Transcripts For KYW Eyewitness News At Noon 20240622 : compa

Transcripts For KYW Eyewitness News At Noon 20240622

they've had to have a lot of patience. >> a mid downed wires polls signs of progress, to getting power back to customers off i-295 and harmony road in gibbstown. >> amount of damage, amount of trees down, power lines down, it is pretty devastating. >> i've been in this area since 1969. and i've never seen the power out, for more than maybe a day, at the most. >> work has been underway for almost a week, to replace wires and power polls, left tangled and tossed by last tuesday's 6:00 p.m. storm. atlantic city electric hopes to have some 700 plus customers in greenwich township back on line by late today. some, already are. >> by looking at everything out here, i'm surprised they did, as well as they d so i appreciate all of the work that they did you know, working 24/7. >> six days later much of the shops off harmony road are still in the dark, minus two shoprite here, as well asperger king, and the only reason they're still running is because of generators. >> slowly local businesses and resident are coming back on line across greenwich township but, there is particular concern about homestead on harmony senior center, a lot of disable, a lot without air-conditioning consideration not manage the steps on four, five stories and no elevators. >> governor christies at this' office says it will monitor power restoration effort, but grown witch's mayor wants the governor to sign off on emergency declarations, he says, will speed the recovery process. >> justin finch, "eyewitness news". >> after roller coaster weather weekend, we are seeing the sun today. meteorologist, katie fehlinger on the skydeck with first look at the forecast, hi, katie. >> we have full sunshine for you, couple of puffy white clouds nothing more than it feels so comfortable for late june standards this is not bad stuff. let me take you out first and for most here to a look at storm scan3 hey what else is new? empty, so often you get fair weather, that's what we've got. but the thing is, not building up that summertime heat and humidity. granted it will be warm, it already is, but comfortably so. 74 degrees, sort of the magic number here for philly, for trenton, for ac, millville and the list goes on where you're into that comfort air mass. so practically perfect outside. not only do you have the clear skies, but the pleasant warmth, the low humidity, and nice light winds. why not get outside? have one alfresco. we do expect the high to hit 81 this afternoon another great place to head would be the area beaches, just make sure if you do so swim near the lifeguards. overall, not much bad you can say about this forecast. guys, we send it back into you. >> see now little bit, thank you. developing right now financial crisis in greece is taking on big toll on stocks world-wide. thethe dow jones 30 industrials is down more than 200 points midday. today the athen stock exchange and banks in greece are closed after bailout talks failed. with limit on atm withdrawals the street are filled with residents trying to take out money. creditors want greece to cut pensions, and raise taxes, in order to get more bailout money. and as of right now grease will not agree. developing now the fbi and department of homeland security are urging local law enforcement to step up security, and be vigilant during fourth of july celebration, officials say there is no specific threat, but a homeland security bulletin issued friday warns of potential threat against law enforcement officers, and the military. but former deputy cia director and cbs news senior security analyst, michael morrell, says on cbs this morning although there have been similar warning, this one concerns him. >> there has been 50 people arrested in the u.s., wanting to be radicalized, a lot of people out there who are seeing themselves, as a line with isis, number one and then number two you have this isis call to arms during ramidan. >> i wouldn't be surprised if we're sitting here a week from today, talking about an attack over the weekends, how serious this is. >> authorities say no need to cancel any plans just be vigilant, report any suspicious activity. >> four more people under arrest in connection with friday's resort town attack. islamic extremists have taken responsibility for the attack which left at least 39 people dead. today a memorial was held on the beach where the massacre occurred. >> this afternoon, officials trying to figure out what went wrong on explain thin interest crashed into massachusetts home. three people on that aircraft were killed, and including a young person. as cbs news correspondent david begno shows us, ill-fated flight took off from lancaster airport. >> took this photo from her front porch, moments after a small plane crashed into her neighbors home. four people inside got out alive, just before the crash the pilot reported engine failure. >> we're not able to maintain altitude. >> able to maintain -- >> sir we're not doing jack. >> i need help. >> mike brown was outside grilling when he heard the plane's engines sputtering. >> coming over the neighbor's house, banked, actually followed the street down. i thought he was going to try to land. >> eric tackhash lives two doors down heard a blast and thought it came from a nearby quarry. >> i said they don't blast on sunday, i ran outside, my daughter in the front yard. and i saw whole fireball. everything was engulfed. >> the plane took off from lancaster airport in pennsylvania, it was scheduled to lands at norwood memorial airport in massachusetts. the crash happened just 21 miles from the destination. david begno cbs news, new york. >> well, investigators are searching for the cause after fire on a farm in gloucester county. chopper three, over south harrison township, where the flames tore through a farm structure near monroe ville road and state road 45. the roof of the building collapsed while crews battled the fire for almost an hour, before they got the upper hand. fortunately, there were no injuries here. >> and, there is one suspect in custody this noon, after a stolen car crashes into another car. the crash happened about 2:00 this morning at st. vincent street in castor avenue, in northeast philadelphia. no one was injured. two armed men got away with about $300 in cash from the 7-eleven in juniata. the store is on the 1800 block of eat hunting park avenue, and those suspect barged in, at about 4:00 a.m. police are still looking for those suspects. and, police are also looking for the triggerman in a triple shooting early today in the 1300 block of east price street. that's in east germantown. a 34 year old man was killed, a 31 year old man in critical condition, with several gunshot wounds, and another 31 year old man is stable, after he was shot in the leg. so far investigators don't know what sparked that violence. >> the authority need the public's help in identifying a man who burglarized the energy star services building on mcnulty road off southampton road and the boulevard. suspect described as white male, slim build, used a crowbar to pry open the front door, one inside he stole a compete, if you have any information you are urged to contact the police. >> authorities looking for suspect wanted for multiple robberies point breeze, girard estates, gained entry to rita water ice 19th and oregon avenue and the orient al chinese restaurant on south broad. he took an undetermined amount of money from each of the businesses. if you recognize him please, contact the police. well, we are 86 days until the opening of the world meeting of families and the anticipated touchdown of pope francis on us soil. today at the cathedral basilica of saints peter and paul world meeting leadership gathered with leaders of the latino community, to announce the creation of the latino papal fund. >> papal visit will also undoubtedly serve showcase the true power of community engagement serving as model for how communities can help come together and support of this important global event. >> today is the day they introduce a website to raise the the monies for the first latino coming to the u.s. wants tone courage the latino community to support the international event. and, straight ahead on "eyewitness news" at noon, the ordeal is over. but the stress remains. a week long manhunt is over for escaped prisoners. we'll take you to the neighborhood. >> also, bad week for ditty. first he was arrested, then he takes a spill on live tv. we hope you'll stay with us, hundreds, of people are being urged to leave their homes today after wild fire burns out of control in central washington state. officials estimate that the fire has burned at least dozen structures, it started as a brush fire, growing quickly as sunday's strong winds fueled the flames. officials estimate that at least a thousand people have fled that area already. >> well, the three week long manhunt finally over after second prison escapee has been captured. >> the arrest of david sweat comes two days after police shot and killed sweat's partner, river around matt. as correspondent kenneth craig reports, residents in danmore new york are expressing relief that the ordeal is finally over. >> a sign, thanks the community for it support now that the manhunt for two escapees is over. seconder prisoner, david sweat, taken to the hospital after being shot twice in the torso. >> condition listed as critical. >> authority say new york state police sergeant, jay cook, patrolling alone near the canadian border sunday when he saw sweat walking along the road. sweat took off running whether sweat saw him. >> saw he would made it to a tree line corks have disappeared, fire two shots. >> swift assenter nerve richard matt shot and killed by police on friday. the two convicted killers broke out of prison, june 6. people who live near the maximum security prison say they're looking forward to life getting back to normal. tell me, your feeling this morning, what's this like for you? >> grateful resident showed up at the prison to cheer law enforcements who worked on the manhunt. >> a lot of men there going home with sore feet tonight, that are going to relax and everybody gets to enjoy the fourth of july next weekend not look over their how older. >> authorities are wait to go question sweat, when his condition improves. in malone new york kenneth craig, cbs-3, "eyewitness news". >> as we continue this noon, it is lunchtime. you hungry. >> we are going to show you a new craze that's coming to philadelphia. they call it the pizza cone. a pizza cone. that's right. katy? >> i feel like this is something coy really get behind! we are looking ahead here though my friends to a bit more of instability, in our upcoming forecast. so what's that mean for the holiday weekend? i'll have your full forecast coming up after >> so much for thin or thick crust. how would you like your pizza in a cone? the italian restaurant chain is expanding in the united states, and word; they're coming right here to philadelphia. they piled the sauce cheese, toppings inside a crust cone. >> what do you any? >> i don't know. the only thing i see in that far more messy than normal piece of pizza. because it is all kind of liquidy, on the inside? >> yes. >> is it a guy thing? i'm digging it, old school. >> i think you're right, you have to be red way pile of napkins, and be ready to just dig in, and it is like eating wings, don't worry about how messy you get. >> in naples where they created the pizak they actually rolled it there. maybe that's how they were inspired. >> at 56th and pine, we just throw it in. >> shovel it in? >> that's how we roll. >> i got a pile of napkins for you. >> there you go. >> so great. >> great day to go find a slice? >> absolutely, eat alfresco, beautiful day underway, couple of puffy clouds, nothing more, so, so nice outside. and how often in late june can you say that you don't have the humidity to go along with temperatures in the 80s? pretty rare, it is a forecast i wouldn't say is going dramatically downhill, but will start to get unsettled with time. we walk you outside. take you on little tour hereof storm scan3 starting things off there. high pressure, briefly in control. beautiful weather coming, little activity, not only off to the north but specially off to the west, and that's where we have got to turn our focus next. you don't have to worry about wet weather at all today or tonight for that matter, interestingly, all that's left of all of the soaking rain that came in on saturday. still very slowly making its retreat. next system, bringing rain over ohio, set to move our way, bring with it our next rounds of showers and thunderstorms, but again not until tomorrow. meantime coming up on july already, appears as though climatically speaking at least here on the eastern seaboard, we will start to see milder than average air set until here so, nothing extreme. rather slightly above average when it come to temperature outlook. live neighborhood network people on cue headed out with all of their stuff to the shore point, a lot of people lapping up the waves here, beautiful day at the area beaches, and temperature in the water starting to creep up for us as well, so becoming little bit more comfortable for you. 78 degrees actually in the off shore buoy atlantic city just flirting with 70 around long branch, for example, and the 70s pretty much up and down the shore points, little warmer in the bay as expected. but, expect that sun everywhere. you have got high of 81 degrees to go along with that, and again couple of clouds along the way, still dry day. phillies are back in town of course, and they've got some sunshine to look ahead to here back at the ballpark, 78 degrees for first pitch this evening. and as we look forward in the eyewitness weather seven day forecast well, here we go. coming up on upcoming holiday weekends, watching series of fronts basically so starting tomorrow we've got shot for shower thunderstorm tuesday wednesday, thursday friday, possibly saturday. it is not a guarantee . >> saturday was a wash out but, right. >> yes, it was. >> i know woth be looking at all day rain all day long, but allow for it every single day. >> so, for the second time this month dangerous port geeing man of war washed up on the jersey shore line. >> ann tweeted these pictures of the man of war that she spotted on the beach of stone harbor. sent the picture to the wetlands institute. last week we showed you another man of war over at harley cedars, they have highly venamous ten calls, can be as long as 165 feet. for humans their sting extremely painful. sometimes fatal. experts warn that even dead man of war's can still deliver a sting. >> really? i didn't know that at all. >> how about that? >> coming up this noon, the phillies are making more changes. >> also, a bad week for ditty. talk about goodness gracious, first arrested, then he falls through a stage during a tv performance, we'll show you more of what happened when we we are waiting for news conference with the phillies set for about 2:30 this afternoon. >> phils expected to announce long tike andy mcfan will replace as team president more shake ups for phillies management. phillies played too yesterday, lost game one three to two beat the nationals in game two. franco had two hits, three runs batted in phils hung onto this one, eight to five, brewers will be in south philly tonight. >> paris hilton will probably think twice the next time she hops on a plane after she is a victim after very cruel prank. >> is this normal? it always does this? >> fruition screamed in fear she thought her plane was going to crash. it turns out, it was all a big prank, for egyptian actor's show. at one point a parachutist in on the prank was thrown out of the plane. paris tweeted scariest moment of my life, i really believe the plane was going to crash and we were all going to die. that's unbelievable. well, ditty goes down, rap mogel takes big spill at the bet show performance check out disney red walking away from the camera just dropped to the floor. ditty took hard fall into a hole in the stage, lil' kim came out of minutes before. ditty always a show man, shook it off finished his performance, he says he was not hurt. as far as the winners beyonce, nicky minaj, come on, one sam smith best new artist and selma awarded the best move. >> i mean spirited forecast. >> yes, it was. >> just mean. >> very cool. that's "eyewitness news" at noon i'm ukee washington. >> i'm pat ciarrocchi. for katie all of us here, thanks for watching. "eyewitness news" continues at 5:00. >> billy: hey. >> ashley: hi. >> billy: where's jack? i got a text saying to meet him here. there was no name, but i figured -- >> ashley: i know. i thought i got one from jack, too, but i haven't seen him yet. hi. >> kyle: so, we all got the text, then, huh? >> billy: apparently. nice and anonymous and driving me a little nuts. what's up with all the mystery? >> kyle: well, i was relieved, actually. feels like dad's been avoiding me ever since paul brought me in for questioning. >> billy: you know, i'm thinking that jack got one of those burner phones for occasions like this, which, i have to say probably isn't such a bad idea. >> kyle: really? i hate the idea. all this sneaking around with private meetings and burner phones? summer's right. this is just more lies. >> ashley: you know what? i understand your concerns honey. i really do. it appears that it's done now. i mean, victor's not fighting the charges, which i think is strange, but at least not yet. >> billy: do you think it's the end? done? just, you

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