Transcripts For KYW Eyewitness News Saturday 20150516 : comp

Transcripts For KYW Eyewitness News Saturday 20150516

storms. let's get you to justin drabick and storm scan3 at this hour. justin. >> good evening, natasha that's right a lot of heat and humidity going on over the delaware valley right now. so that's helping to fuel these stronger showers and even some strong to even severe thunderstorms coming across the region. let's break it down. there's that line moving into the western portions of the viewing area. lancaster seeing a strong thunderstorm right now so watch out western chester county probably in another hour or so. these are indicating they're weakening heading eastward but heavy rain potential and strong gusty winds. we have one severe thunderstorm to talk about in the lehigh county nearly a town moving to the southeast. this goes until 6:15 this evening so basically the southern half of lehigh county moving southeast at about 20 miles per hour so this puts the snowstorm lower macungie by 6:21. and milford at 6:53. they should weaken later tonight. mainly this evening scattered showers, thunderstorms downpours, winds gusting to 40 miles per hour and some of those stronger storms could be small hail. there's the reason. look at the temperature. currently 84 degrees. rain cooled air in wilmington. we're into the 70's and how about 60's in lancaster. that's because of the storm that blew through. 70's and 80's in a lot of the suburbs. a lot of heat and humidity to fuel these showers and storms tonight. here's what to expect for the second half of the weekend. kind of the same deal tomorrow. it's warm humid. i think there will be less of a chance for a is shower or storm. 83 for the high in philadelphia on sunday at the shore mid 70's, upper 70's in the poconos. we'll check out that seven-day forecast and let you know how long it stays warm in a few minutes. natasha. >> thank you justin. new developments in the amtrak tragedy. here with the very latest on the investigation at 6 o'clock this evening federal officials have ordered amtrak to improve safety in the area of tuesday's deadly derailment in port richmond. amtrak says rail service between philadelphia and new york will resume on tuesday. work does continue to replace the tracks and other equipment in that area. five crash survivors remain in critical condition at temple university hospital. and the ntsb is interviewing a septa engineer who had something strike his train just moments before the amtrak crash. "eyewitness news" reporter matt rivers spoke exclusively tonight to an eyewitness who was on the septa train when it happened. he joins us now live from the cbs3 sat center. matt. >> reporter: natasha the scope of this investigation has widened in the last 24 hours with the fbi now assisting the ntsb. they will try to determine if amtrak train 188 was hit by a projectile of some sort shortly before it crashed. we do know, however that a septa train on that same line was struck by a projectile shortly before that derailment. today as you mentioned we spoke exclusively with a passenger on board that septa train. we don't yet know what caused this damage, a septa regional rail train windshield cracked by a projectile on tuesday night. monica williams was just a few rows behind the train's engineer when it happened. >> you hear this thud and immediately i'm thinking, oh, god, we hit somebody. >> reporter: but it turns out something hit the train. the septa train came to a hard stop and the engineer opened his door. >> at some point he comes out and you can see inside and you could see where the windshield there's a shatter. it's shatter. there's a hole. >> reporter: just a few minutes later amtrak 188 sped by her stopped train and moments later ah as seen in this exclusive video obtained by "eyewitness news" it derails. >> it's so surreal because that train just passed us. >> reporter: a second train was hit by a projectile seen in this passenger photo. the amtrak train heading south from new york city to philadelphia was struck in the same area and shortly before the derailment. now investigators are trying to figure out if amtrak 188 was the third train that night that was hit by a projectile. the train's engineer told ntsb investigators he doesn't remember if his locomotive was hit by something but this hole in the train's windshield is suspicious enough that the fbi is now involved. >> immediately i wonder if it connected, how often does it happen that the glass on your train is shattered and then the train we just saw with a tragedy. >> reporter: even if the train was hit by a projectile there's no telling yet whether that played a role in the crash. the question investigators will attempt to answer in the days and weeks to come. and in the meantime while that investigation continues amtrak workers are on scene continuing to make repairs on that damaged section of the track as natasha mentioned. the hope is to reopen that portion of the track to commuter ons tuesday. we're live in the sat center matt rivers, cbs3 "eyewitness news." >> matt, thank you very much. also today federal officials ordered amtrak to add a speed restriction system for northbound trains along the frankford curve where the derailment happened and also along other dangerous curves along the northeast corridor. the system notifies the engineer when a train is above the speed limit and automatically applies the brakes if the engineer doesn't respond. amtrak must also now post more speed limit signs to alert engineers. stay with "eyewitness news" for the very latest on the amtrak tragedy. we will have updates for you on the air any time online as well a developing story out of montgomery county tonight a driver dies after his truck crashes into a building on the lower moreland high school campus. "eyewitness news" reporter steve patterson is live tonight at that scene with the latest. steve. >> reporter: natasha, at this point crews are still wrestling with how to remove that pickup truck still lodged in the side of the school you see behind me from the gaping hole back there. crews have been working with sledge hammers just trying to give themselves a little more wiggle room as they continue to worry about the structural integrity of the school in removing that truck. want to go to video from earlier today. it was not long ago police did confirm to us the driver of that vehicle died from his injuries. police say this happened shortly before about 2:00 this afternoon. witnesses say they watched the driver accelerate with no sign of breaking or slowing down until he plowed through that wall. now, on the other side a maintenance supply room containing both a water main and electrical supply. both of those were struck at the same time meaning power was cut to the school while it was being flooded. crews still dealing with that. in the meantime hundreds of people were also inside prepping for a fundraiser for the school's music program. many of them just 20 feet away and the janitor who works in that room was there minutes before it struck. he says he's lucky to be alive. >> if i was in there i would have been gone, no question. i saw enough of that, it just blew the room apart. it's a mess. so yeah, i feel lucky. >> reporter: crews continuing their work. they will be on this probably throughout the night. they're not -- they're not really sure about if school is going to open on monday. they'll make a determination on that tomorrow the depending on how fast the crews work here today. and all of this while the investigation into how this happened in the first place continues. we're live in lower moreland i'm steve patterson, cbs3 "eyewitness news." >> thanks so much steve. penndot meantime says the pedestrian bridge over roosevelt boulevard at solly avenue in rhawnhurst is safe. inspectors were called out to take a look because it appeared that a section of the bridge had shifted. the boulevard was shut down for a short time for this inspection but all lanes have reopened. the first philadelphia female firefighter to die in the line of duty was honored today. the philadelphia second alarmers association presenting a canvas print tribute to lieutenant joyce m. craig. craig died battling a fire in west oak lane back in december of last year and today fire commissioner derek sawyer officially accepted the print for engine 64, the firehouse where craig was stationed. a little girl dragged by a school bus. she is doing just fine tonight amazingly but investigators are trying to figure out why the bus didn't stop. justin. >> and heat and humidity will continue this weekend as we track more showers and storms. i'm break down the full forecast coming up. >> we're going one-on-one with all the candidates for philadelphia mayor tonight. cbs3 anchor chris may sits down with milton street. his mission fighting crime. that's comin >> welcome back everyone. disturbing surveillance video shows a young girl being dragged by her school bus. it happened in louisville kentucky where eyewitnesses say the five-year-old student got her backpack stuck in the bus doors. fortunately she only suffered scrapes but that district is currently investigating. >> ♪ well now in the race for mayor, the philadelphia democratic mayoral primary is on tuesday. recently our chris may sat down with former state lawmaker and entrepreneur t. milton street who says he's ready to lead the city of philadelphia. >> how you doing. >> pretty good. >> need your vote, man. got to stop this violence man. >> reporter: we can do it. >> reporter: walking around philadelphia with t. milton street. >> good to see you. >> reporter: it's like taking a master class in retail politics. >> you and your brother helped my mom get her house. >> oh really. >> way back in 1975. >> yeah, yeah. i'm still here. >> reporter: he's been a fixture in this community a several styled voice for the poor. >> he was letting people know what was right, what was wrong when i was a kid. i'm 44. he been doing this since then. he never changed. >> reporter: and it's 74 he says the secret to his longevity. >> i'm like a postage starch. i'll stick to it until i get it. >> reporter: milton street has been an entrepreneur and a trait lawmaker the brother of the former mayor who is now seeking the office for himself for a third time. how would having milton street be in the mayor's office be different than having john street. >> it's a different issue. it's a different attitude. >> reporter: his issue is crime, making streets safer. he envisions a quick response team to work alongside the police. >> we had 2500 mothers in this city in 2007 that lost their child. 2500. and none of these candidates seem to give us that time. >> reporter: of course milton street is not without baggage. he spent time in federal prison for tax evasion. opinion columns often debate his ethics and honesty. street laughs it off. he says he's misunderstood. >> the establishment now can't deal with me. i don't go along to get along i stand alone. >> reporter: will he stand alone at city hall as philadelphia's next mayor the he believes the time is right and that the people are ready. >> i feel an energy in the poor community this time than i never felt. i actually think that we going to shake up this city. i think the city is going to wake up and say oh, my god milton street . >> [laughter] >> reporter: chris may, cbs3 "eyewitness news". >> stay with "eyewitness news" for continuing coverage of the race for mayor. we are profiling every candidate in the days leading up to tuesday's primary. look for our reports on television and online, now, helping to change the future for those in the autism spectrum was the mission for many in mount laurel, new jersey today. hundreds participating in the walk now for autism speaks 3k run and 5k team walk and i was honored for my third year to emcee that event. it was a great event out there. the world's largest high school regatta that's happening in philadelphia. more than 5500 student athletes from around the can't tree are competing in the rowing championship on the schuylkill river. the event kicked off yesterday. it ends today. justin, lots going on. i did get rained on i must tell you out in jersey earlier this morning. >> little showers. >> but then sun popped back out. >> got to feel nice on that river with the regatta getting away from the humidity a little bit. we're talking about showers and thunderstorms tonight. we do need the rain of course that's good but we don't need any damaging thunderstorms but that could be a potential in that spots. they're going to be very scattered. down at the shore we're in the clear right now. just some clouds over the region, it's warm, it's humid. a lot of people getting ready for the memorial day weekend next week. a live look at ocean city and people taking advantage of the comfortable conditions on this mid may evening. storm scan3 little weak disturbance in the upper atmosphere is triggering off these showers and storms. the darker red indicates the heavy rain just a few lightning strikes showing up so we don't have widespread storms to talk about but again some isolated scattered storms are possible through the evening. this line is moving off to the east. we take to you lehigh county around dorney park about the center of this thunderstorm. it was severe. some expired at 6:15. that will put it into emmaus at 6:26 this evening lower milford 6:40 richland 6:58 and east rockhill 7:12. even though it's not severe still heavy rain and gusty winds up to 40 miles per hour possible. let's take you to southern berks county around geiger town, seeing heavy rain. lightning strikes looks like they're backing off so that's good news. watch out for potential ponding on the roads this evening if you're traveling. once you get past eight 9 o'clock things should be quieting down and we're just left with partly cloudy skies, maybe a stray shower in some spots. where we don't have the rain it's warm and humid. 84 degrees the temperature in philadelphia, mid 70's, low 70's near the shore, 81 trenton. we had the rain in lancaster that dropped to 67. still warm and humid everywhere throughout the northeast and midatlantic. little cooler out in pittsburgh when the showers were around. still heat and humidity not going anywhere any soon. dewpoint temperature, this is where we look at to see how humid it is. once we're above 55 or 60 it starts to feel uncomfortable and that's where we are our dewpoint 63 degrees. that's pretty high especially for this time of year. tomorrow same dean. our dewpoint is going to be in the lower 60's. again it's going to feel steamy. if you don't like humid conditions you're not going to like to be outdoors sunday. front is going to be to our north tomorrow so still in our vicinity. we can't rule out a scattered shower or storm sunday. i think chances are less than what we had this evening. monday maybe a stray shower or two, little bit cooler, temperatures back in the 70's. not an all day washout. not everyone sees the showers. we bring back the heat and humidity again for tuesday one more day. that could fuel another scattered shower or storm. each day not a washout. you may run into a spotty shower depending where you are some showers and storms move through evening. 8, 9 o'clock things should be quieting down. maybe a stray shower possible in the mountains. tomorrow morning quiet clouds maybe a sprinkle or two down near the shore. into the afternoon you see some spotty showers trying to pop up maybe a stray thunderstorm late afternoon and then we quiet things down again. monday again maybe an isolated shower, looks like mainly west of the city this time. here we go with the temperatures. very warm start to our sunday morning, 60's to about 70 degrees by 6:00 a.m. sunday morning. once again we're into the low and mid 80's for afternoon highs sunday into monday, little bit cooler near the shore but inland still in the upper 70's. tonight mostly cloudy, a few showers and storms especially in the evening, 68 for the low. tomorrow another warm and humid day, 83 with an afternoon shower or storm. here's the extended forecast. keeping it warm until about tuesday, upper 70's, low 80's. wednesday looking nice, guys, we drop the humidity bring back the sun 74. thursday we got the beach ball, orr at the shore begins. weather looks great, low 70's. we keep it in the 70's next weekend. >> let's bring in great thoughts keep the beach ball bouncing. thank you justin. lesley's got sport highlights. >> how about those phillies? for the first time since last august the phillies on a three game winning streak. and they have a chance to make it four as they take on the diamondbacks down at the ballpark last tonight. ryan howard doubled down the right field line. ryan leads the phillies with 17 rbi's. one run scores and phillies go up one-nothing. to the seventh how about that freddie galvez singles to drive in two more runners. that's going to tie up the game at three. he's hitting .355 this season. then jeff francoeur comes through in the seventh with a rbi single to score galvez. that will be your final four-three. yes for the first time all season the phillies wip three in a row. day baseball the braves visiting the marlins. january carlo stanton on a tear crushes this homer to dead center field. 475 feet but check out this fan, catches the ball with one hand an amazing hit amazing catch. that's got to hurt if you're catching a ball that's hit that hard. braves win five to three. flyers looking for a head coach and hottest one on the market mike babcock says he'll announce his decision by may 20th so fingers crossed. hope he likes orange and black. game one of the eastern conference finals third period lightning down one-nothing. not any more. andre plots with the power play goal. that ties the game at one. under three minutes left in the game rangers get the game winner. dominic moore with his first goal of the playoffs. rangers win two-one and take game one. warriors and grizzlies last night. check out this shot. steph curry putting up a 62-foot shot at the end of the third quarter. unbelievable. warriors win the game 108 to 95 and advance to the western conference finals. how do you pass the time during a rain delay? how about a rock paper scissors show down. last night louisiana lafayette louisiana monroe had a major contest during the rain delay. both taking it very seriously. eventually louisiana lafayette picked up the big win in this rock paper scissors competition. as for the real game that was postponed. there's over two hundred thousand students in philadelphia. jim kenney and tony williams are fighting over public schools versus charters. i think they're both's making sure they all get a good education. teachers should have their contracts respected. they also should be held accountable. and it's wrong philadelphia gets less school funding than other parts of pennsylvania. i'll work with harrisburg to change that. but if they refuse i'll take them to federal court. as mayor i'll do what's right for them. >> ♪ >> welcome back. restaurants are competing for the title of best bacon creation this weekend. i think it got pretty interesting out there. fans of our sister station sports radio 94 wip sampled several dishes at the bacon hunt finals. "eyewitness news" at the valley forge casino resort. judges including our kate bilo judged the restaurants on the use of bacon overall taste creativity and presentation. was that popcorn? glynn. >> i think it was. >> we're not sure what's going on. >> justin getting a little stormy tonight. >> could be. showers and storms. i'd say between seven, 9 o'clock best shot to see rain in the city. >> thank you. i've got my big umbrella. thanks for johning us. i'm natasha brown. for lesley justin all of us here we appreciate you joining >> axelrod: u.s. commandos battle hand to hand with isis fighters in syria. a senior leader of the terror gripe is taken out. his wife captured. was it more than speed? the f.b.i. probes that deadly amtrak derailment in philadelphia. did a projectile hit the windshield? boston exhalees after the marathon bomber is sentenced to death, but why there are still years to go in this case. and they met as strangers in a classroom and then found out they're long-lost sisters. >> and then i just paused for a second, and i just said, "is this real life?" captioning sponsored by cbs this is the "cbs evening news." >> axelrod: good evening. i'm jim axelrod. we begin tonight with a successful u.s. raid on isis targets deep in eastern syria. in an

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