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German train drivers continue their strike, we are looking at the bus company that is helping to cash in there and in france. Plus, we will meet protesters who are stealing chairs from Bank Branches in france as part payment for what they say is lost tax revenue. That and more on the way. First, our top story. First for you now, malaysia and indonesia say they are ready to offer temporary shelter to some 7000 people adrift at sea. Both countries have made it very clear that there are limits. They say they will not take any more migrants, and they will not keep them for longer than a year. That decision comes after malaysia and indonesia any new user opted for a policy pushing away refugee boats approaching their mortars. Agreed to continue providing assistance for those 7000 irregular migrants still at sea. We also agreed to offer them temporary shelter, provided that the sentiment and repatriation process will be done in one year by the International Community. In the meantime, malaysia and indonesia and other countries in the region will join in this endeavor. France 24s regional correspondent is covering more from bangkok. This is the first breakthrough, going on for over a week now. It is unclear how this will affect the other hundreds of migrants that have already arrived. The indonesian government is saying they want the International Community behind them. They want to guarantee repatriation. There are a lot of questions over this deal. In burma itself, they are not recognized as citizens, so they do not see how they could be repatriated to a country that is in fact stateless. At the same time the thai army chief, Thai Military chief, said he recognized the fact that burma also says these 1. 8 Million Community in burma are in fact illegal immigrants. A lot of questions about what is going to happen next. Genie migration has been a hot button issue here in europe as well. France has come out in force against a proposed eu policy of quotas. A flatout rejection. That is the stance france has apted to take that has opted to take to deal with the influx of migrants. The system would force countries to take in a certain percentage based on a variety of factors including levels of gdp and unemployment. Speaking in berlin, president hollande said the plan did not comply with french rule. We cannot talk of crisis. We cannot have the question is whether refugees have the right of asylum. We do not grant asylum based on the amount of people who have already had it granted. Sentiments i echoed. The right to asylum is the right granted, according to criterias, and the number of people benefiting cannot be defended by quotas. The rapid influx of migrants came too big to ignore. With france and spain joining the u. K. , denmark, and ireland in rejecting the proposed quotas, the eu genie the issue is being discussed and strasbourg, but not all french ndps backed the french governments position against. By refusing even a minimum of european solidarity, the Member States are betraying europe. Francois hollandes came out and gave solidarity in europe, but i experienced in interpersonal feeling of shame and im angry that europe and its values are being trampled on. Genie for more on the issue lets bring in our correspondent. On the one hand, they say they are against quotas, but then they say they are not against spreading the refugees out among the different european nations. What is the difference . Basically what they are reacting to is the idea that they would be forced to do more than they are doing now, and they want to keep their hand on the decision on those who are they are reacting to that. But also they say you should share the burden. So the idea that some countries among them france, maybe the u. K. , and sweden, are suing are seeking more asylumseekers in other countries, so that the proven distribution of these asylumseekers could be on the reduction as well. Where they do not want to negotiate is on a fixed number of admission that will not be decided according to the size of the country the population in the country, the resources, and so forth. Genie patrick in addition to france, there are other countries also against these quotas spain, the u. K. , denmark, ireland can the eu overrule their position, and if not, what is the solution . Patrick i do not think the eu can overrule their position. It is an attempt to coordinate the policies at the eu level. They have not been successful so far. There are some common guidelines and some common decisions, but overall each country is responsible for immigration policy and the number of immigrants admitted what the eu commissioner has been able to do is to define rules calling to dip in on the first country of arrival, when you submit an application for asylum or reimmigration process, so there are a lot of directives and treaties about that. But when it comes to decide how do you admit a migrant into each country it is each countrys own decision. I do not think the commission would be able to force the countries to make a decision on that. Genie patrick, thank you for that. That is Patrick Simon speaking to us from paris. The iraq he army says it pushed back and attacked by pushed back and attack. It was the most significant setback for the government in a year. That prompted thousands of people to flood out of ramandi seeking sanctuary elsewhere. The militants could use the chaos as an opportunity to slip through checkpoints. Security has been ramped up to high levels, leaving some refugees out in the cold. Our correspondent went to find out more. Fleeing in droves from the Islamic State however they cant, however they can ramadi refugees were waiting for forces to clear them across the iraqi capital. As refugees, where do you want us to go . Baghdad is full, and the north as well. No one wants to take us in. To get over the bridge, we need someone to vouch for us. There are not any camps for refugees or even anywhere temporary for us to sleep. For many, the only hopes lie and local residents and the charity they can provide for those who have left everything behind in hope they can reach baghdad. Or one of the southern provinces far from the militants. Despite the slow pace, officials in baghdad are taking no chances. They are afraid of the potential for militants to get through security and strike at the capital itself. The work of the security committees consists of checking the names of the refugees with those we already have. Checking their identities to see if they are real or if they are fake. It is exactly it is exacting work. Authorities told france before that teams from baghdad have been visiting the refugees and confirm their identities in person. However, with 25,000 names set to go on existing refugee lists, it is not clear it it will be completed anytime soon. Genie yemen has been hit with the longest series of airstrikes since the Saudiled Coalition began bombardments two months ago. Those strikes are targeting the capital, sanaa. The president of burundi has just pushed back parliamentary and local elections by one week. The delay is linked to the political crisis that almost toppled the president in a failed military to last week. It came after both opposition politicians and the International Community requested the postponement. The election will now be held june 2. Julia has more from the capital. Julia the protests have been much greater in number and in volatility than we have seen earlier this week. I am in a district of the capital, and there has been 15 minutes of consistent gunfire at the protesters over the last hour. That was just after tear gas had been used to disperse the protesters who dispersed only briefly. They were much more brazen today, directly clashing with the army and the police in the streets. At that point, an Army Commander gave the order to shoot, and both the army and Police Forces shot at protesters shot in the sky over protesters. Protesters were collecting the cartridges to show journalists and others proves that police and army were shooting at them. Today the army made sure that they gathered those cartridges from the streets. At this point the protesters retreated again, only briefly and now they are coming back out into the streets, singing, whistling, calling on others to join them. There is no sign of the protests slowing down in the capital. In fact, they only seem to be gaining strength. Right now we are hearing of reports of clashes in other nearby district. Genie what do you think the reaction will be if the president pushes through and makes this controversial bid for a third term in office . Julia it seems all signs are pointing to him standing his ground on this one. There has really been no solid indication he will change his mind and there are all indications on the ground today that the resistance to that from the population here in the capital will only gain strength. Earlier in the week, protesters were testing the waters, seeing what the reaction would be from the police and the military. As the police and military presence has increased in the streets, the brazenness of the protesters has done so as well. They were throwing big rocks at the police today. They come back out moments after tear gas attacks, and after almost one hour of consistent gunfire, where several protesters were wounded. All signs point to increasing tensions, particularly at the president , as he stands his ground for a third term. Genie you can get the latest on the situation in burundi throughout the day on our website as well, as well as information about other stories we are covering for you. France24. Com. Another protest is underway here in france, unlike anything i have seen. People here have been stealing chairs from Bank Branches. That is part payment, they say for lost tax revenue. A simple chair, but it symbolizes 80 billion euros. That is the annual amount of fiscal fraud in france, and activists from this group want these chairs to help pay for the lost revenue, so they handed them over outside a paris tax office. Yusor two chairs from the office. Numerous chairs, claiming to take back part of what they say was taken from france. Angry that hsbc give their money in switzerland, depriving france of 2 billion euros in revenue. In march another chairnapping, this time against pnb paribas. Against bnp paribas. The tech group says it wants public support. We realize that nonviolent civil disobedience is an Effective Movement to get the people on our side. Hsbc has been placed under formal investigation in france for the tax advice it gave to its clients. Among them, the parents of nina ricci, sentenced to one year in prison. They want the lesson to be clear tax evasion in france is an uncomfortable position to take. Genie our own Stephen Carroll is here with us. We will start in germany, where train passengers are facing more disruption. It is the ninth strike in 10 months. Kind of a longrunning dispute over pay. Two thirds of inner cities hundreds of commuter trains affected as well. The stoppage likely to last longer than the sixday strike that ended on may 10. That was the modest and company possis three. Stephe inner cit services are setting their sights on france when the market opens here. From munich to the german outs, to the german alps, the price, just nine euros. Buses do not just have passengers feeling like savvy consumers but like the kings of the road. There is one every two hours so it is very practical. And there is wifi. It even has film, tv shows, and music are it nearly 8 Million People traveled on motor coaches in germany. One restriction has been placed. The routes must be at least at least 50 malik at least 50 kilometers long. It is leading the German Market and with minimal investment. It teamed up with local companies that already had their own drivers and buses. It was key for us to be able to draw from knowledge and experience. We have been able to expand rapidly. On thursday the Company Launches four new International Routes from paris and capitalize on france opening up its Domestic Travel market. Intercity bus routes intercity bus routes will lead watched for the first time. The strength of the model is a hybrid. Extremely efficient. Flixbus faces stiff competition in the months ahead as companies rev their engines for the french market. Genie next youre going to tell us about a French Company that is buying into the u. S. Cable market. Stephen thats right. They will buy 70 of the operator for 9. 1 billion. They enter the u. S. Cable market for the first time, the seventh biggest operator in the market in the u. S. They are also holding talks with time warner over another potential takeover. The markets have been reacting to that news in shares. French investors are happy about that. They are up 8 in trading in paris. No Great Movement upward. I can tell you, the luxury group shares are down 5 . Other business headlines the quaid will sell for between 4000 euros and 5000 euros. It can other it can sell in other markets as well. Ubs will pay a total of four to 5 billion on charges that it manipulated markets. The british retailer market has a rise in has reported its first rise in core profits over the past few years. The boost may lead to increased profitability in m and s struggling. Genie you have been looking for hidden messages in the song. Stephen i am so pleased that you are interested in the eurovision song contest. One last breath many people are paying attention to the lyrics. Difficult not to draw parallels to britain, problems with its finances. That it will not be able to pay the imf the 1. 5 billion over the next month. Genie interesting to see if they make it all the way. Thank you so much for that Stephen Carroll. Time for this press review. Genie bell is here with us to take a look at the papers today. Lets start with the big top story. These thousands of asylumseekers escaping persecution in bangladesh. This is playing high across the go across the globe, but most important, in the far east. In english language paper public in taiwan carries a picture, it is said, of desperation. The photograph of a little boy that his brother was attacked and killed aboard a boat by bangladeshi migrants over food. They were fighting over food before they were a red before they were recovered by indonesian fisherman. That is one example of the kind of stories emerging from these books people as they arrive from indonesia and the philippines. The foreign minister meeting over those three countries happening today in kobold and poor in coup while of them poor as well as the u. N. Refugee agency and the International Office of migration. Burma has been reluctant to say it would even attend talks next week. If we move over to the china post, it says the Indonesian Foreign minister says the country has already given too much help to the boat people. The foreign minister says indonesia has already sheltered 1346 bangladeshi migrants who washed onto it sure just let week. That is just one period of a week. That is on top of almost 12,000 migrants who are awaiting resettlement at the moment. Mus udy says it is a regional problem, not just a indonesian problem, and she points at indonesians neighbors. Genie indonesia has said today they will take in some of these thousands of people, but there are limits on what they will do. Indonesia, malaysia, and thailand are not members of the u. N. Refugee can engine, which is interesting. Precisely, unlike the philippines. The Filipino Press alludes to that in an article, the filipino daily inquirer. The philippines have an obligation to admit and protect asylumseekers, being that it is a signatory to the convention. It also reminds people that the philippines hosted boat people fleeing from South Vietnam in the 1970s. Genie lets move to africa, with the situation in burundi that is continuing. The president did survive the coup attempt last week, but the protests are continuing. Despite the threats protesters are Holding Strong in burundi, so much so that the president has postponed the election by a week. This is playing high in the french press because burundi is annexed belgian colony. Is an andbelgian colony. Demonstrations are said to continue until the president steps down. He is speaking from rwanda which is where he has taken refuge. He is quoted as saying, for 10 years the president has plundered burundis riches and has put in place a militia at the drop of a hat. Another french paper, says critics of the government accuse the burundian government of trying to awaken ethnic tensions to muddy the waters in a crisis that has so far been fairly political. Genie just to wrap up, you found a great little story about William Shakespeare and how our perception of him might be incorrect. Belle thats right, ge nie. We have always seen shakespeare as the kind of round faced bald man, but that could be wrong. A historian has said he has found a picture of the bard on a title page of a botanical work. He is handsome, holding an ear of corn in one hand. The historian had to go through a bunch of decoding of the imagery to account of whether or not it was him. Here it looks like shakespeare is 33 years old, different from the shakespeare we have seen in images elsewhere. He enlisted the help of edward wilson, an emeritus fellow of worchester college in oxford. It could potentially be shakespeare. Edward wilson was my tutor. Orth carolina, climbs a transmission tower for routine maintenance. This is just a day job, but his thoughts are an ocean away. He first went to africa with oxfam during the horrific nigerian civil war. We left under a hail of gunfire, basically, and by the time we were gone, a Million People were dead and there was nothing to show for it. And it kind of scared me away from doing something with that big a possibility of major failure. Haunted by those memories jock did not return to africa until july 2000. This time, he went to fix a solar

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