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Especially from philadelphia on south, just a little rain at on it is. We have some scattered snow showers, back to the west, and those will not add any additional accumulation so you can see the numbers from north to south, cross the region, mount pocono with the highest amount, 9 inches of snow this morning. Allentown 6. 5. Perkasie bucks county 5 inches today, media 4. 5. West philadelphia at 2. 8 inches of snow. Heres what fell across the region. Little bit under done from philadelphia on south, two to 4 inches from philadelphia and surrounding suburbs. Four to six north and west and the big winner, Lehigh Valley and poconos right over toward new york city, where were six to 8 inches of snow fell. Wind gusts to day reached 50 miles an hour in lieu is, delaware, 49 miles an hour this bass river, Newtown Square at 42 miles an hour to take and temperatures right now, still, low, with those wind making it feel even worse were only in the 20s outside right now and mount pocono at 12 and winds sustained still at 20 to 30 miles an hour. The wind advisory has been just cancelled but that does not mean we will shut off wind the it will feel like Single Digits tonight. We will talk about the threat for black ice and a pretty significant warm up as we head in the weekend, ukee. Kate, they were feeling the weathers effects in chester county. A down tree kept utility crew is very busy this morning. It knocked out power, for 3400 peco customers in west town, chester county. The tree fell across route 926 , near route 202, just before 11 00 oclock. Peco was able to if the customers back on line within about three hours. Well, as soon as last snowflakes fell from this mornings snowstorm the shovels and the snowblowers were out in force in neighborhoods all across the region. Eyewitness News Reporter greg argos joins us from langhorne bucks county and greg, you spoke with people who spent time outside enjoying the weather in other ways, is that right. That is exactly right, ukee i spoke with a group of people in bucks county they were a group of students. They were off from school today and lets just say they didnt have have a shovel in their hand. Ready. Reporter what is a snow day. One, two, three, go. Reporter without a good snowball fight. Snowball fight. Reporter this group of friend in warminster enjoying the snow a day after having fun, outdoors, in much warmer weather. We were laying ball, i was loving it, and then i looked up on the news and it said it is going go to snow at 2 00 a. M. In the morning. Reporter snow, it did, enough to cancel class at william tenant high school. Before this group of seniors, already up early. I got up normal time for school. Reporter time off means, time having fun and getting their atvs a little bit dirty i took this to the the car wash yesterday at 65 degrees. I wake up and we got 5 inches of snow on the ground so it is pretty banging. Reporter pretty crazy right now. In all likelihood tomorrow will be a cool day but there are some concerns on the secondary roads, as you can see behind me that is black ice. So if you are outside driving tonight or tomorrow morning of course be extra cautious for those icy patches. Im live from bucks county, greg argos for cbs3 Eyewitness News. Snowball fight and hot cocoa, cant beat it. Thank you. Fire fighters battled tough weather conditions and flames in jenkintown, an underground electrical fire broke out at star lit salon on greenwood avenue. No one was hurt. Fire started, still under investigation. A new Television Ad may be one reason, more people struggling with opioid addiction are reaching out for help. New jersey governor Chris Christies office say ps sa promotes a Treatment Center. Ever since ad beast again to air, hot line calls have been coming n eyewitness News Reporter cleve bryan explains. I started taking opiates at 16, 17 years old which quickly turned into a heroin addiction reporter justin says he is roof heroin and opioid addiction can be overcome, sober since 19 new director of admissions for Humble Beginnings Treatment Center in cherry hill but for many this road to recovery, it is hard to see. It is a issue that many parents and kids havent dealt with before. Usual youly first call is from a Family Member that is concerned not from the actual person we end up treating. Reporter now state of new jersey has a new way to help. New jersians with drug addiction deserves a second chance. New jersey is making it easier to find treatment. Reporter since his state of the state address in january governor Chris Christie has been promoting reach nj. One number, one web site, a clear path to help. Reporter towards the end of the january the tv ad began popping up on screens and is gaining traction, according to the Governors Office in the week before the ad the reach n j hot line was getting about 20 calls a day. Since then, about 70. Add to go their familiar business list are getting help finding treatment, support group and navigating insurance or lack thereof. Officialness Camden County which has a thousand narcan saves last year, say new christie initiative is pointing the state this is right direction. The more we can raise aware ness the more people will seek help, and we have to make sure natalie resources are there to treat those in need of help. Even our conversation right now as a parent but it is having an impact. The coverage that this disease is finally getting is ground breaking, amazing, it business time. Reporter in addition to the reach Nj Initiative the state of new jersey is working on new laws to cut back on prescriptions for addictive painkillers and make sure private insurers pay for treatment. Im cleve bryan, cbs3 Eyewitness News. Penn State University is placed an indefinite ban on serving alcohol at all fraternity and sororities. The move is in response to the death of penn state student tim piazza. Police say members of the beta pie waited 12 hours after he fell down a flight have of steps before calling police. The fraternity has been suspended and investigation remains active. Penn state says alcohol ban will continue until greek leaders change their practices a plan to build a condo to yous long philadelphias jewelers row is generating more controversy. Toll brothers initially pitched a 16 Story Building but their new proposal features a 29 story to youer with two faces, one on jewelers row and the other overlooking Washington Square west. The Preservation Alliance of greater fail continues to try to halt the project. We dont oppose Development Like this general. What we object to is destruction of the occupied successful, tax paying buildings, especially on a iconic retail street like jewelers row, just to build other condo tower. Group has nominated three of the affect properties, to the cities register of the historic places, and the Philadelphia Historical commission could make its decision on friday, Toll Brothers say many people support the condo project. The annual Philadelphia Tattoo Arts Convention kicks off, tomorrow. Eyewitness news at Pennsylvania Convention center for set up today. Now by this time tomorrow the show will be packed with the worlds most talented tattoo artists. Organizers say natalie the show is coming a long way and it is now in the 19th year. It started out as a real small show, airport host tell show, and sloanly grown over the years to be the largest Tattoo Convention in america. The Philadelphia Tattoo Arts Convention runs through sunday. As we continue tonight a local hospital going high tech , when we come back check out the new ways to check in. Were seeing all patients that have to do is give them a hand , see how it all works. And crime spree in philadelphia has that has federal authorities stepping in, how you can help. The phillies have talk to Major League Baseball about pete rose, what is that all about . We will tell you. Plus return to the ice Shayne Gostisbehere saying about his benching, flyers news in afoot and lighthearted i take to the open road. Healthy, free, the world before me, the long brown path before me leading wherever i choose. The east and the west are mine. The north and the south are mine. All seems beautiful to me. Two suspects wanted in the string of armed robberies in philadelphia, and, and, subway restaurant, and, 1100 block, on january 4th. And the suspects, also accused of, robbing four pharmacies, and, suspects, and, police. It is a dog story that begins in the country, and, always guarantying, and this story, and. And word of the talk in trouble, a world away. New life began town fold, for a new pup. When they met her they were amazed that despite her ordeal he was so trusting. We watched the news and it looks so bad. Something that is so horrible when it turns into something so well, it is a good story. It is a good story. You cannot change the world by saving one dog but you can change that dogs world. She seems to be making Great Strides already. Tonight at 11 00 meet the dog who was flown 10,000 miles to safety and woman and vet behind what just might be the ultimate Animal Rescue story. Our rahel solomon has this report for you tonight on Eyewitness News at 11 00. On the cbs3 healthwatch a new kind of check in system when you go to the doctor or get medical tests, it is quick , easy and high tech. Health reporter Stephanie Stahl is here to explain how it works. Were talking about simple here. Reporter thinks instant recognition with something that is kind of close to a fingerprint. It is a way to make sure patient whose visit doctors or get tests at abington hospital are accurately identified, without going through, the standard check ins. Place your righthand here. Reporter quick, easy check in for Brooke Harris who is pregnant and goes to a lot of theres appointments at abington hospital. Nice to save a little bit from having to take out your id and insurance card because that can get annoying with all these visit. Reporter new technology can quickly identify a patient and links to that persons medical record. So there is no confusion. It works like would i just put my hand on it like that. Correct. Reporter it works with the harmless infrared light that read vein patterns of your palm, which is unique to each person. I think it is exciting. It really has helped. Reporter jena the director of Patient Access in abington says it is most important for patients safety. To avoid, mixing up patient was similar names. To make sure that each patient is accurately identified. My scanning of the patient and authenticating them with their medical record, and their number, unique to each patient visit, we actually can keep that history from visit to visit so we make sure that we access patients every time. Reporter scanner is activated when patients first register so each visit you check in with just a scan and the computer does the rest. It is a little different but we like trying new things. It is cool. What do you think about it, it is looking at your vascular structure in your hand. It is a little weird but were in the future, so it is the times and on travel, from seven, predominantly muslim countries last week a lower court, stopped it, in the Trump Administration, appealed. Our chief Legal Correspondent, jan crawford is following this , and jan what more do we know of the judges decision. Reporter we got a copy of the opinion, 29 pages. All three judges agree there are no dissents that they are not going to go reinstate the travel ban which means, that in order by a lower court judge that suspended the ban nationwide will remain in place. While the government and the opponent argue about whether the Trump Administration has the Legal Authority to impose that kind of executive order, temporarily suspending travel nationwide. Of course, the opponent, tuesdays washington and minnesota argued natalie ban was unconstitutional, violated due process, first amendment, right of, to practice your religion freely and that is when the judge suspended this order while they could argue about the merits of the case. Government immediately went to the Appeals Court and said that you know, natalie why was out of line and it should reinstate travel ban while they hashed out these legal arguments. At peels court issuing this decision refusing to grant the governments request. Now the government, at this point, can go to the United States Supreme Court and try to get the court to reinstate the ban but that is highly unlikely at this point. They will need five justices to agree to do so and with that court divided now four four, remember one of those seats still vacant Justice Scalia it is unlikely the court will intervene at this point. That means it will go back to the lower court while parties will argue about the legality of this travel ban. This is not a decision on the merits, at end of the day government could very well win but they are going to have to make those arguments while the travel ban remains suspended. Now even yesterday, before this decision was made President Trump ridiculed the judges on this court saying even a bad High School Student could understand the law better then they could. Jan, remind us the two states that filed the suit against the travel ban what harm were they alleging. Reporter they were saying travel ban harmed the states themselves this getting money from tourism but also residents, people from these countries who had business in the states, ground for being there or relatives there or who actually lived there so they said they had ground to go into court, and object to this travel ban and courts at this point have universally in this litigation at least agreed that they were right to be able to challenge it. In making the argument the state said that this kind of wide ranging, ban even though it is temporary violated, a residents right to due process to enter this country freely. Also discriminated against people based on their religion it was a muslim ban. They pointed to comments that President Trump made during the campaign. But the government argues and it has good arguments here that the president has wide discretion on matters of immigration and national security, not only under federal law but under the constitution and that courts generally give broad deference to the president , in matters of national security. The those are arguments about the ban itself and now that is what well play out the in the the lower courts. But government says its case was so clear natalie ban should be able to remain in place while they made those arguments and at this ninth circuit said no we will keep it the suspended. Jan crawford our chief Legal Correspondent this case almost undoubted headed to the Supreme Court. To repeat now a federal Appeals Court in San Francisco has declined to reinstate President Trumps ban on refugees and on travel from seven mostly muslim nations. The travel in those cases will remain possible while this case is heard probably by the Supreme Court for final decision. There will be much more on all of this on your local station, on our streaming networks, cbs n and right here on the cbs evening news, until then im scott pelley, cbs news, new york. We will hear more of that at 6 30. In the meantime stephanie you were talking about this new technology where you use your hand to check in, get medical tests and let you finish up that. Exactly. Last thing i want to tell you is that hand scanning information is only used by abington hospital, and not shared with any outside sources and if you dont want to use it, you can opt out. Very cool technology. New way to talk to the hand that is right. Lets get our Weather Forecast with kate, storm has moved out we are moving on. We are moving on a very cold, and very blustery note, tonight, wind are still strong , temperatures have trooped and it will stay frigid in the start of your friday. Heres what is going on, we will see that system starting to pull away, down in maine and Canadian Maritime province seeing heavy band of snow. We missed out on the heaviest band we wasted that moisture in the form of rain, sleet and that is why our numbers were lower certainly from the city and points southeast specially but that system ramped up as it moved just slightly east of our area. It is exiting. Take a look, heading out on your thursday night, have a snow day and thinking it it is takes kids out for pizza. Heres what it feels like. Thirteen in philadelphia. Seven in allentown. Seven below in mount pocono. It will not get better. It feels like Single Digits through tonight and tomorrow morning and as you head out back to school, work temperatures in the feeling like low teens, and heavy park , hat and gloves, a far cry from the mid 60s, we felt just yesterday. Seems like a long time ago doesnt it. Friday 6 00 oclock feels like 20s but then saturday we will see warmer air move in and by saturday afternoon we will feel like the 50s. Tonight with temperatures in the teens any slushy conditions out there will re freeze but good news is wind have dried the roads to take, any black ice concerns we will seal tonight will be patchy. We have got quiet conditions for your friday, saturday, well, friday night there is a clip are off to the north bringing a straight snow shower to the poconos. The saturday dry. Next system brings chance for light rain or showers on the sunday but we will go from frigid to find, as temperatures head back to the 40s and 50s milder weather returning in time for weekend. As far as tonight is concerned we will drop to a low of 19 degrees, clear, windy, frigid, increasing cloud for your friday and stray evening snow shower in the Lehigh Valley and poconos and then back above average, 40s and 50s this weekend, showers sunday and next week looks quiet, system over new england monday that will kick up wind and otherwise temperatures in the 40s with some sun, stay tuned sports up next phillies reach out to Major League Baseball about pete rose. Don bell will explain when they carry your fans shpassions, hopes, and dreams. S. And maybe, a chance at greatness because shoulders were made for greatness. Not dandruff. I. Prilosec otc 7 years ago,my doctor recommended. 5 years ago, last week. Just 1 pill each morning, 24 hours and zero heartburn. Its been the number 1 doctor recommended brand for 10. Straight years, and its still recommended today. Use as directed. Islanders are hot, seven wins in the 10 games they visit Wells Fargo Center tonight, 23 yearold shayne gos fear returns to the flyers, ghost is in the line up after being benched for three games. He said he is having a down year and during his time on the bench he had time to watch plenty of game film. That is biggest thing for me is, i have been watching, you know, lefthanded defensive play on the right side and try to put myself in their shoes in certain situations happen, you know, see how would i react to that play. That is biggest teaching point for me. Good time to visit sunshine state, sixers are in orlando tonight, no joel embiid but Jahlil Okafor is balling, perhaps playing the role of trade bait for front office. Sixers loss to the spurs last night at home, okafor with 20 points, eight board. He struggled from the line but shot 50 percent from the field okafor had been involved in trade rumors most recently to new orleans. He talked about all of the chatter. I keep to go what i do, work as hard as i can for this team and organization and well what happens. Make quick decisions, going to the rim, shooting or passing. That was my mind setting in the game. Making quick decisions. He has to keep his voice like that. College hoops in the the city tonight, seriously william and marry at drexel while 25th ranked smu visits temple on north broad street. Hey lights at 11 00. Phillies news now team has received permission from Major League Baseball to put pete rose on the ballot for their wall of fame, rose, of course is banned from baseball for betting on games. He is expect to be on the ballot with scott rolen and placido polanco. Reminder pitchers and catchers reporting on monday, in fielders arrive tuesday, outfielders on wednesday, leslie van arsdal on monday. Very nice. Beautiful. Just a little bit. I like it too. I like it. Thank you when we come back a sneak peak what is coming up on the it has been a busy day, so our whole community has been sharing their snow day and we want to say thank you. Here are a couple we loved, big thank to you jessica for this amazing creation. This is a snow octopus. We loved this playful scene in Delaware County of emily and brett, playing in the snow. Yes. Thank everyone, who shared their snowy moment with us and share your photos and videos with cbs3 anytime, just follow us on twitter at cbs philly and like us on taste book, just type cbs fill any to the search bar. Thanks for watching Eyewitness News at 6 00 we are back at 10 on our sister station the cw philly and back here on cbs3 at 11 00. Up next, cbs evening news. Much more on the courts refuse toll reinstate President Trumps travel ban and an Adoption Agency suddenly shuts its doors, find out what happened and hear there hopeful parents, dealing with the disappointment now, from new york, here now is scott pelley, take care family , we will see you captioning sponsored by cbs pelley the trump travel ban. A federal Appeals Court has decided its fate. Also tonight, dangerous storms hammer both coasts i. In the east, heavy snow, whiteout conditions, icecovered roads, thousands of flights canceled. In the west, homes wrecked, roads washed out by heavy rain and flooding. A trip to the woodshed for Kellyanne Conway for promoting ivanka trumps clothing line. Kellyanne has been counseled. An Adoption Agency goes bust, dashing dreams and breaking hearts. My hope is gone. Im like, thats it. Im not meant to be a mom. It was really hard. Pelley and

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