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You have many important decisions to make by november 4th tonights forum will give you an opportunity to be heard let us begin so the way this will work is that i will post the questions to the candidates in order alphabeticly with each question ill move through this alphabet each time so a different person will answer first and so on and so forth id like to begin with question number one and this is actual as youre waiting for your questions this was one that was submitted by lead members or posted to our website the first question to mr. Camp anyone well move to mr. Nolte and mr. Whitaker the first question how would you balance the needs of the district vs. The needs of the city considering things have called our our attention Public Safety especially he especially in the area of the tenderloin ms. Kim. First of all, thank you all for attending the cadet and thank you to all of you this is inaudible i do represent the 4th district of San Francisco and the citywide average and now i represent the zip codes in San Francisco we have a lot to balance but district 6 has issues whether Public Safety transportation and Public Education this is for the majority of Office Development in the city milestone my role insures as we growth in our population and employers were insuring the structure follow the development whether a Pedestrian Safety improvements and, of course, Affordable Housing inaudible and it is continuing to be the passage we have look like lee a lot of needs around infrastructure and work with the city. San francisco has is a great city and because its a great city we have a very diverse needs we have a lot of open space elsewhere in San Francisco but district 68 lacks a lot of open space so one of the things is balancing that we have a lot of development particle south of market of district 68 and by putting in the developments we need to ask the developers to give their fair share for transportation for transit and other services so we can all have concluding the schools i think the thing first to do is look at where the revenues are coming and how theyre being spent for the district and hopefully everything will work out the best way we can i think that San Francisco is a great city but strict 6 has a lot of needs i think the Interesting Exchange for the city is that the departments in the city tend to work like the Planning Department is on the package of lets approve more and more commercial development and it is concentrated in district 6 we have i guess were welcoming others we had traditionally Industrial Areas in a lot of parts of district 68 the problem is that as we welcomed all the new development the cities mta has cut its reduced its bus service in south of market the fulsome bus no longer runs east of Second Street and parks have not kept up we i think data needs to be put to better use and developments need to work more collaboratively and data could help show whether or not the resources are being districts equally and well arresting agriculture agree theres a big disparity and the second question from the audience and i will the remaining questions will come from you i have room for more so send them in the next question will begin with mr. Nolte was the plan for vision zero the reduction of pedestrian traffic facilities to zero. Thats a very good question you know along the market and van ness corridor our district has a large number of fatalities for pedestrians and observing theres a lot of things need to happen one the cars need to see the pedestrians and bicyclists before they make turns their needs to be more possibly time given to count down signals there needs to be more planning so that this will some of the Safety Measures can happen and, of course, if we have the brt coming in having people how people can get to the brt without being hit by a car when they see the train commissioners, on that motion maybe on Market Street we close it off so theres no traffic would be the best things. So vision zero is very important to everyone in district 6 whether or not you make 1,006,050,000 a year a lot of us move to district 6 because of the flattening flat areas to walk and the beacon hill neighborhood move from russian hill where the homes have lots of stairs and elderly are effected the police force its hard to get them to look at the existing laws in the chosen there was a pilot on harris street where i live and 2 of bryan street close to 2 thousand incidents of blocking the intersections or the cross walk in a timespan we need nor police improvement the mta has painted crosswalk lines and but we have to do more. The very first hearing i called for on the board of supervisors was a Pedestrian Safety hearing we know that the vast majority of vehicle collisions are happening in district 6 and San Francisco has the highest rates in the state of california theres a lot of things to do this is an issue we can solve over 6 corridors are in the tenderloin that are dangerous we need to invest money we can cut our fatalities by over half our office has been working on the vision zero reservation around education and were the first for Pedestrian Safety on market and howard a pilot on fulsome street where weve seen fatalities we worked on the crosswalks doing so stloer speeds and removing parking spots in the tenderloin and pedestrians can see out into the intersection and the pilot dont mr. Pacheco block the box in one at a day two hours we gave out one hundred and 2 citations having that brought in known for the city. I want to to caution the candidates when it says the time is up to stop the third question goes to joe whitaker from the audience what are our plans to develop open space in district 6. The speculators have driven the prices up in district 6 looking forward to the zoning or the central selma plan that further takes care of the open space we have only one. 7 acres residence we have to look at city owned lands for the speak up needs the port owns property on howard near the, etc. Bark that is 6 hundred kids spend their times at the childcare it should be turned into a playground it would be a great playground that the Community Help to build at sue ma park the property vails have been splaktd to cost so much. Ms. Kim. My office you understand the open space is very important we work for the parks to relocate a financial in the opening next month and its exciting were tangled having to have a Million Dollars for a playground and now working on our second playground and in the ear so i was able to open the dog park we have open Creative Spaces and weve been looking at the open space the only one in the south of market were looking at Capital Improvements to build nor spaces in a small park area and look at it to acquire another park in the western selma area and well to be go to purchase hopefully one of those sites. Thank you. Open spaces is one of a long time issue in San Francisco in the district and one of the things ive brought up a a long time ago when i saw developers eating up the various parking lots i side an online petition we have to start educating when people come on and top all the remaining spaces and how you transfer that to a possible and microscope is as a open space once you put a building there . No longer an open space it comes down to neighborhood we allow the Planning Department and other people to plan our neighborhoods thats not the way to do it we need anymore citizen planners and start suspending and seeing lets plan ahead and looking at the issues instead of allowing spot developers. Another question from the aids first to many kim and we dont have all night from each of you whats our position on airbnb rentals this is an issue i wont speak another length you can watch your 8 hour hearing shortterm rentals it is challenging we need to create a legislation thats earlier enforceable by itself city and one we have clear factors in much to show that the shortterm rentals vs. A 3 hundred and sdpooi hotels a hosted and no hosted and sure our Planning Department has the staffing unable to enforce this issue i make our neighborhoods rentals and were doing this part time to show case our city a couple of invites out of the years. Thank you, mr. Nolte. You know when a Management Company decides to rent to an individual they usually presume its for the individual and who somebody changes the Lease Agreement that causes a problem and whether or not that is in their lease or not so i think the first issue is will the city be able to pass legislation that can change the terms of a lease and whether or not the management will be able to approve that what was mentioned the number of nights that a tenant can sub lease will be good but not to make it into a commercial bedandbreakfast kind of things invite not flshs the tenants name but a bedandbreakfast plays and thats the best way to use our housing stock. Arnie totally supported singlefamily homes but thats it on a are short time basis airbnb will make agreements more expensive but a Public Comment on monday the board of Supervisors Committee meetings folks reventd e renting 4 bedroom apartments and renting out the other 3 bedrooms a thats a families home and being taken off the market for representing we have messaging law to inform people when someone is a sex all perpetrator is living in a building it thousand you out messaging law im an an hoa in a building we have absolutely fiercely graduated against folks user airbnb in our building and hope we stick with the thirty day minimum with the multi buildings. Question no. 5 will go first to mr. Nolte how do you plan in ironing to the changing Transportation Needs in our district . Transportation has been a key issue even though we have some corridors for transportation already in existence we need to have transportation that crows our district not only in the scombror corridors and maintain your trait link so when youre the city is deciding to remove bus stops that realize that people take the buses for transit situations so i think that a lot of times we have people in city hall making decisions but the neighborhood that needs to be part of the planning process we will have better transportation and i think also a lot of it comes down to maintain of muni as well as the fairs that generates the how to keep it going thank you. So i think transportation is the big issue for district 6 besides affordability and the reason is all this housing being built transit has been produced in this sense in some cases and i mean we were the way to product the height to the residential towers it will be a transcendental yet district they recuse reduce the bus services to people are getting trained to drive a car that adds to transportation and its twice as many people getting killed from diabetes air pollution kills 7 Million People and i want the bike lanes to extend to the waterfront. Thank you, ms. Kim. So as our district grows in workers and residents were xrerg the congestion as jamie said transportation is one of the key issues i think if you want more people to get out of their cars they need to feel safe so it is important that makes our neighborhoods more washerable south of market had this car lanes it changed the structure and more bike lanes we know the number one way to get people out of their cars is not muni but bikes on significant and howard d t x along with the subway will be important connections for the south of market area par along with something our residents have been pushing making sure that the muni goes past Second Street and acknowledge the residents that live east of south of market and looked at the management south of market. Question 6 will begin with mr. Whitaker and ca question from the audience the California Public utilities allows people to exercise the reasonable rehabilitation of the cpc regulations such as ride shares do you see a role for the government and i absolutely see a need for local rehabilitation the socalled ridership and taxi industry has been negatively effected and we dont think the taxis for disabled and wheelchairs and a transportation option in our taxi service dies in San Francisco it will be that much harder for people in wheelchairs to get around the question of insurance do people have the amount of proper insurance maybe 100,000 liability that may not be enough to the extent we can lobby and regulate the ride sharing they lobby in sacramento getting the arena for example, we need to regulate this industry thank you. So the state go state agency is clear that any other transportation other than taxis are regulated by itself state cpc and it was in the 19th century hundreds unfortunately, because we have had a lot of injuries and fatalities have happened here in San Francisco concluding one in our district a young 6yearold girl who was hit in between passengers we didnt know whos insurance was going to cover insurance is the top issue and its being dictated at the higher level well have to redefine what taxi means or ask the state for the authority finally the airport has been taking on this issue and shocking ridership services they have some of that jurisdiction in that arena but here at the local level i think we need to be more realistically for the taxi industry in order to survive the ridership weve seen the riderships have been a big issue especially in San Francisco because of the fact that taxis are now not able to do some of the things they were doing before they were more interested in dealing with or with 245ir7 able to get a lot of revenue and deal with disabled services now theyre not getting more money and asked to do more important individuals i think that makes an inequitable of service in San Francisco and the rates and licensing and insurance are big issues and lobbying for the state to put pressure so its equitable and occupying obviously the Taxi Services have been crippled by the new system. Thank you question no. 7 well go first to many kim the question is what are your Top Priorities as district supervisor. My top priority and what i spent 70 percent is land use the vast majority is happening in our district we have to build complete neighborhoods my second area priority has been Pedestrian Safety and vision zero ive articulated this on some of our priorities in this arena prior and the third area is homelessness we have a lot of folks that live on the street my candidates as well i decided to go through the homeless shelter my first night i spent an invite in the tenderloin and a we have minimum wage staffing that doesnt have the capacity to deal with the folks and second our population is in our 40 and 50s and the shelters were built for younger people weve been trying to grow our shelters in the evening to address those issues. First priority i have is accountability we need to revenue review the nonprofits and look at it where did money is going not only to the nonprofits but the other services we fund though the city budget pr i know accountability and revealing of the funds is important and second Pedestrian Safety it is a big issue in district 6 and continues whether it has to do with kriemgdz or Pedestrian Safety or personal safety or safety in general and i think that having the police do more policing Community Policing will help with that and last Affordable Housing i think Affordable Housing thats affordable in this case for the low income is usually now being left out in the current developments put together by the city so my top 3 issues focusing on Community Health and making sure we get our fair share treated equally and taking better care of our kids theres a lot of children living in the highrise building believe it or not and theres a piece of land in mission bay but unfortunately, we see a lot of our young families moving out of the building because are were not meeting the needs for parents who desperately want to live in the city and have the sustainable lifestyle Community Health we need to attack Traffic Congestion we have the worst air pollution in the city we have the most number of hospitalizations of kids suffering from asthma attacks in Treasure Island and stop building buildings if it makes peoples lives worse. The next question for mr. Nolte and it is what would you do to preserve and increase the gay Business Environment west of market and the tenderloin. I think any cultural the Gay Community is a cultural part of San Francisco we used to have a lot more bars in the south of market and the tenderloin and i think that trying to open some more establishments because obviously whats happened is the businesses are not as i mean, we used to get a lot of people coming to the bayview and a lot of them the museums and other things in other district we need to identify the various historical parks that are in district 6 that identify the Lgbt Community and put that on the map and keep that on the map in everybodys forefront and resources for that are that i think a lot of that has been left out and needs to be looked at. I think that theres two communities really in western selma thats been effected the Lgbt Community thats been effected but also the Filipino Community which still treats the area as a culture overlook focal pointed in state of california area theres a lot of the castro folks are saying there goes the neighborhood but doing a great job of remarketing castro with flags i think western selma has a Cultural Heritage for the Lgbt Community and the Filipino Community and we need to make sure thats fund we provide a lot of revenue for the city south of market and theres no reason those cant be funded similar to the castro street the marketing of those streets so when people think of the lgbt and the lgbt history they think of the castro neighborhood im proud to be representing that the lgbt businesses and Community Leaders in the south of market and in the tenderloin i got to come in and tell the western selma planning process that come out of our neighborhoods and what came out was insuring that we have a lgbt cultural district as well as the filipino in the western selma ive been working hard to support our lefthand turn businesses particularly traermentd along the 11 street we to be able we continue the altercation in the tenderloin weve had a strong Lgbt Community particularly the transgenders exultant that finds the tenderloin affordable and a safe haven we did the first lgbt renaming of one street. The next question question 9 to mr. Whitaker homelessness issues in the open space Civic Center Bart station are escalating what Compassionate Solutions do i have and i work other city hall i come out of the elevator vibrator our king you can certainly tell a difference in the improvement in the bart district has been taking in the morning am i walking to work, in a halfway filled with folks sleeping it purples me why our bart stations are large and the compassionate use of the space to allow some sheltering of folks especially, when theres inclement weather our stations are huge think of new york look at our stations its quite different the number one we need to build nor housing such as the renee part times on fulsome street that houses 19th street and 20 homelessness folks owes. So today, i had an opportunity to visit our shelter on motion street i mentioned before we treat homelessness Like United Airlines atas its an down on our luck and need a place to stay for a couple of months but the 2k078 graphic of our homelessness we have mental ills and we need to make sure that again, we have nurses that are inner shelter and have a twentyfour hour respite to open a respite shelter in selma so with he have a staff bringing someone to a place to get medical services on site. There are a lot of needs that the homeless has and obviously housing and the hot team needs to be reaching out to them one of the specific needs is the medical he will services during the winter they need blankets and the need also hot meals to keep them to survive over t over the is weather theres safety issues and they need to have injection sites thats been talked about it has not not taken place and services that need to happen havent yet happened and they need to be talked about and made more happening to the population especially more services for runaways and vets thank you okay. Were getting close to the end im going to double up a couple of questions and beginning to ms. Kim the first question are two of them how did you get to tonights meeting, and, secondly, the warriors at piers thirty 32 was that a missions opportunity. I took the 14 mission to get here pier thirty 32 it was a challenging site im sure youre aware of a lot of transportation issues its a very enclosed site 3 sides with water and it was certainly an x optimistic sites for the warriors i think mission bay will be better the Biggest Issue is Transportation Management needs how do we get bikes and muni, bart and also cars in and out of that neighborhood well certainly have an easier time in mission bay and also mission bay is a growing neighborhood we have more residents moving 2, 3, 4 it has adjusted the Warriors Arena side by side. Okay. The first issue was how to get here i walked i think everybody should learn how to walk and the idea of the issue any sports arena i think meantime you put something into a neighborhood i need a planning process thats what came out of the scenario instead of saying the community gaffe a lot of input and came up with a second location that was far better thank you. I live 7 blocks away on harrison street i walked in support of walking as much as possible the Warriors Arena was problematic from the start because of the traffic problems that exist the bay bridge is a magnet for 5 30 u 5 oclock everyone is ready to head back home we had a traffic problem on, etc. Bark and harrison and bryan and adding an influx of folks that are coming for events rather the sport events and not familiar with the roads would have been a big mistake and air pollution is decreasing peoples lifespan the Planning Department needs to stop approving more projects until we address the Health Issues that are negatively impacted Business Owner about 4 million secret of office space will bring more cars. All right. Question no. 11 first to mr. Nolte how do you plan to address Affordable Housing living in a distribute with such great income disparity . Well, i think the first issue what is affordable so affordable for whom is is the key issue i think if the average if we if its one hundred and 20 percent of the medium income there are places being built for that and people that dont have the one hundred and 20 percent income we have to have more housing and thats lacking its a buzz word to say affordable we need to we need people to own homes thats the only way to get out of the cycle they get a lot of tax breaks and get people to be homeowners. Here 90 in south of market were doing something fantastic if in 2005 the state gave us land along fulsome and of the housing built in the area 35 percent must be Affordable Housing so were going to have 3 thousand units of Affordable Housing fancy luxury housing but one thousand of the 3 thousand units will be targeted for folks making 80 grand or less percent of the medium so 55 thousand dollars we need that if were going it to have folks are working at the hotels and muni and the Service Industry not everyone has a masters in Computer Programming they need to live here two and outside of the very Development Project supervisor kim brought up go limit the marketing and let the developers figure out they make a ton of money in San Francisco and supervisor kim. So 65 percent of our residents make 81,000 or less you quality for Affordable Housing were not meeting the need look at a couple of Different Things the redevelopment where the yerba buena or the mission bay plan or the south of market were able to build Affordable Housing now we no longer have redevelopment as a tool we need to look at other sources i was surprised to see the time up and if youre building a luxury condo on a waterfront or in the excelsior you shouldnt have to pay the same fees but on the value of the property your building and a luxury tax and look at a bond potential for 2015 we know we need the city and developers to give more to meet the Affordable Housing crisis in San Francisco and weve gotten through the questions we really need to wrap up so time for the candidates closing statement let me remind you if youre noted registered to vote please do so and urge on the last date to register is october 20th and if you move you need to reregister the register is available in the back of the room for your convenience now to the closing statement in reverse alphabetical order i have one minute mr. Whitaker. Thank you for hosting this forum its been valuable for everybody i think it district 6 needs to be rocketed at the economic function enumeration it is for San Francisco we represent 20 percent of the taxable Property Values the 500 million transportation bond measure a were going to be carrying 20 percent of the load and need to be treated fairly with other districts and thats one of the reasons im running we need to treat our kids better theres a lot of kids in district 6 with no playground that will give us the opportunity for social economic braurlgdz to meet each other and that will be helpful in Building Community we need to be ready for American People earthquake and people will help each other and the Health Issues the development should not be containment in district 6 when it shortness peoples lives. Thank you for attending the tonight meeting or event the main reason im running for district 6 superintendant is the lack of affordability for the working class individuals that pay the takes and do receive the services this is a group thats been executed in the mix when it comes to that theyre the best beset with poor muni and poor education cuts and services he and above and beyond the lack of voice and sentencing have been informational im a long time advocates for the social juris organier and small Business Owner advocate im rhine running for district 6 representative to bring affordability i ask for your vote on november 4th thank you. Its been an honor to serve and represent this district certainly one of the most interesting in the city and most amazing to help build and shape the future i run four years ago people said i would need more experience but when i went door knocking what i found was people wanted i thank cleaner it streets and more education so our goal will be to make district 6 healthy and better but our capacity in working on issues that help our filipinos and working on the filipino and latino he homeowners together to make sure we have no more parks in the neighborhood and finally, theres the spiraling whereas is not see only thing there are 3 prapgsz c. J. K and the Childrens Fund raising the minimum wage to 15 an hour and we hope youll all vote thank you and thaksz to the candidates and before we say further joe fox from the department of elections is here to tell you everything you need to go in two minutes for rank Choice Voting utensil have to do for this race welcome. Yeah. Please. Hi good evening San Francisco balling elections most of its local officials through rent Choice Voting we vote on that now we do it for 10 years in San Francisco however, people still need a reminderer etch election how you do candidates in their race congest which is the board of supervisors raze in 2 work 4, 6, 8 and 10 as well as 70 quarters will be elected using Choice Voting their names will appear in 3 columns and we want you to vote for our first choice in the first column and then 2, 3, 4 in particular race there are 4 candidates that appear on the ballot youll have youre a first 3 choices and in the second column mark our second choice and in the third our third choice for supervisor and for some reason you only want to vicinity for one candidate only mark them in the first column and lease the others empty dont mark all 3 choices on the first column like 1, 2, 3 because the machines we use to read the ballots nor the himself will knows which committing candidate you wanted if you vote 3 times there are raze in the city where there are not enough candidates to put our choices so if theres fewer than 3 candidates keep the second and third columns blank we have all the information for you as well as the the information about all of the local measures we have 12 measures going on youll find n them in the voter information mailed to you in about two weeks theres 2 hundred and 24 pages so youll have to read them this fall you can check on line at sf elections. Org or come by city hall and well we want you to be a voter for those of you here this evening i have fox im happy to share the overview in one piece of paper about whats on the ballot and, of course, be sure to be a voter keep our registration up to diet and we hope to see you on november 4th thank you clapping . On behalf of the league of the women voters and our enlivening university the american Still Society and golden gate student chapter our immediate sponsors 70 Government Television thank you to our candidates for particular and you taking the time to informing our choices for the spiraling election we want to remind you about the legal mans voter upcoming greet and meet in which all the candidates of the board of supervisors and state assembly are invited to say special meeting in the community i dont have a date but at the website we hope youll join us for a short reception and good evening and have a safe night on novem. Hello him i im hopping holly with sfgovtv along with the leaguer of women voters here to discuss measure b a ballot measure on november 4th before the voters prop b is a Charter Amendment a requires the city to provide to the sfmta by a percentage to the portion increase take into account daylight and dynamic population as determined by Controllers Office in 2015 the city increases the base amount over the previous 10 years in future years the city about increase the base amount based on the population over the Previous Year it requires the sfmta to use 75 percent of any Population Based increases in the basis amount to achieve the Service Repairs the other 25 percent to improve Street Safety and authorizes the mayor to discontinue the base amazes required in the voter is impact a vehicle free if you rotate yes increase the amount the city provides to the sfmta based on the population those funds must be used to improve muffin. The Street Safety if i vote no, you dont want to make 24 change im here with peter straus from the board of the San Francisco transit riders and proponent of measure b were joined that i marty the chair of the librarian and a proponent thank you start with opening comments mr. Straidz. Measure b is a common sense approach times transportation funding for population groith growth muni that over recruited crowded and unreliable San Franciscos grown that i 10 percent since 20033 and thank you for the opportunity u muni service is not kept up it pays for the muni service to reflect the growth by measure b will not there taxed it will pay for improvements to the prop money not being used 75 percent will pay for muni vehicles maintenance and for the repair of the fleet and more buses and buses not all of measure b logo for the improvements 25 percent important measures to improve safety ordinance 8sdz street to pay for the measures the plan to eliminate traffic fatalities between 10 years we hope the voters agree that youre opening remarks thank you weve recommended in the Libertarian Party recommends a no vote because we speak about population growth, however, you population groerth in San Francisco is abandonment to be more than reasonable and the reason for that is policies nowadays removes the Market Forces that keepsz the balances even so this will geology for example, our sewer system has not been updated since the impoverishing we need First Responders and schools all of those systems not tied to population so we have one tied to an unreasonable situation and st. Is going to suck up fund from all the others fund there is so much in the pot we need to allocated it as well as we can. With that question what benefits will the passage of that bring to the motorists and to motorist i think the primary benefits relies to increase the traffic essentialist for bicyclists and pedestrians for everyone and the measure such as obnoxiously and the defined crosswalks and better signals and really thats the primary benefit for motorists, however, it that benefit the furrier cars on the street the more people riding muni. How do you respond. I want to say because we have this didnt mean we have good planning or efficiency and what were talking about here in my opinion is would be efficiency and for example, when we allocate money to safety bubbles or designing this and that what other jaend agenda are we talking about are we removing cars together on the street my point efficiency should come first, the ability to get paragraph move in a way to get to work there is no impedes funding is not the issue i think the issue is more efficiency and good planning. Will this measure increase the frequently of service is low income neighborhoods. Thank you for your question a number of my colleagues and organizations have been working with the mta the muni Transportation Agency staff in the last year to develop an entity analysis an analysis of how whether there are inaccuracy in how it serves the minority in San Francisco it will provide the fund to address some you know my means identified having an equitable analyze that has money to address the certifies that come up this is i see them as working hand in glove are the mta start to professionalism this year in providing resources to hed what needs to be addressed. Thank you r with or what are you thoughts. Do we need another layer of bureaucracies may be make sure that muni is seated by the neighborhoods its aids simple as that we are talking transit crossroads and a completely different design than simply offering muni certifies to youll neighborhood whether low income or whatever and again, were not talking about in my opinion funding is not the issue were just going to add layers of brursz await sufficiency we have muni asking for more money for the past how many years guarantee i dont see improvements you did we have 50 percent on time. Shouldnt we be working on this. Its time for financial thoughts ms. Berry and we need to view it in the context of the entire city we cannot saw we need transportation yes, we need transportation we also need a whole and i way ray of other services i suggest voters think twice regarding the transportation growth and the transportation because all the other services are going to be left behind doesnt like for example, a very important were addressing that with other proportion is so we need growth and the growth t is going to be particularly abnormal in San Francisco regarding the policies to engendered to remove the connective forces that keep everybody everything in balance. Financial comments were when the voters established the Transportation Agency the mta was funded by setting up a fund for the transportation this was done to eliminate what they call the infighting and the set budget the system worked well but not quite well enough not to protect us for the cuts in 2008, and 9 the measure b tweaks the formulas to address the growth and keep up with the growth it supports the prourpgs zero for the fatalities in the 10 years and invests capacity while investing in making our streets safer and with that said, see i hope during the neighborhood it will help to support measure b in november. Thank you both if for your time and comments we hope this has been informative for more information in the ballots please invest the website at sf election. Org and early voting is available monday through friday from 8 to 5 and vote at city hall 2 we understand before election and if you dont vote early be sure to vote funding for this program [with captioning] was provided by additional funding is provided by and narrator each video episode has three parts. Watch the program,

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