoyos, whose father was one of the politicians kidnapped in 2002. We have walked 450 kilometers to say to colombia, our nation, that peace is possible, that we can achieve it, that we have to voice. Nd unite in one no more victims. We want peace. Lets make this agreement now. Amy in new york city, dozens of people protested outside the United Nations and participated in a public forum to demand the United States stop funding Mexican Police and Security Forces amid a series of cases of forced disappearances and the repression of social movements. The actions were organized by the caravan against repression in mexico, which included a teacher from oaxaca, where Police Killed 9 people at a teachers protest in june. Two mothers of the 49 missing students from the Ayotzinapa Rural Teachers College in the and Eduardo Garcia maganda, a student who survived the 2014 Police Attack on the ayotiznapa students. We believe it is very significant to be here in new york because the majority of the militarization projects, the transfer of funding and arms, come from the United States. It is pitiful many north americans, including mexicans who are resident on the side of the border, do not know their taxes are paying for a war in mexico that has claimed more than 100,000 deaths and about 28,000 disappearances. And in boston, massachusetts, dining hall workers and others have been negotiating. The dining hall workers have been on strike for more than 20 days to demand affordable healthcare and an average salary of 35,000 a year. Harvards endowment is over 35 billion. And those are some of the headlines. This is democracy now, democracynow. Org, the war and peace report. Im amy goodman. Legendary antiwar activist tom hayden died sunday in santa monica, california after a , lengthy illness. He was 76 years old. Tom hayden spent decades shaping movements against war and for social justice. In the early 1960s, was the principal author of the port huron s statement the founding , document of students f for a democratic society, or sds. The statement advocated for participatory democracy and helped launch ththe Student Movement of th191960s. Tom haenen was also a freedom rider in thehe deep sout a and helpeded create a nationonal por Peoples Campaign f for jobs and emwerment. You organize in newark, new jersey, among his books, rebellion in newark official violence and ghetto response. In 1968, tom hayden became one of the socalled chicago 8 and was convicted of crossing state lines to start a riot after he helped organize protests against the vietnam war outside the Democratic National convention. In 1982, hayden entered electoral politics, first winning a seat in the california state assembly, later in the california senate. We turn now to a speech hayden gave last year at t a confereree in washington, d. C. Titled , vietnam the power of protest. I want to start off by saying how many of you i love very much and have known for such a long time. I only hope there is enough minutes and occasions here for us to get to know each other again because we have really been through a lifetime. Today, we will have plenty of time for discussion, for panels, for up serve r rations. At 4 00, we will gather to march to the kining memoririal. I just want to say a word about that. I know ron is s going to speak o this, but why was t that chosen . It is because in keepining with trying to make sure our history is told accurately, we have to tell it ourselves. We have to recognize dr. King became a martyr because of his stand on vietnam, not only because of his stand on race, justice, economic poverty. And there has been a tendency over the many decades to make dr. King a monument to nonviolence alone. And we need to remember he was attacked by the New York Times and by the wall street journal and by the Washington Post for being out of place. They wanted to put him back in his place. And say nothing about vietnam, take no stand on vietnam. There were threats that he would lose funding. There were threats of all sorts. To distort that, to forget that, to door that his monument ignore that his monument would be shaped in a certain way to serve certain interest, but not others, is a disservice to truth and we have to march there and there and commemorate him as a leader and martyr for all of us for peace, justice, and civil rights, not only in the United States, but around the world, and persist in making sure that his whole story, including the campaign to end poverty in the United States, is told each and every year and in all of our schools and curriculums. So that is the purpose. This is a way of eyeing the struggle way of saying the struggle for memory and history is a living thing. It is ongoing. It does not end. Even today, people are debating and reassessing the history of abolition of slavery, the role of slave resistance, the role of the underground railroad, the role of the abolitionist direct action movement, the role of the roddick and republican politicians, the role of International Politics in what came about, and the role of how it was derailed by the assassination of president lincoln. The ending of the possibilities of reconstruction which were not taken up again and tell 1960 and the coming of jim crow. Generation has to wrestle with the history of what comes came before and asked, whose interest does this history serve . How does it advance a legacy of social movements . How does it deny that legacy . We dont know. But we do know we are here for such ay first time at broad gathering of the movement against the vietnam war. It has been 50 years since s sea , 50 years since the first sds mah. Itas a time that changedurur ves. S. And before the murders of dr. Kiking and bobby kennedy, ththen came the budget cuts, the end of the war on poverty. Then came the watergate repression. And we became a generation of might have beens. Our rock layer the bottom of the hill. We gather here to remember the power that we had at one point, the power of the Peace Movement, and to challenge the pentagon now on the battlefield of memory. We have to resist their military occupation of our minds and the minds of future generations. [applause] memory is very much like rock climbing, the recovery of memory. Ish niche towards the summit grasped inch by bleeding inch and has to be carefully carved with tools that are precise in order to take the next step. ,alling back is always possible but as dr. King himself said on his last night, there is something in humans that makes us aspire to climb mountains, to reach the majesty if only for a moment. We are mountain climbers. President obama has reminded us ,o remember, he said, selma seneca falls, and stonewall. But not saigon. Not chicago. Not vietnam. We have to ask ourselves collectively why that omission exist and realize that only we in propere a place history of those times. Reasonect there was a that it has s to do with the progogramming of amnesia. That there are very powerful forces in our couountry who stad for denial. Not just climate denial, but generatitial denial. Vietnam d denial. Therere are forces that standndr ethnhnic cleanansing, but t nott ends ethnic cleansing, but also for historic cleansing. And that is what has happened. It serves their purpose because they have no interest in the true history o of a war in which they sent thousands to their deaths and almost before the blood had dried, or moving upp the National Security laddeder d showing effort Television Interviews to advertise what they called the next cake walks. Only the blood was caked. Generation of care pololitians w w were afraid oassociatn with the peacmoveme,ho were afid ofeing seeas st, who saw the inderack was the tck w war. Sicall patlogical. Media,ms polits, lture re totlyly out o babalae todada because oour collective refusal to admit the vietnam war was wrong and that the Peace Movement was right. In the absence [applause] in the absenence of an establisd voice for peace in all of the institutions, the neoconservatives will fill the Foreign Policy vacuum. In my right . Will it not advise both parties . I think the American Public opinion has shifted to a much more skeptical state of mind than earlier generations, but the spectrum of american politics and media has not. That, of never forget course, it was the vietnamese resistance and their sacfifice thatat l to ouou awakening along with the civilights movement atome it beg with ndfuls oyoun peopl ack stents whoed freom ris, sit ins from e studen nonvlent corningommittee juan bond o is sitng her wi was rejeed after bng ected tohe georgia leglature, mommed ali w stripp of hiboxing title itlso begin th theietnam mmittein berkey growin sdsthe drafns, reststance ther h never been a pee movent likehe one in 19 th ase out of the civil rits mement and came jtt weeks afte selma. At the2would d hands of police while demonstrating for pepeace. Luisld like to introduce rodriguez and Russell Leo Munoz and g jorge from t the chicano moratorium where four died, including gustav montes, lynn ward, jose diaz, and ruben salazar. Ruben salazar was an early one fromles Juan G Gonzalez the los angeles who servrved s a journalist in vietnam before he started critical reporting on the streets of los angeleles. And he was shot by the sheriffs deputies. I dont know if he is here, but is alan n here . Please, stand. Alan was wounded [applause] state, two at jackson state two weeks later. Every year these two groups of people have observed memorials, have fought for their place in history, are coming up on their 50th anniversary commemorations, and are here today to learn from us as we have learned from them the importance of organizing, organizing, organizing around the politics of memory. So thank you for being here. We will remember. We will not forget. We will not forget the eight who sacrificed their lives by self immolation. We will not forget the students who helped end the war by shutting down so many campuses. We will not forget the veterans who took the risk of standing up to their commanding officicers d resisted from within n the military. [applause] we will not forget them because this was something that was like a dubois charactcterization of e general strike by slaves who, through noncooperation, walked off plantations across the south when they saw the futility of any other alternative andnd choe to simply walk away and join the union army. What happened at the end of the vietnam war is that people walked away. He campuses shut down. 4 Million Students walked away. The military was described by marine colonels in the military history as being on the verge of collapse. They walked away. The counterculture walked away. We all walked away. It might have been otherwise if king and Robert Kennedy had not been assassinated. We might have been united, at least for a moment at least for a moment. We might have elected a president , we might have ended a war, but instead, we were relegated to wondering what might have been. We lost any basis for our unity am a thus, we have not come together since that time. The question for us is whether today we can unify when we never could unify before. [applause] can we do that for the memory of our movement and for the meaning that upholds for future generations . I hope so. I pray so. Thank you. Amy legendary civil rights and antiwar activist tom hayden speaking last year in washington, d. C. The 50th anniviversary of the first major antivietnam war protest. There was a conference called vietnam the power of prorotes tom hayden died sunday at the age of 76 in california. You can go to democracynow. Org to watch all o of our interviews with tom, including a discussion about jessica tory democracy from port huron to occupy wall street. You can also see our interview with him about his last book called listen yankee why cuba matttters. When we e go backk will becoe back, we go to the man who revolutionized Sitcom Television norman lear. Stay with us. [music break] amy Lyndon Johnson told the nation by tom paxton. This is democracy now , democracynow. Org, the war and peace report. Im amy goodman. As we turn now to the legendaray tv producer and longtime political activist norman lear. At 94 yearars young, norman n lr has led a remarkable life. He helped revolutionize Sitcom Television with a string of hit shows, including all in the family, sanford and son, e jeffersons, good times, and maude. In 1984, he became one of the first seven Television Pioneers to be inducted into the tetelevisionon academy halofof. In 1999, president c clinton awarded him the National Medal of arts saying norman lear has held up a mirror to American Society and changed the way we look at it. Yes, norman lear is also a long timeme activist t earning him a place on Richard Nixons enemy list and the scorn of the christian right. In 1981, he created the Progressive Advocacy group people for the american way in part to monitor the religious right. The late Jerry Falwell once described lear as the no. 1 enemy of the american family. Well norman lear is the subject , of the new american masters documentary on pbs called norman lear just another , version of you. It premieres tonight on pbs. This i is the traiailer. Television cammy broken into two parts, before norman and after normrman. This is in n a time when we wewere at probably our grereatet change sociaially. Mainststream televevision was of the lasast two jump in the first person to force it over that hihill was nman. All in the family was the greatest. It reinfnforces bigogotry . My fifirst answerer is, no. I never said a guy who wears glasses is a queer. Wheezed to say too hip for the room. There werent any africanamericicans on tv atat t time. I did not want to discscourage a black fafamily. Migh dynamite there w were lines for r youo say because you are black. It is time to come out of the churches and change america. I was concerned about what i was seeing on television, mixing politics and religion. So i thought, i want to takeke e flflight back for all of us. S. He called he said, guess what . I only declaration of independence. Amy the trailer for norman lear just another version of you. Well, last week,k, norman lear himself joined us in our new york studio at democracy now for a conversation about his work, politics, and activism. I began by asking him what the title just another version of you means to him. Well, that has been my Bumper Sticker for a number of years. And rachel, who produced and directed the film, and i think its a brilliant job, they happen to see my Bumper Sticker one day and they were studying my life and they said, that is going to be the title, if you dont mind, of the documentary. And that is the way i feel about it. We are versions of one another, common committed the, whatever our color, whatever our if the city, whatever the surface makes us the visuals in terms of our common humanity we e are copiesf one another. Father, herman, had a huge influence on your life. His absence certainly did. He was sent to prison when i was nine years old. Me andn a sense, haunted inspired me. Amy why was he in prison . Fake was selling s some lawns or something. I remember my mother saying, herman, i dont like those men. I dont like those men. Stifle my fathther said,d, asg said all of those years later, and went off to oklahoma. He was going to bring back a 10 gallon hat. He was arrested when he got off the plane. Two or, my mother was selling all of the furniture. We w were movingng. We could not afford to live in chelsea. She was too ashamed amy here in new york. In massachusetts. In chelsea, massachusetts. In time, mynt to go live with an uncle. I dont know what the im going to do next. So much her fellow puts his hands on my shoulder and says,s, youure the man of the house n. Atat which point i thinknk i ben to understand the foolishness of the human condition. Amy so talk about how you got into television. Was a kid in the depression. I had one uncle jack who used to flip me a quarter. That was something. It just knocked me out. Was a press agent. I didnt know what that was. And that was my role model. I wanted to be a press agent. I went to california to do that. And myes my wife cousin became great friends. Her husband wanted to be a comedy writer. They were going to the movie one night. They wrote something together. They came home about 10 15, we went to a night club and sold it was halfmy half of 40 of what i made in a week. So we started to write comedy. Amy i want to go back to the documentary norman lear just another version of you. Americanmasters. Amy yes. This is rob reiner who played archie bunkers soninlaw on the iconic show all in the family talking about the reaction to this series. It is followed by a clip of all in the family. The headline is, all in the family introduces the e world o film out archie bunker. Cbs rolled the dice lalast night with the newew situation comedy all in the family which wilill either be the biggest hit of the season or the e biggest bomb. So, there you go. That is s what it says. We did eight seasons. You know you are righght, archie . The brbritish are e a bunch o of pansnsies. Pansies,s, fairies, anand disea. The mexicans are bandits. Amy and you politics prologues are meatheads. Pollocks areuou meatheads. Amy talk about all in the family. Those people who thought archie had it right and wrote letters and we received, you know, thousands of them, i cant recall a single letter that on, archie, that wasnt followed by you sons of [ bleep] or what if you come back read came from you jew commie. Nobody iseing that rstood that archie was amy talk about how you came up with all in the family and when it went on the air. I didnt come up well, i did come up with it. I was doing a show in new york. A fellow by the name of phil did im trying to remember the situation comedy at the time with joan davis. Fours being divorced with kids. I was being divorced with one kid. I was having a terrible time in my divorce. I asked him how it was going with h his. He s said come a all she wanteds my reruns. My joan davis reruns. At which point i said, im only doing liveve. To myself, ive got to do something that i own. So i decided too do a situation comedy, which i had never considered doing before. At that moment, my partner but york was in london and wrote me about this show called i forget. I heard about that. I decided i would do an american version of that, and that this was about a bigoted father and soninlaw and so forth. I grew up with that. My father used to, the laziest white kitty ever met. White kid he ever met. He said, youre the dumbest white kid i ever met. Amy this goes well with the next clip from the documentary. You are appearing under cbs talk show and your question about the use of stereotypes and racial epithets in all in the family. Pbs news presents s look up and live. Today, laughter, hurt or heal. I have to say i see allll of the laughghter hurts. Thee repetition of these stereotytype tururns that we tht had died ininstead be hurtful ad harmfull tendnds to be hurtfl and harmful to the americacan good. Iveve heard all o of these epithehets. If they haha died, whehere they gone to . Do you really believe all in the familyy resurrected themm from deathth . I chose to entertain with what i consider real people. Amy norman lear, what about that . Im a serious man. I was a serious boy, but i think i had a sense of humor. I learned the foolishness of the human condition early in life. I chose to deal with it, but in a serious way. Before all in the family came on, i guess the kind of problem they were dedealing with on Petticoat Junction and beverly hillbillies and so forth, the roast was ruined and the boss is coming to dinner. Oh, my goodness, says the family have a problem. We were dealing with these things in our extended families, the neighbors across the street, upup the street, whether it was menopause or economic problems or camino, Health Problems or, you know, Health Problems, hypertension and black males, things that crowded our newspapers in our imaginations, we dont with it. Think archie bunker would have voted for donald trump . I think of donald trump as the middle finger of the american right hand. The American People, you know, we are in a democracy. The democracy depends on an informed citizenry, which would be a well led and informed citizen i dont think we have a media generally that informs. It yells, is greens, i it does Bumper Stickers. It doesnt do anything in context. We do not get the news in context. And the American People, aching for leadership, are tossed a donald trump and i think they say, ok, take this. And theyre saying, with that little finger, take this to the rest of us. Amy lets go to another clip just another version of you. This is mike wallace talking about is sometimes t tends relalationship with the network. What t your beefef against e networksks . I spent o our pun our arguing with t the sensors about the tiniest t ings. The netwtwork ofteten takes aa position that norman lear and the others in t the creative counity, i mean,n, how can they dodo this . How can ththey bite the hand tht feeds them . I i consider the creativive community are the hands s that feed. And they are biting our hands. Amy so there you are talking to the late mike wallace. What about your relationship with the networks . My relationship with the individuals, oneonone, was pretty good. We understood each other. Oneere i think it was man who said, nobody ever lost money underestimating the intelligence of the American People. To some degree, the establishment lives with that. It makes its decisisions on behf with ththe American People that in mind. I disagree. We are provably not the best educated, but we are wise of heart and we understand a lot more than we are given credit for. Im talkining about the populatn generally. Doing troubled the establishment ononly because it had not been done before. But we were living at. We did not invent any subject we were not living. Amy did you get flack from thee networorks at the beginning of o like, this isnt going to work . Oh, yes. Three the show originally years before 1968 and i made it twice. Each time with Carol Oconnor and jean several to and in the leads, different young people. , i heardh like hell from everybody. I was in the room a couple of times. Put it on. D not they were afraid of it. Cbs and the person who is the new leader, bob wood, put it on with, whwhat you call it, and advisory warning people that if they watched it, you know, they might not like it or they would be frightened by i can remember. Amy or they might change. Or they might change. ,o the last argument we had they wanted to cut something. New yoyork was on the air three hours before california. They were threatening to cut one line from michelle. I said, if you cut it, im out of here. I wont be back. I wasnt so great as i sound. I had an offer, three picture deal at united artist as the result of a till film i just finished. So i was in good shape. The network had at the last minute decided they would leave it in. Amy what was the line . Churchie comes back from , having been upset, did not like the minister or the sermon, left church really. Because they had the house alone. They were upstairs. The kids were them, come running up the stairs. It was clear what was happening. Amy they were married. And they were married. Rg says, 11 00 on a sunday morning. They wanted that line out. But why . Of course i said, they are married. It will cause the audience to picture what he is talking about 11 00 on a sunday morning. But they knew that when they went upstairs. I mean it had to come out. I thought if i gave into that, i would be giving in forever. And that is why i s said no. I was all most on my way out of almost on my way out of the ofoffice. We were working on scripts for the fourth episode when i got a call saying, they left it in. Amy that takes us right into reproductive rights and maude which was a spinoff of all in the family. Which tackledode the issue of abortion. Wadew months before roe v became the law the land. Look, itt is only one s sense way y out of thihis. Youu dont have to haveve the b. It is legal now. W. Is legal l in new york k sta. Were not g giving it a thought. I dodont know. I just dont know. The for sins of dust these the program Practice Department simply did not want to deal with abortion. Amy simply did not want to deal with abortion. What happened with this episode of maude . Theres a wonderful man who was the head of program practices. I dont know. A simple he just had to do the episode i simply just had to do the episode. As the result of his talking with me, we made it a twoparter and added a character, a woman, a friend who did not appear in many other shows, who was there for the purpose of being a mother of four children she could not, pregnant with a fit. She would no more think of having an abortion, so she represented in real life the other side of that discussion. On mods side, she said at the clclosing of that episosode, the second episode, walter, do you think im dodoing the right thi . Privacy maude, and the of our own home and our own lives, youre doing the right thing. Sidess the way the two were represented and that was the result of the conversations. Amy Legendary Television producer norman lear, tackling the issue of abortion on Network Television in 1972 before roe v. Wade. When we come back, we discuss his activism, his fight against the moral majority, and how he ended up on Richard Nixons enemys list. Stay with usus. [music break] amy those were the days, theme song of all in the family. This is democracy now , democracynow. Org, the war and peace report. Im amy goodman. As we return to our conversation with Television Producer and longtime political activist norman lear. Tonight pbs will premiere the american masters documentary, norman lear just another version of you, the first documentary about the 94yearold legend who, because of his work, landed on Richard Nixons enemys list. I asked norman lear how he ended up there. I got lucky. I think i just got lucky. He is on tape we used a tae where he isentary talking about with aldermen in his office he is talking archiehat show that bunker character. Weres talking about we wanting homosexuality and homosexuality brought down the greek amy empire. Empire. Trumpish. N and his so you have the arthur playing maude enteral oconnor and jean stapleton, this astounding 20. Talk about your work with them. Kerala connor very much, to say the least, the absolute opposite of archie bunker. And how could he tolererate doig this . He mustve had a very difficult time in two ways. S. One as ann intellect he was speaking like the antithesis of a smart man, let alone an intellect. He did not move he did not like most of the scripts. The best example was, and we have it in the documentary, a story that took place entirely in an elevator a halfhour in an elevator, stuck between floors with a hispanic woman who was about to give earth and give birth and in the fearful moment of a stuck elevator to give birtrth. I wanted to see that baby born on archies face. I was just in love with that from thehe moment it donilon uso do Something Like that. Amy of course he is turning away the beginning. He does not want this to happen. He is just, wait, wait. Trex because she is hispanic he is saying, stop when it finally happened, the expression on archies face when he hears the baby cry of course, he is alarmed at first that the baby does not cry. Amy make that baby cry. And you see him out of the corner of his eye starting to look. As a boy. S to see it golden. Golden. Amy good times and the jeffersons. Talk about the black panthers coming to visit and this show good times. The panthers came simply to say, youre the only black man on television with a family that has stored two and sometimes theybs, cant you just damned us. Is we haveut of that the jeffersons next door. , whats his found face to play george jefferson. I knew we were going to o have something great. We decideded as a result of tht, we were moving on up. We dont have to do a black family he was in the cleaning business. Now he has three or four stores. He is moving on up. Amy Sherman Helmsley played Sherman Helmsley. And the neighbor on the show who came up with the song moving on all over now. Ar amy you did a lot of television. You changed television. But you also started the Advocacy Group people for the american way. I daresay if you are starting a new organization now, given this president ial election year, you might be doing the very same thing. I talk about what is people for the american way and why you moved away from tv for that for a while . 1979andahalf, i became very aware of the amount of tv angela goals proliferating on the tube. You know, Jerry Falwell and the moral majority and pat rorobertson. For aan for president while. Jimmy swagger and so forth, and mixing politics and religion. And i had learned in physics class the crimime of the momentn education for me is they dont teach civics anymore. When i was a boy, i learned to love my declaration ofof independence. I underlined in my constitution, in my bill of rights because they were the protections americans needed in a free society where everybody is equal under the law. Dedicated to that as the result of those civics classes and learning when my father was sent away, from the jews, that hated viciously antisemetic and antifdr. Amy he was a real powerhouse on the radio. A real powerhouse. He raised antisemitism to enormous height. But i had my civics class, which tommy i was s protected by the documents that came from ouour foundiding f fathers. I underlined the word fathers because mine was away. I think that is the time i fell in love with founding fathers, kneading, wishing for a father. Amy i just watched another documentary that you are in, that you are the reporter for and that is america divided series. I wanted to play for a moment where you are the correspondent heretigating displacement in new york city, then going undercover to expose Racial Discrimination in housing. In this clip, you speak with the New York Times best to get of journalisists investigatie journalist. A lot of black people movin to a neighborhrhood, the p propy values go down. It is true because of the way the fedederal government raided integrated neighborhoods. Wewe he come to o believe it is true because blalack people dot keep up ththeir propertieses. You see ththe way the reality cn be f fueled by a a myth. Realility can be e fueled bya myth. Absololutely. Is our government doing ananything about that . T . Well, we have fair housusing laws now. We dont hahave to housing yet. I dont thinkk we rerealize how much effort t went into creating segregatioion. Wewe had cooperation from individual homeowners all the way up to the federal government to reorder ourur society in a wy that hararmed blk americanans ad helped white americans. You have to break it up. You have to do what you did to create it. Amy that is the New York Times investigative journalist Nicole Hannah jones. You do an astounding job in this thank you. Amy episode of america divided that is now on epix. You lived here in your life in new york. When were you here . I was here when my father got out of prison, we came to new york. We lived here for about 2. 5 years. I went to high school. I went to tilden high school. Amy samuel tilden. Exposing whatre the black lives Matter Movement talks about a lot. They are talking about, you know, African Americans killed by police officers, but Structural Racism in our society and housing is a crucial part of that. How segregated we are. New w york, what, the third most segregated city in this country . It is one thing to read about it, it is quite another thing to go into it, to sit in a lobby of a building with 14 or so tenants whomily representatives, were paying 600, now are paying 1900 for some crazy figure, escalated rentals. There are wanted out because of gentrification. Because they had long leases, fixndlord had chosen to the steps, that wall, all to cause us to raise debris and so forth. And people were getting sick literally, getting sick. And im sitting with these and, i mean, the wondnder i raided my refrigerator last night and had a good night sleep. Hohow do we e human beings liveh that . Undercover, goly in to try to get an apartment after an africanamerican actor who is deeply affected by this, goes in and they say, you know, that apartment we advertise, it is not available. There was an apartment in a studio apartment, there were two. There were two for me, and there was nothing for him. Amy and you go in one day later. How did you feel about this. This is now. I do not understand about how i can feel the way i feel, do what i do, but it is nothing compared to what has to be done. I dont know why im not on the streets. I dont know why i have not been arrested. I dont know why enough is not enough. Amy what do you still want took countless, norman lear . Another hour and a half talking to you. [laughter] amy that would be a pleasure, but i think theres a person waiting to take you out right away. But as you take on all of these issues, what gives you hope . I dont know, congenitally, i dont want to wake up any morning without hope. That is where i see i see hope in our faith, hope e in our faith, hope anand the persrson o greeted me coming in. You know, i dont wake up in the morning withouout hope. Amy norman lear veteran , Legendary Television and film producer. Political, social activist and philanthropist. The new pbpbs american masters documentary premiering tonight is called norman lear just another version of you, chronicling his life and the creation of the hit shows all in the family, good times, maude, sanford and son, and the jeffersons. Norman lear is founder of several nonprofits, including people for the american way. 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