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20041 it will increase the property tax to 0. 04 for each 100 of seated Property Value not increasing or change only effecting the money of property revenues set aside aid help where the chancellor fund to increase the youth 18 through 24 years old measure c will extend the Public Education k3w0ish9 be fund until june 30th 20044 and extends the fund 40 preschools to include 3 go, 4 and 5 years old and to use the fund for children from birth to 3 years old and measure c will create on our Children Council to advise the city and School District on the families in San Francisco and on proprietor ace best practices for addressing those needs every 5 years the council will adapt a our children plan to recommend new policies and fund for families the purpose of the plan to have an Efficient Service measure c will go indicted the rainy day reserve into a school and city resign i didnt day reserve 25 percent will go to schools and 75 to the City Reserves under measure c the School District will withdraw up to half of the money in years it expects 20 collect less money for students he and will have to layoff employees the school board overrides those and withdraws any school reserves if you vote yes. You want the city to amend the certifies for families by extending the Childrens Fund by 25 years and step forward the Public Education fund for a 26 years and creating our children and our Families Council and dividing the existing rainy refer so is a city and school rainy refer if you vote no, you do not want to the city to make the changes to the charter im here with santa drive fewer with the division and board of education and are a proponent were joined by marcie the lib terrain a proponent thank you folks for joining us starting with opening president fewer and so measure c is a ballot measure under the battle to authorizing a person of the general fund to be set diode aside to provide services to the City Government San Francisco youth the Childrens Fund. You public Enrichment Fund to join together to better lion the services those fund have been providing education for thousands of children in sophistication for example, this fund as 73 drenlz to liernsz and peoples 3 p e teachers and engineering and math so this is has a great impact on San Francisco children for the past decade and so we hope to reauthorize it thank you. Youre opening remarks ms. Berry. The lib terrain has recommended a no vote on this proposal because we have challenged with all 3 components of the proposal first of all, the Childrens Fund does not just fund science and magnet and those kinds of things there are 3 things of what it funds a lot of Services Every Time Services go up obviously new innovative education goes down so thats one challenge we see the other challenge is that the Rainy Day Fund is also part of this proposal theyre old Rainy Day Fund in existence it was the board of supervisors and the mayor that decided how it would be assessed now we have two fund one is going to, accessed by the briefcase. Given of the stemmed one hundred and 9 stemmed thousand children only a house will this impact the cost to families. It will make it easier for the families to live here theres no increase in the taxed also its easy for families to live here not assessing the services by art and pe and science those kinds of things that parents have to pay for outofpocket often we this liv also funds that the release for families coming to San Francisco as a forgotten i have to pay out of pocketed having counseling at schools and much the medical services anothers school sites. How do you respond. Im assuming were talking about the idea if i have all those services then the population will increase the Public Utilities population will increase this is incorrect the reason that families move into the city only to see whether the Education System is teaching their children how to write and read how to fill out a job application in euphoric on services thats not what a family it looking for how is the children learn thats why were concerned about the increase of services as opposed to complete emphasis on the type of education mode of education innovative im sorry innovative way of teaching which were we havent talked about other modes will besides the Public Utilities there recent teachers in front of the class lets put you fund on that. What happened to this measure lead to hire enrollment rates and in San Francisco is there accurate funding for teacher to student ratio. This funds a lot of academies science and technology and engineering and math all the Technology First of all, theres never enough money in our Public Education we have so youre asking is this accurate 23u7bd absolutely not providing children with the well education they deserve and he have to say that San Francisco were proud of the san franciscans that voted for this seeing the need for the social responsibility and so the answer to your question we are predicting much hyper enrollment rates and hope to serve all our families are a quality high rated were one of the top in the state of california with a our skufbtd we hope to choose to use our public school. With what are your thoughts. I think that services are the key could enrollment and good education were looking at to read the proposal youll see two pages of things that have absolutely nothing to do with fires or magnet true the Enrichment Funding theyre providing amenities, however, i think that so much services when our funding those for example, one that is clearly in the proposition is drug and help with drug use or help with the lgbt issues people help with things we call local services but again, a family does not move in or live in Public Utilities to access the services that has to do with the things ive mentioned but how the children are learning ill agree there never will be enough the more there is the more spent there is no ability to keep any cap on the spending so if we have more funding were going to have more services so do we have enough funding for a population probably not and never will. Thank you so well start with final thoughts well begin with you ms. Berry. Yes. I think that the Idea Services are they increasing is a good thing perhaps something that should be rethought if were increasing services that means that somewhere in the family their Education System somewhere theres a huge breakdown there is mammoth failure if we go by the services; right . The thing to do not view the rise of services not so good and a therefrom emphasis as i say the education education is easily measured can our child get out of school and go to college or got a profession or fill out a application florida no weve failed. Your final thoughts. Surely education is the First Mission we have a College Culture in our schools and a Graduation Rate in california were at top our students do well but its difficulty difficult for the families to live here you see the majority of children below the Poverty Level what their incomes are like the reason we have the educational experience and were saying that 73 teachers and librarians is a service but i disagree with you i think this the proposition that zero all the libraries and i dont think that the art teachers i think theyre a necessity to provide a wellrounded education so i would urge everybody to vote yes on measure b its for our children and the future of San Francisco. Thank you both firing time and your comments we hope this dissuasion has been forgive for more Information Invest sf election. Org remember earlier voting is at city hall from 8 to 4 and vote earlier at city hall from and if you dont vote on november 4th. Hello, im Nona Melkonian with sfgovtv along with the legacy of women voters here to talk about measure f a ballot measure on tuesday november 4th measure f is an ordinance that increases the heeblth limit on the acre site from 40 to 90 feet it provides all aspects of the development other than the height limit will be for subject including the Environmental Review the height limit will not become until after sequa approves the plan that makes it city policies for the development of the site 9 acres of waterfront parks and recreational areas for the bay and one thousand to 2 thousand for unit most of them will be rentals and thirty percent below market rate for low income folks and restoration of the historic struts and nonprofit and smallscale manufacturing and retail and the prestige located in the pier 70 between one pea 20 million square feet parking and transportation improvements and a significant number of jobs and revenue for Public Housing facilities if i vote yes. You want to increase the height limit for new Building Inspections on the pier 70 from 4 to 900 feet and ugly are courage the Environmental Review and make that city policy to clus include the job creations for to site if you vote no, not to increase the height limits or adapt the city policy im here where kelly pressor with the fair market value measure f and a property and the intellect to the coalition of San Francisco neighborhood and a proponent of the measure thank you for being here he im to start with opening remarks kelly would you like to go first day f first. Thank you very much fourteenth uhhuh tuntd to be here i support it and stand for the coalitions dmrug the form mayor and the essentially and the resident and associations to support measure f and create jobs and housing pier 70 is in an area along the waterfront where people have no access to water measure f will increased the access to the waterfront tearing down the fences that have blocked the access and open it up for parks thats why people have coverage and i did not think the essentially and the democratic and republicans and this for park advocates by coming out to the poodles and supporting measure f. Tanners. The coalition for San Francisco neighborhood which a is Large Organization of civic clubs they slit wide open on the issue with no exorbitant it involves and several of the dpw things it San Francisco is a small peninsula we have the density population of any of the 48 county as a result people want to increase the population to one Million People it is currently 8 hundred and 50 thousand approximately its a matter of how much in San Francisco well pay a price for to in terms of accident the and its accompanying with the right population for San Francisco if we go too high a lot of problems. Kelly how will this impact the citys future development. First, id like to be clear the proposition only permanence to pier 70 no other waterfronts on San Francisco pier 70 plan has come out with many, many years of Community Input and outreach and measure f is really an additional step in the possess the ballot measure itself is very clear that the Environmental Review process sequa as well as the mr. Larkin process are not shorthand or limited are subject gaited there will be a thorough study this is an additional check in with 9 county and stakeholders to make sure that folks feel good about whats happening on the pier and good reviews see for the years to come. Tanners. The reason for measure f they want to wave the height limits the city chapter was amended where they have the height limits that are binding and have to be waved by public vote thats the problem in terms of a public waiver is needed to build higher than the buildings and one of the problems is this is earthquake country we have seismic problems and the 1906 San Francisco earthquake the 1489 earthquake in mri yet and so on as a result, the more highrise we have the more dangerous for the public weve had a lot of problems over the years and 1906 was the worse how big do we want to build and whats the long term politicians the less highrise the less people going to be hurt if we have a serious earthquake like 1906. It reduced the demand for the pricing of housing in San Francisco. As mentioned measure f is fully client with proposition g and San Francisco is in serious housing countries today part of the plan for pier 70 is thirty percent of the housing opted below market rate to middleincome and low income folks this is 3 times such as city lay requires but in addition to building housing measure f includes other Public Benefits 9 acres of parks and playground and that triples the amount of space in dog patch and theres rehabilitation and Historic Buildings on the register in the Historic District a preservation of an Artist Community currently at pier 70 by building now studios the investment of 20 million for transportation improvements and 2 hundred million for infrastructure including for earthquake safest and addressing the seawall rise and and terrance. The more density in San Francisco and we have the highest per family per space and more traffic problems and automobile and diseases and San Francisco as some people know 19 hundred to 190 six the bubonic practically they were able to stamp it out it was based on largely the density of our population we were the largest city on the west coast at the time and basically, what we need to do it st. Is keep the population being two dense for a lot of reasons especially were earthquake country but San Francisco has a donates population too much highrise next to the santa ana dresses fault line and two the north american and weve been hurt but it before and could be again, the last highrise we had the satisfactory the people. We have a little bit of time im to get our final remarks first kelly gave the Opening Statement so terrance. This is what we want to see are for the future of San Francisco this was was the board was talking about this was slit wide open a lot of people are concerned about the housing density and all the problems in terms of the earthquake safety and all the issues and automobile accidents, etc. Its a matter of what we want to do for the future of San Francisco if we want to pile one million and a half in San Francisco this will hurt our mobility and the event of a major earthquake it could lead to disaster kelly your thoughts. Thank you, again pier 70 was an hub of vibrant activity that is now forgotten and measure f will revitalized this unacceptable area with waterfront parks and jobs and housing the revitalization needs an investment of 20 million to comploch the transportation and includes the Affordable Housing 9 arsz or acres will triple the amount of parks in dog patch today and thousands of new jobs thats why measure f has United People to create a consensus it is jiepd by the sierra club and the democraticrepublican and green party the Affordable Housing alliance and many, Many Organizations and Civic Leaders im to encourage the as follows to vote yes on measure f. Thank you both to your comments and time we hope this has been forgive for more information go to sf election. Org remember earlier vote at city hall from 8 to 5 00 p. M. Or vote two we understand from election day if you dont vote early be sure to vote on election day, tuesday november 4th. Hello and Nona Melkonian with sfgovtv along with the legacy of women voters of San Francisco im here to talk about measure j a ballot measure on tuesday november 4th before the voter measure j is an ordinance that will increase the minimum wage for workers as follows on may 1st, 2015, the minimum wage is 12. 25 kernts per hour the minimum wage will increase to 13 days on july 1st, the minimum wage will increase to 4 days an july 1st, 2018, it will increase to 15 we are or per hour and it will increase based on inflation measure j will apply to city employers employees and the serves Public Authority two types of employees under the angel of 18 working in a government subsidize Apprenticeship Program and over 55 working for nonprofits and with positions that our government subsidies these employees will get minimum wage of 12 theres 0. 25 per hour with annual increases on july 1st, you 2016 based on flagrancy in you vote yes. You want the city to gradually increases it by july 1st, 2018, with increases based on inflation after that if you vote no, i dont want the city to increase the minimum wage im here with Jason Elliott with the Government Affairs and a proponent of measure j were also joined we herpes the president of the district merchant see organization sow accident onsite thank you. Ill to start with opening remarks jason. Thank you nona and thanks to the league of womens ill be brief measure j is a measure to raise the minimum wage in San Francisco are you right now it 10. 75 by july of 2018 that will be 14 per hour we need the equality in San Francisco sits the issue of the day families leave inform everyday and this is one piece of the puzzle to make San Francisco the city thats more affordable to the one hundred percent. Okay. So we see it as not helping people out that much at the end of the day the folks he earning 15 now will want to increase their income beyond that, and, secondly, the cost of doing business is going to theres a Small Business has to make a reasonable profit and if they pay the employees obviously the costs are going to have labor is going to go up so how dour make the adjustment its going to be more to live in city at the end of the day it quo would be nice if we got breaks. Justin do you feel this measure is a compromise between employees of Small Businesses. This is a compromise a number of measures proposed earlier this year and ultimately one mileanhour placed on the ballot by mayor ed lee and supported by the board of supervisors a number of organizations that are supportive that of minimum wage did everyone this is that perfect, of course not henry has expressed concerns and merchant have a concern this is a minimum wage that takes stair stems up from the current 1074 asia minutes with the gratitude increase culminating over 15 an hour a gradual stairstep up to 15 an area complard to other proposals this is a measure its fair to workers ervin the minimum wage and fair to businesses that have to pay it and fair to the san franciscans who have to live here in San Francisco and henry would you like to respond to jasons. This is an empty level wage for empty level for someone who is not qualified is going to be tough for a Small Business to bring people in and that will bring in the qualified people again getting back to the reaching out in was not consensus on the Small Business misinforms Small Businesses are afraid if thats the way i feel were going got going to shop at our stores by at the end of the day whats going to happen costs are going to be up and people getting the rates now, when all said and done the be there is not a great benefits. Henry has concerned about the cost of living is there concerns and as proponents of this measure we share the concerns the world bank as recent data as recently as june of this year San Francisco in coming quality is not in the upper equality this means raise for you wouldnt thousand people earning minimum wage or above is and trying to live here if passed including the people that and the workers will be taking home substantial amazes of money when i say subsequential perhaps 200 a week in the industrial 19th street plus in 2018 a worker will be taking home 185 more not much for people earning more than that but who is trying to survive not raise a family it is crazy but the federal benefit threshold are actually lower than than the living you could be earner too much to quality for benefits. Henry thoughts. Absolutely the other thing as jason said the minimum wage were going to have competition in people outside you have San Francisco that is 15 across the board everyone you have your online and amazons and googles delivering groceries and were competing with those folks its being harder and harder for us to survive we are making a bed of income for everyone i see again, im talking about the entrylevel youll find the majority of people in the businesses they pay more than 15 already its a an entrylevel. Thank you both for your comments id like to use a little bit of time for final remarks henry. Yes. I dont think this income income is going to help with it comes to hows the rates are skyrocketing and theres no chronological our rentals are going up by way way more than the residential lake we releases when have no chance of the winning so my financial word stout to the public go and shop local and think about the Small Businesses and get off your mobile dies and your ordering from amazon and shop local i urge you to shop local think about was it Good Samaritan does to the community and think about our wonderful city. Jason final remarks. I know this is supposed to be a debate i couldnt agree more please go shop local and supporting our neighborhood cords that makes the city vibrate just a final word on the minimum wage henry has raised concerns about Small Businesses and merchant have with the cost of doing business those are real concerns we tried to address those by making that a gradual raise that stair steps this is one step towards solving equality and this will not make housing affordable to everyone living in San Francisco but a good step and hopefully many, many measures we can Work Together to make San Francisco a place to live. We hope this discussion has on informative for more information please invest the San Francisco website at sf election. Org and remember early voting is available at city hall from 8 to 5 00 p. M. And vote is the city hall two we understand before the election if you dont vote early be sure to vote on tuesday funding for this program [with captioning] was provided by additional funding is provided by

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