if you heat it up? will the hole get bigger, smaller or stay the same? and we all tried it with our kid sister's ring and we found out what, gang? bigger. smaller. you see, right now, it goes through. with a little effort, it goes through, yeah? i'm not gonna take the time to heat up the ball. i'd waste your time because you know the ball would get bigger and no way it would go through. i'm gonna heat, instead, the ring. you get that ring nice and hot. is the ring expanding? yep. yeah. yeah, it's expanding. how about the hole? is the hole expanding? see, a lot of people thing this. a lot of people reason that the hole is gonna-- it's gonna expand this way and expand in this way 'cause the ring is gonna get fatter. will that ring get fatter? it turns out it will. so they think this part would expand out here and this part in here, and the hole gets smaller. but lo and behold, it's appreciably bigger. so the hole does get bigger, gang. did that kind of confirm your reasoning anyway? yeah. did you find out-- how many people said in their homework, "yeah, the hole does get bigger"? show of hands. how many people are a little bit unhappy today? they kind of said something else? can we still be friends? can we? can we? here's the way i look at that, gang. oh, man. no friends today. no friends today? sometimes it's not good to give the answers, huh? if we take our ring and we cut it up into four pieces, gang, four pieces, and if i put even any one of those pieces in the oven, would it get bigger? yeah. would it expand and maybe look like this? no way. it's gonna expand and look like that. and this side here is longer in an expanded state than like this. so take them apart and look at it and you can kind of see it. or take your ring and open it up like this. is it gonna get fatter? yes, it's gonna get fatter. so it expands up to here maybe, out to here maybe, yeah? but that's not the end of the story. you see, we're so busy thinking about what happens like this, huh, that we forget it's expanding this way, too. and it expands lengthwise as well. and lengthwise, we'll see it expands out to here. and i submit to you that this dotted line on the top is longer than the solid line below. and that dotted line on the top represents the new inner circumference. so every part of the ring, the thickness, the width, circumference, outer, inner, everything expands by the same rate if the heating is uniform and it pretty well was here. so the hole gets larger, okay? cool. yeah. you've got a jar of peanut butter, you can't open it up and you give to a muscle brawn-type. he still can't open it up. so what do you do and if it's handed to you? you take it, and put it in a stove upside down momentarily or put it under the hot water. doesn't that metal lid expand? does it make it tighter against the glass or looser? looser. and you--hey, mind, mind. hey. brawn one thing, wonderful, but the mind, too. see? so you think and you can open it up by just eating it up. it turns out the whole darn thing will expand whole and all. sure, you know, they're kind of nice thing, too. you have thermostats at home? here's a piece of metal, two kinds: brass, steel. does everything expand the same rate, gang? no. let's see. the steel is on the top. the brass is on the bottom. which part expanded more? the brass. the brass expanded more and pushed the steel right into a curve. you see that? and that's the basis of a thermostat. thermostat acts like that. you know what i'm saying? notice we have a wooden handle on here. why do we have a wooden handle on this demonstration apparatus? this metal here, i can just barely hold it there. why is it i just didn't have the metal and hold that in there? why, gang? because the metal part would get hot and the wooden part wouldn't. and that wooden part wouldn't. but why--and what are we gonna talk about today? heat transfer. heat transfer. and the first kind of heat transfer begins with a c and what is it? conduction. conduction. and it turns out that heat would have been conducted to my hand had i held it here and it would have burned me, that's because metal is a very good conductor of heat. how come i get a wooden handle, gang? because the wood is a very poor conductor of heat. but let's not be so negative. instead of saying poor conductor, we can say good insulator. see, see, you can see it the other way around, okay? it turns out in the metal, all metals got a lose electrons. and those electrons, when you start to heat this up, you--how many people say, "oh, when you put that in a flame, those electrons just kind of hang loose on it?" those electrons are bopping around and those electrons-- hit their neighbors-- and that energy cascades all down the middle. so it turns out that things with lose electrons are good heat conductors. later on, we're gonna learn things with good-- with lose electrons are good electrical conductors. and how many say, "oh, that's probably a coincidence"? it's not a coincidence. it's a good electrical conductor for the same reason. those lose electctrons can flow right through a piece of metal, gang. and when that--now, we're talking about electricity. we'll be talking about that soon, yeah? but for now, those metal-- those little electrons will bop, bop, bop, bop, bop, which are lose in metals and carry that energy right along. so some things conduct better than other things. piece of wood, very, very good insulator. this wood is a good insulator at any temperature. this wood is a good insulator even if it's very, very hot. yep. did you ever reach in to a hot oven and grabbed on to a frying fan that's about maybe 400 degrees fahrenheit? you're gonna cook some food or something, you got a frying pan in there that's all iron. ever be reaching there with your bare hand and grabbed the iron pan? if you ever had, you can show that today, you'd be tattooed, all right? you're gonna burn yourself. isn't that right? but could you reach into that oven and grab a pan if it had a wooden handle and grab it momentarily? you can do that. you can do that. you know why? because not--that wood is hot. that's the same temperature as the metal. but not very much energy is gonna conduct from the wood to your hand, so you can safely hold it. you can do that. ever see these people walking at hot coals after they've paid more than $300 for some sort of a course that teaches you how to have self-confidence in yourself? and then the test of that self-confidence is they say, "we are gonna violate the laws of physics "and show you that mind over matter. "that $300 you've spent for that 15-minute session "is gonna pay off "because we're gonna apply those techniques "and we're gonna show that you can walk with bare feet on hot coals." and so the people do that. they take off their shoes, bare feet, they step on the hot coals. they walk across and they think they have violated physics. gang, those are hot coals of what? wood. wood. and that wood is very hot, isn't it? how much of that heat in that wood is gonna get to the feet? what does it depend upon? not only the temperature of the wood but something else. begin with a c, end with onductivity. see if you can put it together. what is it, gang? conductivity. it's conductivity. and that conductivity of the wood is good or not so good? not so good. not so good. so when you step with your barefoot on that hot coal, there is a heat transfer. but a lot or a little? what the answer begin with, gang? l. okay, l. okay. so it's a little l, right? and so only it makes sense, a little, little heat. only a little bit of heat will get to your foot and you can-- no, you're not gonna stand on one place there, okay? you're not gonna reach in that oven and you're hanging on that wooden handle. honey, you're gonna be hurt. but you can grab it and pull it out. boom. and you can step, step, step, step across red hot coals of wood without harm. it's even better if your feet are wet. once--remember when you were a little kid and you wanted to know if the iron was hot and your mother says, "touch it and see"? now, if your mother doesn't care very much of you, she says, "touch it and see." but if your mother really loves you, she says, "before you touch it, be wetting your hand." [makes sounds] right? [makes sounds] that little sound? [makes sounds] what's that little sound? we're getting a chapter ahead. you guys don't know about this. it turns to steam. how many say, "oh, don't take any energy to turn to steam. it just happens to do it." come on. the energy it took to turn that to that little puff of steam is energy that did not go to your hand. so it's better if you walk across those coals and you got wet feet because then it'll be even safer. so a homework assignment this weekend. every one take off their shoes and socks, get some hot coals, pour them all over your front lawn and get out there and do it, all right? okay? actually, some people say, "anything i can do for extra credit?" there you are. and take a photograph and we'll put the photo in the next book, okay, because i need to get a new photo of someone doing that, all right? you're sitting in that tables. part of your table is metal and part of your table is wood. i want you to all put your hand on the wooden part. oh, go ahead. it's all right. all right? now, take the hand off and touch the metal part underneath, the metal part of your table, okay? now which is hotter, the wood part or the metal part? wood. that is kind of an ambiguous question, gang. is it not? which has the higher temperature, the wood or the metal? try it again. same. the same. yeah, the same. but if you just feel it, you'd say what? oh, the metal is colder. is the metal colder? it feels colder because it's a better conductor. your body temperature is higher than the temperature of everything else in this room. and temperature is higher over your hand than that which you touch. gang, there's a heat flow, an energy flow that we call heat. it goes from high temperature to low. and when you did that, when you touched the wood, there's a heat difference but conductivity not so much. how much energy flowed from your hand when you touched the wood? a lot or a little? a little. how much flowed from your hand when you touched the metal? a lot or a little? a lot. the other l, right? a lot. and it has to do with the conductivity. it kinda makes sense, that stuff, doesn't it, conductivity? kinda neat stuff. hey, i'll show you something kinda nice for that. here's a piece of iron. good conductor? yeah. here's a piece of wood. good conductor? no. no. it turns out wood is a very, very poor conductor as we've talked about. i'm gonna put a piece of paper around this iron. i'm gonna light up my torch again. paper doesn't light on fire, gang. but if the paper is taken out like this, and it's flamin'. put it against the iron, it goes out. it's charred. that part lit up. oops. call the fire marshal. but what's going on here, gang? well, let's try it with wood. let's try it with wood. our test. be checkin' the neighbor and see if the neighbor knows why that paper didn't light. did you ever read the book by ray bradbury called fahrenheit 451? yes. that 451 is what? that's the temperature in fahrenheit degrees at which paper burns. that was about a book-burning book, yeah? watch this, gang. fire city. that thing is burning up. look at that. all right. okay. why with the wood but not with the metal? neighbor time, neighbor time. okay. what would be the answer, gang? heat transfer is-- most of the energy here went to what, the paper or the metal? metal. the metal. how much was left in the paper? none. and before i can get the paper up to 451, i've got to make that very, very good conductor back there at 451, too. and that takes a lot and lot of energy to do. and so you didn't see the paper ignite. it never got to 451. this is considerably more than 451 degrees, considerably more. when i wrapped it around the wood, look the wood is all scarred now. look at that. you saw the paper light up. why? because i didn't have to heat up all the wood to 451, just the surface. see? just the surface. and it--right up easily. but around--on a piece of metal, all the heat is conducted all through here. let's try something similar. this time, i've got-- oh, i'll take a paper cup first. paper cup, some water, okay, my flame again. there we go. water in the cup. then, you know, fire and all, no flames at all, gang. [laughter] except the edge, okay? but i can just about bring that to a boil. and yet, if i take a cup like this--okay. any fire marshals around? okay. you kinda get the idea. ain't that nice? and this over here, it turns out just the edge you see there, the edge does not in touch with the water. but the same type thing is happening here. not so much because of the conductivity of the water. water turns out to be not a good conductor. but something else is going on here, gang. and what is it? transfer. oh, i can read your minds. i can read your minds. [laughter] you're all saying, "but, gang, you're taking a fluid which has an enormous specific heat, hewitt." and if you wanna increase the temperature of that, honey, you gotta put a lot of calories. and you got hardly left any leftover for the water-- i mean, for the-- what's the outside made of? beginning with a p? paper. okay. so it turns out, yeah, most of my energy is going-- being absorbed by the water. and it's a little bit warmer but not very much. i'll show you something really neat. i'm gonna put an ice cube at the bottom of this. oops. i hope i can get an ice cube in there. oh, get in there, son of a gun. uh-oh. okay. see that hunk of ice down there, gang? and i'm gonna wedge that ice in there with this paper clip 'cause i'm gonna pour some water in there. and i don't want the ice to float. and i got the ice wedged down there. now i'm gonna fill it up with some water. [laughter] okay, that was the cup that i didn't have the water in, yeah? okay. now what i'm gonna do is i'm gonna get this going again. and-- [laughter] oh, please. [laughter] i'm gonna bring the top to a boil. and the ice cube at the bottom is still intact. look at that, gang. the water is boiling. down below-- do you see the piece of ice? the ice is still in there. ain't that right, gang? do you see that? so that shows that water is a pretty poor conductor. remember we talked last time about the idea of the four-degree water at the bottom of the lake? and the summertime comes, why doesn't that whole lake all heat right up? it turns out that water will not conduct the energy, that sunlight down very far at all. water is not a good conductor of heat. it's a poor conductor. and you saw that here. i boiled the top, and that heat did not conduct downward to melt the ice. [makes sound] interesting, interesting, interesting this world we live in, yeah? hmm. it turns out that air is a good conductor or a poor conductor? poor. it turns out it's a poor conductor. and aren't you glad? because what if air were a very, very good conductor? how would you feel all the time? it begins with a c, ends with old. put it together, gang. cold. you would feel cold. let's suppose the air was as good conducting as like a piece of metal. do you ever stand on a night at home and lean up against a metal door? it's cold to the touch. but that metal door has the same temperature as the air around you. so be glad that air is a poor conductor and a good insulator. in fact, when you wanna keep yourself warm when you're gonna go campin', that sort of thing, don't you get a down-filled sleeping bag? what's all the down for? it's holding air in one place. it keeps the air from circulating. and that down will just hold the-- how about animals? you wonder about the animals. how do they make it up on the snow-covered mountains? they're covered with fur. and that fur puffs up and what-- guess what it holds inside? it begins with "a," ends with an r. air. and that air is a very, very good insulator. so most of the things that keep you very, very warm in a cold climate like that which insulates like styrofoam, yeah? or spun glass or things like that. they're all what? they are things that hold air. see these thermal underwear they have now? the thermal underwear-- you look at a thermal underwear, and there's like a net, like fishnet. and you put that on and that's gonna keep you warm? but over that fishnet underwear, you put a regular t-shirt. and now what's trapped between your skin and that t-shirt? air. it begins with a "a." air. all right. it ends with r. air. air. okay. and can that air circulate? now if the air warmed up and just went away, then you get cold again, see? but it's all held there by these little netting. that's what it is. when that stuff first came out, i looked at that and said, "what?" 'cause, you know, "this is gonna keep warm, honey." and they show you something with all these holes. [laughter] all these holes? that doesn't sound right. but i--wait a minute, wait a minute. i said, "i know what that is." it begins with a p. i mean, begins with an f." what is it? physics. oh, you don't be knowin'? physics. [laughter] oh, yeah. yeah. let's talk about convection. convection, the other form of heat transfer. first, conduction then convection. convection is what, gang? convection is the moving of fluids. for example, if you heat part of your bathtub up, pretty soon this part is hot, too. a little conduction going on there, but mostly the water is kinda moving around in currents. and so when you carry heat from one place to another by virtue of currents in a fluid, we just have a name for that, convection. and it has an enormous-- a lot to do with the climates of the world. isn't that true? convection. so we get convection currents. you hear that term a lot. it turns out that warm air, when warm air rises, warm air rises-- somethin' happens to the warm air when it rises. do you know, guys, do you know why that warm does rise, by the way? if you're paintin' a ceiling and you're all the way at the top paintin', you'll find out it's a lot warmer at the top of that ladder than if you're laying tile on the floor. then someone says, "how come it's so warm up there?" "oh, it's warm up there because warm air rises." somebody say to you, "well, how come warm air rises?" and you, "well, it's--warm air is less dense than the other air so it rises." well, somebody say, "how come it's less dense, it rises?" "well, because it's less dense." [laughter] "well, come on, come on. why does less dense air go up?" "well, there's probably no reason for that. it's just a rule, man. it's a rule, okay?" less--why does less dense air rise, gang? it expands. and you know why and why? because-- if a bag of air goes up and-- take air and put it in a great, big plastic baggie. now can you see it? where's the greater air pressure? in the bottom of that baggie or on the top? top. bottom. on the bottom. and if that air is expanded, what happens to its density? less dense. so a greater density air from below will push on that pocket of air harder than the air above, and it will be buoyed, right? it should go up, up, up, up. but, you know, we can understand this from another point of view, and that's thinking small. and let's think small. you got one molecule. and let's suppose that molecule is hot and it stays hot. to say that one molecule is hot is to say it's moving around faster than the molecules around it. now, here's a thought experiment. if you have a molecule that moves faster than all the others and you better go here-- [makes sound] ain't gonna hit all these other atoms, right? it's gonna hit. why would it start to migrate upward? you know it would. before you know it, it will keep going up, up, up, up and all this hits, hits, hits. it keeps going up, up, up. it doesn't go down, it only goes up. doesn't only go up, but on the average it goes up. can you be thinking of a reason why? check your neigh