Transcripts For KYW Eyewitness News At 6 20170726 : comparem

Transcripts For KYW Eyewitness News At 6 20170726

>> positive outlook. >> yes. >> yes. >> by the way, it is friday. >> yes. >> good for you. >> yes. >> so, yes. >> we're looking right now at construction we have a water main break and we will get to that in a little bit. >> we have had showers out there too, very, very localized, we have to look closely too don't blink you might miss it. we have a three hour loop of the showers rolling through, and they just got stuck over part of the berks, lehigh counties and also into kent county, so much so over kent count that i around dover area a flood advisory has been issued until that drains away. keep that in mind. there may be drizzle that will comes but it is mainly cloudy and very comfortable i'll say at the on set, currently 68 degrees the philly international. sixty-seven in atlantic city. very cool really 56 degrees out at mount pocono. you will notice letter e showed up in the wind direction across the board, primarily an on shore flow, ease wind and that will keep us stuck in the cloud. we may see sunshine out there but really limited here today in terms of the how high temperatures will climb. it is welcomed news for us. we will see more cloud then anything and again, fine drizzle here and there. so it is cloudy, cool, comfortable for now. eventually and jim allude todd this umbrella becomes an requirement. later in the show we will let you know when you will want to have that rain gear on hand but here's a hint it does turn nice by the weekend. timing that out later, meisha. >> weekend is what everyone wants to know b thanks very much for. that we are looking outside at the boulevard, we are looking good. pushing in the southbound direction toward schuylkill we are looking good here. would i say holding steady right at these levels right now. once you jump on schuylkill this is what you are working with just cracking in the 6:00 e looking good. i will say schuylkill right around city avenue we are slowing down a little bit, maybe even starting to as we continue to push further west, starting to slow down, less than posted speeds. something to consider. vine westbound closed for that construction clearly opened now west and eastbound. westbound we are slowing down jumping on the schuylkill, eastbound side we are looking great. two auto main break, lower merion township at route one city avenue and another one in fishtown that happened yesterday that we were talking about but road is still closed frankford avenue closed between girard and thompson, your alternate front street is your best bet. bus routes five, 25 are detour ed so head up check your schedules on line, especially, bus route there is and i-95 south ramp to route 29 is closed until right around now it should be clearing, jim, back over to you. we are following breaking news from west philadelphia a row home collapsed near 54th and market street. >> the exact address is seven south ruby street a small street between 53rd and fifth fourth street and there is a lot of damage to this home, but on the end of the route but everyone inside did make it out safe and there are no injuries, but there are detour s on septa 31 bus but there are no interruptions on the market frankford line so that is good news. debate continues on capitol hill on health care bill to repeal and replace obama care in a vote that could not have been closer republicans began debate yesterday, "eyewitness news" reporter jan carabao is live with more on what we can expect today, good morning. >> good morning, senators are expected to resume debate this morning, around 9:30 with the next series of votes, right around 11:30 but yesterday was any indication, efforts to get a new health care bill passed may be far from easy. vote to start debate yesterday came down to the wire, a tie broken by the vice-president, and then a resounding setback for plan to repeal and replace >> motion is not agreed to. >> reporter: by vote of 43 in favor, 57 against, tuesday night, the first g op effort in the senate to repeal and replace obama care has already failed. vote on that bill took place just hours after they decided by most narrow of margin possible to proceed with debate on health care. >> we're new one step closer to liberating our citizens from this obama care nightmare >> this is just beginning we are not out here to spike football. this is a long way. >> reporter: senator john mccain a week after being diagnosed with brain cancer return for the vote, in a passionate address mccain said he was for debate but called health care measure as it stand a quote shell of the bill. >> we have been spinning our wheels on too many important issues because we keep trying to find a way to win without help from across the aisle. we're getting nothing done. >> reporter: nine republicans came out against last night's amendment in the first of what is expect to be many versions of the billheading to the senate floor this week. >> anyone who thinks this is over is sadly mistaken. there are many, many republicans who don't like this bill, don't want to vote for it, they are under enormous pressure to volt for it. >> reporter: plan reject is one according to the non- partisan congressional budget office would have resulted in 22 million fewer people with health care coverage by 2026. now the next vote is expected on a bill that is sometimes called repeal and delay, it would repeal obama care but then delay it from taking effect for two years while republicans figure out a replacement plan. we are live, jan carabao for cbs-3 "eyewitness news", back inside to you. "eyewitness news" has learned that allentown married he had pawlowski is expect to be indict today. mayor pawlowski's attorney says he will not know details of the indictment until it is unsealed later today but we do know indictment is as a result of the lengthy grand jury investigation, you may recall, fbi raided mayor pawlowski's office in 2015. nine people have pled guilty in connection with a pay to play scandal in allentown, and pawlowski is currently running for a fourth term as mayor there. argument between father and son endness gunfire in montgomery county. shooting happened last night on the 400 block of lincoln avenue in pottstown, police say father, identified as joseph lee shot his son andrew several times critically injuring him. father suffered aequat to his hand and there is in word what the fight was about and no charges have been filed. authorities in philadelphia are looking for a man captured on video attacking a septa transit police sergeant. sergeant's body, you can hear screaming there shows her confronting the suspect who shoved her to the ground, officers say man was trespassing on the tracks. this all happened machine night at 58th and angora terrace off 58th and baltimore avenue. police are asking if you have any information on the suspect and the sergeant will be okay. police are looking for suspect after an alleged assault and robbery at an atm in center city. investigators say the woman seen here punched would the man in the face at a td bank atm and stole her bank card and cash. this happened after midnight july 13th at td bank on the corner of broad and sansom, if you recognize those women call the police. philadelphia police also want to warn drivers bay series of car battery thefts over pennsylvania few months. newly released video caught a thief stealing a jeep wrangler 's battery in broad daylight. this happened last thursday at 20th and lombard, police say they have noticed similar thefts since may especially with jeep wranglers. >> unfortunately the jeep wrangler is a easy access target, easy access to the hood, and between 2016/2017 we are up about 41 percent as far as car battery thefts are concerned. >> police say you can buy devices on than line to lock your car battery for 70 to $120. investigators are still looking for this suspect and his honda civic with pennsylvania plates. new details this morning in the search for missing swim shore disappeared in the brandywine creek in wilmington this happened around 6:30 monday evening at the state run park. a 20 year-old man jumped in the creek using a rope swing. he was last seen going over a dam. authorities say three other people with him at the time did in the call 911 until after they return home almost two hearst later. that missing swimmer has in the yet been located or identified. still on "eyewitness news" this morning new details are released in the death of a yoga instructor, shot by a police officer outside of her home. we will tell what you she did just moments before the officer opened fire. plus a horrific case of shark cruelty caught on camera this video of the group of men dragging a shark behind a met or boat has gone viral and they are hunting him down. in the healthwatch they say they make after having a child in the hospital. ♪ yes, bon jovi, living on a prayer we are halfway there, halfway to the weekend, of course. >> get over the hump. look at that sunrise. take a moment, appreciate that sunrise, it is wednesday, katie has your forecast next. hopefully weekend is better then what we're dealing with right now? she will have the details. >>joe: hi.this is pennsylvania state treasurer joe torsella. our state treasury is proud to launch the pa able program, a savings plan for people with disabilities, including erin. open a pa able account today by visiting our website at welcome back everyone. pope francis is leading efforts to preserve what the's mid a serious drought in italy >> for the first time, perhaps ever, vatican turned off most of its fountains. there are about 100 decorative and drinking fountains at at the vatican and huge draw all over the world but now mostly turned off. hot and dry weather has triggered severe water shortages and caused country $2 billion in agricultural losses. so good reason but when you think rome you think of the fountains and taking pictures in front of it. it is so beautiful. >> i'm thinking of the cost of olive oil going up. >> wine. >> yeah, that is what i think of. >> yes, yes. >> i know. very serious story for sure but it can have major impacts around the entire world let alone just locally there. we have had in drought issues es whatsoever across our region. we just had enough rain and, i feel like, recent years anyway , there is always been one low span of times where we have had a minor drought. we just have not had any issues in that regard because we had plenty of rain coming through off and on, nothing too, you know, not too many, at a median point where it led to major flooding but we have been dealt a solid from mother nature locally but we will notice here too on this three hour loop showers have popped up in the last few hours, some over berks, lehigh county and over kent county, enough that it had led to minor flooding in the typical spots that out flow their banks in kent county. flood advisory there this morning. it looks like showers have tapered off. next storm system, it is still doing so back over central planes and northern high planes up toward great lakes. that won't impact us until friday but even as early as tomorrow afternoon notice time stamp. future weather here, a few showers may pop up but if you see these cells turning heavier we will not be shocked by that either. we will see potential for stronger thunderstorms second half of tomorrow in the every where, definitely scattered in nature but if you do see that, that is why and it is all a precursor to what we have on friday which is locally heavy rain, thunderstorms but everyone will need the umbrella. in the meantime today not more than just a fine drizzle. mainly cloudy. high of 80 held back below average by comparison to last week's standard. we will drop down to 68. cloud overhead. looking forward, again, friday commute looks like wetest day of the pack but that rain could linger into early saturday and rest of the weekend and beyond look beautiful, meisha. >> they look perfect, all right, thank you so much, very good morning to all of you, looking at that coney palmyra bridge, everything looking good, it is scheduled to go up at 6:30. there is our friend making its way down just a head up in the next 15 minutes or so it will go up, and then 95 south at girard getting busy here. still traveling at posted speed but just, running that fine line right now, it will start to slow down very quickly. head up looking bus there i around girard. as you then continue to make your way in to center city. outside we have an accident in lansdale route 63 main street at valley forge road, head fun that is your neck of the wood. two water main breaks one today, take a look at this in lower merion township rolling road at route one city avenue. route 103 busies not affected just an fyi. would i continue to keep your eyes on the schedules. we're looking at water main break in fishtown frankford avenue still closed between girard and thompson your alternate front street is your best bet, jim, back over to you. we now know what the loud, sound was that startled within of the police officers before a deadly shooting of a yoga teacher in minneapolis, investigators say security video shows justin rusick, known as justin diamond slapping back of the patrol car as she raced up to it. she had called 911 to record a suspect sexual assault and then shot and killed by police officer mohammad noor reaching the patrol car. noor's attorney has not allowed his client to be interviewed so far. authorities in florida are investigating after video of the shark being dragged by speeding boat surfaced. footage was posted on social media this week as hooked shark smacks against water one man is said look it is already almost dead. since then sports fisherman and others have been calling this a clear case of shark cruelty just take off and go full throttle knowing you have that fish on line that is ridiculous. >> complete lack of respect for the environment and other species. >> florida wild life commission says it is unclear if any laws were actually broken, however, agency wants to talk to the boaters responsible. in a statement fwc says it is still working to identify man and locate exactly where that incident took place. on the healthwatch this morning largest study to date finds a debilitating brain disease in the brains of the 99 percent of nfl football players were studied. >> cbs news correspondent meg oliver has details. >> reporter: new research on the donated brains of the 111 former nfl players finds 110 had chronic traumatic even self patty or cte, that is the progressive degenerative brain disease that has been found in people with a history of repeated brain trauma. >> gradually you lose your ability to think clearly and you often have behavioral changes like impulse sift, short fuse. >> researchers at boston university school of medicine looks at a total of 202 former football players across all levels from the nfl to high school. they found cte in 177 players. the study included previously reported cases of former nfl players buba smith and ken stabler, in a statement, nfl said we appreciate work done by the doctor and her collogue s for value it odd in the ongoing quest for better understanding of cte, nfl is committed to supporting scientific research in the cte and advancing progress in the prevention and treatment of the head injuries. experts say there are limitations to the research and more study is needed. >> we have unanswered questions as to why some players develop it and others don't. >> researchers say finding cnn high school and college players emphasizes urgent need to identify young players at risk. meg oliver for cbs-3 "eyewitness news". also on the healthwatch a common mistake parents make after their children leave the hospital. >> according to new research 40 percent of parents and caregivers don't know right meadows to give their sick children. journal pediatrics also found almost half of the time parents give their child 20 percent more or less medication then prescribed. hospital patients with pain, they described as un manageable experienced 30 percent less pain, get this , after meditating or hypnotic therapy. researchers followed 200 patients at university of utah hospital for a year. >> that sounds being mindful always helps. up next broadway hit that returns to philadelphia tonight. plus dozens of new jersey beaches put on notice, some enclosed after high levels of bacteria are reported. find out which won are on the list when we come 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but if we are looking for that gem of the day, sunday is your day that looks absolutely stellar but there may be lingering rain on saturday morning as a system makes its departure. now for a look at newspaper headlines. >> from the press of atlantic city margate residents are concerned for their beach front homes due to overflow of water created by thunderstorms two month long army core of engineers beach protection project began july 17th, dune building in beach fill operation is proceeding at 100 . mercury, 10 percent of streets in pottstown will receive work and repaving this year. thanks to combination of the water, sewer, road work that add up to nearly six million-dollar. the bureau has 70 miles of streets and 15 miles of allies and from the delaware county daily times new street lamps and brighter lights are being installed throughout upper darby in the next two months. plan to replace, excuse me, 4600 existing streetlights, with led streetlights at a cost of 3.9 million-dollar. that is a look at newspaper headlines from around the delaware valley. one of the hottest broad way shows is back in philly. >> wicked opens up tonight at the academy of music. "eyewitness news" got a behind the scenes look as the crew was busy emptying trucks and setting upstage. it gives audience a chance to see what happened were dorothy lives in oz, it portrays story of the wicked witch of the west and glennda got witch. >> we bring broadway on the road and, you know, it is a pretty large production. you will see same show and same technical show thaw would see in new york here in philly >> during the run, to and a half hours before each show lottery will be held for orchestra seats for just $25 cash, and wick will be here for five weeks through august 27th. >> have you seen it. >> i don't think i have. >> it is a great show, i saw tonight sidney australia years ago while on vacation, amazing show if you have a chance, buy a ticket, well worth the cause coming up next on "eyewitness news" find out why new jersey's beaches are shut down and others were put on notice. plus senate rejects a plan to repeal and replace obama care so where does that leave health care? we will tell you is what on tap today, trang do. allentown's mayor will be indicted as part of the federal corruption probe i'm trang do and we will tell what you we expect to learn more about the charges we will face , meisha. we are looking outside right now, we have an accident here, couple water main breaks and construction to talk about we will have updates, but first we will take a quick break stay right where you are i'm jim donovan. i'm rahel solomon. it is 6:30. here's what you need to necessity to start your day in the morning minute in today, july 26th, 2017. we are following breaking news, part of the row home collapsed in west philadelphia the mayor of allentown facing a federal indictment. >> mayor pawlowski's attorney jack mcmahon said he will fight these charges. they will in the learn full details of the indictment until it is unsealed later today. her father is accused of shooting his own son in pottstown. they say father shot his son during an argument. senators are back on capitol hill to continue debate honorary peeling and replacing obama care. there are signs, already that republican efforts to get a new health care bill passed will be far from easy. >> ♪ i would be able to rap the rest of those lyrics. usualer with james corden in the latest episode of car pool karaoke. >> did you well but i do think katie, you would excel in car pool karaoke. >> you know, i have this idea a long time ago that we should get in the car and do it ourselves but they told me that legal would be involved in that. >> oh, yeah, you cannot play music. >> what a bummer. >> maybe we have to work around the system somehow to make that happen. >> i can play my accordion driving around. >> i know. >> you and meisha would be best back seat drivers though, and i mean that in the best way. >> all right. we do have, rahel got to have shotgun that is the way it is and apparently i'm driving. this idea is unfolding organi cally. lets look at is what happening right new on storm scan we had a couple showers and they were stuck in place across berks, lehigh counties and in kent county. because of that kent county a flood advisory had to be issued for localized spot including dover, so keep that in mind traveling down that way we may run into minor flooding but current temperatures are really comfortable mid to upper 60's. we are only at 56 in mount pocono. quite cool conditions to start things off here and it does feel comfortable to start morning as well. it is very cloudy. we will stay that way, at best we will get limited sunshine throughout the course of the day but high of 80 in philadelphia. far cry from what is typical. we normally hit 87 on this particular day of the year and compared to the heat have last week, this is nothing. we really are going to see a noticeable change out there this pattern, of course can even last for so long. we are going to need to break out umbrella, i will let you know when that is a requirement and for how long but here's a hint, eventually the weekend does turn quite nice and that is stretch of time that last in the seven day. i will let you know on that front as well, later, meisha. sounds good, katie thanks very much. looking outside, happy wednesday, everybody. we are looking at that coney palmyra bridge, it went up, going upright now, we are watching it right now. there we go. our friend coming through there just sitting beyond that bridge just a head up bridge going up. factor that in. give yourself some extra time there. we have activity pulled off to the far right shoulder, 202 northbound near king of prussia this is what it looks like in terms of the congestion. there isn't any. looking good around that area head up there. we have an accident in lansdale where a vehicle hit a telephone pole route 63 main street at valley forge road if that is your neck of the wood be mindful. you don't need to avoid the area just more of a nuisance then anything else. water main break in lower merion township rolling road at route one city avenue, route 103 bus not affected but still, check your schedules on line, jim, back over to you. we are following breaking news from west philadelphia chopper three live over a partial collapse on ruby street, this is near 54th and market, we also have new details, fire officials tell cbs-3 that the man heard creaking noises and told fire fighters his cat was acting strangely. fortunately the man, his wife and cat got out of the house. >> we are also told that the resident told fire fighters no company would insure the home because homes on both side were being demolish, licenses and inspections personnel are on the scene right now. we hear market frankford line is not impacted but one of the bus lines has been detoured, so, take note of that. turning to other news "eyewitness news" has learned that allentown married he had pawlowski is expected to be dilate today. >> we are told indictment is as a result of the lengthy grand jury investigation, "eyewitness news" reporter frank does live outside the courthouse in center city with more on the investigation, good morning, trang do. >> good morning, we won't know full scope of the indictment until it is unsealed later today, but mayor pawlowski's attorney jack mcmahon said he will fight these charges and could be in court as early as thursday. three term allentown married he had pawlowski will be indicted as part of an ongoing federal corruption probe, that began in 2013. although indictment remains sealed until sometime wednesday, nine people have pleaded guilty to charges stemming from an alleged scheme, to award city contracts in exchange for campaign contributions, to an unnamed official. the fbi raided pawlowski's office july 1st, 2015. although democratic mayor of pennsylvania's third largest city has denied any wrongdoing , he is continuing to campaign for a fourth term. the department of justice has scheduled a news conference for 1:30 to discuss these charges, mayor pawlowski is expect to comment as soon as the indictment is made public. we will bring you those details when we get them but for now we are live, i'm trang do for cbs-3 "eyewitness news" back inside to you. turning to washington on capitol hill senate republicans continue their debate on a health care overhaul, last night the chamber block a wide ranging proposal to repeal much of obama care. that setback came just hours after vice-president pence cast the tie breaking vote to allow debate on a bill. and staying in the capitol president trump is stepping up his chris cyst of attorney general jeff sessions, the president is upset that sessions reaccused himself from the investigation in the russian meddling and 2016 election but would not say if he plans to fire the ag. >> very disappointed with the attorney general but we will see what happens. time will tell. time will tell. >> some say criticism could prompt session toss step down but sources close to the former alabama senator says he has no plans to resign. former trump campaign care man paul manafort was supposed to appear before the senate judiciary committee as part of that investigation in the russian meddling but he won't. committee dropped his subpoena and manafort has supplied investigators with some documents. sunoco is responding to the injunction that stopped the company's statewide pipeline project, the 350-mile pipeline will carry liquid natural gas from ohio, to a processing facility in marcus hook. well parks public utility commission will decide if sunoco can proceed, west goshen township filed for the injunction, to halt construction of the pipeline, after complaints over water service interruptions and other issues. sunoco's statement read in part we believe that the full hearing before the environmental hearing board will demonstrate that we have expended every effort to meet strict conditions of our environmental permits. they also say that they quote already voluntarily suspended work on a number of our drills , and will continue non- hdd construction throughout the state with safety and protection of pennsylvania's environment as our first priority. that ago minute hdd stand for horizontal directional drilling and a technique to lay underground utilities. a new report on new jersey beaches is produce something alarming results. three beaches are now closed, 31 others on notice for high bacteria levels. this is fairly common following major storms. three beaches closed are all in ocean county but others closer to our area on notice, that includes a few beach necessary atlantic city, north wildwood and ocean city. if you ingest water in any of these beaches it can cause ear , eye, skin infection and stomach problems. find a full list on our web site, or cbs local app. well, up next arizona officials say it is sign of the times, find out what they have added to the state's driver manual. plus roombas are meant to make life easier they can vacuum while you are away but now the vacuums are raising privacy concerns, how they are doing beside cleaning the house, pat. this weekend a 65-mile bike ride for a great causes happening in our area. you know tour of the shore how can you get involved? we will give you details as they celebrate 30 years. ♪ >> rahel thinks she's at the disco today. >> i love bruno mars. >> comfortable temperatures are sticking around that is what i like. but katie says she's also, i do love that, katie's also tracking another chance of storms, oh, pat gallen just found when he heard that. that is coming up next. >> bruno mars is talking about a love interest here when he says that is what i like. you have to inn term receipt these songs for me we will be right back. you're not taking these. hey, hey, hey! you're not taking those. whoa, whoa! you're not taking that. come with me. you're not taking that. you're not taking that. you're not taking that. mom, i'm taking the subaru. don't be late. even when we're not there to keep them safe, our subaru outback will be. (vo) love. it's what makes a subaru, a subaru. cloudy and gray on this wednesday morning, 70 degrees not too cool, nice change in fact. >> privacy concerns are raised after maker of roomba vacuums floated idea sharing customer information with other co. >> well, new models of the vacuums can capture images of the rooms in your home that lets vacuum basically learn your home's layout. now maker i robot is considering selling that data to other co like amazon, apple and google whose company would use data to make their in home gadgets smarter. >> the roomba of tomorrow may be able to scan what furniture you own, and figure out, your income of your home, or your tv watching habits. >> well, company says it takes customer privacy and security very seriously and it says will ask customers first before sharing date a deal to share data could come in the next few years. as long as it cleans floor that is all i am concern about >> you wouldn't care if it stole your informationy don't care. >> everybody is watching you. >> i've got everybody watching me all the time, you can put a chip in my head, i don't care. >> big brother is clearly always watching. i know he is watching. >> just don't steel myself. >> you know that information our advertisers get just from our phones. >> what are they doing to me, i don't care. >> you know, you on facebook and searching for google and then seeing ads on facebook it is kind of creepy. >> i will be dead and buried before they figure out what they need to figure out about me. >> you my friend are a renaissance man, i will say i learn something brand new and bizarre about you have single day. >> i try. >> every single day. >> focusing on bizzarre. >> that is right. lets go out to the weather watchers. i'm awaiting fun facts of the day. we will work on that one. lets go out to the weather watchers. very consistent view in terms of the temperature profile across the region as a whole here. we will zoom around starting off at 65 from eileen, a brand new grand mom, i hear she has a new baby granddaughter. i wanted to give her a shout out. hope everybody is doing well. she's loving this no rain and heat. jim's also loving cool air in place right now. lets go to one, here to zero in, is this the guy, 66 degrees from jerry this morning, yes. he has included in blue bell. high humidity granted but doesn't feel clammy or soupy, like it did last week when it was so hot. outside palmyra cove nature park a little bug hanging out here too but we do just have cloud overhead so you may see drizzle throughout the day, not much, and then we have latest system getting its act together. this is what will bring in our next round of heavier rain toward tail end of the week. we could have heavier thunderstorms firing up second half of tomorrow but mostly featuring a brighter sky, by friday though, you have to walk outside with rain gear here, second half of the day but keep umbrella ready to go anytime, saturday may start off with rain, but then starts to clear out, sunday looks awesome, monday, tuesday look awesome. hanging on to these vacation day and you want to burn a few look to monday and tuesday and make it a nice long weekend. >> thanks so much, katie, good morning, happy wednesday, still looking outside, everything looking good. an area we are slowing down right now i-95 south approaching betsy ross bridge. we have two far left lanes where we are seeing slow downs so here no longer traveling at posted speed. tacony palmyra bridge went up, still up, our buddies coming through, so factor in a couple extra minutes, 10 minutes i would give yourself extra and ben franklin bridge just for a look at new jersey westbound heading over into center city. we have an accident there that has been cleared. tension has eased. it looks darn good around that area. we have an accident in lansdale head up for those in this neck of the wood route 63 main street at valley forge road is where we are hopping in lansdale it is not slowing you down too much we might have a gaper delay traveling by, if there is an accident you can avoid it you will want to. water main break lower merion township rolling road at route one city avenue route 103 busies not affected but make sure to check your schedules on line, pat, back over to you hundreds of the bicycle riders will be pedaling for a jersey shore. tour of the shower takes place this sunday. this year eventop million-dollas of the fallen first responders as well as a number ochildren's. deputy commissioner joseph sullivan with the philahitalk a. good morning. >> good to see you. >> mission of the event is to raise money, as you said fore officers, fire fighters, emt, first responders throughout the entire delaware valley, not just philadelphia but in addition to that whole hoe of charities that benefit children in the delaware valley and their need. >> how have you done in years pennsylvania in terms of the money oh, yeah. >> that is our thing this year we will try to make one million-dollar mark. we came really close last year , we came in at 965, not bad at all but this year we're determined to get to 1 million >> sure. >> we have just check, registration is still opened. we expect about 2500 ride tours make the trek from the irish pub at 20th and walnut to the irish pub in atlantic city. it is a great day. weather looks really good. >> we just saw that. >> kate says it will be nice. >> humidity will be down, temperatures will be reasonable. it should be a pleasant day. it is a ride, in the a race. you make a lot of friends on this ride. it is that shared misery in the middle of it, there is nothing better than that feeling when you get to atlantic city, come in for that last stretch and everyone is cheering you, it is a great sense of accomplishment. >> 65 miles, how do we get there we wind our ways through back road of new jersey. it is all clearly marked. it is impossible to get lost and if you get out there and realize you weren't quite up to it we have support vans, that will take you to the next rest stop, pick you up and take you to atlantic city. we will write you back after the party, that is part of your registration fee. it is a great time but it raises money for great cause is what is best part of the day for you because you have been doing this a long time. >> i have been doing this a long time, over 10 years, it is just the tradition that you become a part of this, it becomes part of your life. it is your team members. i will ride with philadelphia police swat again this year. but again it is people that you meet along the way and you kind of all come together and encourage each other, because when you think you might not be able to make it any further that collective gathering, that shared pain, gets everyone to stay together. >> how tough is this thing. >> it really isn't but when you are cheering each other on , it just makes for a really great day and great sense of accomplishment knowing that your support, great charities and proven you can do it. >> so registration is still opened but i'm guessing. >> it is still opened. if you think you want to do it please register today. >> where can we go. >> irish pub at >> irish pub deputy commissioner thanks very much. i hope you are not in too much pain i'm sure you will be fine , jim and rahel back over to you. shared it on my twitter and facebook feed as well. we have a lot coming up on cbs this morning. >> gayle king joins us live from new york with the preview good morning, gayle. >> hi there, a lot going on, jim's twitter and facebook speed. >> social media all the way, gayle. >> you are very busy. rahel, good to see both of you , ahead we are on capitol hill with senator mccain's return to congress and his calls for bipartisanship, really good to see him. for more speed cameras to timing your drive on the freeway changes ntsb wants to make to crackdown on speeding and you know who you are, rahel, any questions about that? we discover water on the surface of the moon could transform space exploration plus eye opener which means your world in 902nds. we will see you at 7:00. i have never driven in the car with you so if you are a speeder. >> i'm a very safe driver. >> i drive like a old man if you drive with him, u >> i obey all speed limits and everything, gayle, don't drive knows the truth. man. >> please start talking jim, see you at 7:00. keep a close eye on your things next time y uber now you have to pay to get any who items bag. uber users $15 to return forgotten items. drivers that complained understandably about having to meet with ride tours return things because they had to spend their time making return trip rather than making money by picking up a new fare. arizona officials hope that a new addition to their new driver's manual will increase safety for drivers and police. >> really interesting. new manual advises how to interact with law enforce. if in case they get pulled over. roll down windows, keep your hand on the steering wheel and inform police office fur there is a weapon inside your car. the goal to make traffic stops as peaceful as possible. >> we have also had people that are genuinely concerned for us, they will tell us man you guys don't get a fair shake because they see our some society has changed in in terms of the social media it is a different animal we have to deal with. >> law makers in tennessee, virginia, illinois enacted year that require driver education course is to teach people how to respond when they are pulled over. driver in upstate new york could have used that mual. >> before he decided to drive around in this car, there are no doors, no windshields ax in . sheriff deputies say 21 year-old driveruence of several. >> no. >> yes. >> he was placed under arrest >> shock to go me. on that note we will be right back. >> with three took. we're expecting allentown married he had pawlowski to be indict today, indictment is as a result of the lengthy grand jury investigation, we expect to learn details later today when indictment is unsealed. senators resume debate over how to overhaul health care in the u.s., senate voted to allow debate on the bill last night but it blocked a proposal to repeal much of obama care. fifty people are becoming u.s. citizens today naturalization ceremony is taking place this morning at pennsbury manor in mowersville >> that is three to go, lets get a check of weather and traffic. >> in the prettiest looking day but people have anxiously been awaiting or eagerly awaiting for a day like this. you can see rain, it has fallen outside kutztown area middle school but 61 degrees. not a fan of that vicious heat we don't have it this entire week but back to seasonal by next week, meisha. >> thank you, katie. we have bridge inspections out there schuylkill eastbound between 676, vine and city avenue that starts at 9:00 a.m. and carry through to 3:00 p.m. just when you thought baby pandas could not get cuter they sent them off to kindergarten this group of panda cubs are enjoying school as panda conservation and research center. did they dance to the muse snick they are learning their abc's but they spend the entire day playing with one another so entire day of recess. panda kind garden is equipped with wheel barrel, swings, bamboo and company. >> sound like our news room. it does. next up on cbs this morning and addiction program in wyoming, is helping athletes recover by using, extreme challenges. remember to join us each weekday morning on cbs-3 at 4:30 a.m. have a great day. captioning funded by cbs good morning. it is wednesday, july the 26th, 2017. welcome to "cbs this morning." republicans suffer a late-night setback in their vote to repeal obamacare. john mccain makes an emotional return back to capitol hill. he berates his colleagues and calls for bipartisan. research shows speed is more dangerous than drunk driving. the new steps to slow you down. an outrage showing a shark being dragged to its death behind a fast moving motor boat off the coast of florida. a man's

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