Transcripts For LINKTV Democracy Now 20160808 : comparemela.

Transcripts For LINKTV Democracy Now 20160808

green party presidential nomination, along with her running mate, human rights schama baraka. we will hear excerpts of their acceptance speeches in houston, texas, as well as julian assange, who addressed the green party convention via video stream from the ecuadorian embassy in ldon. he spoke about donald trump and hillary clinton. mt unpopularhe presidential candidates in u.s. history. going into the presidency, they are going to continue to oversight and resistance, which will not only garye a fertile field for johnson and jill stein to prove their support, but it will create a very fertile field to holding the government to account. amy: all that and more, coming up. welcome to democracy now!,, the war and peace report. we breaking with convention. i'm amy goodman. in chicago, hundreds of protesters marched through the streets and blocked traffic in a series of demonstrations following the release of video showing the fatal police shooting of an unarmed african american teenager. the newly released video from police body cameras shows the moments before and after police killed 18-year-old paul o'neal on july 28. in the video, police are seen shooting repeatedly at the car o'neal was driving, which police say was stolen. the video then shows a police officer running over to o'neal, who is lying face down in a growing pool of blood surrounded by other officers. the officers then handcuff o'neal with his arms behind his back and search his backpack, as he continues bleeding. afterward, one of the officers can be heard complaining that he will be on desk duty for the 30 days. listen carefully. >> [beep] man. i am going to be on desk duty for 30 days now. mother [beep] amy: paul o'neal died shortly afterwards at northwestern memorial hospital. the cook county medical examiner's office says he was shot in the back. police say they are investigating why the body camera worn by the officer who shot o'neill and not capture the actual moments of the fatal shooting. this is michael oppenheimer, the o'neal family's attorney. >> officers cannot exact their or they cannot play judge, jury, and executioner. that is what happened here today. thewhile paul laid dying on ground, their attitude demonstrated it. amy: it is said that police had a right to be upset. this is from saturday. >> i was concerned in some of the things i saw in the videos. that is why i would take -- that is why i took such swift action last week. amy: police say three officers have been suspended in relation to the shooting. the release of the video comes as chicago police face ongoing accusations of racism and a federal investigation into their practices after chicago waited more than a year to release video of the fatal police shooting african american teenager laquan mcdonald in 2014. in news from the campaign trail, dr. jill stein formally accepted the green party's nomination for president at the party's convention in houston, texas. the green party nominated human rights activist ajamu baraka to be her vice presidential running mate. this is dr. jill stein in her acceptance speech saturday. >> it is such an honor to be a candidate in this historic moment of unprecedented crisis and unstoppable momentum towards transformational change. we have not only a historic opportunity, we have a historic responsibility to be the agents of that transformational change. as martin luther king said, the arc of the moral universe is long, but it bends toward justice. amy: we'll play excerpts of dr. jill stein's speech, as well as her running mate, human rights activist ajamu baraka, from the green party convention after headlines. in more news from the campaign trail, democratic vice presidential nominee tim kaine said he will oppose the trans pacific partnership, a trade deal that would encompasses 12 pacific rim nations, including the u.s. it encompasses 40% of the world economy. both hillary clinton and donald trump have come out opposing the deal amid a wave of public protest by those who say it benefits corporations at the expense of health and environmental regulations. this is senator kaine speaking sunday on nbc. mr. kaine: companies were given rights to enforce provisions, but the labor and environmental provisions could not be effectively enforced. that was never fixed. i have asked again and again to understand this piece of the tpp, and i have never gotten a good answer. we cannot have a deal that cannot be enforced. amy: he previously supported the tpp. he was one of 13 democratic senators to vote to give president obama authority to fast-track the tpp through congress. a video has emerged from iranian state television documentary has emerged, reportedly showing pallets of cash delivered to iran by the u.s. in january. republicans, including donald trump, have said the money was a ransom for five u.s. prisoners held by iran. last week, trump claimed to have seen top-secret video of the transfer before walking back his claim. the obama administration said wednesday the $400 million in cash paid to iran in january was a pre-planned transfer that was part of the landmark nuclear deal. the money has been owed to iran since the 1970's when the u.s. , refused to send weapons iran had already paid for following the iranian revolution. the new video does not appear to contradict that claim in any way. trump's criticism of obama appears to be a reversal of his previous position regarding u.s. prisoners in iran. last year, trump criticized obama for making a deal with iran that did not include the return of american prisoners there. this is trump speaking at the first republican debate in cleveland, ohio, one year ago. iran, whennow with making a deal, you would say, we want him, we want him, we want our prisoners. we do not get anything. we're giving them $150 billion plus. iran was awhat, if stock, you folks should go buy it right now because you would quadruple. what happened in iran is a disgrace and will lead to distraction in large portions of the world. amy: clinton is campaigning in st. petersburg, florida, today, where she is expected to visit a small brewery and then host a rally about jobs. meanwhile, donald trump is slated to give an economic speech at the detroit economic club today. on friday, trump announced his economic team, which includes 13 men, no women, several billionaires, an oklahoma oil baron, and one part-time professional poker player. most notably, his team includes john paulson, who made billions by betting against the housing market in the lead-up to the 2008 crash. american nazi party chairman rocky suhayda said on his radio program in july that a donald trump presidency would be an opportunity for white nationalists to build political coalitions. isif trump does win, ok, it going to be a real opportunity for people like white nationalists, ok, to intelligently build upon that , youo go and start -- ok know how you have the black political caucus and what-not in congress and everything -- to start building on something like that. amy: thousands are tested friday in rio de janeiro as the 2016 summer olympic games opened. police fired tear gas at crowds protesting police brutality and the displacement of working-class neighborhoods ahead of the games. this is protester orlando santos. demonstration to denounce the numerous human rights violations and denounce the project associated with the olympics whereby people are excluded. the winners are those with large economic interests, sponsors, the press, and the losers are the rio population. amy: to see our interview with sports writer dave zirin about the olympics, go to in turkey, more than a million people gathered sunday in istanbul for a rally to denounce last month's failed military coup. turkish authorities have detained more than 10,000 people in a widespread crackdown following the coup, sparking human rights concerns. u.n. sponsored peace talks to end yemen's 16-month-old war have ended without a deal. the conflict in yemen has left thousands dead since houthi rebels took over the capital sana'a in january 2015, kicking out a government supported by saudi arabia. with u.s. backing, saudi arabia responded with an aerial bombing campgn that you and officials say is responsible for the majority of the conflict's civilian casualties, including at least 500 children last year. iran has executed nuclear scientist shahram amiri on charges of spying for the united states. dr. amiri disappeared during a pilgrimagto saudi arabia in 2009 and later surfaced in the u.s., before returning to iran and claiming he had been kidnapped by the cia. the u.s. government has denied kidnapping amiri. charles kinsey, the unarmed african-american behavioral therapiswho was lying on his back when he was shot by nor mii police has filed a federal lawsuit against the officer who shot him. kinsey claims officer jonathan aledda violated his civil rightsusedxcessive force when he shot kinsey in the leg last month. at the time of the shooting, kinsey was helping to calm his patient arnaldo rios soto, , an autistic man who had wandered away from a group home. video of the shooting shows kinsey lying on thground wh his hands in the air and telling police, "all he has is a toy truck, a toy truck." this is kinsey's lawyer, hion napoleon, speaking to democracy now! last week. >> but the really troublesome rt in the part we' trying to wrap our hds around is what happened afterwards. if he really made a mistake and shut my client, there was no reason to can -- to handcuff him and no reason to fail to render aid. they basically left him there bleeding in the street and did not render any aid. amy: in washington, d.c., native american youth demonstrated in front of the white house on saturday to protest an oil pipeline. it would run more than 2,000 miles from north dakota to raise awareness of their cause. the pipeline would run less than a mile from the standing rock reservation, and demonstrators say an oil spill in the missouri river would contaminate the drinking water. members of the standing rock sioux tribe continue to occupy a camp between the pipeline's proposed river crossing and the water intake valves for the tribe. and the north carolina naacp marked the 51st anniversary of the voting rights act on saturday by celebrating its recent federal court victory against north carolina's voter id law. the court's decision last month found the law targeted african americans with "almost surgical precision." this is north carolina naacp president william barber and -- speaking to democracy now! >> we have less power to enforce voting rights today then we had when the voting rights act was passed, and that is a travesty. amy: those are some of the headlines. this is democracy now!,, we're breaking with convention, war, peace, and the presidency. dr. jill stein is running alongside longtime human rights activist ajamu baraka. interest in the green party has afterp in recent weeks hillary clinton defeated bernie sanders. in 2012, dr. sign -- dr. stein ran on the green ticket. stein is now pulling at 5% to the same poll finds clinton at 40 5%. republican donald trump at 35%, and libertarian gary johnson at 9%. this byte stein and johnson's rise in the polls, neither will be invited to take part in this fall's presidential debates unless they get 15% and national polls. lastly, a federal judge threw out a lawsuit by johnson and stein against the commission on presidential debates over the debate rules. we will spend the rest of the our erring excerpts from the green party convention in houston. we begin with dr. jill stein speaking saturday as she accepted the green party nomination. ks,hold onto your hats, fol because we are in a world when right now, one that is way bigger than any of us. we have a job to do it we have a role to play that will not be played by anybody but us. we are the ones we have been waiting for when they tell us to , you know, get out of the way, because we're standing in the way of the lesser evil, the answer to that is that this politics of fear, which we have been told to about out to, has only delivered everything we were afraid of. we were toldsons to vote for the lesser evil because we do not want the off shoring of our jobs, the meltdown of the climate, the massive bailouts for wall street , the expanding prison states, the attack on our civil liberties and on immigrant rights, all those things we did not want is exactly what we got by allowing ourselves to be silenced and letting a lesser evil speak for us. [cheers and applause] remember, when they try to tell you you are powerless, remember what alice walker said, the biggest way people give up power is by not knowing we have it to start with. we have it. we are going to use it in this election. lessersaying no to the evil and yes to the greater good. decidinge're not only what kind of a world we will have, in this election, we are deciding whether we will have a world or not going forward into the future. a day of reckoning is coming closer and closer. on climate change, we're told that there will be a civilization-ending development level form of massive sea rise. as soon as 2050 -- anybody planned to be here in 2050? i think a few of us do, myself included. so we cannot wait, because we have to act now if we want to stop that sea level rise from happening in 2050 here and we need to declare a state of emergency right now and undertake a wartime scale mobilization to create those 20 million jobs and create that 100% clean energy now. we have a crisis in nuclear weapons, and again, thanks very much to the democrats. bill clinton removed us from the anti-ballistic missile committee framework, from disarmament, and then barack obama, who created a $1 trillion budget for us to spend on a new generation of nuclear weapons and delivery. on the count of climate, on the count of nuclear weapons and this insane nuclear arms race that we are once again headlong plunging into and on account of these endless and expanding wars that are blowing back at us all around the world, we cannot afford to sit this one out. the lesser evil is a losing strategy, because people stop coming out to vote for lesser evil politicians throwing them under the bus. so the republicans will win anyhow. -- to look at donald trump donald trump does not stand alone. donald trump is about the rise of right-wing extremism, not only in this country but in europe, and as bernie sanders theelf so often says, solution to the likes of donald trump is a truly radical, progressive agenda that restores our needs and ends the economic misery that promotes the kinds of demagogues we are seeing an donald trump. we are the ones we have been waiting for. hillary clinton is a problem. she is not the solution to donald trump. we are the solution. we are the ones we have been waiting for. this is our moment. together, we do have the power to create an america and a world that works for all of us here at the power to create that world is not just in our hopes. it is not just in our dreams. right here and now, it is in our hands. we will make this happen together. we are unstoppable. thank you so much. on we go. thank you. amy: that was green party presidential nominee jill stein speaking saturday at her party's convention in houston. when we come back from break, you will hear from her running mate, human rights activist ajamu baraka. stay with us. ♪ [music break] amy: "a change is gonna come", sung by brian owens and thomas owens. this is democracy now!,, breaking with the convention: war, peace, and the presidency. i am amy goodman. today, we are looking at the weekend's green party convention in houston, where dr. jill stein accepted the party's presidential nomination. her running mate is ajamu baraka , founding executive director of the u.s. human rights network. he spoke on saturday in houston. moment,e at a critical as jill says, a transformational moment. we have tremendous opportunities before us. the american people are longing for a change. they are ready to do something different. and we have to be the vehicle for that difference. there are difficult conditions that the people face. they tell us that there has been a recovery and things are all right. but you know what? there are millions of people, people who we work with, who have not experienced any kind of recovery. there are millions of people who still don't have a place to lay their head at night. thee is a reason why fastest-growing population of homeless people are black women with children. there are millions of people who would like to have a job where they can live a decent life, but they don't have it. and if they have a job, basically, they are making starvation wages, working two and three different jobs just to make ends meet. but they tell us things are better. we have a situation where, as a consequence of austerity, across this country in communities where we live and work, they are closing down schools. people live in communities where they cannot go to the store because there is no store. so you have like 48 million people who are living in situations where they are going to bed every night hungry. where, a situation basically, even with so-called obamacare, we have millions still without health care. these are difficult conditions, difficult conditions. and people are wondering why, why do we have to accept this kind of situation? and so when the two parties attempt to try to herd people based on fear, we find that today, there are millions of people who are prepared to do something different, who are prepared to go another way, and we're going to be there to provide that opportunity for a new day and another way. [cheers and applause] >> my brothers and sisters, i have lived my entire life committed to the notion of independent politics, building alternative power. i understood that, basically, we had real possibilities and advancing that struggle for political independence using the electoral process, and that is where dr. stein and the green party comes in for me personally. because we going to get it. dr. stein understands that you cannot transform, you cannot transform a system without struggle, that you have to organize the people. that the electoral process is the process for how we build power. for me, that is what is attractive to this process and was the basis for me accepting when dr. stein called and said, are you ready to join me? and i said, dr. stein, i thought about it, i know where you're coming from, and you can count me in -- i am with you. [cheers and applause] >> it is that commitment to building popular power. it is that commitment to the people. it is that understanding that we have to build a multinational movement here in this country based on the needs and the aspirations of working people that i joined this effort. it is that commitment that i stand here proudly and say to all of you, it is my honor to accept the nomination for the vice presidency of the united states from the green party. amy: that is green party is presidential nominee ajamu baraka speaking in houston saturday at the green party convention. he is coordinator of the u.s. based committee on international affairs spirit he has served on the boards of amnesty international usa and the center for constitutional rights, as well as africa action. he also spoke about police protected he in a news conference during the convention. alwaysk males are suspicious, even when we have the right uniform on. as dr. stein said, this is something we have to address here in this country, and we really intend to. you know, one of the things that really is outrageous to me is that one of the reasons why police forces a bridge to operate with impunity is that there does not appear to be a consequence for these kinds of actions. knowing that we have someone detained for 35 minutes, which is an assault on your dignity, we have people who are being murdered now almost every week, it appears. but yet, we have an administration that is supposed to be responsible for protecting the rights of all citizens and they have a civil rights division with the power to intervene and conduct investigations and to prosecute. and out of all of the examples we know of, all of these shootings of unarmed black men and women now, we have one indictment. over all of these years. that is outrageous. why at the same time, what many people do not know is that in baltimore and in ferguson, the young, primarily black, poor folks who are involved in acts of resistance, they ended up feeling the full weight of the federal government. the federal government intervened into the state abroad indictments against a number of protesters in both ferguson and in baltimore. we have people in baltimore right now who are now serving draconian time now, 18 years, 12 years, for things that, in the past, would have been maybe a misdemeanor or probation, because they were prosecuted directly by the federal government. so we see these kinds of imbalances. we would be surprised that police forces would be embolden knowing that they can almost do anything without repercussions. amy: that is green party vice presidential nominee ajamu baraka speaking at the green party convention in houston on saturday. as did wikileaks founder and editor julian assange. he was interviewed via video stream by former green party presidential candidate david cobb. julian assange has been in the ecuadorian embassy in london for more than four years. if he were to attempt to leave, he would be arrested by british police and ultimately extradited to the united states, where it is believed there is a sealed indictment against him over wikileaks release of documents. david cobb started by asking julian assange about the recent dnc e-mail leaks. e-mailsromd 20,000 the dnc. from the communications director and so on -- [indiscernible] into the hillary clinton campaign and a number of other groups. what the show is not only was there a sort of internal view or discussions about how to undermine bernie sanders and support hillary clinton, not surprising, even that debbie wasserman schultused twork for hillary clinton's campaign, but rher, the were formal instructions made to dnc staff of blacke a campaign propaganda against bernie sanders. for example, luis miranda, the communications chief, instructed " antaff to put out in an attribute obama and her -- an attributable manner," allegations about the engagement of ask of accept violence. early, tre were discussions claim, thather, bernie sanders was an atheist , tothat this was harmful use his lack of religious beliefs against him. there a aspects tdo with how financing was being andced aroundetween dnc the hillarclinton funds. to my mindthe mo ongoing interesting material which has been pick up now by a wide range of faith-based investigative journalists in the u.s.,s the fluence, peddling structure, the dnc conventioo the pele's houses. barack obama, joseph biden, and the sort of diplomacy, the things they did in exchange, for example, being put on federal government words. the third big revelation that comes out, which is -- i do not mention it because, as someone having to dealith the media all the time, i understand how real this is, but it is proof of something important, which is the direct connections between the hillary clintonaction and the dnc and the president of msnbc. for exale, debbie wasserman call the presidts of msnbc to hold morning shows because they were speaking about the bias of the dnc. talking points were constructed, for example, on cnn, but wdo not ow whether that was used. it has been denied. but for thenc end, the constructed the questions he was to ask. even saying, watching coverage live and calling up the networks to put a stop to that chain of communication right now. like most americans, are grateful for people and organizations that an farm and expose it illegal or illicit activity on the part of government. that is the very definition of a whistleblower, blowing the whistle on crime. yet, the u.s. government, under president obama, and secretary of state clinton, has prosecuted more whistleblowers than all past presidents combined and obtained longer jail sentences than previous presidents. why do you think that is true, and what lessons can be learned? >> well, i am afraid it is much worse than that. the obama administration has gone after more whistleblowers using the espionage act,ot only than all prevus presidents combined going back to dealing with world war i spies, so this is really an epidemic to abuse the national security law in order to stop whistleblowers and journalists and publishers. attempted prosecution, pending prosecution of wikeaks and the united states, the espionage act, the terrorism act, etc. the 1917 espionage act was used to go after and obtain subpoenas in relation to fox news reporting on information that allegedly obtained information from the sta department. similarly,oing after the associate press -- associated press. it is aallopi epidemic of abuse of national security law under this democratic administration, which hillary clinton was part of. she and obama were involved in facing one of my alleged sources in prison for 35 years only for communicating truthful information to the public. no other allegation. no allegation about working with spies or anything like that, just cmunicating truth information to the public. .hat situation is so bad chelsea manning was tortured in prison. .llegal punishments occurred and a week and a half ago, unfortunately, she attended suicide because of the difficulty and the conditions. >> i am reminded of a great political philosopher, lily tomlin, who said, no matter how cynical i get, it is hard to keep up. [laughter] greens, like most americans, are disgusted by the collusion between wall street, multinational corporations, and our own government. we know, as most americans do, that these large corporations are no longer exercising power, they are literally ruling over us. in your book, "when google met wikileaks can cope you describe "a special relationship" between google, the u.s. state department, d hillary clinton. could you talk about that, please? >> i want to correct quickly some false reporti. interestingly, as was the dnc aidks, the new york times that i intended to harm llary clinton. this is what we have beedoing for 10 years. it is a complely fabcated story. but yes, we're very interested in power and publishing the truth abt power so people can work out however they choose to reform power. power on a kind of new the block, so we're interested in it and also interested in hillary clinton and the presidential candidacy. merged atpowers have a kind of personal level and political level and even, to a small extent, at an organizational level. that book written three years ago has been proved to be very cient, thehairman of google, ceo of google eri schmidt, started about a year ago a companto run hillary clinton's campaign. google has been to the white house more than any other company and spends more money lobbying than any otr single company. hillary clinton's form staffer byed cohen was hir google in 2009 to head up an internal division. there are a lot other interconnections. eric schmidt is now also at the ofe time being chairman google's parent company, alphabet, is chairman of the ntagon innovation board. you have a connection between google, the clinton campaign, which will be almost certainly the next white house, d the pentagon. this triangle is extremely worrying, because as ti goes by, google's understanding, it does have ability to influence election campaigns. it has also bought more than 10 drone companies, integrating mapping data in order to be able to fly and navigate drones around the world, extending into every country in the world. and it has a very strange quasireligious vion of the future, a vision of singular the. there is research that it is very disturbing what they believe. create aeve they can massive artificial intelligence more perful than any human being or any society's ability to think. we all know what happens when such power is in someone's hands. so google and the white house -- it is a question we already looking into. >> julian i am related that bonito mussolini, the fascist dictator, said fascism, more appropriately, should be court operatives him -- corporatism. .e thought it was a good thing it occurs to me that you were describing our new work, kinder, gentler, smiling face of fascism , where all of the information that we receive is controlled by that same collusion between government and major transnational corporations and now our ability to even talk to ourselves. and i being overdramatic or do i understand you correctly? >> well, it could be both. [laughs] >> [laughs] >> nok, its possibly the most serious issue, the potential threat of nuclear war is perhaps the other one. yes, there is a merger going on at a rapid pace between the largest american corporations and the tradional aspects of the u.s. sta, military intelligence aspects. that has been there r a long time, frankly. dynamics, geral electric. but this is a new generation. bookschmidt wrote in his about google and the world that what lockheed martin and other aerospace companies were for the 20th century, high-tech companies will be to the 21st century. th is very much their vision, to integrate with washington, to ofpart that family miated por. >> gens,ike most aricans haveeen horried to lrn, anfor ma of us have jected to claborad, that corporions are directi u.s. policy. you ha a unie vantagpoint. wh advice,f any would y get e next psidentf the ited stas about w tohift at picy gin the reity ?h she mht be fing >>hat is very ieresting qution. es itake any differencwho isreside or not? it cerinly ds not makas much difrence as ople s up it wld reay makes diffence is wi the enronmen is that th presidt has toork. at is environmeal critue, on the e handhow fr the mia is, how muc oppositionorganizaons ar doing thjob and lding governnt to acunt. it is the economic a corpate envinment. and th, to a dree, the inteational vironmt. the esident is chore a spokesrson to the forces arou them. whe they do make big dierences in theren inialppoiments, sthe pele thechoose t fil those spots d govnment that en reactively meolicies. , ther is a te ofeading of teleproters. wh is haening nowith th andn pty and gy johns the beie sande campaigand so on iserymporta, but it st be se pt the momen passedts polical moment. it is a mont to bld movent anbuild essure. cannguilt it, thenne discipli and holto accnt anheckhe abuses of government during the next four years. amy: wikileaks founder julian assange speaking at the green party convention in houston, being interviewed by former green party presidential candidate david kopp. assange's books include "when google met wikileaks." julian assange met eric schmidt five years ago before he was granted political asylum and ecuador, now living in the ecuador embassy in london, afraid if he steps foot outside, he will be arrested and ultimately extradited to the united states, where it is believed there is a sealed indictment against him for wikileaks. we will be back with more of the conversation between julian asange and david cobb in moment. ♪ [music break] amy: "the revolution starts no"" by steve earle. this is democracy now!,, breaking with the convention: war, peace, and the presidency. i am amy goodman. we can in you -- we continue our corage of the green party convention with the party's 2004 presidential candidate david cobb interviewing wikileaks founder and editor julian asnge. >> it is a remarkable moment for u.s. politics, for the greens. they contue the campaign, whh they continue to be doing so ani believe be solid.ill i think that is ally heartening. it is a horrific vision who will be the next u.s. president, and i was asked this question, did i prefer clinton or trump, and the answer is, are you asking that i prefer cholera or gonorrhea i mean, it is a very sad situation, but i think, given the ality has always been the knowsency for the quickly the bureaucracy around it, because that is enormous, it could be a net positive to have a president in the form hillary or trump, probably, who knows? maybe jl stein, maybe gary johnn. i am serious, you never know. ao knows what happens in campaign. anything is possible, and you have to be ready for that. if it is hillary clinton or donald trump, then that is a very adverse environment. but the nature of those -- i like things to look like what they are. i think hillary clinton, in her statements, demeanor, and associations, and past records looks like the power she actually does represent. similarly with donald trump, maybe even more like what the power he will end up representing because he does actually represent it, that the present situation that generates ,esistance and responsibility that is what really checks the behavior of government over time. various pressures that exist on the presidency, that is what checks their behavior. so these are two characters that are the most unpopular payer of presidential cdidates in u.s. history. in going into the presidency, they are going to continue to oversight and onlytance, whicwill not create a fertile field for gary johnson and jill stein to grow their support, but it will create a very fertile field to understand and hold government to account. ando take a note, greens americans everywhere, it is social movements that will actually bring corporate america to heal. [cheers and applause] >> that is right, and a fee whistleblowers. >> yes. [laughs] i stand corrected. >> i am here in ecuador and the united kingdom. it is very strange the creature i have to come. but the phenomenon and the u.k. shows that something important, very important, is happening. there is a political moment in the speaking world that the greens should, and looks like ourare, upon. it is an important moment. >> i think north americans need to have more humility when we look at our sisters and brothers in the global south who have been fighting empire for 500 years. they have a more acute understanding of social movements and the electoral arm of the social movement, so we should be humble and learn that lesson. grains, like most americans, our civil libertarians at heart. we believe in personal privacy. we believe in that freedom, even publicall for complete transparency and accountability. my question to you is, what can we do as individuals to protect ourselves, and what can we do to help build the movement for keeping the internet fr and open so we, the people, can talk to ourselves? >> all rightgreat question. well, first of all, have transparency in your own rubric. you ha to have transparency to be ablto understand your own view of the world in the attacks occurring, which, let me tell you, i have just seen the attack on jill stein. they are going to go through the roof. i have had attacks from what is effectively th clintons. they are now postconvention. you ys areoing to be postconvention. those attacks are going to be ferocious. but you will learn lessons from that about how the media works youhow one can defend ideas in the face of the kind of media crush. liberties andivil the internet, the first thing is to practic it. but the number one thing, that is what we do, we defend the first amendment and silar constitutional amendments in other stes byracticing them. everything we have been involved , and any right that is not forceful through practice and defense is very quickly lost . it is just a piece of paper unless you actually fight for it. then there is a range of technical measures and some good people, researchers, trying to help with those technil measures. wikiaks tweets about that. i support those people who are engaged in trying to engineer, in a practical sense, how to protect ople's privacy. the other is to suprt the various groups that are doing it. it is the ideological understanding that it is important. let's go back and look at google -- google is very different in an important way from locking market. yes, google is using john's. controlsow we communicate with each other. so google is, in a sense, like that thejus somethi flicks -- that inflicts you body, but it in flicks your ability to fight and understand the infection. that is true of all media. in that partlved of society that we use to understand ourselves, and that is the freedom of communication. communication is the fundamental right, because is the enabling right that allows us to speak to each other to understand the importancef all ofhat. so freedom of communication is degraded or maligned, when whistleblowers arerosecuted, when one organization starts to develop a monopoly on the internet, interfering with our communications. all our rights suffer because the financial enabling rights are degraded. as the editor of wikileaks, i have gone through a lot of battles. i have seen corrupt mainstream media try to not report initiay on se of our materials, spin them anoer directns just recently. and i have also seen good journalists embedded in those to beions, fightg accurate and truthful. there are good peopleeven in bad institutions. most ofur sources are good people doing good things, ether it is u.s. military, intelligence, or political parties. i strong advice is to understan the necessity to be very skeptical of the traditional media apparatus, which is ultimately owned by some of the largest industrial conglomerates in the world. work around it. become your own media and practice in small ways and big , to keep yourrinciples and sense of clarity on principles. th the clinton campaign is doing at t moment is trying to may bell, ok, yes, we committed to arms dealers into saudi arabia, and s, maybe we subverted the integrity of the democratic primaes, etc., etc.,ut you just have to swallow that or else you will get donald trump. that is a form of extortion. [cheers and applause] >> it is. >> you have elicited applause. >> it is very important not to allow the political process to suffer from extortion or even yourselfo be susptible to extortion. one has certain principles. if they are not followed, then there is a price to be paid. that creates a standard in genera deterrence, and i think it is important for those people who feel that their principles have been violated in a way that the democratic primary process has beenun or how chelsea manning has been in prison for e five yrs and tortured or the espionage act crackdowns, many other things, to go, ok, well, there is a cost of violating principles, even if there is alsa cost to yourself. risk of donald trump being presidt, even if you talk abt that there has to be a line somewhere. otherwise, as each election cycle we see, you push further and further into the corner. inbound that is wiki leaks founder julian assange speaking at the green party convention in houston video stream from the ecuadorian embassy and linda sent. he was speaking with the green party's david cobb. for more, go to .

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