Transcripts For KYW Eyewitness News At 8am 20150412 : compar

Transcripts For KYW Eyewitness News At 8am 20150412

disable man abandoned in a wooded area of cobbs creek. his mother is now under arrest and we will have a live report straight ahead. and also today, two cars collide on columbus boulevard we will tell but the charges one driver faces this morning. and, the secret is out, hillary clinton is expect to announce her run for the presidency today. how she will do it and what is next in the race for the white house. >> good morning, it is sunday april 12th i'm nicole brewer. just past 8:00 lets check with carol for more on this beautiful sunday morning. i like the whole week ahead especially the first few days. >> that looks like the real stellar lets put a couple gold stars on it for today and tomorrow definitely. our temperatures this afternoon warmer then yesterday, not as windy. wind gusts yesterday 39 miles an hour. today we won't have any wind gusts and maybe wind of 5 miles an hour. that makes all of the difference outside. ben franklin bridge area from campbell's field, via sky cam three look at those blue skies just a terrific looking day. windmills have nothing to do wind turbines in atlantic city, they are just waiting around okay, where is the wind. we are looking at basically none. we will head outside to reading. wind southwest if we were to find any and, we are not at 0 miles an hour, temperature climbing new to 41 degrees. we have just seen the the expiration of our ross advisory in east affect to the east and west of philadelphia storm scan three now nothing going on. we have not even cloud. it is wonderful out there. 45 degrees in philadelphia. forty-one in trenton. forty-one wilmington. thirty-nine in the poconos. allentown way out of the freezing mark now, 42 in atlantic city and millville, 38 although those numbers below freezing mark just about 20 minutes ago. wrapped warm up. temperatures will be warming up, lot by 3:00 p.m. we are at 68 degrees sunshine, light wind, just terrific, we will put this into motion and we will pick up, not even a cloud by the time we hit the 5:00 o'clock today. i think you will he love tomorrow too. maybe not the the end of the week. we will talk about that, coming up nicole. thank you carol. developing right now police say woman accused of abandoning her disabled sonnies in custody this morning. reporter cherry greg from our sister station kyw news radio 1060 joins us live from children's hospital with more on this story, cherry, good morning. >> reporter: good morning, nicole. yes, i'm here outside of children's hospital where a 21 year-old man is in stable condition and this morning, maryland authority have arrested his mother, 41 year-old nia parlor, of philadelphia, they say that she abandoned her 21 year-old quadriplegic son leaving him in the wooded area near cobbs creek parkway. police say parlor left her son in this wooded area on monday, where he stayed in the rain, and cold, until friday. around 9:00 p.m. someone walk ago long the the parkway spotted his wheelchair. >> we looked down and found a young man lying there, in the leafs, he had a blanket on him, he went to see if he was okay and he was unresponsive. >> reporter: twenty-one year-old young man is non-verb willal cerebral palsy and wheelchair bound his entire life. after five days of no food or water his injuries include a deep cut on his back, dehydration and malnutrition as well as eye infections. >> he is obviously a fighter. it the is unbelievable how we found him last night to see that kid laying there it is heart break to go see another human especially your mother, can treat you like that. >> reporter: police say his mother left him in that park, hopped a bus to maryland to be with her boyfriend and lied from officials to the school of the officials telling him he was safe. >> there is no reason, to do he is doing very well. >> luckily that young man is here, at chop, and he is surrounded by family and friend, and expect to be okay. parker is in police custody in maryland. thinks a beginning of the multi part investigation to discover how and why this could have happen. live outside of children's hospital, cherry greg for kyw news radio for cbs-3 "eyewitness news". >> thank goodness he is okay thank you. new this morning dui charges in an overnight ca crash this was the scene in, queen village at columbus boulevard and christian street. two cars collided, just before 2:30. police say a male driver was under the the influence and two women were in the other car. police make an arrest in the abduction and assault that happened in the jeweler's row section of center city. sources confirmed to "eyewitness news" that khiry gay was arrested friday night in south carolina last saturday police say three men snatched a five three-year old woman from a parking garage, dragged her in the burgundy van and beat, robbed and used a taser on her for hours. she was eventually found in a darby township cemetery and hospitalized. the the u.s. capitol is opened once again, the building went into will be down on saturday after a man shot and killed himself outside of that building. cbs news correspondent mark albert reports from capitol hill. capitol police and witnesses say the man still unidentified walk up to the west front of the u.s. capitol with the suitcase and gun. robert bishop stood a few feet away. >> i was talking to somebody, she looked over and said my god he has a gun. i turned around and i saw a guy with the sign and he had just shot himself. >> reporter: bishop said the man collapsed to the ground after one shot. >> a woman was crying and started ducking down and wanting to run. another girl was crying she was looking over my shoulder. she saw him shoot himself. >> reporter: the capitol was put in lock down, police block off the area and bomb squad technicians inspect the scene. jeff harrison is from northern virginia and heard a pop. >> what did you think it was. >> i thought it was a fire cracker. >> reporter: then what did you see? >> we saw police vehicles gather around the front of the capitol. >> reporter: inside tourist were told they could in the leave, elizabeth heyes was visiting from pittsburgh and stuck in the capitol visitors center for two hours along with hundred other tourists. >> you are sitting there, you don't have any information what are those minutes like. >> they are excruciating. it felt like hours. never thought someone would commit suicide when i was visiting the u.s. capitol. >> reporter: police have not reruled the motive or if other weapons were found. lock down was lifted after two and a half hours. mark albert cb is s news, capitol hill. 8:07. historic meeting in panama, president obama sat down one on one with raul castro. the president return home late last night, new they expect on saturday afternoon, first time by the the way since american and cuban leaders have had substantial meet initial more than 50 years. both countries are looking to move past decade of animosity to renew diplomatic ties. >> the the you had will not be imprisoned by the past. we're looking to the future. the policies that improve the lives of the cuban people and advance the interests of cooperation in the hemisphere. >> president obama a announced in december that he was reopening relations with cuba. u.s. sanction as begins the communist country, however must be lifted by congress. president castro says he is willing to discuss ongoing issue. after months after speculation hillary clinton is ready to make it official. sources say she'll announce her campaign for president today. reporter steve has the details. >> thank you thank you all so much. >> reporter: hillary clinton is running for president. much anticipated announcement is expect to come in the form of the video posted to social media, according to sources close to her campaign. she will then hit the the road visiting early voting states of new hampshire and iowa. in 2008 clinton suffered a third place finish opening the door for then senator barack obama. this time around aids are in the taking anything for granted. >> going iowa will be hugely important to her. last time in 2007/08 she was criticized for being to i am peer just for not going outside of des moines. >> reporter: also leading up to the a announcement a new up log in her book hard choices offers insight into her decision. becoming a grandmother she writes has made me think deeply about the responsibility we all share as stewards of the world we inherit the and will one day pass on. as for competition on the democratic side, it is clinton and then everyone else. latest cnn or rc poll has her at 62 percent. vice-president joe biden a difficulties extant second at 15 percent but she does have obstacle toss overcome most recently uproar over her use of the private e-mail server while secretary of state. >> please join me in welcoming hillary rodham clinton. >> reporter: republican national committee wasted no time in releasing a new ad part of the stop hillary campaign. >> par for the the course for clintons, they are always secretive. >> reporter: sign of the road ahead for clinton as she embarks on her second presidential run. in washington i'm steve manus reporting. the day after clinton is expect to make her candidacy official florida senator rubio is expected to nuns his own presidential bid. rubio will deliver a speech tomorrow in miami. the republican would bypass second term in the the senate in order to run for president. in the race for philadelphia's next mayor the candidates talked immigration at a forum on saturday. "eyewitness news" at the german society auditorium in the spring garden street. the candidates fielded questions about key immigration issues like education, and access and government representation. the forum was sponsored by a group called united voices for fill. you you can see candidates talk about the issues facing the city on the moving philadelphia forward forum moderate by our own ukee washington. it the airs again this morning at 11:00 o'clock on our sister station the cw philly. and coming up next on "eyewitness news" the healing power of art how a new program is helping homeless people overcome many obstacles. also a ahead returning to the ruble residents of the tornado ravaged town survey is what left of their homes, for the first time since thursday's storm and for many of them there is nothing left, we will have those coming up ne as cbs's dean reynold report many were wondering if their homes were even still standing. >> reporter: fair dale illinois was never much more than a small dot on the map and now it is less than that 70 buildings were either destroyed or damage here on thursday, power remains out for most of the 150 resident, and the clean up, is just beginning. thirty-six hours after the the twister hit, bright sunshine illuminated the scope of the disaster. >> we have a licensing road ahead of us. >> reporter: tj rigs lost his business and apartment where he lived right above it. >> my first reaction i cannot say on tv but my second reaction was, you know, everything is gone, i don't know what to do. >> reporter: twister that hit fair dale was half mile wide with the trail that ran nearly 30 miles long. two people died and 22 were injured, as the storm tore through northern illinois. a along with utility crews fair dale's neighbors are picking through debris and that is all it really is. two counties that suffered is the brunt of the storm have been aptly designated disaster areas by the the governor. soon, the the people of fair dale will to have deciding whether to rebuild where the the tornadoes footprint is new so cruelly visible or leave the painful memories behind and start over. someplace, anyplace, else. dean reynolds for cbs news chicago. it is 8:15 right now. philadelphia's mayor michael nutter kick off eighth annual philly spring clean up. mayor nutter join volunteers and local officials at germantown's vernon park. clean up effort is city wide. tens of thousands on have people come through the streets and park throwing away trash and making sure philly is ready for spring as part of the individual clean up projects. "eyewitness news" caught up with the mayor after that event. >> i'm so proud of philadelphians all across the city. dave perry and don carlton over at the streets department, they have really done a fantastic job and again, out done themselves. 600 projects all across the city of philadelphia. >> in past years, spring clean up efforts have resulted in millions of pound of trash and recyclable being removed from the city. job well done to those folks. 8:16 right now. perfect day to do pretty much anything. >> it is, just try to make it outside because weather as you can see behind me is beautiful. we have blue skies no cloud no chance of precipitation, we are looking at, stellar weather and it is there at the shore, people running around on the boardwalk in ocean city and why not. they are having a great time doing it. another boardwalk lets see if they are running down the poured walk here, they are, keep going faster faster, come on. you can see people outside on the beach. this we are starting to turn the corn are. can you you feel it? after a windy day yesterday, it wasn't bad but it was just so windy out there. that will not be the the case today. we have a temperature of 45 degrees. everybody is warming up and we have away to go. we will find these temperatures getting to 68 degrees in philadelphia it is 39 in allentown. forty-two in atlantic city where it was below freezing not that long ago. frost advisory has expired in all locations. the the the wind are calm through philadelphia, they are 6 miles an hour, we will take that. it certainly beats almost 40 miles an her like we saw yesterday. storm scan three clear skies, over us there might be a few cloud near cincinnati that is it, they are going to be enjoying a nice day. temperatures in the 60's today, looks great, tomorrow why don't we add a couple degrees so we crack in the 70's and i think we will. we will find temperatures around 70 to lower 70's. and then a front comes through here. it doesn't knock us back too much temperature wise for tuesday but it does trigger a chance for showers in parts of the area speaking of which lets find out when. for today none. i'll stop this at 3:00 to let you know that it is still clear. there aren't any cloud out there at 3:00 this afternoon. then tomorrow we will see a passing cloud but that is it. by tuesday we're watching for some showers, coming through, this is a look at 10:00 o'clock on tuesday morning, and then subject to change, as we all know by now tuesday is a licensing way out in the weather business. so this front can change its mind and timing and that sort of thing. the tuesday look like a day there could be showers around and you can see this one wants to keep a few showers around even tuesday later on in the afternoon but by wednesday they are gone, we are drying out around a here and it is nice. maybe not as nice as today because this will be a hard one to top. 68 degrees, sunny skies at the shore, 55 degrees in the poconos. 65 degrees where ever you go, however you you get there you will be dealing with great weather conditions today. our wind are light, temperatures fine, sky conditions ideal. tonight we will drop down to 45. don't you wish we could do this year round. makes it so easy. 45 degrees mostly clear skies, cool. as we but to through next couple days we will get into that 70-degree range on monday with sun cloud tuesday that day of maybe finding some showers, but also some sun breaks. wednesday and thursday with high pressure again, we are back in the 60's with dry conditions friday, maybe some showers, with a front coming through and then the the way it looks right new maybe at day morning but again, it is tuesday the the the long way off in the weather business, friday and saturday are farther off. so lets get some sun is shine then too nicole. >> it is looking good so far. >> carol thanks. 8:19. lets check on the road with ann evans in the traffic center. >> you just heard carol's forecast where ever you go, traffic so far, will be cooperating. we are looking at i-95 this is i-95 at columbus boulevard northbound lanes to the right of your screen. no delays or problems on i-95 through philadelphia or suburbs this morning. we will move traffic cam to the schuylkill expressway at spring gar even street, schuylkill gaining volume, look at that but it is moving, no delays or problems on the schuylkill, looking to the right that is martin luther king drive that is shut down, ben franklin parkway and montgomery drive shut down for recreational activities and hut down for cherry blossom festival in fair mount park this morning and this have afternoon. if you go there have a great time. kelly drive closed between fountain green drive and hunting park avenue for regatta that is happening. on to the the walt whitman bridge, the the walt whitman in fact all area bridges are in good shape this morning with no delays or problems. further up 42, 55, ac expressway and garden state parkway all look okay. that is latest from the traffic center, i'm ann evans now nicole, back to you. on the healthwatch this morning, the the healing power of art, project home has a special art program to help homeless people overcome many obstacles. health reporter stephanie stahl introduces us to the artist whose lives have been turned around. >> reporter: instead of drugs emmanuel havens now find comfort with art after years of being addicted and home less manny is now a regular at project home artwork shop. >> it helps alleviate a a lot of stress and tension first of all. >> reporter: project home art program empowers people were home less providing them with healthy productive ways to express themselves, share ideas. >> it the helps people to be able to have self esteem and confidence in that accomplishments. >> reporter: rachel erika the program coordinator say therapeutic benefits of art therapy are well documented. for some people it is a way to feel productive and connect. >> place where people can develop skills. the it is a socialization and the the ability to be able to explore and problem solve through the medium. >> vince struggles with severe depression that left him periodically home less. he says his art on display in a upcoming show depicts chaos in his brain. >> it literal willly is a way of getting those emotions out of of your system instead of pushing them down, you build up, build up it allows to you express tonight a very healthy way. >> reporter: the art from project home will be featured at artist for all seasons art show opening up monday the 13th at drexel university. we have more information at cbs, click on health and i'll post it on facebook and twitter. i'm stephanie stahl cbs-3 eyewitness naus. our stephanie he stall certainly making the round this week she was also taking part in bingo for a great cause at the writ even house hotel. it is called blingon o to help filed muscular dystrophy. it was organize by a national non-profit. due schenn is deadliest and most common form of muscular dystrophy. there is no effective treatment or cure for that condition. we will be right back. jim kenney. son of a firefighter. first in his family to go to college. he's been councilman at-large, representing the whole city. a progressive voice who'll be a mayor for our neighborhoods. bringing philadelphia together... expanding pre-kindergarten improving our schools... ...and partnering with businesses, community colleges and universities to create jobs jim kenny, the block by block mayor we need to move philadelphia ahead. and welcome back. roman catholics and protestants marked easter last week and today, eastern orthodox churches celebrate day followers believe jesus was resurrect 2,000 years ago. in egypt christians attended midnight mass holding candles and praying n russia prime minister dimitri and president vladamire putin celebrated at the cathedral of christ the savior in months co. on cbs this sunday morning a special money episode for you. of course, everybody likes it but there are only a few real money makers. ana warner introduces to us one of them. here's a pre view of what you will see later on cbs sunday morning. >> reporter: in this fast paced world obsessed with earning money and spending it it is understandable why you might aot take a minute to examine your spare change. but if you did you might find those coins are miniature work of art. >> there is art in money. >> there is. >> don everheart should know, he is lead sculptor for u.s. mint in philadelphia. >> people talk all the time about making money but you actually make money. >> right. >> you could say that. >> reporter: everheart's designs range from the state quarters we use every day, to metals presented to world leaders. >> it is a pretty unique job. >> very unique, is there only seven of us in this country that do what i do and we're all in this building. >> how many designs do you think you have come up with. >> got to be in the thousands, literally report report most coin designers use computers but not ever heart. for him each design starts with the lump of clay. >> so how much depth do you get on that. >> i think we did this in 70 or 80,000s of an inch. >> 80,000 of an inch. >> a 16th of a inch. >> that is what you get to work with. >> yes. >> not a lot of space. >> not a lot no. >> new i can see why they work so hard, it makes a lot of sense, get it. the art of making money plus high flying aboard donald trump's private luxury jet this sunday morning on cbs-3 at 9:00 o'clock. coming up in the next half an hour of "eyewitness news" we have new developments in an arrest is made after a severely disable man is left to fend for himself in the wood for days. we will have a live report. also ahead are you looking to improve your tennis swing golf game or maybe your running stride? now you can get feedback just like the pros. three on your side jim donovan takes a look at gadgets design is and boost your athletic performance. if you are liking yesterday you will love today, carol is back to tell us what we can expect in the the forecast, we will be right back. i saw a commercial that said you can save $500 by switching to progressive. that was me, mom. [ laugh ] i thought you said "that was me, mom." [ laughter ] today, it is sunday, april 12th, good morning thanks so much for joining us. i'm nicole brewer. it is 8:30. let's send it offer to carol for more on the forecast which sound amazing, carol. >> it is, we have waited a long time. we have talk a a lot about how tired we are of bad weather, winter weather weather too cold for the month of april? that all changes today. our temperatures will be above where they are supposed to be, wind light sunnies out absolutely perfect and it comes on a weekend day which is even nicer. ben franklin bridge area from campbell's field camera looks lovely, in the a cloud in the sky. we will head down to the shore and you can see people outside on the boardwalk, ocean city enjoying themselves, running around walking and waiting for they are able to put sun tan lotion on and sun screen and get out there and energy summer warmth. we have temperature now in kutztown of 40. that is fine. we will watch this this morning with frost on the ground and temperatures of 28 degrees this morning. huge warm up. a very wrapped it one as that sun has come up. enjoy this day it will be stellar. forty-five at the the a airport in philadelphia appear of 41's in trenton and wilmington. millville 38 degrees. allentown 39. same thing with the poconos. clear skies in all locations just a gorgeous day, calm wind in every location. if you are finding any wind out split is 6 miles an hour in the poconos philadelphia and atlantic city. otherwise, this is just i cannot say it often enough, just a stellar day try to get outside. temperatures in the upper 60's today. we are not looking for cloud either. we will put this in motion and notice we will keep things great through 6:00 o'clock tonight and little bit beyond that too i will show you seven day forecast coming up nicole. >> carol, thank you. we are following a developing story for you this morning, police say woman accused of a abandoning her disable sonnies in custody. reporter cherrie greg from our sister station kyw news radio 1060 joins us live from children's hospital with more cherry good morning. >> yes police new have 41 year-old nia parlor in custody in maryland where she will be charged with aggravated a assault, reckless endangerment and other crimes police say she abandoned her 21 year-old quadriplegic son in the wooded area near cobbs creek parkway for days without food or water, as you can see from the video work parlor left her son in this area the at cobbs creek parkway on monday. the young man has cerebral palsy, non-verbal and has been wheelchair bound his entire life. luckily on friday night somebody walking nearby found the the 21 year-old lying in the pile of leaves. his wheelchair beside him. his only tools for defense against cold and rain a blanket and bible. lieutenant john walker told reporters that the situation could have ended in tragedy. >> this kiddies a fighter, it is unbelievable how we found him to see him laying there it is hard break to go see another human especially your moth are can treat somebody like that when you had all of the opportunities in the world to turn that kid over tour family members who wanted to care for him. there is a absolutely in reason to do what you did with this particular child and we are fortunate here today that this kiddies surviving, doing very well. >> it looks like we're having a little bit of trouble with cherrie's audio there. she's reporting out identify children's hospital of philadelphia. 8:34. new this morning a woman is taken to the hospital after she is shot in delaware county this all happen on macdade boulevard in wood land. police roped off a small area outside r. club and they say that with man suffer non-life threatening injuries. there is in word on a suspect or motive, no arrests has been made. in north philadelphia, a shooting near girard college a 49 year-old man was shot three times in the back on justin street. he was taken to temple hospital where he is in critical condition. it happen just before 3:30 this morning. unarmed black man shot to death by a police officer in south carolina has been laid to rest. mourners paid their respect to walter scott at a christian center 20 miles from where that 50 year-old was gunned down from behind. cell phone video taken from last saturday appears to show officer michael slager repeatedly firing at scott as he ran away from a traffic stop. scott's family attorney spoke after the funeral. >> epidemic of power less people being taken advantage of in matter what color, no matter what gender no matter what belief system you have, need to stop. >> officer slager who grew up in south jersey is now behind bars charged with scott's murder. friend, family of the murder mount laurel mother said good bye on saturday. service for erika crippen was hell at faith holy temple on river road in camden. crippen's body was found in maryland last month. she had been missing since new years day. her husband kyle crosby is charge with her murder and he is behind bars on 1.2 million-dollar bail. this is scary moments at cleveland zoo a two-year old boy plunge some 12 feet in the cheetah exhibit. the boy's parents pulled him out of that enclosure and cheetahs thank goodness never approached that child. zoo officials a that child's mother was dangling the toddler over a protective railing when he slip. the boy reportedly suffered leg injuries but is expect to be okay. heavy rains for blame for causing a gigantic bold tore invoiced down a hill landing on a road in lawrence county, ohio, check this out it is as big as a house and weighs 1500 tons. crews spent the day break ago part that boulder. for new you westbound lanes have of route 52 are still closed no one was injured so that is good news and no vehicles were damaged. 8:36. there is still much more to come on "eyewitness news" this morning, coming up next we will check with face the nation's bob schieffer for a look at today's broadcast, we will be right cws face the nation will be coming your way later on this morning, at 10:30 right here on cbs 36789 joining us new with the preview live from washington is maryland rate or and cbs news chief washington correspondent bob schieffer. bob, good morning. we are hearing sunday's on cbs will never be the same. we wanted to say congratulations, on your retirement. 1969 is when you started with cbs, 46 years. >> forty-six years ago, i have been a reporter actually for 58 years, and people say why are you going to do this? i'm doing it because i still think i can dot job. i didn't want to be one of these people and we see it all too often here in washington they hang around until some member of the staff has to take him, by the hand and say come on, let me help you in the elevator here. i still think i can do the job, face the nation i think is mighty good these days and i just thought that this was a good time to do it. that is why i did it, i have got a little tip for you, if you'll turn tune in this morning at 10:30, i will tell you who my successor will be as moderator on face the nation. that is in the the big news today but it is local news around my house so if you tune in, we will tell you about that. we will also tell you you and start with the serious and real news of the daze, and that is this agreement between iran and the the united states over nuclear matters. is it going to hold? is it dead? we will talk to the secretary of state about that. the president last night really unloaded on john mccain and republican critics of this plan plan and we will get into that too. we've got some serious news and a little local news this morning. >> as always a lot to cover on cbs face the nation. i'm interest todd hear who you you announce as your successor. regardless of who it is some huge shoes to fill, so thank you for everything. >> mighty nice to say that. >> yes you are so welcome. we even eye chatting with you on sunday mornings, thanks bob. >> okay. >> still to come this morning it is a nice finish to the weekend, but what about the workweek carol returns with your seven day forecast just ahead. also are you looking to improve your tennis swing, maybe your golf game or your running stride? well, now you can get feedback like the pros. consumer reporter jim donovan shows us gadgets design to help you you become a better athlete. speaking of golf, we will also have this. >> reporter: twenty-one year-old texan is on top of the leader board at the masters. i'm other mar villafranca with the latest and just like that the snow is gone. and parkas become jackets. and sweaters go down for a long nap. and off you go. and your backyard gets a whole lot bigger. and you're running... and climbing... and your gear gets lighter and trimmer, and fitter and smarter. and now every frozen second spent willing this day to come is just a warm fading memory. ♪ smart gadget designed to help your skills in all sports. three on your side consumer reporter jim donovan has a look the at latest smart sport tea advises. >> reporter: rebecca soreburn is trying to improve her tennis game. the at times she works with the coach but when she does not, she uses smart gadgets like this zep sensor to track her play. >> it gives me great feedback on are you hitting the ball in the sweet spot, is what your power level on your shots. >> reporter: rebecca says devices she uses serve up valuable information that she could not get anywhere else. >> analyze your game in a way you would never be able to, you know just from playing or having someone watch you. >> reporter: this type of data gathering tech isn't limited to tennis. >> we're starting to see a variety of, sporting equipment, a across basketball soccer, baseball, golf running, that are equipped to help measure your statistic and help you you improve. >> reporter: equipment like smart soccer or basketball products to track your golf stats and swing. even smart socks designed to help runners improve their technique. as for pricing. >> these are not cheap. they will go anywhere from $50 at the low end to $300 at the high end depending on what it is. >> reporter: can more data lead to better performance. >> the ability to measure allows to you improve and that is where these sport devices make an impact. >> reporter: ted vicky of the american council on exercise believes that technology should be a training tool not a substitute for a professional coach. >> there will always be, the need to have a personal relationship between a player, and a coach, between a client, and a personal trainer. >> reporter: rebecca says her smart gadgets motivate her to cheap working to achieve her goals and she recommend other athletes give tech a try. >> it is fun you get to learn about your game and gives you an ability to improve. >> reporter: when it comes to choosing the right tech for you, experts say focus on a few areas to improve so you don't get overwhelmed with the date a i have posted links with more information on cbs and facebook and twitter feed, reporting for three on your side i'm jim donovan. >> all right. 8:46, and in washington saturday a festival to celebrate cherry blossoms. very grand out there. thousands lined the streets to watch the floats and band pass by, the the parade was filled by a treat festival. the event draw many tourist to the nation's capitol. it is just in time to see these, check it out, cherry blossom trees have reached their peak bloom, so gorgeous out there. there are some 3,000 cherry trees in all and they were gifts from japan back in 1912. philadelphia's cherry trees are expect to peak somewhere between april 18th and the the the 23rd, we have a little bit of time before that happens but we love to see that because it means spring is here, right carol. >> that is exactly right and, there is a cherry blossom festival anyway through fairmount park, lots of things going on as you head out there and take a look at the the trees starting to budd out and it looks great. eyewitness weather watchers are up early this morning we a 37-degree temperature. this was cat any wynonna. she said beautiful sunshine but frost on the edge of my roof. i don't think for long. because, that sunnies up and that took care of that and that frost advisory had has expired, 42-degree temperature. the that is where we will fine phil what do you have to say for to us day. it will be i great day. the let's go outside and smile at the sun. the unis is smiling back at us. we have temperatures that are lovely all of our weather watchers are up this morning and finding their temperatures in the 30's and the 40's, so we enjoy that, i know they enjoy that too. lets take our shoes off, and walk over get your feed in the sand. take off those stilettos and people are already walking around in the sand and it is juice we're changing seasons nicole and feels great. she and i have complained endlessly about the weather. we're glad, we have no complaints about it today. it the is also nice out in reading. even if you don't have sand under your feet you can have not the snow under your feet. we have 49 degrees in reading right now. brightening up. it is beautiful in every location. the wind are light. wind have been the the weather forecast. they have just really made things feel awful. even though temperatures were not that bad the wind just tightened how cold it felt. not today. forty-five in the airport in philadelphia 39 allen town. thirty-nine in the poconos. thirty-eight in millville. everybody warmed up. that was not case this morning. we had some temperatures below freezing. kutztown was 28. it was 30 at the the airport in atlantic city. thirty in millville. we're way out of that problem now. warming up, been clear overnight and we will keep clear skies over philadelphia, allentown, rehoboth beach. and wildwood and your backyard and your deck we've got temperatures in the 60's a and upper 60's to tomorrow, what even warmer? is this true? are we dreaming? if so lets in the wake us up. we have got temperatures getting in the 07's, maybe to 72 degrees we hope. by tuesday, a front comes through here, one of the reasons that we will warm up, on monday temperatures get knock back a couple degrees. the other feature will be a chance of showers coming up. high pressure builds in for wednesday and thursday. they also look nice. future weather no reason to stop this until 4:00 he clock when i randomly just stopped it, still no cloud out there and then we will go through tomorrow, maybe a few passing cloud, by 2:00 in the afternoon, we're still looking at sunshine. the remember i mentioned the front, the the front will be coming through here with cloud first this computer model says in the morning on tuesday, some rain showers. i fell i expect the the timing on all this to change by the time we get to tuesday the take away message is probably tuesday, may have some showers associated with it. maybe we can get them out early. this model a says in, you'll keep some at the shore even at 7:00 but we will see. tuesday some showers but we are hoping for some sun breaks as well on tuesday. wednesday, looks to be sunny thursday looks to be sunny too. today looks spectacular. 68 degrees. fifty-five at the shore. poconos 65. it is a win in all locations and wind are light in all locations out of the west at 5 miles an hour. then tonight we will drop dunn to 40, lovely offer night as well, tomorrow get set up, perfect for going back to school and sit in the office and stair out the the window with envy. seventy-one on monday. tuesday, 68 degrees with a couple showers chances. wednesday and thursday looking great in the 60's. friday maybe a shower with another front, and they could still be around saturday morning. we will get them around here and that is how it looks at this point. do you love watching weather? you can be featured in our newscast by becoming a i weather watcher. sign up at cbs 8:51. lets check on the road one last time with ann evans in the traffic center. >> reporter: hey nicole. we are looking at i-95 right at the airport. i-95 at the the airport. what a beautiful day to take a flight. the that is what you are doing southbound lanes to the right and they look fine. volume building but in delays on i-95 heading for a flight yourself or maybe dropping someone off at the the airport. it will be a good drive. we will move traffic cam this morning to the ben franklin parkway. again in events happening on the ben franklin parkway, opened for business no delays or problems. if you look to the right that is kelly drive opened there but further down it shuts down between found dane green drive and hunting park after a new. if you look to the left martin luther king drive shut down between ben franklin parkway and montgomery drive for recreational activities and also for cherry blossom festival in fair mount park. we will move to the ben franklin bridge mid span in, delays or problems on the ben franklin, again, light volume, no delays, the area bridges as a whole through philadelphia look okay. further up 676, admiral wilson boulevard looks okay n problems on 42 or 55 or ac expressway or garden state parkway for that matter. the mass transit, are in is town high speed line busing between 69th street and ardmore, due to construction. that is latest from the cbs-3 traffic center, i'm ann evans new nicole back to you. berks it is a masters sunday basically a holiday observed in my local household but it is exciting to watch because a young texas golfer is darling of the this years masters tournament. twenty-one year-old jordan spieth is looking for a green jacket as he takes a four stroke lead in the final round of augusta. here's cbs news correspondent omar villafranca. >> it was another record setting day at masters for 21 year-old jordan spieth, the young texas posted lowest 54 score in masters history. >> i was just anxious to get started, but when i got out there and saw a couple putts go in i felt really comfortable. >> reporter: spieth wasn't the only one getting hugovations at legendary augusta national, three times masters champion phil mickelson had a spectacular round and only five strokes off the lead. tiger wood birdied three holes in the row at within point and remain the crowd favorite spieth may not have have name recognition of wood or milk will on but fourth rang player in the world does have a growing legion of fans. >> it has been great watching him coming up and it is almost like he is a phenom like tiger. >> man, what a great way to make your mark, you are at the masters and you're going to win. >> reporter: spieth will be pared sunday with justin rose. rose birdied five of the six to finish four strokes behind the leader n augusta georgia, omar villa franca for cbs-3 "eyewitness news". live coverage gets underway right here at 2:00 o'clock this afternoon. we will take a short break and trading-in or selling your car, truck or suv? takes the hassle out of selling in just 3 easy steps. one, get your free online valuation. two, drive to your local car buying center. and three, walk out with your check in as little as 30 minutes. buying used cars is all we do... all makes and models... no dealership pressure. we'll even settle your loan or lease. so don't wait. get your free online valuation now at i can talk about this all day, car will ol. >> i know, the sky can be as blue as your dress today. absolutely gorgeous out there. >> pretty. >> it is a perfect lag day. if you can get outside plans or just walk out there for a while, i think it will boost anybody's spirits. we have got just a terrific look, skies could not be better. the boardwalk is waiting for you, it is inviting, it is hurling the the next season it the is calling my name nicole, come down. >> take a look at our seven day forecast good my gosh. >> 68 degrees, that may be calling you outside too. seventy-one tomorrow. we have sunshine both days. tuesday might have a couple hours but still it is 68 degrees that is in the a problem and wednesday and thursday look nice too. >> i will to have take you with me do you want to get away down the shore. >> i would love that. >> sound so nice. >> i will be your nanny, for your little boy. >> thanks, carol. that is "eyewitness news" for now. we may be signing off on television but always on line cbs sunday morning is next. make it a great day. lets get to the beach. >> which love that. >> lets do it. >> lets owe go. this is the "name your price" tool. it gives you options based on your budget -- it's a piece of cake. i was told there would be cake. get a free quote at captioning made possible by johnson & johnson where quality products for the american family have been a tradition for generations >> mason: good morning charles osgood is off today, i am anthony mason and this is a special edition of sunday morning. it is our money issue a look at how we earn, save and spend our hard earned dollars. and when it comes to buying things, many of us are so fond of certain products we make a point of asking for them by name. but what is in a name anyway? that's the question lee cowan

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Transcripts For KYW Eyewitness News At 8am 20150412 :

Transcripts For KYW Eyewitness News At 8am 20150412

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disable man abandoned in a wooded area of cobbs creek. his mother is now under arrest and we will have a live report straight ahead. and also today, two cars collide on columbus boulevard we will tell but the charges one driver faces this morning. and, the secret is out, hillary clinton is expect to announce her run for the presidency today. how she will do it and what is next in the race for the white house. >> good morning, it is sunday april 12th i'm nicole brewer. just past 8:00 lets check with carol for more on this beautiful sunday morning. i like the whole week ahead especially the first few days. >> that looks like the real stellar lets put a couple gold stars on it for today and tomorrow definitely. our temperatures this afternoon warmer then yesterday, not as windy. wind gusts yesterday 39 miles an hour. today we won't have any wind gusts and maybe wind of 5 miles an hour. that makes all of the difference outside. ben franklin bridge area from campbell's field, via sky cam three look at those blue skies just a terrific looking day. windmills have nothing to do wind turbines in atlantic city, they are just waiting around okay, where is the wind. we are looking at basically none. we will head outside to reading. wind southwest if we were to find any and, we are not at 0 miles an hour, temperature climbing new to 41 degrees. we have just seen the the expiration of our ross advisory in east affect to the east and west of philadelphia storm scan three now nothing going on. we have not even cloud. it is wonderful out there. 45 degrees in philadelphia. forty-one in trenton. forty-one wilmington. thirty-nine in the poconos. allentown way out of the freezing mark now, 42 in atlantic city and millville, 38 although those numbers below freezing mark just about 20 minutes ago. wrapped warm up. temperatures will be warming up, lot by 3:00 p.m. we are at 68 degrees sunshine, light wind, just terrific, we will put this into motion and we will pick up, not even a cloud by the time we hit the 5:00 o'clock today. i think you will he love tomorrow too. maybe not the the end of the week. we will talk about that, coming up nicole. thank you carol. developing right now police say woman accused of abandoning her disabled sonnies in custody this morning. reporter cherry greg from our sister station kyw news radio 1060 joins us live from children's hospital with more on this story, cherry, good morning. >> reporter: good morning, nicole. yes, i'm here outside of children's hospital where a 21 year-old man is in stable condition and this morning, maryland authority have arrested his mother, 41 year-old nia parlor, of philadelphia, they say that she abandoned her 21 year-old quadriplegic son leaving him in the wooded area near cobbs creek parkway. police say parlor left her son in this wooded area on monday, where he stayed in the rain, and cold, until friday. around 9:00 p.m. someone walk ago long the the parkway spotted his wheelchair. >> we looked down and found a young man lying there, in the leafs, he had a blanket on him, he went to see if he was okay and he was unresponsive. >> reporter: twenty-one year-old young man is non-verb willal cerebral palsy and wheelchair bound his entire life. after five days of no food or water his injuries include a deep cut on his back, dehydration and malnutrition as well as eye infections. >> he is obviously a fighter. it the is unbelievable how we found him last night to see that kid laying there it is heart break to go see another human especially your mother, can treat you like that. >> reporter: police say his mother left him in that park, hopped a bus to maryland to be with her boyfriend and lied from officials to the school of the officials telling him he was safe. >> there is no reason, to do he is doing very well. >> luckily that young man is here, at chop, and he is surrounded by family and friend, and expect to be okay. parker is in police custody in maryland. thinks a beginning of the multi part investigation to discover how and why this could have happen. live outside of children's hospital, cherry greg for kyw news radio for cbs-3 "eyewitness news". >> thank goodness he is okay thank you. new this morning dui charges in an overnight ca crash this was the scene in, queen village at columbus boulevard and christian street. two cars collided, just before 2:30. police say a male driver was under the the influence and two women were in the other car. police make an arrest in the abduction and assault that happened in the jeweler's row section of center city. sources confirmed to "eyewitness news" that khiry gay was arrested friday night in south carolina last saturday police say three men snatched a five three-year old woman from a parking garage, dragged her in the burgundy van and beat, robbed and used a taser on her for hours. she was eventually found in a darby township cemetery and hospitalized. the the u.s. capitol is opened once again, the building went into will be down on saturday after a man shot and killed himself outside of that building. cbs news correspondent mark albert reports from capitol hill. capitol police and witnesses say the man still unidentified walk up to the west front of the u.s. capitol with the suitcase and gun. robert bishop stood a few feet away. >> i was talking to somebody, she looked over and said my god he has a gun. i turned around and i saw a guy with the sign and he had just shot himself. >> reporter: bishop said the man collapsed to the ground after one shot. >> a woman was crying and started ducking down and wanting to run. another girl was crying she was looking over my shoulder. she saw him shoot himself. >> reporter: the capitol was put in lock down, police block off the area and bomb squad technicians inspect the scene. jeff harrison is from northern virginia and heard a pop. >> what did you think it was. >> i thought it was a fire cracker. >> reporter: then what did you see? >> we saw police vehicles gather around the front of the capitol. >> reporter: inside tourist were told they could in the leave, elizabeth heyes was visiting from pittsburgh and stuck in the capitol visitors center for two hours along with hundred other tourists. >> you are sitting there, you don't have any information what are those minutes like. >> they are excruciating. it felt like hours. never thought someone would commit suicide when i was visiting the u.s. capitol. >> reporter: police have not reruled the motive or if other weapons were found. lock down was lifted after two and a half hours. mark albert cb is s news, capitol hill. 8:07. historic meeting in panama, president obama sat down one on one with raul castro. the president return home late last night, new they expect on saturday afternoon, first time by the the way since american and cuban leaders have had substantial meet initial more than 50 years. both countries are looking to move past decade of animosity to renew diplomatic ties. >> the the you had will not be imprisoned by the past. we're looking to the future. the policies that improve the lives of the cuban people and advance the interests of cooperation in the hemisphere. >> president obama a announced in december that he was reopening relations with cuba. u.s. sanction as begins the communist country, however must be lifted by congress. president castro says he is willing to discuss ongoing issue. after months after speculation hillary clinton is ready to make it official. sources say she'll announce her campaign for president today. reporter steve has the details. >> thank you thank you all so much. >> reporter: hillary clinton is running for president. much anticipated announcement is expect to come in the form of the video posted to social media, according to sources close to her campaign. she will then hit the the road visiting early voting states of new hampshire and iowa. in 2008 clinton suffered a third place finish opening the door for then senator barack obama. this time around aids are in the taking anything for granted. >> going iowa will be hugely important to her. last time in 2007/08 she was criticized for being to i am peer just for not going outside of des moines. >> reporter: also leading up to the a announcement a new up log in her book hard choices offers insight into her decision. becoming a grandmother she writes has made me think deeply about the responsibility we all share as stewards of the world we inherit the and will one day pass on. as for competition on the democratic side, it is clinton and then everyone else. latest cnn or rc poll has her at 62 percent. vice-president joe biden a difficulties extant second at 15 percent but she does have obstacle toss overcome most recently uproar over her use of the private e-mail server while secretary of state. >> please join me in welcoming hillary rodham clinton. >> reporter: republican national committee wasted no time in releasing a new ad part of the stop hillary campaign. >> par for the the course for clintons, they are always secretive. >> reporter: sign of the road ahead for clinton as she embarks on her second presidential run. in washington i'm steve manus reporting. the day after clinton is expect to make her candidacy official florida senator rubio is expected to nuns his own presidential bid. rubio will deliver a speech tomorrow in miami. the republican would bypass second term in the the senate in order to run for president. in the race for philadelphia's next mayor the candidates talked immigration at a forum on saturday. "eyewitness news" at the german society auditorium in the spring garden street. the candidates fielded questions about key immigration issues like education, and access and government representation. the forum was sponsored by a group called united voices for fill. you you can see candidates talk about the issues facing the city on the moving philadelphia forward forum moderate by our own ukee washington. it the airs again this morning at 11:00 o'clock on our sister station the cw philly. and coming up next on "eyewitness news" the healing power of art how a new program is helping homeless people overcome many obstacles. also a ahead returning to the ruble residents of the tornado ravaged town survey is what left of their homes, for the first time since thursday's storm and for many of them there is nothing left, we will have those coming up ne as cbs's dean reynold report many were wondering if their homes were even still standing. >> reporter: fair dale illinois was never much more than a small dot on the map and now it is less than that 70 buildings were either destroyed or damage here on thursday, power remains out for most of the 150 resident, and the clean up, is just beginning. thirty-six hours after the the twister hit, bright sunshine illuminated the scope of the disaster. >> we have a licensing road ahead of us. >> reporter: tj rigs lost his business and apartment where he lived right above it. >> my first reaction i cannot say on tv but my second reaction was, you know, everything is gone, i don't know what to do. >> reporter: twister that hit fair dale was half mile wide with the trail that ran nearly 30 miles long. two people died and 22 were injured, as the storm tore through northern illinois. a along with utility crews fair dale's neighbors are picking through debris and that is all it really is. two counties that suffered is the brunt of the storm have been aptly designated disaster areas by the the governor. soon, the the people of fair dale will to have deciding whether to rebuild where the the tornadoes footprint is new so cruelly visible or leave the painful memories behind and start over. someplace, anyplace, else. dean reynolds for cbs news chicago. it is 8:15 right now. philadelphia's mayor michael nutter kick off eighth annual philly spring clean up. mayor nutter join volunteers and local officials at germantown's vernon park. clean up effort is city wide. tens of thousands on have people come through the streets and park throwing away trash and making sure philly is ready for spring as part of the individual clean up projects. "eyewitness news" caught up with the mayor after that event. >> i'm so proud of philadelphians all across the city. dave perry and don carlton over at the streets department, they have really done a fantastic job and again, out done themselves. 600 projects all across the city of philadelphia. >> in past years, spring clean up efforts have resulted in millions of pound of trash and recyclable being removed from the city. job well done to those folks. 8:16 right now. perfect day to do pretty much anything. >> it is, just try to make it outside because weather as you can see behind me is beautiful. we have blue skies no cloud no chance of precipitation, we are looking at, stellar weather and it is there at the shore, people running around on the boardwalk in ocean city and why not. they are having a great time doing it. another boardwalk lets see if they are running down the poured walk here, they are, keep going faster faster, come on. you can see people outside on the beach. this we are starting to turn the corn are. can you you feel it? after a windy day yesterday, it wasn't bad but it was just so windy out there. that will not be the the case today. we have a temperature of 45 degrees. everybody is warming up and we have away to go. we will find these temperatures getting to 68 degrees in philadelphia it is 39 in allentown. forty-two in atlantic city where it was below freezing not that long ago. frost advisory has expired in all locations. the the the wind are calm through philadelphia, they are 6 miles an hour, we will take that. it certainly beats almost 40 miles an her like we saw yesterday. storm scan three clear skies, over us there might be a few cloud near cincinnati that is it, they are going to be enjoying a nice day. temperatures in the 60's today, looks great, tomorrow why don't we add a couple degrees so we crack in the 70's and i think we will. we will find temperatures around 70 to lower 70's. and then a front comes through here. it doesn't knock us back too much temperature wise for tuesday but it does trigger a chance for showers in parts of the area speaking of which lets find out when. for today none. i'll stop this at 3:00 to let you know that it is still clear. there aren't any cloud out there at 3:00 this afternoon. then tomorrow we will see a passing cloud but that is it. by tuesday we're watching for some showers, coming through, this is a look at 10:00 o'clock on tuesday morning, and then subject to change, as we all know by now tuesday is a licensing way out in the weather business. so this front can change its mind and timing and that sort of thing. the tuesday look like a day there could be showers around and you can see this one wants to keep a few showers around even tuesday later on in the afternoon but by wednesday they are gone, we are drying out around a here and it is nice. maybe not as nice as today because this will be a hard one to top. 68 degrees, sunny skies at the shore, 55 degrees in the poconos. 65 degrees where ever you go, however you you get there you will be dealing with great weather conditions today. our wind are light, temperatures fine, sky conditions ideal. tonight we will drop down to 45. don't you wish we could do this year round. makes it so easy. 45 degrees mostly clear skies, cool. as we but to through next couple days we will get into that 70-degree range on monday with sun cloud tuesday that day of maybe finding some showers, but also some sun breaks. wednesday and thursday with high pressure again, we are back in the 60's with dry conditions friday, maybe some showers, with a front coming through and then the the way it looks right new maybe at day morning but again, it is tuesday the the the long way off in the weather business, friday and saturday are farther off. so lets get some sun is shine then too nicole. >> it is looking good so far. >> carol thanks. 8:19. lets check on the road with ann evans in the traffic center. >> you just heard carol's forecast where ever you go, traffic so far, will be cooperating. we are looking at i-95 this is i-95 at columbus boulevard northbound lanes to the right of your screen. no delays or problems on i-95 through philadelphia or suburbs this morning. we will move traffic cam to the schuylkill expressway at spring gar even street, schuylkill gaining volume, look at that but it is moving, no delays or problems on the schuylkill, looking to the right that is martin luther king drive that is shut down, ben franklin parkway and montgomery drive shut down for recreational activities and hut down for cherry blossom festival in fair mount park this morning and this have afternoon. if you go there have a great time. kelly drive closed between fountain green drive and hunting park avenue for regatta that is happening. on to the the walt whitman bridge, the the walt whitman in fact all area bridges are in good shape this morning with no delays or problems. further up 42, 55, ac expressway and garden state parkway all look okay. that is latest from the traffic center, i'm ann evans now nicole, back to you. on the healthwatch this morning, the the healing power of art, project home has a special art program to help homeless people overcome many obstacles. health reporter stephanie stahl introduces us to the artist whose lives have been turned around. >> reporter: instead of drugs emmanuel havens now find comfort with art after years of being addicted and home less manny is now a regular at project home artwork shop. >> it helps alleviate a a lot of stress and tension first of all. >> reporter: project home art program empowers people were home less providing them with healthy productive ways to express themselves, share ideas. >> it the helps people to be able to have self esteem and confidence in that accomplishments. >> reporter: rachel erika the program coordinator say therapeutic benefits of art therapy are well documented. for some people it is a way to feel productive and connect. >> place where people can develop skills. the it is a socialization and the the ability to be able to explore and problem solve through the medium. >> vince struggles with severe depression that left him periodically home less. he says his art on display in a upcoming show depicts chaos in his brain. >> it literal willly is a way of getting those emotions out of of your system instead of pushing them down, you build up, build up it allows to you express tonight a very healthy way. >> reporter: the art from project home will be featured at artist for all seasons art show opening up monday the 13th at drexel university. we have more information at cbs, click on health and i'll post it on facebook and twitter. i'm stephanie stahl cbs-3 eyewitness naus. our stephanie he stall certainly making the round this week she was also taking part in bingo for a great cause at the writ even house hotel. it is called blingon o to help filed muscular dystrophy. it was organize by a national non-profit. due schenn is deadliest and most common form of muscular dystrophy. there is no effective treatment or cure for that condition. we will be right back. jim kenney. son of a firefighter. first in his family to go to college. he's been councilman at-large, representing the whole city. a progressive voice who'll be a mayor for our neighborhoods. bringing philadelphia together... expanding pre-kindergarten improving our schools... ...and partnering with businesses, community colleges and universities to create jobs jim kenny, the block by block mayor we need to move philadelphia ahead. and welcome back. roman catholics and protestants marked easter last week and today, eastern orthodox churches celebrate day followers believe jesus was resurrect 2,000 years ago. in egypt christians attended midnight mass holding candles and praying n russia prime minister dimitri and president vladamire putin celebrated at the cathedral of christ the savior in months co. on cbs this sunday morning a special money episode for you. of course, everybody likes it but there are only a few real money makers. ana warner introduces to us one of them. here's a pre view of what you will see later on cbs sunday morning. >> reporter: in this fast paced world obsessed with earning money and spending it it is understandable why you might aot take a minute to examine your spare change. but if you did you might find those coins are miniature work of art. >> there is art in money. >> there is. >> don everheart should know, he is lead sculptor for u.s. mint in philadelphia. >> people talk all the time about making money but you actually make money. >> right. >> you could say that. >> reporter: everheart's designs range from the state quarters we use every day, to metals presented to world leaders. >> it is a pretty unique job. >> very unique, is there only seven of us in this country that do what i do and we're all in this building. >> how many designs do you think you have come up with. >> got to be in the thousands, literally report report most coin designers use computers but not ever heart. for him each design starts with the lump of clay. >> so how much depth do you get on that. >> i think we did this in 70 or 80,000s of an inch. >> 80,000 of an inch. >> a 16th of a inch. >> that is what you get to work with. >> yes. >> not a lot of space. >> not a lot no. >> new i can see why they work so hard, it makes a lot of sense, get it. the art of making money plus high flying aboard donald trump's private luxury jet this sunday morning on cbs-3 at 9:00 o'clock. coming up in the next half an hour of "eyewitness news" we have new developments in an arrest is made after a severely disable man is left to fend for himself in the wood for days. we will have a live report. also ahead are you looking to improve your tennis swing golf game or maybe your running stride? now you can get feedback just like the pros. three on your side jim donovan takes a look at gadgets design is and boost your athletic performance. if you are liking yesterday you will love today, carol is back to tell us what we can expect in the the forecast, we will be right back. i saw a commercial that said you can save $500 by switching to progressive. that was me, mom. [ laugh ] i thought you said "that was me, mom." [ laughter ] today, it is sunday, april 12th, good morning thanks so much for joining us. i'm nicole brewer. it is 8:30. let's send it offer to carol for more on the forecast which sound amazing, carol. >> it is, we have waited a long time. we have talk a a lot about how tired we are of bad weather, winter weather weather too cold for the month of april? that all changes today. our temperatures will be above where they are supposed to be, wind light sunnies out absolutely perfect and it comes on a weekend day which is even nicer. ben franklin bridge area from campbell's field camera looks lovely, in the a cloud in the sky. we will head down to the shore and you can see people outside on the boardwalk, ocean city enjoying themselves, running around walking and waiting for they are able to put sun tan lotion on and sun screen and get out there and energy summer warmth. we have temperature now in kutztown of 40. that is fine. we will watch this this morning with frost on the ground and temperatures of 28 degrees this morning. huge warm up. a very wrapped it one as that sun has come up. enjoy this day it will be stellar. forty-five at the the a airport in philadelphia appear of 41's in trenton and wilmington. millville 38 degrees. allentown 39. same thing with the poconos. clear skies in all locations just a gorgeous day, calm wind in every location. if you are finding any wind out split is 6 miles an hour in the poconos philadelphia and atlantic city. otherwise, this is just i cannot say it often enough, just a stellar day try to get outside. temperatures in the upper 60's today. we are not looking for cloud either. we will put this in motion and notice we will keep things great through 6:00 o'clock tonight and little bit beyond that too i will show you seven day forecast coming up nicole. >> carol, thank you. we are following a developing story for you this morning, police say woman accused of a abandoning her disable sonnies in custody. reporter cherrie greg from our sister station kyw news radio 1060 joins us live from children's hospital with more cherry good morning. >> yes police new have 41 year-old nia parlor in custody in maryland where she will be charged with aggravated a assault, reckless endangerment and other crimes police say she abandoned her 21 year-old quadriplegic son in the wooded area near cobbs creek parkway for days without food or water, as you can see from the video work parlor left her son in this area the at cobbs creek parkway on monday. the young man has cerebral palsy, non-verbal and has been wheelchair bound his entire life. luckily on friday night somebody walking nearby found the the 21 year-old lying in the pile of leaves. his wheelchair beside him. his only tools for defense against cold and rain a blanket and bible. lieutenant john walker told reporters that the situation could have ended in tragedy. >> this kiddies a fighter, it is unbelievable how we found him to see him laying there it is hard break to go see another human especially your moth are can treat somebody like that when you had all of the opportunities in the world to turn that kid over tour family members who wanted to care for him. there is a absolutely in reason to do what you did with this particular child and we are fortunate here today that this kiddies surviving, doing very well. >> it looks like we're having a little bit of trouble with cherrie's audio there. she's reporting out identify children's hospital of philadelphia. 8:34. new this morning a woman is taken to the hospital after she is shot in delaware county this all happen on macdade boulevard in wood land. police roped off a small area outside r. club and they say that with man suffer non-life threatening injuries. there is in word on a suspect or motive, no arrests has been made. in north philadelphia, a shooting near girard college a 49 year-old man was shot three times in the back on justin street. he was taken to temple hospital where he is in critical condition. it happen just before 3:30 this morning. unarmed black man shot to death by a police officer in south carolina has been laid to rest. mourners paid their respect to walter scott at a christian center 20 miles from where that 50 year-old was gunned down from behind. cell phone video taken from last saturday appears to show officer michael slager repeatedly firing at scott as he ran away from a traffic stop. scott's family attorney spoke after the funeral. >> epidemic of power less people being taken advantage of in matter what color, no matter what gender no matter what belief system you have, need to stop. >> officer slager who grew up in south jersey is now behind bars charged with scott's murder. friend, family of the murder mount laurel mother said good bye on saturday. service for erika crippen was hell at faith holy temple on river road in camden. crippen's body was found in maryland last month. she had been missing since new years day. her husband kyle crosby is charge with her murder and he is behind bars on 1.2 million-dollar bail. this is scary moments at cleveland zoo a two-year old boy plunge some 12 feet in the cheetah exhibit. the boy's parents pulled him out of that enclosure and cheetahs thank goodness never approached that child. zoo officials a that child's mother was dangling the toddler over a protective railing when he slip. the boy reportedly suffered leg injuries but is expect to be okay. heavy rains for blame for causing a gigantic bold tore invoiced down a hill landing on a road in lawrence county, ohio, check this out it is as big as a house and weighs 1500 tons. crews spent the day break ago part that boulder. for new you westbound lanes have of route 52 are still closed no one was injured so that is good news and no vehicles were damaged. 8:36. there is still much more to come on "eyewitness news" this morning, coming up next we will check with face the nation's bob schieffer for a look at today's broadcast, we will be right cws face the nation will be coming your way later on this morning, at 10:30 right here on cbs 36789 joining us new with the preview live from washington is maryland rate or and cbs news chief washington correspondent bob schieffer. bob, good morning. we are hearing sunday's on cbs will never be the same. we wanted to say congratulations, on your retirement. 1969 is when you started with cbs, 46 years. >> forty-six years ago, i have been a reporter actually for 58 years, and people say why are you going to do this? i'm doing it because i still think i can dot job. i didn't want to be one of these people and we see it all too often here in washington they hang around until some member of the staff has to take him, by the hand and say come on, let me help you in the elevator here. i still think i can do the job, face the nation i think is mighty good these days and i just thought that this was a good time to do it. that is why i did it, i have got a little tip for you, if you'll turn tune in this morning at 10:30, i will tell you who my successor will be as moderator on face the nation. that is in the the big news today but it is local news around my house so if you tune in, we will tell you about that. we will also tell you you and start with the serious and real news of the daze, and that is this agreement between iran and the the united states over nuclear matters. is it going to hold? is it dead? we will talk to the secretary of state about that. the president last night really unloaded on john mccain and republican critics of this plan plan and we will get into that too. we've got some serious news and a little local news this morning. >> as always a lot to cover on cbs face the nation. i'm interest todd hear who you you announce as your successor. regardless of who it is some huge shoes to fill, so thank you for everything. >> mighty nice to say that. >> yes you are so welcome. we even eye chatting with you on sunday mornings, thanks bob. >> okay. >> still to come this morning it is a nice finish to the weekend, but what about the workweek carol returns with your seven day forecast just ahead. also are you looking to improve your tennis swing, maybe your golf game or your running stride? well, now you can get feedback like the pros. consumer reporter jim donovan shows us gadgets design to help you you become a better athlete. speaking of golf, we will also have this. >> reporter: twenty-one year-old texan is on top of the leader board at the masters. i'm other mar villafranca with the latest and just like that the snow is gone. and parkas become jackets. and sweaters go down for a long nap. and off you go. and your backyard gets a whole lot bigger. and you're running... and climbing... and your gear gets lighter and trimmer, and fitter and smarter. and now every frozen second spent willing this day to come is just a warm fading memory. ♪ smart gadget designed to help your skills in all sports. three on your side consumer reporter jim donovan has a look the at latest smart sport tea advises. >> reporter: rebecca soreburn is trying to improve her tennis game. the at times she works with the coach but when she does not, she uses smart gadgets like this zep sensor to track her play. >> it gives me great feedback on are you hitting the ball in the sweet spot, is what your power level on your shots. >> reporter: rebecca says devices she uses serve up valuable information that she could not get anywhere else. >> analyze your game in a way you would never be able to, you know just from playing or having someone watch you. >> reporter: this type of data gathering tech isn't limited to tennis. >> we're starting to see a variety of, sporting equipment, a across basketball soccer, baseball, golf running, that are equipped to help measure your statistic and help you you improve. >> reporter: equipment like smart soccer or basketball products to track your golf stats and swing. even smart socks designed to help runners improve their technique. as for pricing. >> these are not cheap. they will go anywhere from $50 at the low end to $300 at the high end depending on what it is. >> reporter: can more data lead to better performance. >> the ability to measure allows to you improve and that is where these sport devices make an impact. >> reporter: ted vicky of the american council on exercise believes that technology should be a training tool not a substitute for a professional coach. >> there will always be, the need to have a personal relationship between a player, and a coach, between a client, and a personal trainer. >> reporter: rebecca says her smart gadgets motivate her to cheap working to achieve her goals and she recommend other athletes give tech a try. >> it is fun you get to learn about your game and gives you an ability to improve. >> reporter: when it comes to choosing the right tech for you, experts say focus on a few areas to improve so you don't get overwhelmed with the date a i have posted links with more information on cbs and facebook and twitter feed, reporting for three on your side i'm jim donovan. >> all right. 8:46, and in washington saturday a festival to celebrate cherry blossoms. very grand out there. thousands lined the streets to watch the floats and band pass by, the the parade was filled by a treat festival. the event draw many tourist to the nation's capitol. it is just in time to see these, check it out, cherry blossom trees have reached their peak bloom, so gorgeous out there. there are some 3,000 cherry trees in all and they were gifts from japan back in 1912. philadelphia's cherry trees are expect to peak somewhere between april 18th and the the the 23rd, we have a little bit of time before that happens but we love to see that because it means spring is here, right carol. >> that is exactly right and, there is a cherry blossom festival anyway through fairmount park, lots of things going on as you head out there and take a look at the the trees starting to budd out and it looks great. eyewitness weather watchers are up early this morning we a 37-degree temperature. this was cat any wynonna. she said beautiful sunshine but frost on the edge of my roof. i don't think for long. because, that sunnies up and that took care of that and that frost advisory had has expired, 42-degree temperature. the that is where we will fine phil what do you have to say for to us day. it will be i great day. the let's go outside and smile at the sun. the unis is smiling back at us. we have temperatures that are lovely all of our weather watchers are up this morning and finding their temperatures in the 30's and the 40's, so we enjoy that, i know they enjoy that too. lets take our shoes off, and walk over get your feed in the sand. take off those stilettos and people are already walking around in the sand and it is juice we're changing seasons nicole and feels great. she and i have complained endlessly about the weather. we're glad, we have no complaints about it today. it the is also nice out in reading. even if you don't have sand under your feet you can have not the snow under your feet. we have 49 degrees in reading right now. brightening up. it is beautiful in every location. the wind are light. wind have been the the weather forecast. they have just really made things feel awful. even though temperatures were not that bad the wind just tightened how cold it felt. not today. forty-five in the airport in philadelphia 39 allen town. thirty-nine in the poconos. thirty-eight in millville. everybody warmed up. that was not case this morning. we had some temperatures below freezing. kutztown was 28. it was 30 at the the airport in atlantic city. thirty in millville. we're way out of that problem now. warming up, been clear overnight and we will keep clear skies over philadelphia, allentown, rehoboth beach. and wildwood and your backyard and your deck we've got temperatures in the 60's a and upper 60's to tomorrow, what even warmer? is this true? are we dreaming? if so lets in the wake us up. we have got temperatures getting in the 07's, maybe to 72 degrees we hope. by tuesday, a front comes through here, one of the reasons that we will warm up, on monday temperatures get knock back a couple degrees. the other feature will be a chance of showers coming up. high pressure builds in for wednesday and thursday. they also look nice. future weather no reason to stop this until 4:00 he clock when i randomly just stopped it, still no cloud out there and then we will go through tomorrow, maybe a few passing cloud, by 2:00 in the afternoon, we're still looking at sunshine. the remember i mentioned the front, the the front will be coming through here with cloud first this computer model says in the morning on tuesday, some rain showers. i fell i expect the the timing on all this to change by the time we get to tuesday the take away message is probably tuesday, may have some showers associated with it. maybe we can get them out early. this model a says in, you'll keep some at the shore even at 7:00 but we will see. tuesday some showers but we are hoping for some sun breaks as well on tuesday. wednesday, looks to be sunny thursday looks to be sunny too. today looks spectacular. 68 degrees. fifty-five at the shore. poconos 65. it is a win in all locations and wind are light in all locations out of the west at 5 miles an hour. then tonight we will drop dunn to 40, lovely offer night as well, tomorrow get set up, perfect for going back to school and sit in the office and stair out the the window with envy. seventy-one on monday. tuesday, 68 degrees with a couple showers chances. wednesday and thursday looking great in the 60's. friday maybe a shower with another front, and they could still be around saturday morning. we will get them around here and that is how it looks at this point. do you love watching weather? you can be featured in our newscast by becoming a i weather watcher. sign up at cbs 8:51. lets check on the road one last time with ann evans in the traffic center. >> reporter: hey nicole. we are looking at i-95 right at the airport. i-95 at the the airport. what a beautiful day to take a flight. the that is what you are doing southbound lanes to the right and they look fine. volume building but in delays on i-95 heading for a flight yourself or maybe dropping someone off at the the airport. it will be a good drive. we will move traffic cam this morning to the ben franklin parkway. again in events happening on the ben franklin parkway, opened for business no delays or problems. if you look to the right that is kelly drive opened there but further down it shuts down between found dane green drive and hunting park after a new. if you look to the left martin luther king drive shut down between ben franklin parkway and montgomery drive for recreational activities and also for cherry blossom festival in fair mount park. we will move to the ben franklin bridge mid span in, delays or problems on the ben franklin, again, light volume, no delays, the area bridges as a whole through philadelphia look okay. further up 676, admiral wilson boulevard looks okay n problems on 42 or 55 or ac expressway or garden state parkway for that matter. the mass transit, are in is town high speed line busing between 69th street and ardmore, due to construction. that is latest from the cbs-3 traffic center, i'm ann evans new nicole back to you. berks it is a masters sunday basically a holiday observed in my local household but it is exciting to watch because a young texas golfer is darling of the this years masters tournament. twenty-one year-old jordan spieth is looking for a green jacket as he takes a four stroke lead in the final round of augusta. here's cbs news correspondent omar villafranca. >> it was another record setting day at masters for 21 year-old jordan spieth, the young texas posted lowest 54 score in masters history. >> i was just anxious to get started, but when i got out there and saw a couple putts go in i felt really comfortable. >> reporter: spieth wasn't the only one getting hugovations at legendary augusta national, three times masters champion phil mickelson had a spectacular round and only five strokes off the lead. tiger wood birdied three holes in the row at within point and remain the crowd favorite spieth may not have have name recognition of wood or milk will on but fourth rang player in the world does have a growing legion of fans. >> it has been great watching him coming up and it is almost like he is a phenom like tiger. >> man, what a great way to make your mark, you are at the masters and you're going to win. >> reporter: spieth will be pared sunday with justin rose. rose birdied five of the six to finish four strokes behind the leader n augusta georgia, omar villa franca for cbs-3 "eyewitness news". live coverage gets underway right here at 2:00 o'clock this afternoon. we will take a short break and trading-in or selling your car, truck or suv? 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might have a couple hours but still it is 68 degrees that is in the a problem and wednesday and thursday look nice too. >> i will to have take you with me do you want to get away down the shore. >> i would love that. >> sound so nice. >> i will be your nanny, for your little boy. >> thanks, carol. that is "eyewitness news" for now. we may be signing off on television but always on line cbs sunday morning is next. make it a great day. lets get to the beach. >> which love that. >> lets do it. >> lets owe go. this is the "name your price" tool. it gives you options based on your budget -- it's a piece of cake. i was told there would be cake. get a free quote at captioning made possible by johnson & johnson where quality products for the american family have been a tradition for generations >> mason: good morning charles osgood is off today, i am anthony mason and this is a special edition of sunday morning. it is our money issue a look at how we earn, save and spend our hard earned dollars. and when it comes to buying things, many of us are so fond of certain products we make a point of asking for them by name. but what is in a name anyway? that's the question lee cowan

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