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Demand his reinstatement. Meet the children who stay with their parents inside bolivias jails. Were going to begin with breaking news out of mali. Results are coming in for the election. The historic president ial vote accounting has concluded. Were getting some numbers in now. We have to double will contest the elections in a runoff. To ouro live correspondent. What numbers are you hearing . Around 40 ofen the vote with less than 50 of the vote needed to win in the first round. His opponent is the former head of the west africa monitoring the vote. 19 of it is clear this is going into a separate round of voting in about nine days from now. Remind us why this is such an important election for mali. Is emerging from a crisis. Rebels took over the north. Then the french intervention and coup. After the has been instability spreading across the country. The military decided to leave the state to an interim president. He came on. The International Community demanded an election be held to transfer power to a legitimately elected government. That was done last sunday. Now the results are out. Newans are hoping for a president to take the country out of its current predicament. Security is a problem for the country. Talked to told us the main expectations is to take them out of poverty, provide infrastructure, and take care of security. Is a priority. There has been an agreement with the rebel force in the north. The focus is a new government to tackle poverty and infrastructure in the country. For that breaking news. We have results for the mali president ial election. I do have the numbers from the interior ministry. This is according to the interior ministry. There will be a Runoff Election in mali. The head of the African Union in zimbabwe defended this weeks election. He told al jazeera the poll was fairly fair. He appears to be heading into a seventh term in office. His opponent has called the vote a farce alleging the rigging was widespread. We have put some complaints to the former nigerian president who is heading the african mission. Bserver i am not the conductor of elections. As an observer, i must go by what i can see and certified. Is what we have commented or made statements about. When people start making generalizations which they cannot support with evidence, i cannot go by that. Came to us and said there is duplication of names. They gave us evidence. The registered general. He went into his system. Explanation out an that was satisfactory. That was evidencebased complaint. I cannot go on generalizations that 67 of people in an area were not registered. What is the evidence . How do you back this up . Our correspondent joins us live from the capital. I want to ask about the assessment given by the former president. Been to a News Conference from the ruling party. What have they been saying . Saying we tolden you so. We know we are going to win. They are hoping it is by 2 3 majority. They say theyre waiting for the announcement on television before they go on the street and celebrate. They said if you have an issue with the result when it is announced, feel free to go to court and challenge. Electoral commission is still counting the votes. We should give results within two or three days. What about the declaration that this was a fraud . What about the assessment of many of the independent groups that things have been biased towards the ruling party . That seems to be the sentiment here. Some of his supporters are shocked by how much he seems to be losing by. Some say they want the assessment done again. They are asking the observers to please be careful and choose your words carefully. Please look into the matter again. A lot of people do not believe what has happened. What is clear is people are shocked. People are asking what his next move in. What is next move is. Theyve sent out a statement saying not to panic. Next week things will be different and there will be celebrating. People are confused. Are they planning something and what is it . The postelection scenario is interesting. He is already 89 years old. Zimbabwe is looking at a very uncertain future because that strongman who has been the s politics zimbabwe for so long is going to be out of the picture eventually. Exactly. He is 89 years old. There are certain theories flying around. One is that when he is sworn in, he will step down and hand it over to the vice president. He has not said that. He says he will serve the full fiveyear term. Analysts do not think that is likely. Peoples of the nbc, wonder if there could be another government in zimbabwe. It is looking unlikely. The options seem limited right now. What are they planning to do . Some Officials Say they are going on a passive Resistance Campaign were caught in parliament is boycotting parliament and asking zimbabwe ans to go into the streets. I can tell you that is not something they will willingly do, going into the streets and risk being dealt with by the riot police. The iranian president is leaving office after eight years in power. He has given his last speech as president. These are pictures of him speaking earlier when he addressed the crowd during friday prayers. This coming as thousands rally on the streets of irans capital in support of Palestinian People Marking International jerusalem day, which happens on the last friday of the moslem month of ramadan. We spoke to a journalist on middle east affairs a short time ago about the transition of power in iran. Of theof the ironies iranian revolution is it is now showing signs of static conservatism of the islamic republic. It will take a bit of time. I have been looking to various iranian websites and comments from iranian people. They say the legacy ahmadinejad ist for the new president quite difficult, especially when in thes to economics state run economic sector. To ease the economic burdens is not that easy. He has instructed ahmadinejad to not make decisions to make life difficult for the new president. Across in cairo are swelling. Supporters of Mohamed Morsi are planning large margins later in the day. Thousands marched to the military Intelligence Headquarters in peril overnight. The interim government says it will protect those who leavd the sitins. Is Muslim Brotherhood defined the call. We have received hate mongering and messages regarding the protests. We would like to assert that responsibility for the safety of the protesters was with the interim government and its doctors. They are supposed to be the Law Enforcement officials. They have repeatedly failed to do so. This is peaceful. It will expand and receive more protesters. It is not occasionally one receives morning prior to committing a massacre. It has happened twice in the city. There are indications a third massacre is underway. The u. S. Has refused to call his removal of a coup because under u. S. Law, the government would have to stop providing military aid to egypt. Pakistan,terview in secretary of state john kerry said the military was restoring democracy. The military was asked to intervene by millions of people who were afraid of descendants into chaos and violence. The military did not take over to the best of our judgment so. Ar to run the country in effect, they were restoring democracy. The weather is coming up. Still ahead, top level meetings are in jeopardy after russia grants temporary asylum to Edward Snowden. Promoting a healthier lifestyle. How one family is cutting sugar from the diet. The top stories on al jazeera. Malis first president ial election is to go to a separate round. The former Prime Minister failed to secure an outright majority in the first round of voting, so he will face the former finance minister at the polls on august 11. The head of the African Union Observer Mission in zimbabwe and. Efended this weeks election he told al jazeera it was fairly fair. Motta ahmadinejad has given his last speech in office. He has criticized israeli treatment of palestinians. He is leaving office after eight years in power. The u. S. Says it is disappointed by the russian decision to grant temporary asylum to every student. This could allow the former contractor to seek permanent refuge in another country. He is wanted by the u. S. For leaking secret Surveillance Data to the media. For five weeks, he has been saying it. Today was no different. The white house spokesman urging the russians to send Edward Snowden back to the u. S. To face trial. There is a legal justification for mr. Snowden to be returned to the united states. He is not a dissident or a whistleblower. He has been charged with the crime. In moscow, his lawyer has confirmed his client is free to look for accommodation outside the main airport. Concerning his place of residence, he will choose it himself. He will live in a hotel or apartment. He is one of the most wanted people on earth. He will be making sure his place of residence is absolutely safe. Edward snowden arrived in the moscow airport on june 23. Since then, he has been stuck in the transit zone after the u. S. Revokes his passport. Initially planned to fly to latin america where three countries said they would offer asylum. Later appearing alongside human rights activists, he admitted fears of being detained on the way were keeping him in moscow. Thermer systems analyst at National Security agency faces felony charges of leaking details of the lost u. S. Government surveillance programs. Last week, attorney general eric holder wrote to moscows saying Edward Snowden would not face the Death Penalty if extradited back to the u. S. The decision has been taken to give him asylum. Several toplevel meetings between u. S. And russia slated for coming months are in doubt. These include Russian Foreign washingtonvisit to next week, a bilateral in moscow september, and the u. N. General assembly in september paid at the state department, the are stressing if any of those occasions wind up being canceled, the u. S. And russia will still have much to talk about. We will not stop engaging in with them on syria, missile defense, any of the issues because of one meeting does or does not happen. On sunday, his father said he would be happy for his son to stay in russia permanently. I believe russia is the safest place for my son. It looks like that which is coming true, at least for the next 12 months. Al jazeera, washington. Silvio berlusconi has reacted angrily to a ruling by the highest court of italy which upheld his conviction for tax fraud. The former Prime Minister says he is the victim of persecution. We have the latest from rome. Silvio berlusconi all over the front pages again as the newspapers react to the historic ruling by the supreme court. First on the left. They are not friends of the former Prime Minister. You sense that this is a headline day and probably wanted to write for some time. That they have probably wanted to write for some time. The sentence is definitive. There are no higher courts of appeal. He is now a convicted criminal. A much more sympathetic approach, as you expect, by the newspaper owned by his family. It is not over. He says he does not accept it. He says he has been the victim of persecution by a judiciary with a political agenda. He says he will relaunch the Political Movement that first brought him to power in the early 1990s. The consequences of this are important for italy. By anountry is governed uncomfortable coalition of left and right. Many on the left have felt queasy about working with silvio berlusconi. They will feel even more so now that he is a convicted criminal. Many on the right are convinced their man has been treated unfairly. How this plays out in the weeks and months ahead is not clear. All we can say is it probably will not be helpful for italy at a time when this country is struggling to emerge from its deepest recession since the second world war. The case of a 12yearold girl who says she was repeatedly raped in prison has sparked a heated public debate in bolivia. The government allows children to serve jail time with parents who have committed a crime. More than 2000 children are currently living this way. They share a cramped cells with other adults. Families areire incarcerated. We have this report from one such prison. Living behind bars from an early age. In bolivia, there are more than two dozen children living with their parents in children. She does not want us to identify her. She says it is terrible for the kids. Family, which are destroyed. This is the worst thing that can happen. I would not wish this on my worst enemy, having to live in jail. Bolivia authorities passed a law that forbids children over the age of 11 to stay in prison with their parents after a 12 Year Old Girl was raped by her father and other convicted relatives. Bolivia has an open jail system. That means wives, husbands, and children can join their incarcerated family members voluntarily. Amongen are growing up criminals exposed to violence, rape, overcrowding, and trucks. They are especially vulnerable. You cannot have children living in prisons. They learn and repeat things that happen in jails. They play as if they were the guards. They repeat things they see. Parents have to understand their children are much Better Living outside. Prison Authorities Say children over 11 have already been removed from jail. Authorities are evaluating whether children between 6 and 11 will be allowed to continue living in prisons like this with their parents. The question is whether it is more important for the children to be living inside prison with their parents or outside without them. They say most parents are so poor that they worry their children will be highly at risk living without them. His daughters live with him in this jail. Themselves where their child will be, would come. Parents want to know what their needs will be or if their children will even have something to eat or not. Goal isrities say the by december there will be no more children over the age of six in any building in jail. Most of those children do not have family members to turn to. For many, the dangers will be much the same outside of jail. Al jazeera, bolivia. A Million People in the philippines are facing widespread power cuts because the local Energy Company has not paid its bills. The province suffered a 24hour blackout on tuesday as it struggled with debts of 92 million. We have this report. The volcano since majestically over the province where much of the philippines Natural Energy is harnessed. Cooperativeric office, it is busier than ever with people rushing to pay their bills i have time, afraid the power supply to the province might get cut off again as it was on tuesday. Power was only restored over 24 hours later after it agreed to rework a plan to pay off its longstanding debt of 93 million to suppliers and keep its top 100 the link with client is connected. Great aus are a great. Many of us pay on time. The oneday power cut is estimated to cost businesses over 1 million u. S. If they do not make this payment on time, the power will be cut off again. The philippines has struggled to manage electricity efficiently. Aside from large debts inherited from previous power companies, local distributors have also been mismanaged, and able to collect all that is owed them, particularly from politically connected customers tainted by corruption. The government hopes pushing for privatization measures will reform the power industry. More money is needed to improve infrastructure and make up for the electricity lost in transmission. Officials acknowledge the problems and say they will take what help they can. Most facilities are old. Some are from the 1980s and have yet to be replaced. It is mandated we checked the readers every two years. Unfortunately, we cannot even checked those we know have stopped working because we do not have money to buy new ones. Our substations are old and overloaded. Industryeel the power has been coddled by the National Government and say they can understand the decision to stand back and let the power cuts happen. For themwas a lesson and other operatives in the country. This government or the private so the powerious industry in the philippines will not suffer. The philippines is the fastestgrowing economy in asia. It cannot afford to continue to struggle with electricity. A power cut is seen as a wakeup call, the time has come for change. Jazeera in the philippines. Too much sugar can make you sick. It has been linked to thousands of deaths worldwide from diabetes and heart disease. In australia, one man is on a mission to promote healthy alternatives. Beautiful beach showcasing the quintessential aussie, fit and healthy. Or are they . Australia is one of the fattest nations in the developed world. He was one of the statistics. I did not wake up one morning 40 kilos heavier. I did it the same way everyone does it, year after year. He quit sugar. He says it changed his life. He calls it sweet poison. He writes it is not just unhealthy, it is deadly. One in seven hospitalizations in this country are because of a disease caused directly by sugar consumption. The rates are even higher in the Northern Territory which is the highest per capita consumer of soft drinks in the world. Sugar is killing us. Slowly with chronic disease prepare disease. This family is one of thousands following his lead, finding healthy alternatives. We have poured for breakfast. Instead of putting brown sugar on it, we will put a bit upset rup. F rice sy it is not always that easy. Sugar is addictive. Items are marketed to children. We challenge the children to look at the panel and realize what is in a. Occasionally, things would not have a Natural Ingredient in the. The Childrens Hospital sees dozens of overweight children every year. Nutritionists get to see their diet habits firsthand. With no doubt, sugar is one of their vices. She does not think cutting sugar will solve all of their problems. Server is one of several things that needs to be cut back on. There are things we need to increase. We need to increase activity. We need to spend more time moving around. This family does plenty of that. Not eating sugar was the reason for more healthy habits. They call it their great leap forward. We will easily live five years longer because of what we have learned. We will easily get at least 10 more out of the next 60 years we will live. That is a sweet deal. Al jazeera, sydney. Hello and welcome to the help show. On todays program, we bring you medical innovations on every scale, from microsurgery to one of the Worlds Largest hospital ships. Coming up, the latest in a robotic medicine using

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