Transcripts For KYW Eyewitness News At 6 20170131 : comparem

Transcripts For KYW Eyewitness News At 6 20170131

good to hear for sure. but that said, keep an eye out for t meantime, storm scan3, pretty quiet locally. see the leading edge of the little squawl or light snowy call it moving its way across harrisburg, for example. so it is only matter of time, i would say about two hours, before it starts to move into the poconos, especially, the far western suburbs, but today, talking about very, very scattered rain and/or snow showers in philly, very light, inch in inch ends at this, little if any accumulation, really leaning more toward the if any end of that spectrum. up to the mountains, very likely to pick up couple every inches of snow out of this, 22 the temperature how it feels anyway here in philadelphia. a hint of maybe five to 6 degrees colder, as the day progresses looking typical, normal highs 41, we hit 41, between the hours of 2:00 and 5:00. again shower. rain or snow still out there. so unless you're in the mountains, this is really going to be pretty quiet day overall. >> good news. i think katie fair to say we need a break now. we have had a lot going on, look at that, nice to kind of say hey, our roadways today, are looking pretty, pretty good. i got to say. driving is looking all right. like i was saying up at the desk, one thing peaking at this morning two alarm fire at the six story apartment bumming we've been talking about and these road closures, will start to trip you up. market is closed from third to front, let tisha closed at market to chestnut. also, bus routes, five, nine, 17, 21, 48, now detoured. the good news is market frankford line, that's still on time. that's so make sure check the schedules on line, if you can avoid that area in old city i would advise to do so. we have another dwelling fire, bensalem, byberry road between hulmeville road and nights knights road. use alternate, street road will be your best bet. so those are the big things this morning. but we do have missing manhole cover route 30 white horse pike, near copely avenue. that will right lane is still block there. and we have more construction we will be talking about coming up in the next few minute. jim, over to you. >> thank you, meisha. as you mentioned, we're updating breaking news from old city where fire fight remembers work to go put out flames in a six story apartment building. >> "eyewitness news" reporter trang do live at the scene, trang, what can you tell us? >> reporter: rahel, jim, massive response out here, i can tell from third all the way to front street, facing market street, just lined with firetrucks, and take a look at why. this is le tisha street, you can see the apartment building we're talking about, again, six story apartment bumming, the ladder truck still up to the very top where neighbors who live around here believe that the fire started at the remember top of this building. we talked to some residents who were woken up by this fire. and one woman in particular tells me that her boyfriends was asleep, but she was awake doing some work. and she lives on the thrift floor. so of stories. and she saw some fireballs coming down onto her skylight and noticed that something was wrong. and interesting thing, though, she says that she did not hear fire alarm, and we talked to some other resident who live in the building as well, and they say also did not hear fire alarm, alerted to the fire by neighbors knocking on their door. take a listen. >> i was asleep. i heard like a rutkus above me on the unit above me. and it was a lot of, seemed like, people were running around, banking, and then shortly after that i heard a young lady in the hallway yelling fire. >> so at this point it is unclear how many people are affected by this fire. obviously all of them had been evacuate the from the six story building. residents tell me it is a condo building, so number of people displaced on very cold morning. fortunately, you know, we've not heard any reports of injuries or any transports to the hospital. but as meisha mentioned, number of traffic tie ups in this area. as we mentioned, from third all the way to front street over here on market street, just completely tied up. so those septa bus routes around the area have been rerouted. so market frankford line is up and running. but that is the tori out here, i will sends it back to you guys in the studio. >> folks at home are wondering if they're trying to figure out the location, where the old-fashioned ice cream store is located on the corner there, and this is mid-way down that block. >> real popular store. >> thank you, trang. >> more breaking news there is time, in bucks county, take a look, chopper three live over house fire, i believe meisha actually just mentioned this, near the 2400 block of byberry road bensalem. the fire is still not under control. no word on injuries. we don't yet know what caused the fire. of course we'll keep you updated on air and on line. >> the aclu and other groups will file federal lawsuits. >> on behalf of families denied entry at philadelphia international airport over the weekend. phl was among many airports where protesters demonstrated against president trump's travel ban. members of the ass alley family will be here announcing the lawsuit, saturday, reported this several of the assali members arrived from syria, could not get into the country. meanwhile, a shake up in the justice department, president trump has fired acting attorney general sally yates after she publicly questioned the constitutionality of his travel ban. he has installed a new temporary attorney general, dana boente. he says long enough for the send tooth confirm alabama senator, jeff sessions. well, pennsylvania senator pat toomey issued a statement on the bench quoting now unfortunately the initial executive order was flawed. it was too broad and poorly explained. this apparently resulted in denied entry into the united state for lawful permanent resident and others who should have been allowed immediate entry. and president trump executive order cushing immigration is not sitting well with president back. spokesperson says the president funds mentally disagrees with the notion of discriminating against individuals, fate and re ledge on, president obama's first statement since leaving office. >> and several airlines promising full refunds that travelers caught in president trump's new travel ban. ooh american, united, del an airlines, says complying with the president's order, but also reaching out to help travelers with refunds, re booking and other a come days cents. >> president trump, in prime time tonight, one of the frontrunners has ties to pennsylvania, federal appeals court judge thomas hardiman is 51 years old, seen as solid conservative, serves on the same court as the president's sister. the third circuit court of appeals is bales in the philadelphia, just hardiman works out of pittsburgh. >> i have argued before judge hardiman several times. and i have both won cases and lost cases before him. based on that experience i would say that he is an excellent judge. >> also under consideration, in addition to judge hardiman, federal appeals court judges neil gorsuch, and william pryor, replacing judge scalia, died last february. >> community lounger the loss of two sisters after deadly hit-and-run crash in oxford circle. candlelight vigil held at large street and the boulevard last night to remember ten year old loraya braxton and her sister kimberly phillips mother of two boys. two lived in the area for just ten days. >> the purpose of my sister moving from west philly is because of all of the gunfire, then to come down here, to the northeast, a good neighborhood. then to have it taken, their lives take friend somebody from careless and wreckless, you know, sad. >> and police say the driver, kenneth rough, hit the sisters just after 11:30 saturday night. he was apparently speed to go beat the changing light. he's now facing several charges including dui. take a look at this dramatic video. eyewitness charlie polls philadelphia on facebook, shows burning car exploding at a delaware county gas station. this happened last night around the. says he was working across the street from royal farms on mcdade boulevard in glenolden. that's when he saw the fire. no word from fire officials about the cause. >> well, philadelphia police are increasing security around local mosks, after sunday's deadly shooting in quebec. the canadian prime minister says the shooting was an act of terror, against muslim people everywhere. accuse the shooter and university student alexandra was known for expressing far right national list views on social media. the 27 year old faces six counts of first degree murder for the attack which left more than dozen others injured. >> well, shocking video as pastor in north jersey punch and knocked to the grounds in front of his congregation. take a look, bishop man ooh you will cruz celebrating mass saturday inside newark sacred heart cathedral. in the middle of mass man stepped out after pew, walk to the front, and you will see in this video, pulled a swing at the bishop, pun hinge chim in the face, knocking him to the ground. about 100 parishioners witnessed the whole thing. >> he is former alter boy, a lot of people thought oh, he might be part of the mass. but i, myself, thought it was a little odd. but from the gate, then when he walked up, and hit the man in the face, hit the bishop in the face, people were shocked, people ducked, other screamed. >> bishop cruz is recovering and says he's okay, his injuries were not serious, suspect facing charges and police still really trying to figure out what was the motive there. >> very odd. well, still ahead on "eyewitness news" this morning, dramatic video of pick-up truck slamming into a bus so hard it ended up inside the bus. find out what caused the driver to lose control. plus this: >> after a change of policy the bow scouts of america will now allow transgender to allow boys to join. the eight year old who prompted this change. >> and, tom brady might be tough on the football field, but something off the field bridges tears to his eyes, the emot dear fellow citizen, i know what it's like to want to relax with your family. but enjoying today doesn't mean losing sight of tomorrow. so while i invest in "the now" my mortgage, vacations i still invest in the future, like my children's college tuition and retirement. i can help you piece together your financial journey for today and tomorrow. if you have a question about investing, ask me. sincerely, amanda etheridge, fellow planner and fellow citizen. it kept coming back in different places. cancer treatment centers of america gave me treatment options i didn't know about before. i want to be around just to be a grandma. learn more at >> workers have been trying to put this fire under control near second and market street, latesha street in old city, this is video, you can see, flames were shooting out of the top of the building earlier, and traffic in that area is a mess right now. and meisha will have the detours coming up in just a few minute. >> pretty busy around there in general. >> exactly. >> man with a cane is a hero in kansas city. >> the moment that mangan attacking organ beating a attacker with his cane. the transit company, says man boarding bus got into argument with a female driver. that is when the violent passenger began to beat her. the good samaritan stepped in, the violent passenger was arrested appears the female driver appears to be okay surveillance video shows moment of impact, speeding pick pick-up truck slapped into the middle of a metro bus. police say the truck driver, slamming into the bus, boy, look at that. struck ended up inside of the bus. incredibly the eight passenger taken to the hospital, non-seriously injured, and the driver has been cited. wow, when you think snow? >> doesn't look like there was anything. >> no. >> just out of control truck. >> wow. >> speaking of snow, glad thursday they're okay, tracking yet again some snow? >> yet again some snow, not much. looking for ac laying, you got to go up to the northeast extension pretty far. carbon, monroe counties, poconos in general, the one spot we will finds anything, what i call, substantial. one to 3 inches, generally the expectation there, maybe a half inch to an inch in the allentown area, lehigh valley in general, too. here is the leading edge of the clipper system we're talking about to bring this in. so majority of our morning rush, without any hitches. by the way, delaware, southern new jersey, probably won't see a flake let alone a raindrop, but around philadelphia we do see quick rain or snow shower, but the bulk of precipitation, again, even though very light, going to go to the north. you will see that reflect in the future weather. we start off 7:00 a.m. that's when we start to see at least the leading edge of the snow move into western bucks county, up into the lehigh valley by 9:00 or so, and it should be underway in the poconos no later than 8:00. once it gets going up that way notice it keeps going. we continue to time it out. still have the snow falling up in the mountains, so it is really the shear amount of that will allow to you see the precipitation accumulate. down here though, bucks county, maybe mercer county, actually end up with rain or snow shower out of this, but notice, south jersey, delaware, virtually nothing. you probably end one more sun than anything here. but mainly the afternoon, see precipitation, any time the further north you go you will. i'll get the wrap and send you to the seven day. see waist going on down the pike here. mid 40's tomorrow. little relief here with some sun, all it be breezy day, then the chill starts to set in. we can't even hit 40, starting thursday, but looks quiet at least through saturday. by sunday though meisha, we may question mark may have some snow late in the day,. >> all right, so, we just have to really enjoy that sunshine while we've got it friday and saturday. thanks, good morning everybody right here disable box truck 95 south near allegheny, kind of zoomed in, close under the box truck, but just know it will pull down little get have, gaper delay. over here the schuylkill at the boulevard, headlight eastbound direction, schuylkill is heating up little bit. doesn't matter if you're moving in the eastbound or westbound side. so overall heating up, box truck, not too worried about it but around this area, talking about this and jim and rahel talking about this at the desk, we have the two alarm fire at the six story apartment building in old city road closures going on, third to front closed, market to chestnut, second is closed at arch. that's not all. avoid the area if at all possible, butts route five, nine, 17, 21, 33, 48, market line unscathed so far. make sure you check your schedules on line. back to you. >> new bow scout policy opening the door for more children across the country who wish to participate. the organization is now excepting trans jenner children. it is a huge change, helped along from boy from new jersey. hena daniels explains. >> reporter: joe is turning nine this week. playing a big part in changing a century old policy within the bow scouts of america. >> i still so happen that i they're excepting me. >> late last year joe was asked to leave his new jersey troop after leaders found out he is transgender. joe was born jody, a female, and says he likes being a bow scott. >> i like to go camping. i like to do science experiments, eat cupcakes, and stuff, it was fun. but they ruined it. >> his mother christie, took their battle to courtment filing a complaint with the new jersey state division of civil rights. and late monday night the organization changed its 100 year old stance, starting today will accept and register youths in the cub and bow scout program. on this gender identity on the application. lgbt rights activist support the policy change i believe banning anyone from programs designed to build the character of our youth in america is un-american. >> and so i'm glad to see this is happening. >> joe has been getting letters anomd supp around the globe. while he says he's not sure if he'll rejoin the scouts, he does hope the story will help others. hena daniels, cbs news. >> happening today your last chance to sign up for health insurance through the affordable care act. as long as you enroll by today you will lock in your health coverage for the year. what comes after of course is still up in the air. president trump is promise to go repeal and replace the law. >> well the superbowl is coming up this sunday, in houston, one the quarterbacks from chester count. >> i matt ryan led the falcons to second over superbowl appearance, first time the exton native dealing with the biggest game in the world the entire week of course full of activities and demands on the players' time. >> ryan's falcons play coach, bill belichick, quarterback tom brady and the new england patriots, new england has a lot of experience with the superbowlment brady has been in seven of them, franchise a total of nine past sure hall of famer brady was emotional when asked about his heroes. >> well, i think my dad is my hero. because he's the one that i look up to every day and ... my dad. >> tom brady. >> one of the more unusual sitings at the falcons media area was tom brady, actually a man-made to up look like brady who is foresees on opener and other event, super bowl working for the sports website bleacher report. >> well, one of america's worse urban freeways, guess what, it is right here in our area. that's coming up. >> plus, there will be three new breeds competing at this year's westminster dog show. >> ♪ >> ♪ 8f8z z12fz y28f8y y12fy >> headline across our region. >> former news did a -- new castle county police officer pled guilty to child porn. faces four to 53 years in prison, two counts every dealing in child pornography, within count every possession, he will be sentence in the march. >> on the front page of the bucks county courier times, construction on the bristol dock project, monday, with the arrival of crane barge. plan off has been in the water with 25 boating slips, accommodation, and elevated peer with a platform. >> from the tone yan, route 29 in trenton has been named one of america's worse urban freeways. non-profit organization of architect, engineers, planners, calling themselves congress for new urban i am, released report yesterday that identified route 29 as one of the nation's top ten freeways without future. >> and that's a look at some of the newspaper headlines from around the delaware valley. >> coming up in, new fuel ought from the travel bans, why president trump fired the attorney general. who is taking her place. >> plus it is tax season, live with some tips, why you have more time to file this year. meisha? >> roadways are nice and dry, but we not accident prone. a couple every accident, couple of fires slowing us down, hurting us in the world of mass transit, as well. all coming up. first, we will t welcome to your health with joan lunden, presented by the centers for disease control and prevention. >> hi, i'm joan lunden. believe it or not more than one in three people in the u.s. have prediabetes. even scarier 90% of them don't know it. if all those people with prediabetes don't do anything about it, 25% of all americans could have type 2 diabetes by the year 2025. prediabetes can be reversed and you do not have to live with the disease alone. the cdc has created the national diabetes prevention program. this program can help people with prediabetes significantly lower their risk of ever developing type 2 diabetes. using the program, services can help reduce your risk by 58%. if you are living with the disease, the program can help you avoid some of the serious complications associated with it. what is so unique about the program is the supportive community available to participants, the program's lifestyle coaches help you establish and maintain important lifestyle changes like healthy eating, increased physical activity, as well as tips to keep you motivated and manage your stress. the fellow participants share ideas and kind of help you keep on track. learn how you can be part of the program by visiting it can be daunting to change your daily diet and exercise routine but it can also be life saving. who better to understand what you are going through than others who are going through it too? have a question about your diet or looking to change your exercise routine, maybe feeling feeling discouraged because you haven't seen immediate decrease in blood sugar levels. the support of the program can help you through those challenges. so many people have turned their health around with this program. it is an incredible resource. to find out more about the cdc visit see you next time. i'm joan lunden. >> sponsored by naccd with support from the centers >> here's what you need to know today in your morning minute. a huge storm fire burning in old city. >> just massive response out here. >> this is latesha street here. this is a six story apartment building. see the ladder truck, the ladder up to the very top. >> today the aclu and other groups will file a federal lawsuit. that's on behalf of families tonight, entry at philadelphia international airport over the weaning end. >> i think you will be very impressed with this person. >> in prime time tonight, president trump will announce his pick for supreme court justice. one of his frontrunners has ties to pennsylvania. >> back on the floor ... oh, and a pass for rodriguez. covington for three. can't get it off. oh, and the sixers win it. >> well the sixers beat the sacramento kings 122-119. sixers play the dallas mavericks tomorrow night. out to katie. tracking some snow, even cold stretch. >> yes, that's definitely going to be the case down the road here, guys. chilly granted for this last day, can't believe it is the last day of january already. but regardless, today will actually ends up being pretty seasonable day. low 40's, where we expect to top off. but we're in for stretch of days that don't break out of the 30's. for now, the clipper system that will help to get us to that point is just beginning to make its arrival here in far western most lancaster county. see light snow over spread the north and western suburbs, especially, up the mountains here in the next couple of hours, and that is going to be a running theme for the poconos here today. so, very quickly let's highlight the region, get the biggest impact. light snow. periods of it all day. it will be arriving no later than eight, one to 3 inches of accumulation is the expectation, around certainly close with travel pretty obvious there but worth a mention. meanwhile actually coal enough to produce snow anywhere right now, won't see it roll through the southern counties. southern two thirds of the region generally dry for the rest of the morning, upper 20's, the best we're finding across the region right now. cold start. thankfully not terribly windy. hint of breeze, nothing more. as the day goes on, you know, i think if you're in southern new jersey most of delaware you probably don't see raindrop let alone snowflake. but there will be a rain or snow shower that rolls through philadelphia, especially this afternoon, that's why there could be few raindrops mixed in, so not going to amount to much, meisha, but if you ever fine yourself driving through snow it, could reduce your visibility as you well know. >> oh, yes, there is no doubt about it. all right, katie, thank you so much. speaking of reduced visible, not so much that we're seeing right now, no fog, roadways nice and dry, but starting to see problems on the roadways right now. looking at right now, do have accident, schuylkill eastbound past belmont avenue. pulled off to the right. you can see a lot of the flashing lights. no doubt about this will start to slow you down right now have, at love gaper delay, people putting on brake lights, and if you can see from the blue route to the vine, on the schuylkill it, will take you about 30 minutes. and it is looking very red, letting us know you are not even close to traveling at posted speeds, in fact, i wouldn't doubt it if you are almost completely supposed if you pass by the accident. heads up. again, that's going to slow you down. then also have a disable box truck here 95 south near allegheny. pulled all the way off to the right. kind of block that shoulder. plus a little bit of the far right lane. that's going to slow you down as well causing some of the vehicles, looks like hopefully starting to mover out of this way right now. nevertheless, it is very slow on 95 between the southbound direction as we well know at around 6:30 in the morning. then we have been talking about there is two alarm fire at six story apartment building in old city. road closures for you. market closed from third to front. latesha close from the market to chestnut, second closed at arch streets. your alternates around, there chestnut, race to fourth, i would say if you can avoid the area you certainly want to do so. than is not only affect willing the rolled, but these bus route, tweeting out, as well, detoured, make sure to check the schedules on line. jim, back over to you. >> thank you shall meisha. we are fink to follow breaking news in bucks county. chopper three live over a house fire, near the 2200 block of byberry road in bensalem. firefighters say two people were rescued and both are now at the hospital. the fire broke out just before 5:30, and still not under control. we'll keep you updated on air, on line at and the local app. more breaking news, story out every old sit. >> i philadelphia firefighters battling fire at six story condo building where we find trang do live for thus morning, trang, what do we know now? >> rahel, just got update from fire commissioner adams. he said the fire was placed under control at 6:00 after hour of fire fighting, at lakeisha street, of story condo building. you can see the ladder truck pretty much all the way to the top. commissioner tells us that they believe this fire started on the fifth floor, and despite so many amounts here in this building only four people were displaced. he also tells us there was one minor injury treated on the scene, pretty much in the heart of old city. very very tight streets, as well as a lot of build cents just connect today each other, and commissioner says one of their main goals here to reduce and minimize the damage to the surrounding buildings around this apartment building here. take a listen. >> fire reportedly on the fifth floor of one of the buildings behind me, several buildings are connected here, so still kind of finding hot spots annex continuing wishing fires on the roof of the building. >> now they'll just fire up at the moment. you can see still a lot of clean up, going on here. the commissioner tells us that there were 25 firetrucks on the scene, to fight this fire. they'll have to get all every these guys out. you can see the hoses still down the street, so a lot of clean up, as meisha mentioned, so many street closures around here as firefighters kind of clean up the area here. but fortunately, again, just that minor injury. and just four people displaced. and fire commissioner says it is very likely that those people will be able to return home. but they are expected to be out here for a number of hours, to continue the investigation here. but for now, live from old city, trang do, cbs-3, "eyewitness news", jim, rahel, back to you. >> thanks, trang. meanwhile in other news, more fall out from president trump immigration and travel bans. >> he's fired act attorney general sally yates for refuse to go defends his executive order. yates questioned the constitutionality of the president's temporary ban on refugees and i am grants. dana boente is her replacement until jeff sessions. >> president planning to unveil his choice to fill the supreme court tonight. it is down to three choices, federal appeals court judges neil gorsuch, thomas hardiman, and william pryor. working with eight justices since justice antoine scalia died nearly a year ago. >> of course cbs news will cover president trump's announcement for the supreme court starts at 8:00 tonight. watch it here on cbs-3. >> tax season is officially open. there are a few things that are different this year. >> cbs business analyst jill schlessinger joins us live from new york what we need to know the dreaded process of preparing our returns. good morning, jill. >> good morning. >> jill, what's new this year? >> well, thank your friends down in d.c. because of special holiday in the district, tax filing deadline is april 18th, not april 15th. that means you procrastinators, three extra days. now, for early birds, also some good news. under provisions of the protecting americans from tax hike act, employers now required to file their copies every w-2s and certain 1099's by today. that means you're going to have what you need to get started within the next few days. thanks investment, mail all of these document, so might and little bit after lag, so receive them in the snail mail, but most every these available on line right now. don't forget to gather your credit card summaries, review your checking accounts for deductions like the charitable donations you made at the end of the year, and job search costs, which may be deductible. use last year's returns as a guide to what you may be missing. >> okay, good to know, jill. another reason to file earlier even if you owe taxes, what could that possibly be? >> well the best way to avoid tax refunds fraud, where criminal files a return on your behalf and collect the refund; to file early. i know that stinks if you owe money. it might be safer in the longrun. the irs saw mat 400% surge in fishing animal wear incidence in the 2016 tax season, so important to remember the irs says not initiate contact with taxpayers by e-mail or through social channels. never going to request your information like that. if you receive a suspicious e-mail, don't click on the linc. forward it to fishing at also, remember, irs never calls to demand immediate using specific method like a prepaid debit card, gift cards, wire transfer. remember the irs will first mail you bill if you owe any taxes. for more on how to avoid these rampid tax scams go to jill on money. com. >> good advice as always, thanks, jill. in other news, historic westminster kennel club dog show is welcoming three new breeds this year. >> that includes the mentor injury, inquizative, spunky, noted for its whimsical expressions, cute one, oh, so cute, and it is described as athletic dog, will compete for best in show beginning february 13th. well, up next, meet local family who is making a real difference in the lives of people with special needs. and there is a way you can help, too. >> plus, in this morning's health watch, there is no cure for alzheimer's disease, but we will show you how this could help millions of people keep their memory longer. >> real life wild goose chase, see more video, this crazy video, when we come right back. >> ♪ >> ♪ >> are you awake yet? playing little cross cross today in honor of known for wearing their pant backward. so, see how our very own jim donovan celebrates that. >> ♪ and with the billion pointme!!! giveaway, it's about to get more awesome. to claim your share of a billion shop your way points during the big game, download the shop your way or kmart app today!!! >> fire is still out of control, see the smoke pouring out of the windows, nearby berry road. they tell "eyewitness news" they pulled two people from the flames. both returned to the hospital. for updates follow us on cbs philly, on twitter, or go to >> doctors are looking for altzheimer's patients to try to divide major break through in fighting the disease. >> looks like a swimming cap. a doctors at banner health in phoenix are optimist thick could actually help millions every people with altzheimer areas, they call it the neuro em. it uses electromagnetic waves to slow down memory loss. >> alzheimer's disease is a very slow death. everyone who get altzheimer's is going to die. we have to do something about this. and we strongly believe now we have a road map toward tackling altzheimer's. >> says patient wearing the cap won't hear or feel a thing. >> new study at harvard smokes connection between heart problems and snow. it is found hospitalizations for cardiovascular problems jumped 23%, two days after snowfall. researchers say issues brought on by excessive shoveling, and delays getting to the hospital, could explain the connection. >> well, china is celebrating the lunar new year, enlisted the help of some polar friends to celebrate. >> visitors to the polar museum in northeast china, oh, my goodness, watch ice slide, celebrated when festive howell, and even the polar bears joined in the fun. museum is the country's first amusement park with polar animals, little clap, jim? >> oh, i love it. >> oh, i can't even. i'm done. >> how do i follow that? >> penguins on ice slide? >> tell us very little snow and i'll be happen. >> i very little slow snow. >> thank you. >> barely flake here. in fact, anything that would accumulate. i don't think expecting accumulation here in philadelphia. but, you go far enough north, probably will see one to 3-inch swat, but check in with the weather watch ers, couple of spots, 26 degrees comes in this morning from jenny jensen. she has moreover cast than anything out in cherry hill, very light wind. we go back into pennsylvania, where it is 24 degrees, that comes in this morning from wayne hunter, who is reporting more clouds than anything but certainly a lot of snow in the air, as well, we take you to one more here, we go to the 22 degrees read that comes into us from eileen, who i know got brand new weather station for christmas, interestingly i ran into her husband in bryn mawr yesterday. small world with our weather watch ers. lots of clouds over here in gilbertsville, reporting, feels casino every refreshing outside. no precipitation at this point, pretty quiet ends to january, for the most part. this clipper system wouldn't live up to the typical characteristics of a clipper, which are you're going to see the coal get reinforced behind it, not a loft moisture with turkey manage to strike it there little bit. we going to see bit of snow out of this. and very likely that's going to be most noticeable in the mountains where you end up with one to 3 inches, probably more like half to 1 inch worth to the lehigh valley. light rain or snow shower in the city, and immediate suburbs. and then down in southern new jersey, delaware, you may not see a drop, or a flake out of this at all. looks like the bulk every precipitation and moisture will bypass you to the north. meanwhile looking forward here. seven day, dow think we will be seeing daytime high hit around 40 thursday, should be a struggle but should get there. then stuck in the 30's for friday, saturday, sunday. meisha i know you will love this. good chance for some snow late in the day sunday. >> yeah. >> you know what, if i had my snow know beil here that would be one thing, but why do i want snow if i can't snowmobile, right? guys, what we have right now, disable box truck out there for little bit. ninety-five south near allegheny. it was causing some slow downs, it looks like there is a cone in the road right now, not sure if that truck is now completely out of the picture, but i will tell you, take a look at this, look how slow, 59 from woodhaven to the vine. take but 30, 40 minutes, so factor that into your morning commute this morning it, will slow you down on 95. accident in plymouth meeting plymouth road at johnson road. heads up to those of you in that area, check the schedules on line, patco speed line, special schedule eastbound, from 9:44 to 1:56 p.m. those are exact precise times, and again, just make sure to check the schedules on line, we still have closures from the two alarm fire, in old sit. park is closed third to front, close to market and chestnut. second is closed at arch. your alternate, chestnut, race or fourth. and it is also affecting some bus detours, i'll be tweeting these out, as women, detours make sure to check the schedules on line like i said. jim, back to you. >> lots of detours, thanks, meisha. few people in idaho had quite the thrill when they found themselves on real life wild goose chase, and they caught the whole thing on camera. check it out. >> today spencer was driving along highway 12 saturday which look out the window to see, yes, a goose had joined her. see it there? keeping us pretty good pason the roads, the goose alongside her for few minute before flying away. >> great video. the time now is 6:49. a lot coming up on cbs this morning. >> gale king joins us live from new york with a preview. good morning, gale. >> reporter: we are here. live and in color. hello, jim, rahel. good to see you guys. president trump fires the attorney general for refuse to go defend his travel ban. talk with john dickerson about the latest turmoil surrounding the new president. plus driving did you know is more dangerous in some states than others? new report card on which states are falling behind in safety laws is out finds out if your state is on the listment and when you eat, so now, guys, more than just what you eat. it is when you eat. sharing the road, what that is. those stories and more, at 7:00 of the tick-tock, the clock is counting down. >> we will be watching, thanks, gale. >> watching a child succeed in business is a rewarding experience for a parent. >> the bucks county father learned thousand help his son with autism work and communicate by working with his hands. >> "eyewitness news" reporter trang do explains how this mission to help his son turned into an incredible business. >> mike never imagined he would be a professional craft err. >> i'm an it. i didn't know anything about the machines. >> put on the lid. put it over there. okay? >> but he does it for one important reason, his 18 year old son, dillon. >> for him to sit at a craft show, and see people spending money on things that he helped make, that's really significant, whether you are special needs or not, having someone willing to buy something that you worked on. i mean, that's the kind of job that anyone wants. >> grant and his wife terry operate crafters for life out of their bucks county home. their company employs adults with special needs to design, hands crafter, sell unique line of products at craft shows, even take custom orders. >> here are some of the wedding work. >> what started at council rock high school north has a lesson plan for student went autism, now full-fledged company, about dozen part-time state employees. >> he built tower. >> nicole has work at crafters for about a year now. >> i was helping people, and making like these awesome products and i feel like it is very fun to do. i absolutely love it. >> my friend kevin actually made this product. >> since starting at the company a few month ago, tj fox has not only boosted sales but also his confidence. >> i got to see myself better communicating with people and under standing people better, so instead of sitting around and being laid back, i got to go out annex more the worlds little bit. >> eventually grant hopes to take the business out of his home, into outside facility, where he can help more people with special needs support themselves. >> you hear all of the stories, once you age out, at age 21, you can sit at home waiting for funding. so that's a big fear that there is not going to be a construct stiff reason for dillon to lever. other is a paying job f we do either of them, we are successful. we do both of them, then done. >> trang do, cbs-3, "eyewitness news". crafters for life. what a great idea, congratulations to them all. >> soon you will have your own chance to tour grace kelly's philadelphia childhood home. >> monaco's prince albert told people magazine the east falls home will reopen for public visit. prince paid three quarters after million dollars last year to buy the home where his mother grew up. the house will also include the regional offices for the princess grace foundation. prince said he hopes to reopen the home by 2018 if not sooner. meantime, president trump won't only be roasted at the annual white horse correspondent dinner this year, comedian samantha planning alternative rose on same night. says money raised from the event will go to non-profit group. >> bar taste in california turns out coffees like a machine. >> because it is actually a machine. take a look. this is robot barista serves coffee in san francisco mall. people customize their coffees by expresso style syrup, and the robot notifies them when it is ready. make up to 120 cups of coffee every hour. and the ceo says plans to bring the robot to couple of malls across the us. >> sign me up with a skinny latte. we'll be right back with three to >> before you leave here is three to go. >> road closures in old city, as firefighter remain on the scene of two alarm condo fire near second and market. the fire under control. >> groups are filing federal lawsuit on behalf of families denied entry at the philadelphia international airport over the weekend. >> president donald trump is announcing his pick for the supreme court today. he will make the announcement live at 8:00 tonight. of course you can see it right here on cbs-3. >> that's three to go. last check on weather and traffic disbelief to show you gorgeous sunrise shot, out in the live neighborhood network, beautiful pick tire outside middle township high school. likely won't see any precipitation at all today. looking for any snow you have to go far to the north here for any accumulation, do spec rain or snow shower in the city, too, meisha. >> all right, katie, thank you so much. we have disable box truck still out there on 95 south near allegheny. see penndot wizzing around there. i'm letting you know you will have to leave your homes at least a extra 40, 45 minute early, if i were you, i would play it safe, give myself an extra hour in this area. looking very, very slow. >> good to know, meisha. >> today might just be regular old tuesday, january 31. >> national backward day. so today is the day to change your direction, that walk from the news room isn't always assisi as it looks. national backward day is an opportunity to reverse your ways, and here is a fun fact about backward day, leonardi wrote backward including making the letters themselves backward. >> interesting. >> yes. >> a lot of people don't know this, but our colleague nicole brewer can say words backward. kind of freaks me out. >> i have seen and heard her do it, if you give her any word, throw any word out there, what do you got? >> stop. >> stop she will say pots. that's easy. dow dangerous, she can say it backward. >> we'll send out some more interesting facts about ourselves, but next on cbs this morning, "face the nation" moderator john dickerson is weighing in on president trump's executive action, protest and the upcoming supreme court nomination. >> and remember to join us each weekday morning right here on cbs-3 starting at 4:30, have a great day. >> happy backward day >> ♪ >> ♪ ♪ good morning, it is tuesday, january 31st, 2017. welcome to "cbs this morning." president trump fires the acting attorney general for defiance. she had told the justice department not to defend his temporary ban on refugees and travelers. tonight, the president's name for the vacancy on the supreme court. and the lack of driving safely laws could explain why people are dying in crashes. see if your state is one of the 17 that are called dangerously behind. >> but we begin this morning with a look at today's "eye opener," your world in 90 seconds. >> this

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Transcripts For KYW Eyewitness News At 6 20170131 :

Transcripts For KYW Eyewitness News At 6 20170131

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good to hear for sure. but that said, keep an eye out for t meantime, storm scan3, pretty quiet locally. see the leading edge of the little squawl or light snowy call it moving its way across harrisburg, for example. so it is only matter of time, i would say about two hours, before it starts to move into the poconos, especially, the far western suburbs, but today, talking about very, very scattered rain and/or snow showers in philly, very light, inch in inch ends at this, little if any accumulation, really leaning more toward the if any end of that spectrum. up to the mountains, very likely to pick up couple every inches of snow out of this, 22 the temperature how it feels anyway here in philadelphia. a hint of maybe five to 6 degrees colder, as the day progresses looking typical, normal highs 41, we hit 41, between the hours of 2:00 and 5:00. again shower. rain or snow still out there. so unless you're in the mountains, this is really going to be pretty quiet day overall. >> good news. i think katie fair to say we need a break now. we have had a lot going on, look at that, nice to kind of say hey, our roadways today, are looking pretty, pretty good. i got to say. driving is looking all right. like i was saying up at the desk, one thing peaking at this morning two alarm fire at the six story apartment bumming we've been talking about and these road closures, will start to trip you up. market is closed from third to front, let tisha closed at market to chestnut. also, bus routes, five, nine, 17, 21, 48, now detoured. the good news is market frankford line, that's still on time. that's so make sure check the schedules on line, if you can avoid that area in old city i would advise to do so. we have another dwelling fire, bensalem, byberry road between hulmeville road and nights knights road. use alternate, street road will be your best bet. so those are the big things this morning. but we do have missing manhole cover route 30 white horse pike, near copely avenue. that will right lane is still block there. and we have more construction we will be talking about coming up in the next few minute. jim, over to you. >> thank you, meisha. as you mentioned, we're updating breaking news from old city where fire fight remembers work to go put out flames in a six story apartment building. >> "eyewitness news" reporter trang do live at the scene, trang, what can you tell us? >> reporter: rahel, jim, massive response out here, i can tell from third all the way to front street, facing market street, just lined with firetrucks, and take a look at why. this is le tisha street, you can see the apartment building we're talking about, again, six story apartment bumming, the ladder truck still up to the very top where neighbors who live around here believe that the fire started at the remember top of this building. we talked to some residents who were woken up by this fire. and one woman in particular tells me that her boyfriends was asleep, but she was awake doing some work. and she lives on the thrift floor. so of stories. and she saw some fireballs coming down onto her skylight and noticed that something was wrong. and interesting thing, though, she says that she did not hear fire alarm, and we talked to some other resident who live in the building as well, and they say also did not hear fire alarm, alerted to the fire by neighbors knocking on their door. take a listen. >> i was asleep. i heard like a rutkus above me on the unit above me. and it was a lot of, seemed like, people were running around, banking, and then shortly after that i heard a young lady in the hallway yelling fire. >> so at this point it is unclear how many people are affected by this fire. obviously all of them had been evacuate the from the six story building. residents tell me it is a condo building, so number of people displaced on very cold morning. fortunately, you know, we've not heard any reports of injuries or any transports to the hospital. but as meisha mentioned, number of traffic tie ups in this area. as we mentioned, from third all the way to front street over here on market street, just completely tied up. so those septa bus routes around the area have been rerouted. so market frankford line is up and running. but that is the tori out here, i will sends it back to you guys in the studio. >> folks at home are wondering if they're trying to figure out the location, where the old-fashioned ice cream store is located on the corner there, and this is mid-way down that block. >> real popular store. >> thank you, trang. >> more breaking news there is time, in bucks county, take a look, chopper three live over house fire, i believe meisha actually just mentioned this, near the 2400 block of byberry road bensalem. the fire is still not under control. no word on injuries. we don't yet know what caused the fire. of course we'll keep you updated on air and on line. >> the aclu and other groups will file federal lawsuits. >> on behalf of families denied entry at philadelphia international airport over the weekend. phl was among many airports where protesters demonstrated against president trump's travel ban. members of the ass alley family will be here announcing the lawsuit, saturday, reported this several of the assali members arrived from syria, could not get into the country. meanwhile, a shake up in the justice department, president trump has fired acting attorney general sally yates after she publicly questioned the constitutionality of his travel ban. he has installed a new temporary attorney general, dana boente. he says long enough for the send tooth confirm alabama senator, jeff sessions. well, pennsylvania senator pat toomey issued a statement on the bench quoting now unfortunately the initial executive order was flawed. it was too broad and poorly explained. this apparently resulted in denied entry into the united state for lawful permanent resident and others who should have been allowed immediate entry. and president trump executive order cushing immigration is not sitting well with president back. spokesperson says the president funds mentally disagrees with the notion of discriminating against individuals, fate and re ledge on, president obama's first statement since leaving office. >> and several airlines promising full refunds that travelers caught in president trump's new travel ban. ooh american, united, del an airlines, says complying with the president's order, but also reaching out to help travelers with refunds, re booking and other a come days cents. >> president trump, in prime time tonight, one of the frontrunners has ties to pennsylvania, federal appeals court judge thomas hardiman is 51 years old, seen as solid conservative, serves on the same court as the president's sister. the third circuit court of appeals is bales in the philadelphia, just hardiman works out of pittsburgh. >> i have argued before judge hardiman several times. and i have both won cases and lost cases before him. based on that experience i would say that he is an excellent judge. >> also under consideration, in addition to judge hardiman, federal appeals court judges neil gorsuch, and william pryor, replacing judge scalia, died last february. >> community lounger the loss of two sisters after deadly hit-and-run crash in oxford circle. candlelight vigil held at large street and the boulevard last night to remember ten year old loraya braxton and her sister kimberly phillips mother of two boys. two lived in the area for just ten days. >> the purpose of my sister moving from west philly is because of all of the gunfire, then to come down here, to the northeast, a good neighborhood. then to have it taken, their lives take friend somebody from careless and wreckless, you know, sad. >> and police say the driver, kenneth rough, hit the sisters just after 11:30 saturday night. he was apparently speed to go beat the changing light. he's now facing several charges including dui. take a look at this dramatic video. eyewitness charlie polls philadelphia on facebook, shows burning car exploding at a delaware county gas station. this happened last night around the. says he was working across the street from royal farms on mcdade boulevard in glenolden. that's when he saw the fire. no word from fire officials about the cause. >> well, philadelphia police are increasing security around local mosks, after sunday's deadly shooting in quebec. the canadian prime minister says the shooting was an act of terror, against muslim people everywhere. accuse the shooter and university student alexandra was known for expressing far right national list views on social media. the 27 year old faces six counts of first degree murder for the attack which left more than dozen others injured. >> well, shocking video as pastor in north jersey punch and knocked to the grounds in front of his congregation. take a look, bishop man ooh you will cruz celebrating mass saturday inside newark sacred heart cathedral. in the middle of mass man stepped out after pew, walk to the front, and you will see in this video, pulled a swing at the bishop, pun hinge chim in the face, knocking him to the ground. about 100 parishioners witnessed the whole thing. >> he is former alter boy, a lot of people thought oh, he might be part of the mass. but i, myself, thought it was a little odd. but from the gate, then when he walked up, and hit the man in the face, hit the bishop in the face, people were shocked, people ducked, other screamed. >> bishop cruz is recovering and says he's okay, his injuries were not serious, suspect facing charges and police still really trying to figure out what was the motive there. >> very odd. well, still ahead on "eyewitness news" this morning, dramatic video of pick-up truck slamming into a bus so hard it ended up inside the bus. find out what caused the driver to lose control. plus this: >> after a change of policy the bow scouts of america will now allow transgender to allow boys to join. the eight year old who prompted this change. >> and, tom brady might be tough on the football field, but something off the field bridges tears to his eyes, the emot dear fellow citizen, i know what it's like to want to relax with your family. but enjoying today doesn't mean losing sight of tomorrow. so while i invest in "the now" my mortgage, vacations i still invest in the future, like my children's college tuition and retirement. i can help you piece together your financial journey for today and tomorrow. if you have a question about investing, ask me. sincerely, amanda etheridge, fellow planner and fellow citizen. it kept coming back in different places. cancer treatment centers of america gave me treatment options i didn't know about before. i want to be around just to be a grandma. learn more at >> workers have been trying to put this fire under control near second and market street, latesha street in old city, this is video, you can see, flames were shooting out of the top of the building earlier, and traffic in that area is a mess right now. and meisha will have the detours coming up in just a few minute. >> pretty busy around there in general. >> exactly. >> man with a cane is a hero in kansas city. >> the moment that mangan attacking organ beating a attacker with his cane. the transit company, says man boarding bus got into argument with a female driver. that is when the violent passenger began to beat her. the good samaritan stepped in, the violent passenger was arrested appears the female driver appears to be okay surveillance video shows moment of impact, speeding pick pick-up truck slapped into the middle of a metro bus. police say the truck driver, slamming into the bus, boy, look at that. struck ended up inside of the bus. incredibly the eight passenger taken to the hospital, non-seriously injured, and the driver has been cited. wow, when you think snow? >> doesn't look like there was anything. >> no. >> just out of control truck. >> wow. >> speaking of snow, glad thursday they're okay, tracking yet again some snow? >> yet again some snow, not much. looking for ac laying, you got to go up to the northeast extension pretty far. carbon, monroe counties, poconos in general, the one spot we will finds anything, what i call, substantial. one to 3 inches, generally the expectation there, maybe a half inch to an inch in the allentown area, lehigh valley in general, too. here is the leading edge of the clipper system we're talking about to bring this in. so majority of our morning rush, without any hitches. by the way, delaware, southern new jersey, probably won't see a flake let alone a raindrop, but around philadelphia we do see quick rain or snow shower, but the bulk of precipitation, again, even though very light, going to go to the north. you will see that reflect in the future weather. we start off 7:00 a.m. that's when we start to see at least the leading edge of the snow move into western bucks county, up into the lehigh valley by 9:00 or so, and it should be underway in the poconos no later than 8:00. once it gets going up that way notice it keeps going. we continue to time it out. still have the snow falling up in the mountains, so it is really the shear amount of that will allow to you see the precipitation accumulate. down here though, bucks county, maybe mercer county, actually end up with rain or snow shower out of this, but notice, south jersey, delaware, virtually nothing. you probably end one more sun than anything here. but mainly the afternoon, see precipitation, any time the further north you go you will. i'll get the wrap and send you to the seven day. see waist going on down the pike here. mid 40's tomorrow. little relief here with some sun, all it be breezy day, then the chill starts to set in. we can't even hit 40, starting thursday, but looks quiet at least through saturday. by sunday though meisha, we may question mark may have some snow late in the day,. >> all right, so, we just have to really enjoy that sunshine while we've got it friday and saturday. thanks, good morning everybody right here disable box truck 95 south near allegheny, kind of zoomed in, close under the box truck, but just know it will pull down little get have, gaper delay. over here the schuylkill at the boulevard, headlight eastbound direction, schuylkill is heating up little bit. doesn't matter if you're moving in the eastbound or westbound side. so overall heating up, box truck, not too worried about it but around this area, talking about this and jim and rahel talking about this at the desk, we have the two alarm fire at the six story apartment building in old city road closures going on, third to front closed, market to chestnut, second is closed at arch. that's not all. avoid the area if at all possible, butts route five, nine, 17, 21, 33, 48, market line unscathed so far. make sure you check your schedules on line. back to you. >> new bow scout policy opening the door for more children across the country who wish to participate. the organization is now excepting trans jenner children. it is a huge change, helped along from boy from new jersey. hena daniels explains. >> reporter: joe is turning nine this week. playing a big part in changing a century old policy within the bow scouts of america. >> i still so happen that i they're excepting me. >> late last year joe was asked to leave his new jersey troop after leaders found out he is transgender. joe was born jody, a female, and says he likes being a bow scott. >> i like to go camping. i like to do science experiments, eat cupcakes, and stuff, it was fun. but they ruined it. >> his mother christie, took their battle to courtment filing a complaint with the new jersey state division of civil rights. and late monday night the organization changed its 100 year old stance, starting today will accept and register youths in the cub and bow scout program. on this gender identity on the application. lgbt rights activist support the policy change i believe banning anyone from programs designed to build the character of our youth in america is un-american. >> and so i'm glad to see this is happening. >> joe has been getting letters anomd supp around the globe. while he says he's not sure if he'll rejoin the scouts, he does hope the story will help others. hena daniels, cbs news. >> happening today your last chance to sign up for health insurance through the affordable care act. as long as you enroll by today you will lock in your health coverage for the year. what comes after of course is still up in the air. president trump is promise to go repeal and replace the law. >> well the superbowl is coming up this sunday, in houston, one the quarterbacks from chester count. >> i matt ryan led the falcons to second over superbowl appearance, first time the exton native dealing with the biggest game in the world the entire week of course full of activities and demands on the players' time. >> ryan's falcons play coach, bill belichick, quarterback tom brady and the new england patriots, new england has a lot of experience with the superbowlment brady has been in seven of them, franchise a total of nine past sure hall of famer brady was emotional when asked about his heroes. >> well, i think my dad is my hero. because he's the one that i look up to every day and ... my dad. >> tom brady. >> one of the more unusual sitings at the falcons media area was tom brady, actually a man-made to up look like brady who is foresees on opener and other event, super bowl working for the sports website bleacher report. >> well, one of america's worse urban freeways, guess what, it is right here in our area. that's coming up. >> plus, there will be three new breeds competing at this year's westminster dog show. >> ♪ >> ♪ 8f8z z12fz y28f8y y12fy >> headline across our region. >> former news did a -- new castle county police officer pled guilty to child porn. faces four to 53 years in prison, two counts every dealing in child pornography, within count every possession, he will be sentence in the march. >> on the front page of the bucks county courier times, construction on the bristol dock project, monday, with the arrival of crane barge. plan off has been in the water with 25 boating slips, accommodation, and elevated peer with a platform. >> from the tone yan, route 29 in trenton has been named one of america's worse urban freeways. non-profit organization of architect, engineers, planners, calling themselves congress for new urban i am, released report yesterday that identified route 29 as one of the nation's top ten freeways without future. >> and that's a look at some of the newspaper headlines from around the delaware valley. >> coming up in, new fuel ought from the travel bans, why president trump fired the attorney general. who is taking her place. >> plus it is tax season, live with some tips, why you have more time to file this year. meisha? >> roadways are nice and dry, but we not accident prone. a couple every accident, couple of fires slowing us down, hurting us in the world of mass transit, as well. all coming up. first, we will t welcome to your health with joan lunden, presented by the centers for disease control and prevention. >> hi, i'm joan lunden. believe it or not more than one in three people in the u.s. have prediabetes. even scarier 90% of them don't know it. if all those people with prediabetes don't do anything about it, 25% of all americans could have type 2 diabetes by the year 2025. prediabetes can be reversed and you do not have to live with the disease alone. the cdc has created the national diabetes prevention program. this program can help people with prediabetes significantly lower their risk of ever developing type 2 diabetes. using the program, services can help reduce your risk by 58%. if you are living with the disease, the program can help you avoid some of the serious complications associated with it. what is so unique about the program is the supportive community available to participants, the program's lifestyle coaches help you establish and maintain important lifestyle changes like healthy eating, increased physical activity, as well as tips to keep you motivated and manage your stress. the fellow participants share ideas and kind of help you keep on track. learn how you can be part of the program by visiting it can be daunting to change your daily diet and exercise routine but it can also be life saving. who better to understand what you are going through than others who are going through it too? have a question about your diet or looking to change your exercise routine, maybe feeling feeling discouraged because you haven't seen immediate decrease in blood sugar levels. the support of the program can help you through those challenges. so many people have turned their health around with this program. it is an incredible resource. to find out more about the cdc visit see you next time. i'm joan lunden. >> sponsored by naccd with support from the centers >> here's what you need to know today in your morning minute. a huge storm fire burning in old city. >> just massive response out here. >> this is latesha street here. this is a six story apartment building. see the ladder truck, the ladder up to the very top. >> today the aclu and other groups will file a federal lawsuit. that's on behalf of families tonight, entry at philadelphia international airport over the weaning end. >> i think you will be very impressed with this person. >> in prime time tonight, president trump will announce his pick for supreme court justice. one of his frontrunners has ties to pennsylvania. >> back on the floor ... oh, and a pass for rodriguez. covington for three. can't get it off. oh, and the sixers win it. >> well the sixers beat the sacramento kings 122-119. sixers play the dallas mavericks tomorrow night. out to katie. tracking some snow, even cold stretch. >> yes, that's definitely going to be the case down the road here, guys. chilly granted for this last day, can't believe it is the last day of january already. but regardless, today will actually ends up being pretty seasonable day. low 40's, where we expect to top off. but we're in for stretch of days that don't break out of the 30's. for now, the clipper system that will help to get us to that point is just beginning to make its arrival here in far western most lancaster county. see light snow over spread the north and western suburbs, especially, up the mountains here in the next couple of hours, and that is going to be a running theme for the poconos here today. so, very quickly let's highlight the region, get the biggest impact. light snow. periods of it all day. it will be arriving no later than eight, one to 3 inches of accumulation is the expectation, around certainly close with travel pretty obvious there but worth a mention. meanwhile actually coal enough to produce snow anywhere right now, won't see it roll through the southern counties. southern two thirds of the region generally dry for the rest of the morning, upper 20's, the best we're finding across the region right now. cold start. thankfully not terribly windy. hint of breeze, nothing more. as the day goes on, you know, i think if you're in southern new jersey most of delaware you probably don't see raindrop let alone snowflake. but there will be a rain or snow shower that rolls through philadelphia, especially this afternoon, that's why there could be few raindrops mixed in, so not going to amount to much, meisha, but if you ever fine yourself driving through snow it, could reduce your visibility as you well know. >> oh, yes, there is no doubt about it. all right, katie, thank you so much. speaking of reduced visible, not so much that we're seeing right now, no fog, roadways nice and dry, but starting to see problems on the roadways right now. looking at right now, do have accident, schuylkill eastbound past belmont avenue. pulled off to the right. you can see a lot of the flashing lights. no doubt about this will start to slow you down right now have, at love gaper delay, people putting on brake lights, and if you can see from the blue route to the vine, on the schuylkill it, will take you about 30 minutes. and it is looking very red, letting us know you are not even close to traveling at posted speeds, in fact, i wouldn't doubt it if you are almost completely supposed if you pass by the accident. heads up. again, that's going to slow you down. then also have a disable box truck here 95 south near allegheny. pulled all the way off to the right. kind of block that shoulder. plus a little bit of the far right lane. that's going to slow you down as well causing some of the vehicles, looks like hopefully starting to mover out of this way right now. nevertheless, it is very slow on 95 between the southbound direction as we well know at around 6:30 in the morning. then we have been talking about there is two alarm fire at six story apartment building in old city. road closures for you. market closed from third to front. latesha close from the market to chestnut, second closed at arch streets. your alternates around, there chestnut, race to fourth, i would say if you can avoid the area you certainly want to do so. than is not only affect willing the rolled, but these bus route, tweeting out, as well, detoured, make sure to check the schedules on line. jim, back over to you. >> thank you shall meisha. we are fink to follow breaking news in bucks county. chopper three live over a house fire, near the 2200 block of byberry road in bensalem. firefighters say two people were rescued and both are now at the hospital. the fire broke out just before 5:30, and still not under control. we'll keep you updated on air, on line at and the local app. more breaking news, story out every old sit. >> i philadelphia firefighters battling fire at six story condo building where we find trang do live for thus morning, trang, what do we know now? >> rahel, just got update from fire commissioner adams. he said the fire was placed under control at 6:00 after hour of fire fighting, at lakeisha street, of story condo building. you can see the ladder truck pretty much all the way to the top. commissioner tells us that they believe this fire started on the fifth floor, and despite so many amounts here in this building only four people were displaced. he also tells us there was one minor injury treated on the scene, pretty much in the heart of old city. very very tight streets, as well as a lot of build cents just connect today each other, and commissioner says one of their main goals here to reduce and minimize the damage to the surrounding buildings around this apartment building here. take a listen. >> fire reportedly on the fifth floor of one of the buildings behind me, several buildings are connected here, so still kind of finding hot spots annex continuing wishing fires on the roof of the building. >> now they'll just fire up at the moment. you can see still a lot of clean up, going on here. the commissioner tells us that there were 25 firetrucks on the scene, to fight this fire. they'll have to get all every these guys out. you can see the hoses still down the street, so a lot of clean up, as meisha mentioned, so many street closures around here as firefighters kind of clean up the area here. but fortunately, again, just that minor injury. and just four people displaced. and fire commissioner says it is very likely that those people will be able to return home. but they are expected to be out here for a number of hours, to continue the investigation here. but for now, live from old city, trang do, cbs-3, "eyewitness news", jim, rahel, back to you. >> thanks, trang. meanwhile in other news, more fall out from president trump immigration and travel bans. >> he's fired act attorney general sally yates for refuse to go defends his executive order. yates questioned the constitutionality of the president's temporary ban on refugees and i am grants. dana boente is her replacement until jeff sessions. >> president planning to unveil his choice to fill the supreme court tonight. it is down to three choices, federal appeals court judges neil gorsuch, thomas hardiman, and william pryor. working with eight justices since justice antoine scalia died nearly a year ago. >> of course cbs news will cover president trump's announcement for the supreme court starts at 8:00 tonight. watch it here on cbs-3. >> tax season is officially open. there are a few things that are different this year. >> cbs business analyst jill schlessinger joins us live from new york what we need to know the dreaded process of preparing our returns. good morning, jill. >> good morning. >> jill, what's new this year? >> well, thank your friends down in d.c. because of special holiday in the district, tax filing deadline is april 18th, not april 15th. that means you procrastinators, three extra days. now, for early birds, also some good news. under provisions of the protecting americans from tax hike act, employers now required to file their copies every w-2s and certain 1099's by today. that means you're going to have what you need to get started within the next few days. thanks investment, mail all of these document, so might and little bit after lag, so receive them in the snail mail, but most every these available on line right now. don't forget to gather your credit card summaries, review your checking accounts for deductions like the charitable donations you made at the end of the year, and job search costs, which may be deductible. use last year's returns as a guide to what you may be missing. >> okay, good to know, jill. another reason to file earlier even if you owe taxes, what could that possibly be? >> well the best way to avoid tax refunds fraud, where criminal files a return on your behalf and collect the refund; to file early. i know that stinks if you owe money. it might be safer in the longrun. the irs saw mat 400% surge in fishing animal wear incidence in the 2016 tax season, so important to remember the irs says not initiate contact with taxpayers by e-mail or through social channels. never going to request your information like that. if you receive a suspicious e-mail, don't click on the linc. forward it to fishing at also, remember, irs never calls to demand immediate using specific method like a prepaid debit card, gift cards, wire transfer. remember the irs will first mail you bill if you owe any taxes. for more on how to avoid these rampid tax scams go to jill on money. com. >> good advice as always, thanks, jill. in other news, historic westminster kennel club dog show is welcoming three new breeds this year. >> that includes the mentor injury, inquizative, spunky, noted for its whimsical expressions, cute one, oh, so cute, and it is described as athletic dog, will compete for best in show beginning february 13th. well, up next, meet local family who is making a real difference in the lives of people with special needs. and there is a way you can help, too. >> plus, in this morning's health watch, there is no cure for alzheimer's disease, but we will show you how this could help millions of people keep their memory longer. >> real life wild goose chase, see more video, this crazy video, when we come right back. >> ♪ >> ♪ >> are you awake yet? playing little cross cross today in honor of known for wearing their pant backward. so, see how our very own jim donovan celebrates that. >> ♪ and with the billion pointme!!! giveaway, it's about to get more awesome. to claim your share of a billion shop your way points during the big game, download the shop your way or kmart app today!!! >> fire is still out of control, see the smoke pouring out of the windows, nearby berry road. they tell "eyewitness news" they pulled two people from the flames. both returned to the hospital. for updates follow us on cbs philly, on twitter, or go to >> doctors are looking for altzheimer's patients to try to divide major break through in fighting the disease. >> looks like a swimming cap. a doctors at banner health in phoenix are optimist thick could actually help millions every people with altzheimer areas, they call it the neuro em. it uses electromagnetic waves to slow down memory loss. >> alzheimer's disease is a very slow death. everyone who get altzheimer's is going to die. we have to do something about this. and we strongly believe now we have a road map toward tackling altzheimer's. >> says patient wearing the cap won't hear or feel a thing. >> new study at harvard smokes connection between heart problems and snow. it is found hospitalizations for cardiovascular problems jumped 23%, two days after snowfall. researchers say issues brought on by excessive shoveling, and delays getting to the hospital, could explain the connection. >> well, china is celebrating the lunar new year, enlisted the help of some polar friends to celebrate. >> visitors to the polar museum in northeast china, oh, my goodness, watch ice slide, celebrated when festive howell, and even the polar bears joined in the fun. museum is the country's first amusement park with polar animals, little clap, jim? >> oh, i love it. >> oh, i can't even. i'm done. >> how do i follow that? >> penguins on ice slide? >> tell us very little snow and i'll be happen. >> i very little slow snow. >> thank you. >> barely flake here. in fact, anything that would accumulate. i don't think expecting accumulation here in philadelphia. but, you go far enough north, probably will see one to 3-inch swat, but check in with the weather watch ers, couple of spots, 26 degrees comes in this morning from jenny jensen. she has moreover cast than anything out in cherry hill, very light wind. we go back into pennsylvania, where it is 24 degrees, that comes in this morning from wayne hunter, who is reporting more clouds than anything but certainly a lot of snow in the air, as well, we take you to one more here, we go to the 22 degrees read that comes into us from eileen, who i know got brand new weather station for christmas, interestingly i ran into her husband in bryn mawr yesterday. small world with our weather watch ers. lots of clouds over here in gilbertsville, reporting, feels casino every refreshing outside. no precipitation at this point, pretty quiet ends to january, for the most part. this clipper system wouldn't live up to the typical characteristics of a clipper, which are you're going to see the coal get reinforced behind it, not a loft moisture with turkey manage to strike it there little bit. we going to see bit of snow out of this. and very likely that's going to be most noticeable in the mountains where you end up with one to 3 inches, probably more like half to 1 inch worth to the lehigh valley. light rain or snow shower in the city, and immediate suburbs. and then down in southern new jersey, delaware, you may not see a drop, or a flake out of this at all. looks like the bulk every precipitation and moisture will bypass you to the north. meanwhile looking forward here. seven day, dow think we will be seeing daytime high hit around 40 thursday, should be a struggle but should get there. then stuck in the 30's for friday, saturday, sunday. meisha i know you will love this. good chance for some snow late in the day sunday. >> yeah. >> you know what, if i had my snow know beil here that would be one thing, but why do i want snow if i can't snowmobile, right? guys, what we have right now, disable box truck out there for little bit. ninety-five south near allegheny. it was causing some slow downs, it looks like there is a cone in the road right now, not sure if that truck is now completely out of the picture, but i will tell you, take a look at this, look how slow, 59 from woodhaven to the vine. take but 30, 40 minutes, so factor that into your morning commute this morning it, will slow you down on 95. accident in plymouth meeting plymouth road at johnson road. heads up to those of you in that area, check the schedules on line, patco speed line, special schedule eastbound, from 9:44 to 1:56 p.m. those are exact precise times, and again, just make sure to check the schedules on line, we still have closures from the two alarm fire, in old sit. park is closed third to front, close to market and chestnut. second is closed at arch. your alternate, chestnut, race or fourth. and it is also affecting some bus detours, i'll be tweeting these out, as women, detours make sure to check the schedules on line like i said. jim, back to you. >> lots of detours, thanks, meisha. few people in idaho had quite the thrill when they found themselves on real life wild goose chase, and they caught the whole thing on camera. check it out. >> today spencer was driving along highway 12 saturday which look out the window to see, yes, a goose had joined her. see it there? keeping us pretty good pason the roads, the goose alongside her for few minute before flying away. >> great video. the time now is 6:49. a lot coming up on cbs this morning. >> gale king joins us live from new york with a preview. good morning, gale. >> reporter: we are here. live and in color. hello, jim, rahel. good to see you guys. president trump fires the attorney general for refuse to go defend his travel ban. talk with john dickerson about the latest turmoil surrounding the new president. plus driving did you know is more dangerous in some states than others? new report card on which states are falling behind in safety laws is out finds out if your state is on the listment and when you eat, so now, guys, more than just what you eat. it is when you eat. sharing the road, what that is. those stories and more, at 7:00 of the tick-tock, the clock is counting down. >> we will be watching, thanks, gale. >> watching a child succeed in business is a rewarding experience for a parent. >> the bucks county father learned thousand help his son with autism work and communicate by working with his hands. >> "eyewitness news" reporter trang do explains how this mission to help his son turned into an incredible business. >> mike never imagined he would be a professional craft err. >> i'm an it. i didn't know anything about the machines. >> put on the lid. put it over there. okay? >> but he does it for one important reason, his 18 year old son, dillon. >> for him to sit at a craft show, and see people spending money on things that he helped make, that's really significant, whether you are special needs or not, having someone willing to buy something that you worked on. i mean, that's the kind of job that anyone wants. >> grant and his wife terry operate crafters for life out of their bucks county home. their company employs adults with special needs to design, hands crafter, sell unique line of products at craft shows, even take custom orders. >> here are some of the wedding work. >> what started at council rock high school north has a lesson plan for student went autism, now full-fledged company, about dozen part-time state employees. >> he built tower. >> nicole has work at crafters for about a year now. >> i was helping people, and making like these awesome products and i feel like it is very fun to do. i absolutely love it. >> my friend kevin actually made this product. >> since starting at the company a few month ago, tj fox has not only boosted sales but also his confidence. >> i got to see myself better communicating with people and under standing people better, so instead of sitting around and being laid back, i got to go out annex more the worlds little bit. >> eventually grant hopes to take the business out of his home, into outside facility, where he can help more people with special needs support themselves. >> you hear all of the stories, once you age out, at age 21, you can sit at home waiting for funding. so that's a big fear that there is not going to be a construct stiff reason for dillon to lever. other is a paying job f we do either of them, we are successful. we do both of them, then done. >> trang do, cbs-3, "eyewitness news". crafters for life. what a great idea, congratulations to them all. >> soon you will have your own chance to tour grace kelly's philadelphia childhood home. >> monaco's prince albert told people magazine the east falls home will reopen for public visit. prince paid three quarters after million dollars last year to buy the home where his mother grew up. the house will also include the regional offices for the princess grace foundation. prince said he hopes to reopen the home by 2018 if not sooner. meantime, president trump won't only be roasted at the annual white horse correspondent dinner this year, comedian samantha planning alternative rose on same night. says money raised from the event will go to non-profit group. >> bar taste in california turns out coffees like a machine. >> because it is actually a machine. take a look. this is robot barista serves coffee in san francisco mall. people customize their coffees by expresso style syrup, and the robot notifies them when it is ready. make up to 120 cups of coffee every hour. and the ceo says plans to bring the robot to couple of malls across the us. >> sign me up with a skinny latte. we'll be right back with three to >> before you leave here is three to go. >> road closures in old city, as firefighter remain on the scene of two alarm condo fire near second and market. the fire under control. >> groups are filing federal lawsuit on behalf of families denied entry at the philadelphia international airport over the weekend. >> president donald trump is announcing his pick for the supreme court today. he will make the announcement live at 8:00 tonight. of course you can see it right here on cbs-3. >> that's three to go. last check on weather and traffic disbelief to show you gorgeous sunrise shot, out in the live neighborhood network, beautiful pick tire outside middle township high school. likely won't see any precipitation at all today. looking for any snow you have to go far to the north here for any accumulation, do spec rain or snow shower in the city, too, meisha. >> all right, katie, thank you so much. we have disable box truck still out there on 95 south near allegheny. see penndot wizzing around there. i'm letting you know you will have to leave your homes at least a extra 40, 45 minute early, if i were you, i would play it safe, give myself an extra hour in this area. looking very, very slow. >> good to know, meisha. >> today might just be regular old tuesday, january 31. >> national backward day. so today is the day to change your direction, that walk from the news room isn't always assisi as it looks. national backward day is an opportunity to reverse your ways, and here is a fun fact about backward day, leonardi wrote backward including making the letters themselves backward. >> interesting. >> yes. >> a lot of people don't know this, but our colleague nicole brewer can say words backward. kind of freaks me out. >> i have seen and heard her do it, if you give her any word, throw any word out there, what do you got? >> stop. >> stop she will say pots. that's easy. dow dangerous, she can say it backward. >> we'll send out some more interesting facts about ourselves, but next on cbs this morning, "face the nation" moderator john dickerson is weighing in on president trump's executive action, protest and the upcoming supreme court nomination. >> and remember to join us each weekday morning right here on cbs-3 starting at 4:30, have a great day. >> happy backward day >> ♪ >> ♪ ♪ good morning, it is tuesday, january 31st, 2017. welcome to "cbs this morning." president trump fires the acting attorney general for defiance. she had told the justice department not to defend his temporary ban on refugees and travelers. tonight, the president's name for the vacancy on the supreme court. and the lack of driving safely laws could explain why people are dying in crashes. see if your state is one of the 17 that are called dangerously behind. >> but we begin this morning with a look at today's "eye opener," your world in 90 seconds. >> this

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