Transcripts For KYW Eyewitness News Saturday 20160416 : comp

Transcripts For KYW Eyewitness News Saturday 20160416

saves in the middle of the round and made a great birdie on 16. hit a good shot on 17 that didn't turn out. on 18 i thought i hit a good one but five feet short. next thing you know i make two bogeys. peter: those are the conditions we play there. you've been putting yourself in contention quite a bit this year. been struggling a bit on the weekend. what's within getting in your way on the weekends? charley: i've been getting in my own way. hopefully i can reach down deep. i've done it before and try and do it again. you have to be tough and patient. the greens are hard as a rock. you have to hit quality shots. hopefully i can come down the stretch tomorrow and show you what i got. peter: good luck tomorrow. charley: thanks, peter. jim: we're going to finish up with the last two on the golf course here at the r.b.c. heritage and golf links in the beautiful community of hilton head, south carolina. just amplifying what -- what charley was talking about. 74 in houston, 76 in houston, 75 in tampa, 75 at doral, his last final rounds. 80 at torrey pines. 70 at phoenix. so that's the only one under par. [captioning funded by cbs sports division] [captioning performed by the national captioning institute, which is responsible for its caption content and accuracy. visit] jim: again, a reminder tomorrow, professional bull riding circuit continues with coverage at 1:00 eastern time. then a pga tour special that you should really see. pga tour special "making cancer history presented by m.d. anderson." and then 3:00 coverage tomorrow right here from harbour town golf links. similar shot to what luke donald faced. this will run out about four and a half, five feet. nick: hey, that's us. that's how i'm going to get to san antonio next week. wish me luck. jim: air faldo. are you in the front seat or is leslie ann? well, our old pal pat summerall, i always think of him here at the 18th because we used to come on with what he called announcer hole openings. i'm pat summerall, i'll be describing the action at 18. calibogue sound to the left. out of bounds and condominiums to the right. and it became just a ritual. it was one of the subtleties that people probably didn't realize. he said it every year but primarily as an inside joke because we used to always kind of imitate him with his opening here at harbour town. pat passed away three years ago today. he's been on my mind very much. we all miss the great man. such a friend and we hope that jeri is doing wel. his bride, sweetheart. you can't get much closer to being in the hazard. but he's outside of it. it's chappell. he's dropped some shot here in the late going, hasn't he? nick: be careful. you grab a 60-degree too quickly and you stub it a little bit, you're going to mis-hit it considerably. so sometimes it's wise to grab the 54 or 56 for this one. jim: easy. nick: oh, that came out so fast. jim: it's hard to shake off the bad break you have at 15. nick: yeah. jim: didn't hit a good job but for it to be wedged up right against the edge of the bunker on the outside part of the bunker up against the lip, virtually no shot to -- to play with his fourth. led to a double bogey seven. when i look at this leaked and i think most years, it ends up being chaotic on sunday. you get these players from four or five back in many cases. you know, brandt snedeker did it before. there have been a number of players through the years that have stormed from behind and made the big comeback. programs as many times as any tournament i can recall. nick: the most obvious one is zach johnson. again, horses for courses and keep it under the wind. one under today. jim: matt kuchar at three. kevin na had a big day. 66. sensational round. and that included even a five at the 18th. marc leishman with a good score. whee kim, 68. colt knost under par, even for the tournament. david toms, stan limit spencer levine. ben crane is at even. jason day giving away a lot too. here is the par attempt for chappell. jason day in a press conference this week said that last week at augusta -- we kept thinking he was growing to break through with shooting scores. still was in it on sunday. he said he woke up sunday morning and was mentally not as sharp as he was through the first three days. said he got kind of beat up after the first three rounds. all the conditions. nick: that could be. his only weakness, his immune system. mentally strong, great swing but so many little things seem to upset him. jim: and surrenders one more shot. his caddie there, colin swatton always a part of the story. lives here in the area. along with his wife lisa and family used to own a prominent restaurant here at harbour town. old cafe europea. so there you go. 54 holes complete with luke donald the leader alone. we are back at 3:00 eastern tomorrow and the lineup again tonight at cbs at 8:00, "ncis: new orleans," criminal minds, 48 hours. for sir nick. lance barrow, steve milton all the crew and fellow announcers. jim nantz saying so long from the r.b.c. heritage until tomorrow. >> ♪ >> breaking news right now. a four-year-old is killed in a philadelphia neighborhood and tonight a community is in shock and investigators are trying to figure out what went wrong. good evening everyone, i'm natasha brown. thanks for joining us. the shooting happened about two:30 this afternoon on east mayfield street in kensington. "eyewitness news" reporter alexandria hoff is there tonight. she's got the latest on the investigation into this extremely sad story. alex. >> reporter: yeah, natasha, this is kind of scenario where you hear four years old and you wish you heard it wrong but that is indeed the age of this young victim shot and killed today just moments ago her body removed from the home behind me. it was around 2:30 when the young victim known as tai-t. i was pronounced dead the result of a gun shot in the home on the 200 block of mayfield street. the four-year-old had four sisters and three brothers and lived in the home with her mother and father. she was described as a sweet child full of life who loved barbies and coloring. there are still many questions at this hour, first and foremost who pulled that trigger and under what circumstance as police continue to secure the scene. we are hoping we will have more for you. again, the body was just removed from this house shortly ago. at this hour no arrests have been made. once again, we will stay out here and keep you updated as this information comes in. reporting live in kensington, i'm alexandria hoff, cbs3 "eyewitness news." >> alex thank you so much. we are turning now to campaign 2016 news. candidates are shopping for votes also delegates pretty much everywhere from a wyoming convention to a manhattan del deli. brooks silva-braga is in new york with the latest reporter: a group of wyoming republicans gathered saturday to choose 14 delegates to send to the national gop convention. ted cruz whose supporters dominated the event appeared in person. >> and i ask you to please support the men and women on this slate. >> reporter: donald trump again denounced the delegate selection process at a rally in upstate new york ahead of tuesday's primary. he called on republican leaders to reform the system. >> you're going to have a rough july at that convention. you better get going and you better straighten out the system because the people want their vote. >> reporter: john kasich spent the day in new york stopping by a manhattan deli and earlier visiting a synagogue on long island. >> but i didn't want to make a political talk. i just wasn't interested. you go in a synagogue you talk about faith i think. >> reporter: hillary clinton had a organizing convention. in new york brook silva-braga for cbs3 "eyewitness news." >> meanwhile bernie sanders had an audience today with pope francis at the vatican. sanders was invited to take part in an academic conference for a body that advises pope francis. talking with cbs correspondent seth doan today senator sanders said beauty resonated from the holy father. >> are there pictures or was it behind closed doors. >> it was neither but we chose not to do pictures. we didn't want anyone to think this was political. >> sanders billed the trip as above politics but some believe he was using it as an unorthodox campaign stop with the new york primary looming on tuesday. sanders dismissed those claims saying he met with the pope saying he respected his work. pope francis commented about the meeting saying it was purely common courtesy. the flyers are looking to get one back in our nation's capitol tonight. they're getting ready tour tonight's game two against washington. pat gallen is in with a preview. is this a must win for the fly guys. >> it's about as close to a must win as possible for the flyers this early down one-nothing to the caps. the flyers look to even things up tonight at 7 o'clock but it will not be easy. they'll have to do it without sean couturier. his job was to shadow alexander ovechkin. the man stepping into the lineup to fill those skates is center scott laughton. he's ready for the challenge. >> i'm excited for the opportunity and and to get in my first playoff game that would be pretty cool but at the same time it's a tough situation. >> defenseman shayne gostisbehere said yesterday they have a a next man up mentality but this is already a tough series for the flyers dealing with the highest scoring team in the eastern conference and now without couturier the stakes are even higher. we'll see if they can overcome the loss tonight and if they can they'll be back in fill on monday with the series tied at one. >> all right. wish them luck. thank you. >> yeah. >> appreciate that. we will be right back with you >> lauren you couldn't have asked for a more beautiful day. it was a slow trek in today. >> it was so painful to just go inside, be inside 'cause it's just so gorgeous. what a gorgeous stretch of weather. >> i know. >> it's going to get even better tomorrow. we warm up a little bit and we'll keep the sunshine around but a beautiful day. chilly start though. we had clear skies and light winds overnight allows for that radiational cooling so temperatures did drop down pretty significantly last night and we awoke to 34 degrees in allentown, 41 in philadelphia. how about some 20's this morning in atlantic city and again tonight with consistent conditions in store we do have a frost advisory in effect for much of the area. does include philadelphia and some of the southwest suburbs but for much of the area areas of patchy frost. frost reforming overnight tonight because we have clear sky conditions. a beautiful scene as we get a live look at center city philadelphia and temperatures just so good. 67 degrees right now across the area after that chilly start temperatures rebounding very nicely up to 70 degrees right now in allentown. we're at near 60 in a.c., 59 degrees in millville and for your first pitch forecast, if you're heading out to the park to catch the phillies game, 65 degrees, bright sunshine at 7:05, just gorgeous conditions to take in some baseball this evening. and what a difference today from last saturday. our high temperature 43 degrees, no one likes that in spring. our high temperature today 67 and that's where we're sitting right now as our current temperature in philadelphia. storm scan3 showing us clear sky conditions. we have strong high pressure in control. we do have a nice pretty looking area of low pressure well off to our east and that's where it is going to stay. a storm system is not going to be bothering us because of something we call an omega block its a blocking pattern. newspaper control. this big ridge we're lucky enough to be right thunder so we have high pressure promotes sinking air, very stable air. this ridging promotes warming. as we head into the day tomorrow our gradual warming trend will continue. overnight we'll still get a little chilly down 42 degrees, clear skies and light winds and then tomorrow bright sunshine, up to 72 degrees. winds stay under 10 miles per hour, just another gorgeous day in store and really all across the region we're going have beautiful conditions. bright sunshine down the shore, a little bit cooler though, northeasterly breeze keeping you in the middle 60's at the poconos. great day for a hike, sunshine, 67 degrees the high temperature and the nice weather sticks around even into monday, up to 78 degrees. that is certainly toasty for spring. we're a bit cool near tuesday but still very mild, 67 degrees our average high temperature should have us in the middle 60's. on wednesday we're at 63 degrees. still another round of sunshine and we really don't have the significant rain chance, say, for maybe a sprinkle late monday night, not until next friday when we could see some showers and maybe an isolated thunderstorm but check that forecast out. >> wow. >> just take it all in. >> i'm absorbing the moment. picture perfect. thank you so much. pat gallen in with sports highlights. >> flyers down one game to one is not the end of the world in the nhl post season. that's where the flyers find themselves heading into action with the capitals tonight at 7:00. however they're facing the best team in the nhl and they will do it without a key contributor. forward sean couturier is out for the remainder of the series. it's a shoulder injury that will side line him two weeks. scott laughton will replace him in the lineup but even more than that they need to generate some offense. they failed to score in the two-nothing loss on thursday and managed just eight shots on goal in the final two periods. head coach dave hakstol is not concerned. >> our intensity, our compete level was excellent. i thought both teams obviously, it was a hard game out there. you know, i think we'll look to some -- to improve some individual things, improve app a couple of things strategically. >> beautiful night for baseball as phillies and nationals play game two of their three game series. last night the weather was lovely. jeremy hellickson aloud six runs in three innings. phillies lost nine to one. jayson werth with a three run double. one good thing did occur, that was ryan howard hitting his 361st career home run tying joe dimaggio for 81st on the all time list. tonight aaron nola on the mound against max scherzer. we got a taste of fall on north broad street today. the temple owls held their annual cherry and white game to give the fans a glimpse of the future of the owls program. head coach matt rhule showing off some of this top recruits and some of the top returning players from last year's team that had a breakout campaign. as you'll recall the owls finished a 2015 season 10 and four over and seven and one in the aac. some hoops. warriors quest for back to back titles began this afternoon. steph curry dropped 24 points. helper right there as clay thompson had that dunk and then festus right here off the sean livingston miss, the put back helps the warriors to a 104-78 win. raptors and pacers kicked it off earlier today. that's derosen with a fade away tough shot over paul george. paul george and the indiana pacers would have the last laugh. here he is for three. he had 27 second half points. that pushed the pacers to a 100-90 win on the road. nba playoffs under way but we're keeping our eyes on the flyers. >> a school transformed. we'll look at the makeover the building got today thanks to some very helpf >> ♪ >> welcome back. a local school is getting quite a makeover this weekend. take a look. volunteers painted mitchell elementary school in southwest philly. members with the international union of painters and allied trades district council 21 they provided the labor. the volunteers also replaced broken glass in the doors and windows. today was all part of the union's national community day of action. looking lovely out there. also making a difference. hundreds of community members around philadelphia took part in the city's spring cleanup today. what a beautiful day to do a little spring cleaning. "eyewitness news" reporter anita oh takes us there and i guess we're going to get to anita eventually. certain it was a great day throw for some spring cleaning. young people from around camden they learned how technology can help the city solve some of its problems. "eyewitness news" at the second annual hackathon at rutgers university camden. mentors from local companies taught the kids out there how to code and then the children used those skills to assist nonprofit organizations to tackle violence, hunger and other issues as well. now hope works in camden organized this event. all right. so let's get back to anita oh and that spring cleaning that took place today. here she is. >> reporter: on any given septa line most are focused on the destination. but saturday -- >> 12 different quadrants that they're working all the way down. >> reporter: seven hadn't septa employees focused on the place you begin your trip, the place you call home. >> this is just one more example of really giving back to the city that we love. >> reporter: but they're not the only ones volunteering. with involves in land hundreds of volunteers are taking part in the ninth annual philadelphia spring cleanup a city wide initiative to beautify each community. its success hinges upon helping hands across neighborhoods like frankford. >> a lot of people out here including myself have been out here in these streets and we done tore up this community so much it's only right that we come back and try to, you know, to build some of the things we destroyed. >> it's important that others understand that we take pride in our community and that we intend on keeping it clean and fighting for our right to live in a peaceful, clean safe community. >> reporter: elsewhere in northern liberties neighbors took bristles to the concrete. >> it's important to take care of where we live. >> reporter: those in philadelphia are contributing to a culture of crean streets an community they can cherish. anita oh, cbs3 "eyewitness news." >> well, that's "eyewitness i've always taken on the status quo. in harrisburg, they didn't like it when i stopped their perks and pushed for reform. as head of pennsylvania's third-largest county, i cut out wall street middlemen to protect pensions, stood up for marriage equality and protected our environment. now i'm fighting for criminal justice reform. i'm proud to be backed by president obama and people who care about our families. i'm josh shapiro. i'll be an attorney general who always fights for you. most new wealth flows it's called a rigged economy, and this is how it works. to the top 1%. it's a system held in place by corrupt politics where wall street banks and billionaires buy elections. my campaign is powered by millions of small contributions. people like you who want to fight back. the truth is you can't change a corrupt system by taking its money. i'm bernie sanders. i approve this message. join us for real change. >> axelrod: a bold stroke of humanity. pope francis invites three families of muslim refugees to live at the vatican. >> reporter: can you believe that you're here? >> no, no, i can't believe. >> axelrod: also tonight snow buries all signs of spring in the rockies. hail hammers the plains. the search for answers after a beloved zookeeper is killed by a tiger. what triggered the attack? and a personal story from a member of the cbs news family with a lesson about healing that deifies science. >> i'll never forget one of the neurologists said to me, "people only wake up from these kind of comas in the movies." captioning sponsored by cbs this is the "cbs evening news."

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