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Think hes like that all the time until you meet had him and its like, wait, what. Its not lying in this movie. All right. You drop that thing will lose you. Up in the cloud. Talk to mo about who adonis is. Illegitimate son of the late, great, apollo creed and he just wants to figure out who he is. Adonis is just trying to figure out if he has got what it takes to achieve the things that he wants. You are still caught in the shadow. Every move that i make, every punch that i throw, everything will be compared to him. You are apollo creeds son, so use the name, its yours when she first meets adonis shes not really prepared to like someone as much as she end up liking him and then eventually loving him. But he end up being someone that pushed here, they are in parallel spaces in a lot of ways. You dont know nothing about me. Do you this, you are going in to a storm. Whats wrong with you . Somebody help i have to believe that to play a boxer, you really have to almost really become a boxer. For sure. How physical was it for you . Very physical. I think its the most financially demanding thing that i have done so far as far as like, you know, physical preparation, the diet, change, you know, the workouts, you know, basically a year of working out and kind of, you know, learning the sport of boxing. As an expert, what do you think of the fighting in the film . Everything everything, everything looked real. They got real people there. You got michael b. Jordan, hes a good actor. And hes fighting real life fighters . Yeah. Thats why it looked real. Everything i got is movedn and i am here. Sitting there crying about nobody is around for you. I am here for you every day. I am standing right in front of you finally i told the guys at the barber shop i was coming here to interview you and they said why not in l. A. . I said we have do it in philly. Philadelphia is rocky. It is creed. Thats what it is. I just got to hang out in the city and i really fell in love with it. The city itself is such a character in the film. And its really special. You belong here. Go. My full unyou want interview check out our Youtube Channel made in hollywood tv and subscribe while you are there. Coming up we sit down with anna paquin and sam elliott from pixars the good dinosaur. And Eddie Redmayne will tell me how he prepared to play a stance gender woman. For more check out madeinhollywood. Tv. I am an a paquin. I am a. J. Buckley and you are i am a. J. Buckley and you are matching made in hollywood. Where all it takes to become rathpart of the familyere. Is to sit down, give thanks, and share a beautiful meal together. Walmart. More sit per roll. More stay per roll. More whos training who per roll. Bounty is two times more absorbent. So one roll of bounty can last longer than those bargain brands. So you get more life per roll. Bounty. The longlasting quicker picker upper. And try bounty napkins. The but if you know where can beto look for inspiration, you can find the perfect gift for everyone on your list and share wonder every day. Walmart made in hollywood the claims a boy and his dog store gets an adorable twist in pixars latest movie. The good dinosaur follows the adventures of two unlikely travel companion on his a journey full of wonder and self discovery. Hi, i am sam elliott. I am anna paquin. I am a. J. Buckley and you are watching made in hollywood. And this is a scene from the good dinosaur. I think we went far enough today. Lets get you home. Run papa. What is so great about disneypixar films are their stories and the characters in those films, so what are your favorite things about your characters. There are not just characters in the move that i makes me excited its being in a pixar movie gets me excited. Because you are about for get fed. I think just the opportunity that came with doing a pixar movie and the experience of working with peter was what i most liked about it. You can find out what you are made of. The experience of it was rich. The film was unbelievably real. Yeah, they really sort of raised the bar. I got a job for you. Keep on the dodge and [ inaudible ] what . The filmmakers put so much work and research in to their animated films. Do you get to share a lot of those resources with them, or is that not necessary for you as a voice actor . They showed me sketches and pictures and little various sort of mockups of things that they had. But, i mean, i wasnt really expecting to see anything. I was kind of just standing in a booth recording stuff. So that was kind of an amazing bonus. You can see how much passion there is to put in to this movie and the enthusiasm in to making a great film. I am done being scared. If you aint scared you aint alive. Party stone the director who is kind of the heart of the entire operation is just so good at creating an environment where you can do a performance without anybody else there. And not feel like you are somehow been you are short changing yourself. I hate those kind. Lying sons of craw dads pick on thpickingon a kid. And you are everybody more disgusted. That was great. He was conveying the story without anything being able to show you just through had i eyes and the way he was expressing himself. And you were like, wow, i gotta deliver for this guy. And he sees an area of the woods where there are a lot of these redbirds all kind of clumped in one area. Hes expressing the voices and describing the story and the details that we would be experiencing. We are really, you know, in this huge collaboration, not an insignificant part. But one part of a huge whole. The the danish girl takes an earnest look a lot of, you then advertise at this and the remarkable courage required to be yourself. Hey there, i am Eddie Redmayne and you are watching made in hollywood and here say scene from the danish girl. The first time we met she propositioned me. She seemed so sure. I was sure. He was so charming and mysterious. So you can imagine how excited i was when i found out that you received this script at the barricade. This is true. I was making los angele lay mizn with the director of the the danish girl. It was this extraordinary store by marriage and this profound transformation and how they remain loving throughout it. He told me nothing about it. And it was so compelling. Unlike anything i had ever read of it was incredibly beautiful love story. It gets to the core of you and makes you put things in to a new perspective and reconsider a lot of things. I was blown away it is one of the no big, epic and very unique love stories. Hello there. [ laughter ] we are going to call you lily. [ laughter ] i love your shooting style. I saw a lot of similarities between this film and lay mizzell rob, the colors that you use find that in a lot of scenes your subjects arent centered and you use the use of focus. Thank you. Either in or out of focus. How do you describe your shooting style . This film, i had a chance make a film about two artists. I wanted their pursuit of beauty as artists to become my pursuit of beauty in fulfill think as a film maker. We should go out tonight, give them something different. Lily. You went through this very real transformation throughout the entire film. What kind of space did you have to create within yourself in order to bring lily to life . I dont know about space so much as just education. It was for me it was about meeting women who have transitioned, hearing their stories. And everyone in the Trans Community did not have been more generous in educating me. And also read lilys book, man in to woman and then the danish girl, which is the fictionalized novel of lilys story. Took all of that information and tried to find some of that in myself. Its as much about the identity and being true there to that identity as anything. Exactly what happened last night . There was a moment when i wasnt me. There was a moment when i was just lily. He truly embodies it from whip and you totally forget about like totally forget about eddie. But lily doesnt exist. We were playing a game. Its so intense. I totally understand why this film had almost been in the makings for 12 years its truly is a story that just had to be made. Its a Tipping Point moment in trans joined stories where they are now being em operationed by the mainstream which i think is are think is so fantastic and i hope more transfill think makers and tran stories get out in to the world. Are you all right . The fact, is i believe that i am a woman. And i believe it too. You did steven hawking before this. So every role that you take you really grow from it. Yeah. That notion of being yourself, you know how people go just be yourself. As if thats the easiest thing in the world to do. And, of course, what lily had to go through to be herself was extraordinary. I love you. Because you are the only person who made sense of me. And made me possible. For my full uncut interview with Eddie Redmayne check out our Youtube Channel made in hollywood tv and subscribe while you are there. Director spike lee addresses gun violence in a new film unlike anything you have ever seen before more on chiraq coming up. Whats up, people, my name is spike lee you are watching made in where all it takes to become rathpart of the familyere. Is to sit down, give thanks, and share a beautiful meal together. Walmart. Heres a little healthy advice. Take care of what makes you, you. Right down to your skin. Aveeno® daily moisturizing lotion with 5 vital nutrients for healthier looking skin in just one day. Aveeno®. Naturally beautiful results® made in hollywood director spike lee is making movie history with his latest film chiraq. It takes on the issue of out of control violence in chicago in a unique way. And thanks for amazon where and when you see spikes film is also very unique. Whats up, people, my name is spike lee. You are watching made in hollywood and here say scene from my upcoming film chiraq. Homicides in chicago, illinois, have surpassed the death toll of American Special forces in iraq. Hey. Welcome to chiraq. Land of pain, misery and strive. This is amazons first original movie. What did that mean for the spike lee fans . Not original movie, but their first film that will have a release, because before stuff went to prime. This will be in theaters before it goes to prime. Was that something that you were shooting for or did she just show interest in this film early on . Amazon was only company that wanted to make this fill. Everyone else said no. Everybody here got a man banging and slanging fighting for the flag risk that go lob zip of the cadaver bang. All to the bang bang. Bang, bang. It all storaged with gorgeous sister. In this stage of the game in your career, is it still a thrill to be a part ive spike lee move any. Absolutely. To be working with spike on any level is always a thrill. You really have to trust spike because being a part it have you cant always see his vision because hes not always letting you be privy to that. Just like trust me and go. Spike was always that person like, man, i want do that. I want to do that. In front the camera, behind it. So to be able to actually work with him, it was a dream come true for me. As a hometown boy this is reeling by a very Important Message and events going on in chicago. I know that there was some push back from some people about the name. Chiraq, how did you feel about that . I think that was a manufactured political controversy, there wasnt any continue versus by it. Not from the people who were living in chicago. That was mostly from the people who were worried about how they were going to look, you know fox, the next elections. Focus on the name, really was a misdirection to keep the focus off what this fill sam about, which is about saving lives. And the blood, the needless blood that is running through the south side of chicago. You think you die with fame. Two days later no one will even remember your name. This is all done in verse, spoken word, whit was that difft for you as a writer, correct tour . I was a cowriter. Kevin wilmont and i wrote the script together. No, it was really difficult for people to read. Maybe thats one. Reasons why we had so many people say no. In fact, we had to have two readings with actors, for amazon before they came on board because, you know, it was written in verse. And so if you are not hip to shakespeare or Something Like that you would be what the hell is this. Very good writing has eights own rhythm and this is just a bit more extended version of that. All that was an exciting element to it. Oh, snap. Gonna mick sure these fools put down these guns. Its not new. Shakespeare has been doing this forever. Yeah. This play was written in 411411411b. C. And our move sit n retelling that have. Thats what spike always does thats what hes brilliants w do the right thing, school days, the way he tells stories and the artist that he is he always pushes the nfl. I thought the idea of transplanting it to modern day america and the south side of chicago and the gangs now, the gangs have become the torjans and the spartans of the south side of chicago. I thought that was brilliant. Stay tuned, there is more coming up on made in from the big gifts that mean a lot, to the little ones that mean everything. 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More whos training who per roll. Bounty is two times more absorbent. So one roll of bounty can last longer than those bargain brands. So you get more life per roll. Bounty. The longlasting quicker picker upper. And try bounty napkins. The but if you know where can beto look for inspiration, you can find the perfect gift for everyone on your list and share wonder every day. Walmart im lmy bargain detergent shift couldnt keep up. Ter. So i switched to tide pods. Theyre super concentrated so i get a better clean. 15 cleaning ingredients or 90 . Dont pay for water, pay for clean. Thats my tide. Where all it takes to become rathpart of the familyere. Is to sit down, give thanks, and share a beautiful meal together. Walmart. Thank for watching made in hollywood, everyone. For the latest hollywood news, celebrity interviews and photos go online to madeinhollywood. Tv. Note made in hollywood made i made in hollywood made in hollywood mt. Made in hollywood theres so much going on not just with isis, other terrorist groups and protesters. This is incredibly critical threat time for us to be involved in. Reporter despite the risk, president obama praised frances decision not to call off the conference. What a powerful rebuke to the terrorists it will be when the world stands as one and shows that we will not be deterred from building a Better Future for our children. Reporter yet the Terror Threat is already distracting from the summit. A march scheduled for sunday was banned due to security concerns. Environmentalists staged a silent protest, leaving their shoes in the square they had planned to walk through. But as with so much in this still mourning city, life marches on. The president will also have the chance here in paris to meet with Russias Vladimir Putin and other World Leaders who also are juggling the immediate danger of terrorism with the existential threat of climate change. Margaret brennan, cbs news, paris. Here in the u. S. Republican president ial frontrunner donald trump continues to Court Controversy on the campaign trail. The latest, his remarks about a New York Times reporter. Nancy cordes has more. Reporter trump insists he didnt know that New York Times reporter Serge Kovaleski suffers from a physical disability that limits the movement of his arms. But it sounded like trump knew him when he said this in myrtle beach tuesday night. Written by a nice reporter. Now the poor guy youve got to see this guy, oh, i dont know what i said, i dont remember. Reporter the times said it was outraged that he would ridicule the physical appearance of one of our reporters. Trump replied, i merely mimicked what i thought would be a flustered reporter trying to get out of a statement he made long ago. I do not know what he looks like. But kovaleski told the times donald and i were on a firstname basis for years. Back when kovaleski covered trump for the new york daily news. Trum hp used one of kovaleskis articles from 2001 to try to bolster his debunked claim that he saw thousands of muslims cheering on 9 11. Law enforcement authorities detained and questioned a number of people who were allegedly seen celebrating the attack. Reporter but kovaleski said this week those allegations were never proven and that he doesnt recall anyone saying there were thousands or even hundreds of people celebrating. Thats what set trump off. I dont remember. Hes going, i dont remember. Maybe thats what i said. This is 14 years ago, he still they didnt do a retraction. Reporter trump isnt apologizing. In fact, elaine, he said kovaleski should stop using his disability to grandstand. Another republican president ial hopeful, ben carson, is in the middle east. He visited a syrian refugee camp in jordan, and he says the syrians he spoke to are not interested in going to the u. S. John dickerson spoke with carson for face the nation. Dr. Carson, i want to ask you, you visited a syrian refugee camp. What did you learn there . Well, first of all, i was very impressed by the outpouring of humanitarian effort on behalf of the rdanians. This has been going on for many decades. But you know, they have really reached out to the syrians in a very big way. And i had an opportunity to talk with many of the syrians, and that was very eyeopening. Asking them what is their desire, what is their main desire. And their main desire is to be repatriated in their homeland. And i said what kinds of things could a nation like the United States do to help . And there was a pretty uniform answer on that. And that was they can support the efforts of the jordanians. The jordanians have done a yeomans job in terms of putting up these camps but the reason the camps are not full is because they are not supported by the International Community. It seems like everybody in the International Community is spending more time saying how can we bring refugees here rather than how can we support a facility that is already in place that the refugees are finding perfectly fine when its adequately funded. So your assessment visiting there is that jordan could take all the refugees, its just a matter of getting more Financial Resources . I think jordan could take a lot more of the refugees than theyre taking right now. I dont see any reason, quite frankly, that some of the other nations in the area shouldnt also be asked to do it so that you dont have to go through a big cultural change with them. And in terms of money, you know, when i looked at the refugee camps in jordan theres about a 3 billion shortfall. Annually. Thats how much money we spent last year on halloween candy. I mean, is it something that can be done . You know, if we bring 10,000 or 25,000 of them to the United States, thats not solving the problem. Thats a little bandaid that makes a few people say hey, were good guys. Thats not what we want to do. We want to actually solve the problem. Shooting at a planned parenthood location in colorado springs. Some abortion rights supporters have said that the rhetoric has led to that kind of violence. Whats your view on that . There is no question that, you know, hateful rhetoric, no matter which side it comes from, right or left, is something that is detrimental to our society. This has been a big problem. You know, our strength in this country has traditionally been in our unity. And we are allowing all kinds of circumstances to divide us and make us hateful toward each other. And the rhetoric is extremely immature, divisive and is not helpful when you have outside forces, global Islamic Radical jihadists who want to destroy us. Why would we be doing that to ourselves . We at some point have got to become more mature. No question the hateful rhetoric exacerbates the situation and we should be doing all we can to engage in intelligent civil discussion about our differences. Thats how we solve problems. We dont ever solve them with hateful rhetoric. The cbs overnight news will be right back. Put up all the decorations. I thought i got everything. Almost everything you know, 1 in 10 houses could get hit by a septic disaster, and a bill of up to 13,000. But for only 7 a month, ridx is scientifically proven to break down waste, helping you avoid a septic disaster. Ridx. The 1 brand used by septic professionals in their own tanks. I absolutely love my new but the rent is outrageous. Good thing geico offers affordable renters insurance. With great coverage it protects my personal belongings should they get damaged, stolen or destroyed. [doorbell] uh, excuse me. Delivery. Hey. Lo mein, szechwan chicken, chopsticks, soy sauce and you got some fortune cookies. Have a good one. 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